| Kayleth! | Posted by Csabo on 2021-03-26 |
Today we have a new game for you: Kayleth. It's a sci-fi adventure with cyberpunk elements from the mind of Stefan F. Ufnowski (who also coded Rebel Planet). Over 60 locations, each with colorful high-res graphics. Well reviewed by most contemporary magazines: - "[...] because Kayleth is actually one of the best of these games I've played to date." (Zzap) - "The feel of the game is highly professional [...] science fiction fans may find much of interest in what is a very well-constructed plot." (Crash) - "The graphics are what you notice most, though, having the detail that was evident in Rebel Planet but with much more animation this time." (Your Sinclair)
If you only play one adventure this year... make it Kayleth! Intrigued? Read on! |
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| The Last KiCHY Pack! | Posted by Chronos on 2021-03-19 |
We have come to the end of a long journey: the last adventure pack of KiCHY maestro is here, but luckily it still contains some surprises for you! For starters, there's Beatle Quest, in which - surprisingly - the songs of the Beatles play the lead role, but not the way we would first think! The next game is Double Fantasy, which plays in the wild west, here we have to catch a bank robber. Then we have Herakles The Early Trials, in which we can venture into the former Greek Empire, in St. Jives there's a mad scientist who terrorizes the citizens of St. Jives, in The Scoop we can step into the role of a journalist, and finally The Twilight Zone is only recommended for hardcore adventurers with nerves of steel, as it's one of the strangest adventure games we ever met.
Enjoy! |
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| Plus/4 Matters Where Size Matters Too | Posted by Luca on 2021-03-15 |
The online party Lovebyte has just closed its doors after a weekend of live show, with its following of about a hundred micro and mini demos running on different machines, a breath of coding skill and fantasy by fantastic sceners. Unexpectedly, it was a well-known character (also) from the Amiga scene who introduced the C16 too, among the platforms involved.
Blueberry has released three entries under the Loonies' label for three different competitions: - Golden Twinkle is a minidemo competing in the "Combined 64 byte intro" category, where it reached the 10th place; - TEDhno 8 is a micro demo which has been shown in the "Combined 8 and 16 byte intro showcase"... yes we're talking about 8 bytes, 8 bytes only to perform some entertaining stuff; - definitely the gem of the trio, Jam With TED has been ranked 7th in the "Nanogame" category, and it's nothing less than a drum machine in only 253 bytes!
Where the size matters, the pros shine brighter! Very well done, Blueberry! |
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| Arthur Noid Gets A Map! | Posted by Csabo on 2021-03-15 |
 Arthur Noid 3 just turned up from MCG's archives. It's another level edited version of the classic original by TGH. Seeing as how a lot of people still play this game (e.g. even Arthur Noid 2 has some fierce rivalry in our Hall Of Fame), perhaps these games could use a closer look.
Have you ever wondered what all the levels look like together? Technically, there's a built-in level selector, so any player can go through each level one-by-one, but that's pretty tedious. Well, wonder no more! Arthur Noid now has a map, and so does every single derivative of this game!
Take a look, have fun comparing what changed and how between the versions! |
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| (Getting Away From) Politics! | Posted by Csabo on 2021-03-13 |
We have 3 new text adventures for you, converted by KiCHY. Each one is related to the world of politics, one way or another.
In Diplomat's Dilemma you're a kidnapped diplomat and you must escape. If that leaves you feeling sour about diplomacy, open up Denis Through The Drinking Glass, where your task is to escape politics and go down to the pub! 
But eventually, once you stumble out of there, you'll have to face reality: there are some things one must do. Important things. Such as... getting a dog license. Well, surely one can do that without going mad? All that's needed is... let's see. Find out mother's place of birth? Get the yapping monstrosity from hell dog checked out by a vet? And how hard can navigating a goverment building be? If the little plaque here says that dog licenses are on the 3rd floor, all one has to do is press 3 on the elevator, right?... Enter Bureaucracy I!  |
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| Old-school Six-pack | Posted by Csabo on 2021-03-12 |
Plus/4 World is definitely the most complete archive of any and all Plus/4 software. Our slogan could be "If it's not here, it doesn't exist!" (But... that would be a dumb slogan, since we're aware that a lot of stuff is missing...) Anyway, today we've added a nice six-pack of old-school demos that were completely missing from our archives. A quick run-down: Newest Demo, Emi +4 4, The Best Hellmachine-Logo, Nils Holgersson Demo, Nemesis, Logge's 1st Demo. I'm sure a few of them will be new for most sceners.
Huge thanks to MCG for sending them to us! If you enjoy old-school demos, read on. |
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| Tom Thumb Deluxe! | Posted by Csabo on 2021-03-11 |
A mere 36 years after the release of the original, Tom Thumb Deluxe is here. There were cracks and trainers for this game before, but with some fixes by RoePipi and Csabo, we're hoping this is the "ultimate" version of Tom.
If you're a hardcore gamer, Tom Thumb Deluxe will let you complete the entire game more than once, by fixing the spike issue. (Once Tom completes the pyramid, the game restarts, but with some spikes added. One of these new spikes were added in such a way that progress was impossible at some point.) The game is now also fully NTSC compatilble for the first time, and has several other minor fixes.
Casual gamers might want to turn on some (or all) the cheats for more forgiving gameplay and give it a go. It's a humbling experience; when you've traversed what feels like a HUGE part of the pyramid, and think "oh, I must be near the end", the game throws some brand new never-before-seen element at you and just keeps going.
Tom Thumb Deluxe still runs on 16K machine and has a little intro to wrap it all up. Enjoy! |
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| Tron +4: Old Classic, New Tools | Posted by Luca on 2021-03-08 |
This game was around since days, and after a short period of time in which we made a happy acquaintance of its author, new on the Plus/4 scene, here comes the official release!
Tron +4 represents the return of an old classic, in its most basic – and therefore also more usable – form, as a test of a new programming tool – Mad-Pascal compiler, originally dedicated to Atari XE/XL machines, now extended to Plus/4 too. High five with our new friend zbyti, the author of both Tron +4 and its generating tool. The game itself looks apparently simple, but the high responsive commands and the "Vs. three" challenge raises up the overall playablility.
With a brand new programming tool by our side, we expect new releases from zbyti and from whoever will use it, enpowering the Polish scene more and more. |
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