New Proggys!!
Title:New Proggys!!
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
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Written by:Tarzan
Uncredited (Code by):Mucsi
Notes:Software catalog update written in Messy Maker. Released between Cross Kikstart and No Mercy.
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New Proggys!! Screenshot

Program List
Identified programs:
Delta Robocop/TIT                  (1991-01-08)
Face a woman/Tpsh (1990-09-23)
Zeus Megademo 3. (1990-07-00)
Variaciok 1 temara (1990-10-07)
The horse 1/Tpsh (1990-11-05)
The horse 2/Tpsh (1990-12-24)
Magic/Tpsh (1990-10-12)
No future/Tpsh (1990-07-29)
Archivum/Bozsik (1988-00-00)
Compy-Xmas (disk) (1990-12-09)
Girls from spectru (1990-12-07)
Terror bomb/TIT ()
Hexaeder/Bozsik (1989-00-00)
Future composer/TIT (1991-00-00)
Zombie/TIT (1991-01-03)
Terror News 07/TIT (1991-00-00)
Ts's catalog1/TIT (1990-00-00)
Ts's catalog2/TIT (1991-00-00)
Char editor/Csm (1990-00-00)
Blue Angel/VTX (1991-00-00)
Multy demo3/220v (1990-00-00)
Sinus editor/Csm (1991-00-00)
High P.2./Fred (1991-01-26)
Magic balls/EVS (disk) (1990-12-00)
Goonies/MB(disk) (1991-02-03)
Blaze blasters/TIT (1991-00-00)
Toxix/TIT (1991-00-00)
Kryptonite game/TIT(d) (1991-00-00)
Arrow of death1 (1990-00-00)
Arrow of death 2. (1990-00-00)
Freddy Hardest (1990-00-00)
Rews 2/Toma (1990-06-13)
Sparkling/FYC (1990-00-00)
OFF Limits/TIT (1991-00-00)
Off Limits intro/TIT (1991-00-00)
ROCKEDITOR/Tcfs (1990-12-10)
Audio video c/Tcfs (1990-00-00)
Krakout pro/Tcfs (1991-00-00)
Prince of love/TIT (1991-00-00)
Digital D.3/220v (1991-03-15)
Ripped pics/220v (1991-01-20)
I don't know/Tit (1991-00-00)
Coby&and TCL megademo/TIT (disk2) (1991-02-21)
Terror news 9./Tit (1991-03-01)
Magnificent/Mos (D) (1990-00-00)
Rigor Mortis/Tit (1991-00-00)
Turbo outrun2./Tit ()
Pumpkin adv. plus (1988-00-00)
Dominion/Ceekay (D) (1991-02-06)
Puzznic/EVS (1991-01-00)
Terror news 10./Tit (1991-04-01)
Rastan legend/Ts(d) (1991-00-00)
Jungle Project/Tit (1991-03-18)
Digital Delight 3. (1991-03-15)
What a musician/Tit (1991-00-00)
A tuzhegy v./Bit-i. (1991-00-00)
Mikrobi/Bit-ikli (1991-00-00)
Torpedo/Bit-ikli (1989-00-00)
A borgok kincse(d) (1990-00-00)
Multy demo1/220v (1990-08-05)
Transector (1985-00-00)
Buwana.../Tarzan(Tit) (1991-03-09)
Horror boy/Tit (1991-03-30)
Karateka/Ceekay (d) (1991-03-22)
Highlights/Ck(d) (1991-02-25)
Soundtracker+4/Boomby (1989-00-00)
Two in one/Doky (1990-09-27)
Metall Ass/Anarchy(d) (1991-02-00)
Cad box/Cad(d) (1991-01-04)
Microgo+4/Pigmy (1991-00-00)
Transworld/Pigmy (1991-00-00)
Rockmanager+4/Pig.(d) ()
Scapeghost/Pig(d) (1990-00-00)
One Year c./FYC ()
Lame demo/FYC (1990-09-26)
Logo editor/DPCH ()
Cracker demo-2(d) (1991-00-00)
Terror News 11./Tit (1991-04-14)
Guru meditation (1991-00-00)
Total eclipse2./Tit (1991-04-00)
Pattball/Tcfs (1989-05-11)
In memoriam/Tit (1991-01-28)
Xerox is born/Xer (1990-00-00)
Killer planet (1991-00-00)
Megatunes voli/ck(d) (1990-12-20)
Tcfs's spr.conv. (1990-05-05)
Bom mega/Boys of m. (1991-01-12)
Jet 2.0/magnos (1990-00-00)
Sounddrummer/Ceekay (1990-12-00)
Saboteur 2++/Mb (1990-03-04)
Wix's prg.list (1990-10-28)
And again/Graffiti (1990-11-25)
Compact d./Doky(d (1990-00-00)
HSE's music box(d) (1989-00-00)
Last demo/Doky(d) (1991-04-05)
Fuck ya/Anarchy ()
Char edit.1.1/Csm (1990-00-00)
Gotu demo/Gotu (1991-04-01)
Lord of the hell 2./Tit (1 side) (1991-04-00)
Defender v7.0/Tit (1991-00-00)
Party mania/Tit (1991-00-00)
Terror news#12./Tit (1991-05-01)
Turbonibbler/Tit (1991-05-02)
Terror Bubble/Tit(2d) (1991-05-07)
Vector sector/Evs (1991-00-00)
Zamek (1986-00-00)
Rasterintro/Ulf (1990-00-00)
Uj vadnyugat/kepes/Sf (1990-04-24)
Barbarian/Lss (1990-04-00)
A Bosszu/kepes/SF (1990-00-00)
Alom edes alom (1990-00-00)
A titkosugynok+/Ts+L. (1991-05-19)
First demo/Tns (1990-06-27)
Terror News#00.!! (1991-04-21)
Rondo Venez/Tsm (1989-00-00)
Gigademo/220v(2side) (1991-00-00)
Ingrid's back/Pi (1991-00-00)
Ingrid's back/Pigmy(2side) (1991-00-00)
Saver/TIT (1990-00-00)
Lancelot/Pigmy(2sid) (1991-00-00)
Terror News13./Tit (1991-05-00)
Stellar 7 (1990-00-00)
Yamato/Animals (1991-00-00)
Mitoszok gyongye/Lav (1991-00-00)
King's testament/A (1991-04-20)
Las vegas (1984-00-00)
Unreal/Animals (1991-00-00)
Ivan Ivanivics e.a j ()
Conan/Animals ()
My little pony/nst (1991-03-01)
Tironaszaurusz/Ani (1991-00-00)
Kocsma digi/nst (1991-00-00)
The die.hard/Edc (1991-00-00)
Dagobert bacsi/nst ()
No coke/Edc (1991-05-23)
Itt demo/Edc (1991-05-05)
Werner/A-system (1989-00-00)
Archiver/Pigmy (1990-00-00)
Supy demo/Edc (1991-00-00)
Atomix+/Tmch (1990-07-22)
Hey-ho Hektor/Ts (1991-05-31)
Master golf(tape)/TS (1987-00-00)
Terror News#14!! (1991-06-07)
Tobe15/Skoro (1991-06-07)
Side Walk/Fred (1991-00-00)
Cross Kikstart/Ts (1991-06-24)
23 fok celsius/23 ()
Ripp#43/Ratt (1990-09-24)
Dooly +4/Tcfs (1987-00-00)
Video News#01/Share (1990-08-00)
Half a twices/Ratt (1991-02-10)
Terror News 15/Tit (1991-06-00)
Tit-anic 1/Tarzan (1991-00-00)
Tit-anic 2/Tarzan (1991-00-00)
The old man/NGS ()

Missing/Unconfirmed programs:
Orszagok/Herman                   (Unknown)
Orosz szavak 4-8. (Unknown)
Directory/Tpsh (Unknown - TPSH does not know what this could be)
PYXP/Schultz (Unknown)
Exstasy/TDD (Unknown - Could be Extasy++, but that's by Tarzan, not TDD, or possibly an unknown TDD release)
Protector1-3/TDD (Unknown)
Edc demo/EDC (Possibly wrong name of an existing EDC demo/megademo, so far there's no other reference to "EDC Demo")
Kardhalak/Bit-ikli (Missing - Not Kardhalak És Kincsek, but likely a version of the same game from the book.)
Szotar kesz/bit-i. (Unknown - Szótár Készít­õ = Dictionary Maker)
Multi Bott.ny.r/Tit (Missing, confirmed in Terror News 11 "Multi Botticelli Nyomtató Rutin" by Rachy - Nyomtató = Print)
Max headrom/Doc (None of the known Max Headroom programs are by Doc)
Pumpkin plus+++ (Pumpkin Plusz is already listed above, this is an unknown version)
Turb.gyuruk u./Tit(d) (Missing: Rachy's hack of A Gyûrûk Ura, release is mentioned in TN11)
Wix's prglist+ (Wix's Programlist is already listed above, this is an unknown version)
Spectrum demo (Possibly Spectrum Demo 1-5?)
A hos lovag++/Ts (Missing: mentioned in TN12 and TN13, listed in TN20 as well.)
Logo editor 1.1/Csm (Only V1.0 is known)
Char edit+/Tit(belso) ("belso" means internal, so this is a TIT only release)
Sokoban game+4 (Unknown, possibly one of the known Sokoban games)
Last Ninja d./tape/Ts (Missing Tarzan+Skoro program)
Magicians 5.++/Ts (We have the original and a Hungarian translation, but not Tarzan's hack)
Messy maker/Lss (Likely missing/unknown hack of Messy Maker by LSS)
Kopacsi-load (Unknown - One clue: in Terror News 12 and Terror News 14, there are ads from Kopácsi Lajosné (Éva) from Budapest.
She became Tarzan's contact and probably wrote this.)
3x2 char edit./Tit (Unknown)
Coder timer v2.0/Tit (Unknown)
Graphic works 2. (Unknown)
Graphic convert. (Unknown)
Cross Kikst.tape/Ts (We have the disk version, but no tape version)
Sex show/Mb (Missing, also mentioned in MOGB III, standalone program with 25 pictures)
Cruelcruncher (Unknown version of Cruel Crunch)

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