Killer Planet
Title:Killer Planet
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Basic + Machine code
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Code by:TMTS
Additional code by:Tarzan
Credited (Additional code by):Coby
Notes:Release announced in Terror News 12. Title screen is from the C64 shooter X-Out. The intro breaks the game, see below.
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Killer Planet Title Screenshot

Killer Planet Screenshot

We recovered (half recovered/half created) a "good" copy of this program on 2020-02-07 using the "old" program file, a different copy of the program from Verona, and manually restoring some overwritten bytes. This should be called the "intended" version. Even as it is, there's a problem: when the intro runs, it uses a C64 SID music and a digi-converter. The music writes to the $D400 area (SID registers), which overwrites a small section of the game's code.

This is a nasty bug; since the game will now behave differently based on what exact moment the user happened to press space in the intro (and therefore what values were last written to the $D400 area).

To fix this, type POKE 4241, 143 (or enter >1091 8F from Monitor) before running the game. This causes the intro to be immediately skipped, leaving the game's code intact.

Solutions - Complete
1, n, i, 1, 2, i
3, n, 1, 81, 2
1, i, 35
2, i, 17
2, 1, n
2, 3, 4, 2
3, 4, 1
2, 54, n, i, 32, 2

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