Club Info 119
Posted by Csabo on 2010-10-17
Club Info 119The October issue of the bi-monthly German disk-mag is here: Erich/Unlimited just send us Club Info 119. Dig up those dictionaries and start translating (well, unless you speak German that is :-)).

Side A is filled with articles and Side B contains new and recently released goodies. Here's a quick rundown: PI-RECHTECKMETHODE / PI-ARCHIMEDES / PI-MONTE CARLO (three utilities for calculating the value of Pi), LA FOSSA DEI SERPENTI (missing software from the italian "Papersoft" 19/1985), SATELLITE LANDER (a game from Australia), HURKLE (converted from the PET by Erich) and I. U. ERMITTELT (a text-quiz from Lukian). Check out this fresh release and enjoy!
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