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on 2024-03-23
 Re: [Wanted] A thread where to ask about missing stuff

Fantastic super clear text @Ulysses777, it's now time for a cleanup!

I'm going to juggle those files, and the ones we already had and that now must be better defined, renamed, repacked and substituted. I'm also gonna edit this post at any further news while handling those delicate stuff.


Thank you again Hop! We discovered that we already had those TAPs, but your dump gives now the chance to say who's who, and C16 Classics II is now clean and correct! This now opens two needings more:
- we definitely need an original release TAP of Blagger;
- there's an undefined Monkey Magic tape left, the one with "MONKEY" as filename, which also shares the same Novaload serial N102301 as in C16 Classics II, and there's no other collection left to assign to, apart of the Robin To The Rescue / Monkey Magic one which probably is a double release bargain with the original ones. Could MONKEY Novaload be an earlier version used in C16 Classics II? I dunno...

The mysterious Dork's Dilemma with the same Novaload serial of the C16 Classics's but full filename coming from C16.de has been pit on a hiatus waiting for a copy of C16 Star Games Classics. All the others are in!

Looking at the tape inside the cassettes photos of Xargon Wars, it's clear that both the cassettes contain a Novaload version of the game, and this means that we still need a picture of the no turbo earlier version.

We can't say more about The Magician's Curse and Wimbledon, we'll see in a somewhat near future...

Meanwhile, 3D Quasars releases had their justice.

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