Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-07-25
| Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I'm opening this topic so that we can discuss all the (commercial) games we are still missing from the database. Obviously there must be lost of scene games and demos, amateur software, etc. that will be added as we find them, but the old commercial games is another category entirely... Okay, so here are some of these rare items:
* Scott Adams Scoops (Pirate Adventure, Voodoo Castle, Strange Odyssey, Buckaroo Banzai)
Wow, Voodoo castle was actually released?!?!
* Demon from the Darkside, Devil's Hand, Intruder Alert - all three games from Compass software. Follow this link and search for Compass Software: Anyone heard of these? Rare as... Well just rare.
These are from the SINTECH SHOP german page that Crown found.
* Balis / Powerhouse
* Brian Cloughs Football Fortunes / CBS
* Chemistry O-Level / Paxman and Mathematics O-Level / Paxman
* Grid Trap / Live Wire (This was mentioned on the forum before!)
* Jerusalem Adventure 2 / Microdeal : That's the "middle one". Microdeal released "Mansion Adventure 1" and "Williamsburg Adventure 3". Those number kinda sound like it's part 1 of "Mansion Adventure", but it's just an increasing number in their series. Anyway, "Jerusalem" is one we don't have.
* Ultimate Adventure 4 / Microdeal : There was a fourth one?!
* Omnibus II / Star Games : I think Noro has this one.
They have a bunch of typos there too... I found them really funny. "Gilbert in space" "Out on a LAMB" Haha... But the best one: "Ninja Hamster / Firebird" Although seeing how many typos they have, some of these could be C64 games... Uridium is C64 for sure, for example.
Okay, so let's find out everything we can about these games!
Posted By
 MIK on 2003-07-25
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Brian Cloughs Football Fortunes, to be honest this is no good to anyone unless you have the game its self.  It's a board game. If I remember it came with a playing board, money, counters and stuff. The plus4 was used to work out the goals and stats.
I also have Omnibus II. The only thing we are missing is the cover... Games are: Dorks Dilemma, Xcellor 8, Kung Fu Kid, Magician's Cures, Reach for the Sky, Monty on the Run, Sword of Destiny, Wimbledon, Xargon's Revenge, Petals of Doom.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-07-25
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Uh, I just realized we DO have a game called Ultimate Adventure in the database. And it's basic, just like the other Microdeal adventures... Could this be the Ultimate (Adventure 4) / Microdeal? Maybe we can compare it with the same game on another system...
Posted By
 wazzaw on 2003-07-25
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I should add Ninja Hamster is a legitimate game title - it was released by CRL on the C64 around 1987. Don't recall there being a Plus/4 version though.
I have Scott Adams Scoops (C64 version, tape) so I would imagine if all four games made it to the C16/Plus 4 then USG would have released a similar compilation.
Posted By
 Luca on 2003-07-25
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Here is Gridtrap on this site Csabo, I uploaded it on in the last bunch of software.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-07-25
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
You're right Luca, I overlooked it. It was a commercial release then, so we still need the cover. I guess the joke's on me about Ninja Hamster (the company is listed as Firebird though, and Firebird does have a Ninja Master title). "Out on a lamb" is still funny, though...
Posted By
 Spector on 2003-07-25
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I've got Grid Trap with the cover and inlay card. Do you want it? I'll send it to you. I'm in the UK, so Lando is the best bet- he is more local.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-07-25
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Do I want it?! Suuure! Seriously, it would be lovely to get that. All we'd really need are the cover scans and a TAP image. If you can do those, then there's no need to send it... Otherwise Lando would probably be happy to do both, if you'd send him the original cassette. Do you by any chance remember what was the original price?
Posted By
 Spector on 2003-07-26
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I'm afraid I don't know the price, I got it in an auction a while back. I'll just send the game to Lando and he can do the scanning. I also notice that you do not have cover scans of "Shoot It" and "Cuthbert In Space". I have these covers too. I could send them to Lando as well if you like. He doesn't need the tapes for these since they are already on the site, just the covers. Maybe I should email Lando about this seperately...
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-07-26
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Oh, oh, Cuthbert in Space! Microdeal software have always fascinated me, and we have so little from them. I would love to see that cover!
Posted By
 Spector on 2003-07-26
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Old Cuthbert looks just like he does on the microdeal logo, he's flying through space (surprise) in a craft with other ships around him. It's one of those covers that just sums up 1985's fledgling computer game scene...
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-08-07
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I had no luck with this one... I actually ordered an original copy of Jerusalem (Adventure 2) and Ultimate (Adventure 4) from the Sintech shop in Germany. This would have been my first two original tapes. I made payment by PayPal, and waited... But I got a note today, that my payment was refunded, since they don't have the games anymore. The folks from the shop were very nice, and I have no complaints about them, but still I'm disappointed 
Well, maybe someone will find them somewhere.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2003-08-13
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I've just had a look at the inlay of Arthur Noid, and it has a list of C16/Plus4 games released by Alternative Software.
One of the games is Fiends. Is this Space Fiends, or something else?
Also on the list is Triple Decker 6. It only mentions one game though (Tazz).
Anyone know anything about these? 
Posted By
 Crown on 2003-08-14
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I've found a few not so rare games on UK and DE ebay, which we are missing covers in the db... Unluckily I can't really bid on them, because either the seller is not delivering international or the accepted payment methods are not available for me. Anyway here are the links: for Xargon Wars cover This one has 'Cuthbert Enters the tombs of Doom' is that 'cuthbert in tomb' ? no cover tough. Galaxions cover Mayhem and Icicle works cover Exorcist and Harbour attack cover which is different what already is available Footbal manager, ratsel der 7th kolonie Maniax, Sommer Olympiade (missing from DB), Sport Show Winter olympiade (missing from DB), Konami coin op hits (this is different from the one which is already in the DB), Omnibus 10 games, Karate King Mercenary compendium (2 tapes) Xargon wars and Petals of doom on one tape, no cover tough This has a compilation tape whic I can't identify second from right on the middle row (2 c64 games in the lot as well Chicken chase and aqua race, don't mix) This has the same compilation tape as the previous and also the second one in the same series as well, and some tapes I can't identify...
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2003-08-14
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
The third from left is maybe "Mathematics O Level"?
There's also the Commodore 16 Games Pack 1 & 2 from Melbourne House, Purple Turtles from Commodore(!), and "Hoppit"? Anyone heard of that?
Can't make out the other games (except for Munch It and Street Olympics).
As for those covers of Icicle Works, Mayhem, Exorcist and Harbour Attack, those plain text covers are very common (in the UK anyway), as they were included in most Plus4 packs.
Posted By
 Crown on 2003-08-14
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Hoppit might be Hopp it
Posted By
 Noro on 2003-08-14
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Winter Olympiade is the original german Kingsoft release of Winter Events Sommer Olympiade is the original german Kingsoft release of Summer Events
I would bid for the packages at but at sunday as the auctions end I will have no internet access 
Posted By
 Crown on 2003-08-14
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
The one beetween Purple Turtles and Munch it could be Alien Attack form SolarSoft, the logo is recognisable, and that is the closest match to the graphics itself...
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-08-22
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Check this out!!! The Real Stunt Experts. Rare! Someone should get it...
Posted By
 Gaia on 2003-08-22
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Wow, man! Well spotted that!
I just have bought it =)
Posted By
 MIK on 2003-08-22
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Ah thank god for that Ati dude! I just looked at the page and saw it out of stock!
Best of luck m8! Is there any info about this one on other systems I wonder??
Posted By
 MIK on 2003-08-22
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Wow nice find. This could turn out very intresting! Lets hope, how ever good it might of been on CPC all the magic can be found in the C16 version! We wait with baited breath 
Posted By
 MIK on 2003-08-22
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I just noticed the date on the VCPC piccy. 1989! No wonder this hasn't shown up untill now 
Posted By
 Luca on 2003-08-22
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Nah, incredible, never know about this game :o
Posted By
 MIK on 2003-08-24
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Yeah I would say. Does it look like they are on floppy looking at how thin the packing is?
Posted By
 Gaia on 2003-08-24
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Or rather: it's big and contains 6 tapes.
Posted By
 MIK on 2003-08-25
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Something to do with this I believe "auf Datasette Insgesamt"? 
Yeah I didn't read the info because it wasn't english Looking at it it looks like my Mercenary disc platic case where its flat 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-08-26
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
What, no new covers today?! Anyway, I wanted to bring up something regarding that Help Needed! request: you can do a search for the term WANTED:, and it will give you a list of some of the most wanted things we would need. See if you have anything out of those. Any help is much appreciated!
Posted By
 Mosh on 2003-09-01
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I had an adventure game back when I had my first C16, but I can't remember what it was called. The game was released in Australia by Dotsoft, who incidentally also released ThermoNuclear WarGames, but I don't know who originally released or even wrote it, but suspect the writer was the same person who wrote TNWG. The game itself was an African adventure centred on the Zambesi river or similar, and that's pretty much all I remember about it. It'd be amazing to find out the name of this game, let alone to find a TAP or PRG file of this game.
Anyone know what this one is? I wish I knew.
Posted By
 Mosh on 2003-09-01
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Oh yeah, I checked out African Adventure & African Safari, and I don't believe either are the game I'm thinking of, but African Adventure seems close (the game I'm thinking of had linited graphics like TNWG).
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-09-02
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I just wanted to let everyone know, that the Shoppekeeper had confirmed that those three games from his site by Compass software are actually C64 games. So that's three less we have to look for. However, Scott Adams Scoops, Voodoo Castle and Buckaroo Banzai are MOST WANTED items 
Posted By
 Stuart on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I just noticed Scott Adams Strange Odyssey mentioned. I've got the Commodore Plus 4 Cartridge version of that game. Is that rare?
Posted By
 JamesC on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Stuart, the game itself is not rare, but the cartridge housing and circuit board themselves are now becoming hard to find. If you find yourself burning EPROMs in the future, having that cartridge would save you from building your own.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Not particularly. Those three Scott Adams cartridge games are fairly common. Lando (for example) has them and had it on our site for ages (cartridges). But it's cool that you own one I don't suppose you have the Tank Attack tape from Solar Software (mentioned in today's news)?
Posted By
 Mosh on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
I just bought a copy of Scott Adams Scoops on ebay, but unfortunately it's a loose cassette and has no cover.
When I receive it it try and make a TAP, and do those other Paxman tapes as well.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-09-16
| Re: Scott Adams Scoops
Well, I suppose that's okay: we have a very good quality cover already, but no TAP We MUST have Voodoo Castle and Buckaroo Banzai!!!
Okay, UK folks check out this on ebay: It has some stuff that I would really like to have, but they ship to UK only. Okay: 1) Exorcist Single release (cover has artwork), 2) and 3) two bundle tapes (probably from Gremlin) with Xargon/Petals and Tycoon/Dorks. Previously unknown compilation tapes? Also, it has all three cartridges... Good bundle to get your hands on.
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Those two compilation tapes are the two halves of C16 Classics I.
I wouldn't get exicted about Flimbo's Quest on there, it's probably the C64 version. 
Posted By
 Mosh on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Csabo, check that auction again, the seller will post worldwide. And the current bidder is an ebayer I've dealt with in the past, and is a good bloke. He recently won an auction that had a copy of Enigma, I e-mailed him to ask if he would scan the cover and send it to Lando, but I don't know if he will. Maybe a good scan of the cover will show up. 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Yes, you are right, it does say at the bottom about worldwide shipping. It was his wording about "UK only" that threw me. Ulysses: I figured that out about Flimbo's Quest, that's why I didn't even mention it... However, I looked at all the covers on the picture closely, and there are two unknown covers there. So even though those four games were released as C16 Classics I - for which we need the cover too - it seems that these two compilation tapes did exist and were separate... In which case we MUST HAVE THEM! 
We're almost up to 65% of all the covers. I'm sitting on a whole bunch at the moment though that are waiting to be added, so we're doing good.
Posted By
 Crown on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Tank Attack, Exorcist and Enigma is on the way to me, I've obtained them on a few Ebay auctions, hopefully the post doesn't looses them. Will send the scans/taps to Csabo when they are here...
Posted By
 Crown on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Yes he writes shipping worldwide, but his payment options really tie it up for UK bidders only, unless you want to send him cash in British Pounds through registered email...
Posted By
 Ulysses777 on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
You can see those two covers of C16 Classics together here 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-09-16
| Re: C16 Classics I
Right you are... I didn't know it was actually two tapes. Wow, amazing stuff. I'll put those up, and I have C16 Classics II and III in beutiful high quality from Lando already. Exciting times!!! 
Posted By
 Mosh on 2003-09-16
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Time to fire up the scanner again, I got a copy Timeslip with that cover the other day.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2003-09-16
| Re: Timeslip
I had that cover on the site already. It was added last month on the 22nd. Then Lando replaced it with his covers on the 31st. I just added it back as the alternative cover. Mosh, if you have a good quality version of that, we would love to have it on the site 
Posted By
 Mosh on 2003-10-12
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Anyone here ever hear of a text adventure called King Solomons Mines? My younger brother reminded me of it (it's the adventure I was asking about earlier in this thread).
Now if I can find a copy, because it might have been an Australian only release (by the same guys who brought out Thermonuclear wargames.)
Posted By
 JamesC on 2003-10-12
| King Solomon's Mine (Program Request)
Mosh, check this program: King Solomon's Mines
I have quickly changed a couple of POKEs so that it'll display on a Plus/4 but there are some color problems in some pictures. If this is the game you want I'll fix the color problems, then release it for everyone. 
Posted By
 Mosh on 2003-10-13
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Wow thanks heaps James 
I did some more research into KSM and TNWG. Both were produced by Daryl Reynolds of Gameworkz Software (later Softgold), and distributed by Dotsoft. There's a whole list of adventure games he wrote for the C64, maybe they were all ported to the C16, I can only confirm that TNWG and KSM were (I have a copy of TNWG, had a copy of KSM when I was a kid).
KSM is one that could be added to the games library. Some images can be seen here, and they look like what I vaguely remember of the game
Posted By
 JamesC on 2003-10-13
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Mosh, please download and attempt the game... I hurriedly did that program Sunday morning in between other projects. It may not be the one you're looking for. All the other versions I found were 'cracked and speedloader added' for 64 only.
As I said, there could be (probably are) color problems in the game. This is due to the C64 and Plus/4 only sharing the first 8 colors on the color keys (Control 1-8 and CBM 1-8). The last 8 are defined differently on the Plus/4, giving wrong colors on some pictures. As large as that program is, it'd be easier for me to find my "C64 Color Patch" for the Plus/4 and apply it than it would be to hunt down all the color changes and modify for the Plus/4.
Posted By
 Mosh on 2003-10-13
| Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
James, I did download it and had a look already, from the look of what ran, it's similar to what I remember, but it isn't the same. I don't have a good memory of the game text.
If you look at the link I have to Lemon, that's what I remember seeing on the screen of my C16.
Posted By
 MIK on 2012-08-21 05:07:36
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
3 out 4 are NTSC. Some one in USA or close by needs to grab these if they don't have them already. A bit silly of ebay to show these on the UK side. If you look hard enough there is even a release from Hungary, tape only. 
Posted By
 retroscener on 2012-08-21 05:13:21
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
ahhh, I was looking alphabetically in the educational list when they weren't, I obviously overlooked them.
Still, 3 missing Commodore software to save here. Quite high prices though, particularly Experiences in Software.
Posted By
 Luca on 2012-08-21 10:37:35
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
OMG I've just discovered a complete Letter Match - More Or Less box at home, containing one disk and two tapes, and I don't remember when/where/why I've got it before :o
Posted By
 Luca on 2016-08-17 09:27:55
 | Re: Rare and Missing Games - Help Needed!
Could somebody out there provide a copy and a full cover scan for the disk version of Ace 2? Thanks in advance...