| Posted By
Csio on 2014-11-14 11:48:22
| Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
BSZ: Addig nem akartam mondani, ameddig tuti nem lesz, de most már az: lesz a SID-kártyából egy "mini széria". Az előző szériánál említettem, hogy az egyik alkatrész beszerzése problémássá vált. Ebből az alkatrészből maradt pár darab, és arra gondoltam hogy ennyit még lehetne gyártatni. A jelenlegi állás:
Elkészültek a nyákok, Összeállt az alkatrészkészlet:
Kevés alkatrész, összesen 6 db. készül! Ha minden a terv szerint halad, a héten megkapja a "szerelőbrigád" a csomagot, utána indul az összeszerelés!
Tehát: ha valaki szeretne a Karácsonyfa alá SID-kártyát magának, az gyorsan jelentkezzen! A 6 db. kártyából háromnak már van gazdája. Ahhoz, hogy új széria induljon, a problémás alkatrészből 20 db-ot kellene rendelni, emiatt a közeljövőben nem várható újabb adag!
| Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
BSZ: I didn't want to say anything until it was sure, and now it is: there will be a "mini" series of SID cards. During the last series I mentioned that one part became problematic to obtain. I have a few of these left over, and I though I could make that many cards. Current state of things:
The PCBs are done, the parts are put together:
Few components, only 6 pieces will be made! If everything goes according to plan, the builders will get the package this week, and then the building will start!
Therefore: if someone would like to put a SID card under the Christmas tree, sign up quickly! Out of the 6, 3 have already been taken. In order to start a new series, I'd have to order at least 20 pieces of the problematic component, so therefore this will likely not happen in the near future!
Posted By
MMS on 2014-11-17 22:38:36
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
partial OFF: the Joystick port of the Sid card is active? I know it is a little lame, but still did not order any C16 Joy converter, so have only DB9 joystick yet...
Ehh, today I learned a new thing: due to the housing, the DB9 is in fact to be called as DE-9 connector (the series of standard connectors developped by ITT).
Posted By
siz on 2014-11-16 16:33:40
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Yes, it's active but it's available at a different register (can't remember which one and too lazy to look up) so it's not compatible with existing software.
Posted By
icbrkr on 2014-11-16 20:15:25
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
How much? Where do I sign up at?
Posted By
Csio on 2014-11-18 15:08:13
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
A hétvégén megkapta az "összeszerelő brigád" az alkatrészeket. Ha minden a terv szerint alakul, a jövő héten valamikor el is készülnek. Amint meglesznek, értesítek mindenkit aki érdeklődött eddig a további teendőkről.
A tervezett ár most kereken 55 EUR. Ez már tartalmazza a posta + ÁFA értékét is, így ez lesz az összes költség. A fizetés módja banki átutalás.
Fontos: a kártya NEM tartalmaz SID csipet, azt mindenkinek magának kell beszerezni, mint eddig.
Az érdeklődési cím a szokásos, a tárgy "SID-card", illetve valami ehhez hasonló.
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
The "assembly brigade" received the components this weekend. If everything goes according to plan, they will be finished some time next week. As soon as they are done, I'll notify everyone who contacted me about the next steps.
The planned price is an even 55 EUR. This contains the shipping + VAT, so this is the total fee. The payment method is bank transfer.
Important: the card does NOT contain a SID chip, everyone has to obtain their own, just as before.
You can inquire at the usual address, the subject should be "SID-card", or something similar.
Posted By
icbrkr on 2014-11-22 11:06:04
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Signed up
Posted By
CaptainPast on 2015-07-29 04:40:24
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Hey guys, not too long ago I finally got myself an actual Plus/4. I'm looking to buy a Sid-Card now. So if there are plans for another production run, please put me down for one card. Thank you!
Posted By
JimmyCoupe on 2015-08-19 11:25:47
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Are these SID cartridges still available? also the email address "at_gmail" doesn't work. I obviously replace the at and _ etc. Any one know what the email of enquiry should be buy chance?
If they are no longer available here does anyone know where I might be able to purchase a SID cartridge?
Posted By
Hans on 2015-08-19 11:40:38
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
@JimmyCoupe: where are you located?
Drop me an e-mail: webmaster@club-info.org.
Posted By
Csabo on 2015-08-19 13:09:50
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Hi JimmyCoupe,
BSZ is the only one who designed and made these cards, he'd be the right person to ask. Looks like his email has been incorrectly copy/pasted here, if you look him up in our database (just click his handle in this post), you will see the correct email. Sorry about that
Also, AFAIK, there's no other source for SID cards.
Posted By
siz on 2015-08-19 13:38:10
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Someone asked BSz about SID cards at Arok: he said that although there are some empty PCBs at the manufacturer most probably there won't be a new batch.
Posted By
JimmyCoupe on 2015-08-20 07:53:08
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Email sent to you Hans . Thanks for replying to my cry for help.
I have dreamed of owning a SID cartridge for many, many years.
Posted By
MMS on 2015-09-30 15:26:00
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Maybe OFF Yepp, that's crazy I am not sure, if works only for Arduino compatible devices, but it is cool, that based on the circuit you developped in the free program they produce and ship you the board worldwide
Posted By
ilyad on 2016-08-31 07:20:51
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Hello. I am looking for sound cards with Sid . Can anyone sell ? Shipment to Poland. Regards
Posted By
BSZ on 2016-09-01 06:52:06
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Hello ilyad, I received your email, but I don't sent answer to you. Please give me another email address. However the answer can be public:
The last batch was sold out completely. For a new batch, approx. 16 orders would be required. You are only the second. :\ The last total price was ~55 EUR, including shipping and VAT.
Please remember: SID chip is NOT included! You must obtain a SID chip by yourself.
Posted By
MMS on 2016-09-01 16:10:06
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
BSZ: Mit gondolsz, teljesen lábkompatibilis a SwinSID-el a cuccod? Habár néha egy kicsit másképp szól, de olcsóbb és garantáltan új, szemben a az eBayen 40€-tól kezdődő használt, és túlmelegedésre egyébként a gyártási technológiából adódóan hajlamos SID chippekkel. A TED-hez, 8501-hez és a ROM chipekhez hasonlóan erre is hűtőborda javasolt. Lehet, hogy már kérdeztem pár évvel ezelőtt, viszont akkoriban egy SID chip 15-30 € volt, a SwinSID meg kevésbé kiforrott Persze az enyémen eredeti SID megy, mint tudod
----------just for the humble minority who does not spreak a proper Hungarian ;-D -------------------------------- Do you think, that your card is compatible with the swinSID? Sometimes could sound a very little different, but available for ~32€/piece, or less if you order more. (https://www.facebook.com/swinsidultimate/) The original (used) SID chip price on ebay may start from 40€, and we know it was tend to overheat nad made with an old technology and we do not know, how many hours it did work in the C64. Maybe I already asked it few years ago, but hey, the SID price went up since then, and the SwinSID became more mature product. (BTW my card works with original SID, as you know )
Posted By
BSZ on 2016-09-04 16:00:18
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
SwinSID is maybe working, but some modifications required for proper operation. Two major problems:
1: The SwinSID audio output stage is wrong for SID-card, some plus components required for good audio quality. Sound volume is lower (?) than original SID chip, but this is not a big problem.
2: The original SwinSID not use the CPU clock; therefore only "985 KHz mode" is useable, the plus/4's "886 KHz mode" is not available. This "mode signal" is available on the card, but not wired to SID socket. (Of course.) If this line connected to SwinSID, AND modify the SS's firmware for using this "mode signal", then useable the "886 KHz mode" in the future.
Posted By
Majikeyric on 2016-09-05 01:35:13
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
@BSZ_: count me in for 1 unit
Posted By
gerliczer on 2016-09-05 03:48:57
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
What about the brand new SwinSID Ultimate? Although, it also needs modification to achieve complete compatibility.
Posted By
javierglez on 2016-12-14 04:28:06
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
I'm pretty new to the c16/plus4, so excuse me for introducing myself: after burning a few d64 demo disks and loading'em with a 1541, noticed the plus/4 was mute, tried with 3 screens and a C16 64k before deciding to test C16's Lod is Back which I knew it worked. So the problem seems to be most demos need the SID card.
Long story short, I'd be interested in a SID Card
Posted By
Luca on 2016-12-14 05:09:42
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Oh well, at the moment there are overall 256 programs supporting SIDcard including demos games tools and all the rest, some have SID support as an option, some are part of the same demo. Comparing this quantity against the current 2252 demos made for Plus/4...well I would difficulty say that "most of the demos" need SIDcard.
Nonetheless it's a hardware you're gonna love, hope you'll be able to have yours quite soon
Posted By
javierglez on 2016-12-14 05:34:30
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Maybe I was unlucky or maybe top demos use SID, but as said, I haven't spent enough time for sure. I watched the top100 megademos and burned about 6 images, tried Shades, Oldschool and a couple of others, no sound, don't really know the names.
Posted By
Csabo on 2016-12-14 09:29:44
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
Heh, Silence is listed Well, it's true that it doesn't use the SID card
Some trivia: Larry approached me to write music for Shade. I made a small example, but he didn't like it. (I guess that feeling is now mutual - I don't like that outdated generic converted stuff that he ended up using in the demo.) My tune sat unused here until CD5 - and it evolved into what you can now hear in bubis' part.
So that's Shade, for Oldschool and Oldschool 2 the irony of using something so new-school and non-standard should be glaringly obvious to everyone
Posted By
gerliczer on 2016-12-14 11:29:55
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
blush @ Silence
Posted By
Mad on 2016-12-14 15:33:25
| Re: Sid Card 4. (mini) serie
[OFF] wanted to say, that Silence really impressed me a lot. The code and especially the gfx a lot! "New oldschool" at it's best! [ON]
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