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Posted By

on 2014-03-24
 What games/demos to run on a 116/232 at an exhibition?


I'm taking a 116 and a 232 to the Vintage Computer Festival East in New Jersey next month.

As many of you know, I'm more into the hardware so I'm looking for suggestions of what games and demo's I could run? If possible, also things that do not rely on a real disk drive, I'd rather just use a uIEC.

Suggestions appreciated,


Posted By

on 2014-03-24
 Re: What games/demos to run on a 116/232 at an exhibition?

For demos, I can't suggest anything better than what you'll find under Top List, in the 16K demos section. Any one from the top 10 there would be excellent. Only 8SOB uses disk, the rest are single file demos.

For games... Can't go wrong with Udo: Summer Events, Winter Events are awesome (though they multi-loaders. We have some single file cracks). Bongo, Tom Thumb, etc. are also very nice: good music, colors and highly playable. If I may plug Quadrillion, that should run as well, hopefully the many colors would look impressive.

Posted By

on 2014-03-25
 Re: What games/demos to run on a 116/232 at an exhibition?

You can also show this game here:
Tutti Frutti

Posted By

on 2014-03-25
 Re: What games/demos to run on a 116/232 at an exhibition?

You also want something simple, attractive and addictive to keep them there once they have started, Arthur Noid would fill that gap.

Our own KikStart has been ported to the C64 and released on cartridge so the 64GS (games system) can play it in recent times, that might still hold fresh in some peoples minds and obviously they get to see and play it on the real deal.

Posted By

on 2014-03-25
 Re: What games/demos to run on a 116/232 at an exhibition?

Jack Attack from cartridge offcourse!!!

Posted By

on 2014-03-31
 Re: What games/demos to run on a 116/232 at an exhibition?

All great suggestions guys - thanks!

Could someone tell me if any of the 16k demos there can make use of BSZ's SID card?

cheers, Rob

Posted By

on 2014-03-31
 Re: What games/demos to run on a 116/232 at an exhibition?

Look at 4Ever03 16K democompo, some of them use SIDcard too. And I add Monitor too.

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