They're Back! Berks Four!
Posted by Luca on 2019-05-21
Berks FourOh my, they're back! After 34 years they're back, and the story resumes exactly where it was left off, in their impenetrable city of Berks 3!

It's Jon Williams, ladies and gentlemen, straight from the pantheon where the C16/Plus4 VIPs of the heydays populate our memories. But this time, it's a full 64K affair! After a short period spent to leave a footprint in the Atari scene too, the Berks are now back to their original system, in the fourth chapter of the series: Berks Four! If the glorious ancestor did make you search for keys in a 30 rooms environment, the 2019 dated newcomer throws in your face a gauntlet made of 4 different worlds with increasing complexity, from a simple initial one consisting in 16 rooms to a challenging fourth world which needs to be divided in three separate zones to be solved.

At first glance, the game looks like an easier beast to tame: Berks, Drones, blocks, keys, hearts. Your tank shoots double fire this time, and all in all it seems that your enemies won't be up for long time; you can bounce against the walls and the score doesn't reduce, and this time you can hit both Berks and shootaway blocks without loosing a life. And then, in the exact time you feel home & dry while progressing into the game, they become a myriad, the Drones are everywhere till new breeds of them come in, brand new featured items will surprise you, some wicked new baddies will tangle your movement, and soon everything will become a frantic exploit that raises your senses to the max.

Berks FourThe whole production flows as clean and silky an actual commercial prod would have been, and it changes from the traditional look and gameplay typical of the series so gradually to preserve the oldschool spirit of the game, yet morphing into a modern game's structure based on a classic concept. One over anything else: in this fourth chapter, nobody can comfortably play into those vast worlds without the new live mapping option featured, which gets refreshed time after time, even considering the remaining shootaway blocks. All in all, Berks Four truly represents what the Berks fans have dreamt for so long time.

Jon Williams's fans, let's prepare, you got a long way to go while playing this definitive consecration of the most loved series in the Commodore 16 history ever, even with the password system featured. Surprises won't miss, so you've been warned. And now, no further words, it's time to aim at higher scores by unleashing your best performance, gaining better percentages in solving any single word! Back to our youth, forth to success, it's Berks Four!
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