Vectors in Plus/4 Encyclopedia

Effects - Vectors
NameRelease DateNotesColor modeFrame rate
+4 Mania Forever1997-12-01An animation of a floppy disk flying into a disk drive, hidden lines.  
Long Hours1994-02-22A spinning wireframe vector of a floppy disk.  
Lynx1997-03-30Also hidden lines.  
Perfect Visions2004-12-21Two multicolor vectorcubes over a logo.  
Thunder1991Delayed, hidden lines.  
Thunder1991A scroller made up of vector letters.  
Vectors Demo1992Delayed.  
Brutyo1995 4
MegaDreams1992-08-31 1
17 Years1991-03-28Rotating wireframe peak meter.  
Bohemian Rapsody1992 6.5
Converted Demo1991  
Digital Integration1992-07-11  
Digital Integration1992-07-11Circle scrolling.  
Compy Xmas 21991-12  
20 Years +42005-03-05  
Expectation 22005-09-02Wireframe cybervector, hidden lines.  
+4 Mania Forever1997-12-01Vector music peak meter.  
+4 Mania Forever1997-12-01Vector tunnel.  
+4 Mania Forever1997-12-01Hidden lines.  
Vector Sector1991With joystick driven variables and different objects to play with.  
Vector Sector1991  
Vector Sector1991  
Virtually Yours1993Rotating cube with vector animations on its faces, hidden lines.  
Infinity1994-07-24Vector tunnel.  
Infinity1994-07-24Cube with animation on any face, hidden lines.HiRes 
Infinity1994-07-24Morphing cube with inertial rope on a diagonal (spline).HiRes 
Infinity1994-07-242D/3D Sierpinksi, hidden lines.HiRes 
Infinity1994-07-24Quite an elaborate hence slow one.  
Absolutely Fabulous1994Wireframe cube rotating on single axis with dots letters.  
Absolutely Fabulous1994Wireframe cube with partially tied inner cube.  
Absolutely Fabulous1994Complex wireframe rotating cubes, hidden lines.  
Vector Victory1990-08  
10 Years +41994-10-23  
10 Years +41994-10-23Delayed cube.  
Crackers' Demo 31992Death Kennedys logo over scrolltext.  
Crystals1995-04-08Letter morphing.  
EVS 2 Years1992-04-01Vector music peak meter.  
Oh Yeah!1992-10-23Different objects on any face, hidden lines.  
Pro 2 Type1992Big "2".  
Pro 2 Type1992Hungary map.  
Terminal Obsession1995-05-17Hidden lines.  
Terminal Obsession1995-05-17Press SHIFT to stop the outer cubes.  
Exacting Demo1992-09-284D vector cube, keyboard driven parameters.  
Exacting Demo1992-09-28A simple "Dead Kennedyes" logo.  
Unassuming Demo1991Different objects with changeable parameteres.  
Hydrotech1993-12Different simple shapes, hidden lines.  
Best Of GFW Mega1993-07-31  
Great Change1991-02-06Stereo 4D cube.  
Great Change1991-02-06Different MCM vectors, some with changeable parameters.  
Epic1993-11-06Lines with changeable parameters.  
Xmas Demo 931993Peak meter.  
Monopsy2003-09-05Fractal trees.  
Sexual Disease1994-04-29  
Sexual Disease1994-04-29Different shapes to choose with joystick.  
Magic Inspiration1991-01-12"EAJ" logo.  
Xmas 19941994-12-04  
In Memoriam (ASN)2007-09-12Fire vectors.  
Vector In Space1990  
Line Magic1991-06-25Lines.  
EDC News 21991  
Battery1990-08Various simple shapes.  
Perfect Visions 22010-10-22Also with hidden lines. 4
Perfect Visions 32011-06-06  
GFW Megademo1993-07-31Wireframe ritating circular on z-axis.  
Sun For Fun1992-05-05Letters' building vectors.  
Rocket Science2014-08-09Wireframe rotating landscape.MCM 
Crackers' Demo 52016-07-30  
79 found.

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