:: CASTLE MASTER :: Converted by TGMS in 1992,November. Trained and fixed by Luca/FIRE in 2020. INTRODUCTION High in one tower of Castle Eternity, time seeps away for your captive twin. If rescue fails,you are both doomed to become spirit slaves of Magister the Castle Master,who waits to steal your souls! Decipher the clues,open the drawbridge,maintain your strength against each and every guardian spirit. Three potions,ten keys and a plague of hazards may be encountered as you trespass secret tunnels,descend into caverns or stumble upon treasure and terror. But should you fail...fear is forever! GAMEPLAY The initial choice between prince or princess slightly modify the location of keys and some items. Playing with one, the other must be rescued. Many riddles populate Castle Eternity,but hints are everywhere,and keys and pentacles allow to go beyond closed doors. Ghosts will raise your anxiety to death,and you need enough strength (barbell) to solve some of the puzzles:bash'em throwing rocks at them,an once they're all gone kill the boss spirit Magister to rescue him/her. CONTROLS Use the joystick in Port 2. Movement keys: Z,X turn left/right,move pointer l/r C=+Z,X turn left/right by 90 degrees +,* forward,move pointer up hold both for double distance = backwards,move pointer down Shift throw rock U u-turn A action (eat,drink,read,push...) Space toggles between movement/pointer Other controls keys: P,L look up/down C=+P,L look straight up/down F face forward R run W walk C crawl Crsr dn centre sight on/off I info screen Information screen keys: L,S load/save position K description of collected keys Q quit game any key to exit the info screen BUILT-IN CHEAT Start a game,then press at the same time the keys C H E A T to obtain unlimited strength. WHY THIS CRACK? The converted game suffers due unwanted interaction between keyboard and joystick when the latter is used,making it really difficult to move and point. This cracked version: - fixes all the flaws with the controls; - repairs the converted intro bitmap; - adds a second intro bitmap; - makes the game NTSC compatible; - includes 3 trainers,never done before; - includes fixed crack intro & docs. AUTHOR'S SPEAKING:TGMS TALKS ABOUT THIS Thanks to the recent great efforts of Luca,the journey spanning 27-something years of Castle Master transitioning from C64 to Plus/4 is finally reaching its end:a fully playable version is born! At the end of the 80s,I was mesmerized by reading the introduction of Total Eclipse in the very first issue of CoV (Commodore World,the famous Hungarian magazine of that era). The Freescape style opened a new direction not seen before. Due to the slowness of the gameplay,it was mainly the imagination of the players that was more important-and we had a great deal of it! from time to time I still relive the old dreams of landing near a pyramid and entering it. I hear the soundtrack in my ears and feel the vibe of ancient times- and the see the dreams of a teenager. One of my personal favorite c64 tunes has been that of Dark Side for decades. From time to time I still listen to the original version (thanks YouTube). At that time I had the strong urge to convert one of the C64 Freescapes to Plus/4. And it happened to be Castle Master for some reason. And although I do not have such strong emotional connections to it,I keep fond memories. Nowadays I teach computer graphics practices at university-and I am stll so proud of the original creators of these incredible pieces of work. Thanks,Luca, for giving the necessary final touches to this piece. May the prince be able to find the princess in the so-far locked Plus/4 castle! , Attila "TGMS" Tanacs, 09/2020 SOME FINAL WORDS The old crack intro used in this release too,has never reached its flawless form. Actually,this is a brand new 4th version much more memory saving,fixing a nasty bug when NTSC is used,activating some more flashy stuff in the textscroller, optimized and cleaned overall. We hope to seal it once forever with the stamp FINAL on it :D This little unpretending release is dedicated to Jason Kelk aka TMR/Cosine: get well asap bud, we're waiting for your definitive comeback,f*ck covid-19!