Welcome to Plus/4 World! | UfoTofU And Deck Wreck! | Posted by Csabo on 2025-02-23 |
Today, we get two more games that have been submitted to the Game Programming competition.
First up is UfoTofU by Kwayne. It's a Commodore Plus/4 implementation of a 2016 PICO-8 game by Albey Amakiir. The object of this game is to snake around on a 7x7 board filled with colorful symbols, trying to build up a palindrome pattern as long as possible. Every turn, the length of each palindrome found is added to the final score. The player has to be careful not to accidentally find a short pattern.
The second is Deck Wreck: Demokracy, a card game by Rachy. It's a unique resource-management-card-game, an implementation of the Android version. Ever dreamt of becoming President? Some say anybody can be President. But can you become one? Climb the political ladder to the top while balancing between opponents, dark forces from the shadows, fluctuating voters and other surprises. Be nice or be awful: it is your choice. Don’t ever forget that you have one final goal and there might be hard calls to achieve it. The game is available in both English and Hungarian.
Both games are strong, fun contenders so be sure to check them out! |
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| A Deadly Game Completion | Posted by Luca on 2025-02-22 |
Come on kids, let's sit around the fireplace that burns with passion for retrogaming archaeology, I'll tell you a tale that starts in Szeged in Hungary, and ends in Portland in Oregon!
Deadly Adventure would have been the swan song for Homesoft, the one-man personal label of Jimy, before he eventually would join EDC, as announced by the author himself on Big Angler in the full spring of the year 1991. Although absorbed in the brand new crew, Jimy had a couple of games which he'd started to write by alone, so they still refer to the Homesoft label. One is Golden II, the other is Deadly Adventure. While the former was more of an update of the previous one than a new game from scratch, the author evidently lost interest in the latter, publishing it as incomplete, and then moving on to fully dedicate himself to the demoscene with EDC. The fate of Deadly Adventure couldn't be more 'deadly' than this.
It's been 34 years (thirty-four years, guys? Damn, are we *that* old? Spoiler: yes, we are, argh!), and the passion for preserving old software has allowed to restore and complete what Jimy left unfinished. Enter Fishhack, which takes the structure of the old adventure, builds a compelling story around it, throws in nine puzzles and 25 locations, translates it all into more usable English, fits all of this into the memory constraints of a Commodore 16, and finishes with a first class release: here's Deadly Adventure (Fishhack)!
Now the story sets the game in 18th century central Europe, where you are tasked by the Prince Elecktor of your duchy to retrieve his Elector's Ring, stolen by a devious burgermeister from a city over the mountains and through a forest.
This story ends here, kids. But for Fishhack it's just the first chapter of a long (maybe!) story of future releases. |
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| Ready To War by BoCP and MMS is the latest entry into the game programming competition. Check it out! |
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| Alpha Man and Docster's Digger! | Posted by Csabo on 2025-02-02 |
 Excellent news for the Plus/4 scene: we're welcoming not one, but two new games!
Eagle-eyed sceners may have already noticed that Kwayne, who released several BASIC PETSCII games for both C=64 and Plus/4 has released Alpha Man... but only for the C=64. "Where is the Plus/4 version?" you may have wondered; wonder no more - it's been submitted to the Game Development Compo! The game is a difficult sokoban-like puzzle: push each letter to its destination location. There's a single green block that you can freely maneuver around to help you accomplish this task.
The second brand-new game is Docster's Digger. After the recent awesome trailer; the game is already here! TRP has done a great job porting this 2019 Megastyle game to our beloved Plus/4. In the game, you must prevent the evil genie Khezam's plans: he flies across on his flying carpet bombing holes in the ground, and you must fill the holes to prevent the zombies from making it to the ground.
Be sure to give both of these games a shot! |
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| Docster's Digger official petscii trailer | Posted by TRP on 2025-01-28 |
TRP is back with a trailer for the new game from 220 volt team. Check it out! Docster's Digger coming soon ;-) |
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| White Max: The First Commercial Hungarian Game? A newly turned up cassette photo is the perfect opportunity to shine some light onto this not-so-well-known game. Read on if you're interested! |
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| Mieyen: Inufuto's 18th | Posted by Luca on 2025-01-11 |
Inufuto's 18th game invariably breaks into the new year 2025 after he closes the past one, exceeding the symbolic threshold of one hundred different systems where to run. His own C compiler and assembler are getting more and more refined.
In Mieyen, the monsters are invisible but hungry and can be spotted by following the trail of vanishing crumbs, to be burnt out, because they're seeking the burgers. If they reach all the burgers on a screen, or they catch you, you're done. Deal with more burgers and baddies on the further screens.
Inufuto grinds ground constantly and decisively. It goes like a train and shows no sign of wanting to stop. Let's have a run at this, too! |
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| A Micro Oniric 2025: "Microsonix 001" | Posted by Luca on 2025-01-03 |
Getting the maximum profit with the minimum expenditure of resources: the Retroscene is actually based on this sacrosanct principle, and our long-time friend Mermaid, leading artist and historic member of Genesis Project, seems to have learned this lesson very well!
Her Microsonix 001 music box is the perfect example: eight SID chip codes that use it as a sound envelope machine, to produce dreamlike and convincing soundscapes in a handful of bytes. This work brings together technical knowledge, artistic taste, cultural references – ranging from musique concrete to modern field recording – and, inevitably, a lot of love for our machines.
Mermaid also added the source codes – both in Turbo Assembler format (e.g.: Turbo Assembler 6) and as text files for use with 64TASS – in order to encourage the usage of those SID tunes into further productions. |
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