Posted By
 Luca on 2015-11-21 12:10:45
 | Moldi's Treasure 7/10
No! Nononono! This must reach an end, once forever. Two dozens months passed since we've saved the opportunity to release another big pack of rare and unreleased stuff dripping from the archive donated to us by Moldi, after we'd promised short times. It's gonna happen no more, let's start our run from this 7th bunch of software straight to the 10th and last!
Now we reached the final steps to accomplish this project of gigantic update, and many primary objectives have been profusely threated and solved, but this 7th appointment can still show you a further one: we've finally begun to organize the Évezredek (Millennia), a series of quiz game's programs made for elementary school's kids to teach'em the Hungarian history. For what we'd been able to understand, Évezredek consists of 20 or 24 individual releases on cassette, most of the times containing two distinct programs focused on different difficulty degrees. The nine .PRG files we've found into our treasure chest have been added to some spare others we just stored along the past years, and now the whole matter gets a reasonable shape overall. Now there's a good base where to start from in order to achieve the complete series!
The other soul of this 7th appointment with the Moldi's gems concerns about the different versions of what we've just got. Alternative releases, improved disks, fixed stuff, reduced prods, they're just all around us. Általános Szöveg És Rajz Szerkesztő has been also spreaded as complete D64; Two In One also exists as V2 version, released just one day after the diffusely known first one; Wizard Of Wor (TCFS)'s 43K big .PRG uses the TCFS' defender packer, but it's beaten to the ground by the alternative file that simply uses Cruel-Crunch V2.0++ and its less-than-30K result; Pirates boasts an advanced version working in one single file with dedicated instructions file apart; somebody has spreaded a weird onefile version of The Jet 2.0; somebody else (we dunno who he is, at the moment...) has done a tougher challenge, packing Winter Events in one single, flawlessly working, file! Yes, no loading needed anymore! Oh, and we have a winner here too! The legends say: a neighbour of TCFS who hasn't got a disk driver, did ask to him for a tape version of Blue Angel 69. Quite impossible, one would argue, due to the amount of different bitmaps displayed under the board, level after level. Anyway, if you're not a newbie in the Plus/4 scene, you should well know the genius of our mate Tamás. So, he came out with this Blue Angel 69 V3.1 release, apparently spreaded on tape for real, with a turbo tape loader coded by TCFS himself. Once loaded, the program unpacks and saves the needed graphics on the next slice of the tape in order to free the memory for the game itself, then this graphics will eventually be loaded once the game advances. 24 years have passed, but TCFS leaves us astonished again!
File catalogs often show their fundamental role in the unveiling of rare hidden or unreleased stuff, and that's the reason why the 7th bunch intends to put out some newer ones: Alex's Catalog 1.0, Alex's Catalog 2.0 and EDC's Stuffs (apropos: who really is Alex of GS? "That's the old nick of W-Man" Murphy has told us ;) ). And when we talk about "stuff to flush out" we mean software like TIT-anic demo, most rare compared to TIT-anic 2; like Space Taxy, a fully working game created by St.GLS in his very last activity on Plus/4; like 48 Hours Party (Gentlemen), the lost part that W-Man ("RTL" at that time) coded to join the 48 Hours Party cooperation demo, but didn't get included (why?); like Feasibility Experiment (Csory), a conversion of the famous C64 graphic adventure done by Csory...6 years before the well known Crown's one; like Puzzle 09, the lost one in the Puzzle Collection, the missing piece that comes to complete a puzzle; like Relax Demo, apparently the very first demo production released by Larry, when he still was...Kibasoft! Aside the cited ones till now, other programs are included, some basic disk tools, some education stuff, one game's crack we didn't have, some digi demos, one scrolltext editor made for Skull's internal usage, a weird program which's maybe an info file maybe a magazine's attempt.
As the tradition needs, here's the complete list for the 7th batch, hope you're gonna like all of them, prepare yoursef for the forthcoming three: Fast Format 08, Kristalyoszcillatorok, Általános Szöveg És Rajz Szerkesztő (disk), Two In One V2, Feasibility Experiment (Csory), Bard's Tale III Songs, B.H.C., Texteditor V1.1, Bridgehead (crack), Relax Demo, Alex's Catalog 1.0, Alex's Catalog 2.0, Advertising, Space Taxy, Puzzle 09, Disk-eddie, Eprom Packer V9.1, Infó Melléklet, Fast Backup 1551 D9, Fast-load 1551 (Starsoft), Fast Backup 1551 (Magnetic System), Fastload 1551 V4, Kerek Bar, Évezredek III (AB), Évezredek IX (AB), Évezredek IX (CD), Évezredek V (AB), Évezredek V (CD), Évezredek VI (AB), Évezredek XIII (AB), Évezredek XIII (CD), Évezredek XX (CD), Microscopy, EDC's Stuffs, Pirates (version), Miner 410er, 48 Hours Party (Gentlemen), Dizzy V3.5, Stick Or Twist, The Jet 2.0 (tape), Winter Events (onefile), Wizard Of Wor (TCFS) (alternative), Blue Angel 69 V3.1, TIT-anic, Crash (NBS), Chubby Checker.
Posted By
 Ati on 2015-11-21 14:02:38
| Re: Moldi's Treasure 7/10
Alex/GS was W-man, of course. He had some name too, RTL, ATS. I remember ATS was Alexander Toth Software.
I saw 48hours GS part. You wrote, effect is dypp. No, it was a not well coded dycp. In plus4world database are lot of dypp effect, but there are some wrong dycp too. Imho the y-shift and x-scroll isn't in good time, and we can see character-breaks. Dypp is a very hard effect, it was in ~10 demos on plus4 ever.
Posted By
 Luca on 2015-11-21 12:22:06
 | Re: Moldi's Treasure 7/10
Thank you Ati, your hints truly are a wanted help. Murphy texted us about "Alex" in the same time you did, but ATS...that's quite new for us, gonna dd this info immediately 
About DYPPs: yes, I'm sure you're totally right, got doubts me too, as the easily are bad synch on the chars boundaries. A cleanup is needed...
EDIT: first suspected ones, DYPP from Hexen Hexen, GOTU Megademo, Future World, No Silence, Monitor, Continuity, GOTU Megademo II, Xentrix's First, Wonder 3, Anti Lunacy 1, Dycp Mania, Magnet-x, Tron II, Chtulu, GFW Megademo, Visual Atmosphera, Thunderbirds Demo.
EDIT 2: Visual Atmosphera's DYCP is a sort of duttile DYSCP which acts as DYPP too, I'm gonna keep it. Thunderbirds Demo: changed to DYCP.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2015-11-21 18:43:52
| Re: Moldi's Treasure 7/10
Massive update though, thank you Moldi and Luca! Lot of cool stuff to chew through and definitely some nice surprises in there.
Edit: to chime in on the DYCP/DYPP issue, what we see in Monitor is not a DYPP either for sure, although it is currently marked as such. The "break" is every 8 pixels (per character), not per pixel. Sure, what it breaks IS shifted text... so the break is across characters (some of the time). But there's no per-pixel masking, etc.
Posted By
 Luca on 2015-11-22 04:36:59
 | Re: Moldi's Treasure 7/10
Yes, absolutely it is a DYCP, I'm marking all those weird dycps with a "bad sync" generic note. Same for Hexen Hexen, GOTU Megademo, No Silence, Continuity, GOTU Megademo II, Tron II, Magnet-x, Dycp Mania, Anti Lunacy 1, Wonder 3, Xentrix's First.
Other suspect DYPPs are out there, don't miss to leave a note 
EDIT: Csabo has pointed out that "bad sync" is a meaningless tag for an effect which has been intentionally coded to show that way, typical of a bitmap scrolling. Hence, "bad sync" will be turned into "bitmap scrolling" :)
Posted By
 Gaia on 2015-11-22 05:09:11
| Re: Moldi's Treasure 7/10
Great update, Luca! Must have been a helluva job... 
Posted By
 Luca on 2015-11-22 06:08:49
 | Re: Moldi's Treasure 7/10
Thank you Gaia! I can't think about the fact I've to do it again for three times! 
EDIT: Csabo translated a sentence in the first scrolltext of Relax Demo which says:"This is my 3rd demo already". This means there are at least other two Kibasoft releases around to be spotted out :)
Posted By
 SVS on 2015-11-23 03:31:15
 | Re: Moldi's Treasure 7/10
Hey it seems Santa is came in advance this year! (This means we were good, after all) 
Posted By
 Chronos on 2015-11-23 03:41:00
 | Re: Moldi's Treasure 7/10
"Kibasoft" megalol!