As a member of the elite Marine unit, you have been ordered to secure the Bridgehead, the only access to the enemy occupied territory. The unit consists of eight men. The bridge is well patrolled by sentries. Once secured, the way is open to the enemy headquarters situated well behind the enemy lines. The unit has to make it's way with stealth, so as not to raise undue alarm. You have only one weapon a knife, and a limited supply of hand grenades which can be used to blow up the land mines or enemy sentries. There are occasional ammunition stores from which the supply of hand grenades can be replenished but the stores are well guarded and involve extra risk in capturing them.
The enemy is well armed with bazookas and even a new type of homing anti-personal missile which will seek you relentlessly.

Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Retail Price:£7.95
Game ending type:Has an end, restarts (no reward)
 Play Online!
Released by:Kingsoft
Released by:Anco
Code by:Dierks, Jörg
Music by:Förster, Martina
Cracked by:ECO
Notes:Subtitled as "Legionnaire 2". A 16K version, Bridgehead C16, has been released on its own. Also cracked by Myselves.
User Rating: 7.3/10 (16 votes)
Bridgehead Title Screenshot

Bridgehead Screenshot

Game Endings
This game has an ending!

NameReleased ByRelease DateDistributionProduct CodeRetail PriceFormatPackageRarityNotesOwned
Anco releaseAnco1986Commercial£7.95CassetteDouble caseUnspecified3
Kingsoft releaseKingsoft1986Commercial£7.95CassetteDouble caseUnspecified1
Kingsoft diskKingsoft1986CommercialDiskUnspecified1
3 found.

Hall Of Fame
3Luigi Ruffolo1,855Played on YAPE 1.2.0.

Bridgehead (Intro)
Bridgehead (SFX)

Appeared On Compilations
6 Of The Best

Description, pokes: Commodore Világ 10 (Magazine/Hungarian) pg. 24
Cheat: H And D's C16 Plu... Volume 2 Issue 2 (Magazine/English) pg. 17
Review: Compute Mit SA 1/87 (Magazine/German) pg. 4
Review: Compute Mit SA 3/87 (Magazine/German) pg. 11
Review: Commodore User 39 (Magazine/English) pg. 74
Review: Retro Gamer 137 (Magazine/English) pg. 78
Oskar 1986: Aktueller Softwar... 1/1987 (Magazine/German) pg. 61
Advertisement: Happy Computer 1/87 (Magazine/German) pg. 102

Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover (Front)
Cassette Cover Inlay
Cassette Cover Inlay
Cassette Front Cover (Kingsoft C16 & Plus/4 Release)
Submitted by Lacus
Cassette Front Cover (Kingsoft C16 & Plus/4 Release)
[ Large cover ]
Cassette Back Cover (Kingsoft C16 & Plus/4 Release)
Cassette Back Cover (Kingsoft C16 & Plus/4 Release)
Disk Cover (Front)
Disk Cover (Front)
Disk Cover (Inlay)
Disk Cover (Inlay)
[ Larger picture ]

Physical Media
Cassette (Kingsoft, no turbo)
Cassette (Kingsoft, no turbo)
Cassette (Kingsoft, turbo)
Submitted by Lacus
Cassette (Kingsoft, turbo)
Cassette (Anco)
Cassette (Anco)

There are eight levels. Each consists of eight screens long of scrolling backgrounds. The background can scroll in both directions allowing you to make strategic decisions. At the of each level, the background scroll stops and you have to clear the remainder of the enemy before you start the next level. At the last level, you will see the enemy headquarters and the end of your task is in sight.

WHITE - Commander
DARK GREEN - Soldier patrolling all levels.
LIGHT GREEN - Soldier patrolling all levels.

MINES - Blow them with had grenades.
BAZOOKA - Dark red soldier
MISSILE - Dark blue Soldier

KNIFE - Press fire button.
HAND GRENADE - Move the joystick up and press fire button.

MOVEMENT (Joystick only)
FORWARD - Joystick right.
BACKWARDS - Joystick left.
CLIMB UP - Joystick up.
CLIMB DOWN - Joystick down.
CROUCH - Joystick right and press fire button.
PAUSE - Z key

Prerelease Version
A prerelease copy of the disk version has been found in the Udo Gertz's original disks.
The disk features a menu with three possible options: C16 tape version, C16 disk version and Plus/4 version. Most probably, this eventually should have been used as a test to valuate how the different part of the game code would fit into memory for all the three options. All the choices show no intro and no music.

Bridgehead Prerelease Menu
Prerelease Menu

Stuck At Level 4
The game gets stuck on Level 4 (which is actually the 5th level as the first level is marked Level 0).

While walking along the upper platform, the screen does not scroll far enough. Once all the enemy soldiers (that come from both sides) are dispatched, it's not possible to descend using the ladder on the right.

The containers bear the author's initials (JD = Jörg Dierks).

Bridgehead Level4 Bug
Bridgehead Level4 Bug

Bridgehead Screenshot #1
Level 0
Bridgehead Screenshot #1
Level 1
Bridgehead Screenshot #1
Level 2
Bridgehead Screenshot #1
Level 3
Bridgehead Screenshot #1
Level 4
Bridgehead Screenshot #1
Level 5
Bridgehead Screenshot #1
Level 6
Bridgehead Screenshot #1
Level 7


Load this .FRE file as snapshot in YAPE emulator.

Cheats - How do I use cheats?
>205A A5
Unlimited lives
>2CB6 A5
Unlimited grenades
>228D 00 A9 ##
Starting level (00-07)
>31F5 2C
>339E A8 33
>2635 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
>2635 03 06 09 0C 0F 12 15 18
Number of opponents at ending any level
G 2000
Restart game

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