| Golden Baton | |
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Original release | Paxman Promotions | 1985 | Commercial | | | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 2 |
1 found. |
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| Covers | Cassette Cover |
Cassette Cover (Back) |
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| Bug | This commercially released game contains a fatal bug: you cannot pick up the salt. To reproduce this bug, enter the following commands: N, W, N, GO CABIN, EXAMINE BARREL (you find some salt), GET SALT
Unfortunately this makes the game impossible to complete.
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| Solutions - Unsolved | This game does not yet have a solution. Do you have a verified solution? Please enter it here (if you have access rights to edit this record), or send it to an administrator. Für dieses Spiel gibt es noch keine Lösung. Vielleicht hast Du eine. Wenn Du die entsprechenden Zugriffsrechte hast, kannst Du sie gleich hier einfügen. Sonst schicke sie einfach an einen Administrator. Ennek a játéknak még nincs megoldása. Ha van egy leellenőrzött megoldásod, beírhatod ide (ha van szerkesztési jogod), vagy elküldheted az egyik adminisztrátornak.
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