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on 2023-08-13
 ÁROK 2023 and the releases

In less than a month we have the biggest 8bit party in Hungary. Let's discuss here who is coming, what to expect, etc.

Posted By

on 2023-06-18
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I'll attend but won't bring any prod. As usual. I'm a lazy bastard.

Posted By

on 2023-06-18
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I am happy to join but I don't think I know anyone from here in person.. happy

Posted By

on 2023-06-18
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I won't be there again. The wife organized a holiday into other country, exactly the same time. This happened before the party date released. sad

Posted By

on 2023-06-19
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I will try to be there and probably bring my daughter too. Both of us will bring a PETSCII release, though due our preferred tool it could be a C64 one.
I plan to do an ECM picture with PETSCII charset (and have troubles to convert it to Plus4 format - my bad)

My daughter also prefers the HTML4 editing methon on her iPad, so it will be definitely C64 picture, and today she told she prefer the version has more background colors. Tat one is ECM
(if somone can suggest me a PETSII converter tool, I could consider convincing her for a Plus/4 release :-) the problem is that the xport of the C64 PETSCIIs are not memory maps, but simply drawing the chars from the original or modified charset, and changing the color between characters, so not complete maps that are easier to convert).

Posted By

on 2023-06-19
 Re: ÁROK 2023

As for a little teaser, fingers crossed, we might have some small thing ready for the party.

Posted By

on 2023-06-20
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Lavina, WOW that's PETSCII ?!! yay

Posted By

on 2023-06-20
 Re: ÁROK 2023

yeah, it looks to be PETSCII, and a great looking one happy

Posted By

on 2023-06-21
 Re: ÁROK 2023

You are closer to the truth than you’d ever think wink

Posted By

on 2023-06-26
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Hello, I will be there, too, with a brand new game. (Inspired by RoePipi, but it's not BASIC, of course! happy )

And Délest will be there, too, the other member and musician of the System Syndrome.

It will be a great Plusy Party too, I think.

Posted By

on 2023-06-27
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I'm going to Arok, and there will be new prods from me too.

Posted By

on 2023-06-27
 Re: ÁROK 2023

@Murphy: More than one prods? Wow! yay How cool is that! Can't wait to see them.

Posted By

on 2023-06-28
 Re: ÁROK 2023

would be nice to go. possible, but not that probable.

Posted By

on 2023-07-13
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Rumors are that there will be more releases for our platform. Games and demos. Also lots of party animals grin

Posted By

on 2023-07-14
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Just few hours in my workspace, and i will go to Ajka with a surprise riliz. happy

Posted By

on 2023-07-14
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I'm not going unfortunately, but I think I have little something for you +4 lovers wink
Enjoy the party Guys!

Posted By

on 2023-07-14
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Just watching the demos. Nice!

Posted By

on 2023-07-14
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Strong presence of Plus4 people expected if visitors' list on party page means anything. happy I counted 11 names.

Posted By

on 2023-07-15
 Re: ÁROK 2023

It looks like there will be plus/4 entries in all 8 bit compo categories happy

Posted By

on 2023-07-15
 Re: ÁROK 2023

grin yeah!

I will also have a +4 MC picture. Kind of old school (=lame happy ).
I promised few years ago i will not make a gfx from zero again when we have all these fine conveters, and then this grin
but there was nothing to covert, so I drew it.

Posted By

on 2023-07-15
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Posted By

on 2023-07-15
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I'd say strong plus4 representation. Bubis, Oswald and Ern0 are missing from the pic.

Posted By

on 2023-07-15
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Wow, looks like no less than 10 new releases! I only received the files from Muprhy (big thanks!), but hopefully the rest will be available soon. Fellow P4W members, remember that you can add programs to the database, edit them, and upload PRG files and screenshots happy

Posted By

on 2023-07-16
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Guys. HEre's my pic for the compo. Looks like it run 2nd and makes me so proud! Thanks!

Posted By

on 2023-07-16
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Chronos: WoW, many people who "appreciate doxxing on forums". happy

Luckily (for me) some of them I met in 2020 at ÁROK face-to-face, but there are some strangers (for me)... happy

Can somebody write down the members' names of this famous group? happy


First row (standing): ? ? ? ? Poison Larry Siz ? ? Verona
Second row (on the knee): MMS Murphy Chronos TCFS Lavina Délest

Csabo: Where can I find the uploaded releases? ...meantime... OK, I have found it: https://plus4world.powweb.com/compos/112

Posted By

on 2023-07-16
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Glad you met some people IRL, but that still doesn't mean you should publicly post their work address grin

Lavina's demo is up (thanks BSZ!) and MMS uploaded his picture. Carrion's blog post above unfortunately doesn't have the PRG sad Still waiting for the rest.

Posted By

on 2023-07-16
 Re: ÁROK 2023

On the pic from left to rght.
Ati, DCD, Grass, Edhellon, Poison, Larry, siz, BSz, Jeva, Verona
front row:
MMS, Murphy, Chronos, TCFS, Lavina, Délest

Posted By

on 2023-07-16
 Re: ÁROK 2023

This party was really fantastic, thank you guys for new stuffz. But the bigger plus4 surprises were on Bubis’s laptop, everyone saw with big eyes, Bubis made crazy things. Just we hope, he will release...
Thank you Viti and Sebi for grilled stuffz, thank you Singular crew for this party.

Hey guys, in next year plus4 xl.

Edit: Unfortunately SquareWave wasn’t there on the party, on the picture is the musician of System Syndrome, Délest.

Posted By

on 2023-07-16
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I was so happy to meet You guys after such a looong break.

My life was full of surprises and changes in the last two/three years, so I badly needed that kind of converstations. I am full of energy again happy (certainly after a long sleep, haha).

All the releases were nice, I really enjoyed the show. Too bad I missed the music part, anyhow I could focus more on the rest of the releases.
UPDATE: I congratulate all ghe winners and ranked, even unranked +4 sceners: you were ALL really great!

PS: GOTU release was full of deep messages (as usual). I really respect that most GOTU releases try to open our eyes and try to warn us or judt try to make us a better people.

Posted By

on 2023-07-16
 Re: ÁROK 2023

It was an excellent party indeed.
Thank you for every release and congratulations to every winer! Well deserved!

Posted By

on 2023-07-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Awesome new productions and great photo!! grin

Posted By

on 2023-07-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023

It was a fantastic party for me. Thank you all very much. You are great people!

Posted By

on 2023-07-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I was watching the live stream and I have to say that.... Arok is simply Plus/4 territory. wink
Great releases great party! I'm proud that I participated with my little tribute to Arok party organizers.

Posted By

on 2023-07-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Csabo: Oh yes, you are absolutely right as usually... BTW: What do you do for living? happy

siz: Thanx for the nick-names, but two of them do not work: Edhellon & Poision

Posted By

on 2023-07-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Little typo there, that should have been "Poison" (I fixed both links).

Posted By

on 2023-07-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023

How nice to see this group photo! Thanks for sharing. No one changed anything, only chronos became very old. happy
The co-production demo (MB, GOTU, MX) was simply brilliant. It was nice to watch this beautifully executed miracle!

Posted By

on 2023-07-18
 Re: ÁROK 2023

One minor correction: False Idols is not "my" demo, it's OUR demo. I'm exceptionally grateful to everyone involved in the making and also I meant this demo to be an invitation for other platformers to come to our scene and create demos for our beloved Commodore Plus4. Even by touching - maybe - some sensitive issues in the demo. Well, publicity is publicity at the end of the day, and yes, this demo is a bit personal for me, but nevertheless it's a - very much - common effort. BSZ was a HUGE help in the overall design and to merge the content we had to a more or less coherent production, worthy to the title I had in mind for many years.

P.S.: Thanks Lacoste, don't forget Resource, who is getting more and more active on our platform. ;-)

Posted By

on 2023-07-18
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Awesome! So much new stuff over one weekend! I only worked my way through half of the releases.... Just stunning :;

Posted By

on 2023-07-18
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Congrats to the sceners participating at Arok2023! Was fun and impressive to watch all entries! My son (14) was very impressed by the graphics compo!

Posted By

on 2023-07-18
 Re: ÁROK 2023

BTW when I saw the Shadow of the Breast picture during the show, first I thought it is an Amiga picture, it looked so good with the beamer. Congrats!

Posted By

on 2023-07-18
 Re: ÁROK 2023

It was great to see so many familiar faces, I felt like I was back in the '90s. And it was great to see old and new names on the big screen, the plus/4 scene dominated this year's Arok party.

Posted By

on 2023-07-19
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I have just seen all releases and one of them is getting stuck in my mind very strongly.

Dear Gods Of The Universe, Exceed, Muffbusters, Resource, Methabolix,
(celticdesign, BSZ, bubis, Lavina, Harry, dLst, jeva, Murphy, Oswald, Unreal)

Well, you are really genius! While I was seeing this miracle with pop-eyed, I was forgetting everything else. I stopped living in the reality and admired by the very exact synchronization of music and graphics, WoW.

Not any hitch or "lag", everything is working so fluently that the viewers cannot decide whether it is a PC or Amiga demo.

Thank you guys for looking this amazing creation.

Posted By

on 2023-07-20
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Thank you for the appreciative words!

There's another feature I haven't mentioned yet: the demo uses the Bitfire loader, and the included version have an experimental support for SD2IEC drives. Of course, the modified firmware is required for operation, but nothing else is needed. To try it out, extract the downloaded package on the SD card into a directory, then enter the first image and launch it as usual. (I won't go into any more details, I'm curious to see how clear it is to use. happy )

Posted By

on 2023-07-21
 Re: ÁROK 2023


Somebody made a Lady tut video. Listen SquareWave’s new music! (You can try with Altirra atari emulator.)

Posted By

on 2023-07-21
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Congratulations, this is a very good conversion! Especially as you're just getting to know the machine.

I've talked a lot with Atari coders, and it's a pain to write a game on that machine (for example, it only supports 128 characters)

Posted By

on 2023-07-27
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Somehow I have the feeling that the Plus4 scene does not appreciate the new releases as much as the rest of the 8 bit scene... Looking at (comparing) the ratings and feedback here at P4W and the rest of the Internet (YT, FB, Pouet, etc...)

Also, CSDB.dk offered to host Plus4 content. They seem to be much more interested - and appreciative - in the recent activity of our scene than the remainder of the Plus4 scene itself... Which is quite strange. :-/

I really endorse their idea. What do YOU think? Maybe we got a bit too much inbreed?? Which is my feeling, frankly.

I mean, come on!!!!! Lemmings on Commodore Plus4?? No real talk about it at all. MuffBusters releasing new content with us and Resource guys coding for our new trackmo?? It's like a dream come true for me, personally. But the scene: mainly silent (ignorant??). Why is that? Greed? Exhaustion from life's more important things?? What can be more important than the core of our interest dating far back to our childhood? I remember the title of the revolutionary demo from Bubis back then called Heartfixer... Maybe it has got even more actuality than ever, because I do remember the feelings while I was watching it... And yes, I wanted to write a lightsource effect ever since and now I did it.

I feel a bit let down by the audience, I really encouraged the participants of the False Idols project to come along with me on this road but in the end no real appreciation from our scene ... Not even a "real" news item here, only a composite news from the party. But when someone scans a 40 yrs old cassette cover, it's big news. A 5 yrs long work from fellow sceners that gets to the focus of the entire retroscene does not worth mentioning.... So somehow I feel like I betrayed them (or let them down) a bit for contributing to “my” dream project.

Again, luckily much more appreciation from outside our scene... I sincerely hope that whatever causes this silence in the minds and hearts of our fellow sceners will eventually be fixed for their own sake.

Huge thanks to everyone who showed their appreciation for the releases of the Arok Party this year! These releases were made for you!

Also, megathanks to those who came to the party (partly or mainly because of my invitation/encouragement), it was an enormous joy to meet you fellow oldschool sceners once more! I love you all!

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. I will not contribute to any possible future CD projects. For me only S31 projects exist any more on this scene.

Posted By

on 2023-07-28
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Lavina: You seem to be so disappointed. First of all take it easy... happy Have a closer look at my last post about LUMYDCTT (SeeDeep feature), there are no any comments, there is no any interest. Of course, I know I am a BigNoBody here... happy But I like what I did, doing and will do, so "NoProblémó" happy

And do not forget the topic about egoism between Harry Potter and Csabo according to "AdvSkel"!

Maybe, people were burn themself out with COVID, migration, politics, wars and more media-hyped fake-news... happy So everybody is waiting for the BigReset where all of them are going to be very happy again, accordingly "Please wait, the next level is loading..." happy

Posted By

on 2023-07-29
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I think the situation is much more complex than that. The plus/4 scene has always been divided into cliques, and i'm not only talking about the teams, but also the fans, some of whom are only interested in the demoscene, others just retro, pull out the old games and that's it. And then there are those who don't give a shit about what might be in demand, don't do "market research" and write the 1200th adventure game. This is also very interesting, but you can't help it, it's still a hobby, you can't tell people what to work on.

What Lavina misses is community, community feedback. On the one hand - although i don't want to put all the blame on Csabo, as we are all grateful to him for still carrying plus4world on his back after all these years - but this site is simply not fit for a vibrant community, just look at this 30+ year old oldschool format. On the other hand, very few people are active who can be expected to give any kind of feedback at all, but i don't think it was any different in the past. So plus4world is more like a huge database. That's all it is, you have to accept it. Maybe it's not just a database anymore, it's our bible.

The other thing you mentioned is that you didn't get any special news for your production. And the thing with that is that there is no really active news editor on the site, it's completely random, i mean news is posted when we write it ourselves. It's not index.hu grin So sorry, that's as far as i was able to go... Again, we can't expect the likes of Csabo and Luca to do long reviews of every product.

I think lemmings got the media attention, just not here, but on facebook. I don't know how to attract people from those 700+ Hungarian users, or even from the international groups of thousands. Perhaps not at all.

I've experienced this before with no reaction to my stuff, but i let it go beyond a point, because i'm sure many people watch/play these productions, they just don't bother to put even a heart next to the stuff. (Of course they can't grin)

And we will never be able to "catch up" with the C64 scene, because they sold nearly 10x as many machines back then, so the scene is that much bigger. That's a big difference.

Last but not least, love Lavina, Csabo and the rest! Keep pushing, keep pushing, i'm really looking forward to the next Section 31 production!

Posted By

on 2023-07-29
 Re: ÁROK 2023

well lavina, lets make 1 thing clear. every single release is much appreciated by me! i am not a big contributer here in the forum, because i still feel like a beginner! i can't code (i try sometimes) love to play games and check demos. i own c16, +4 and c116 since my childhood and i am now 51!
what the different guys are getting out of our machines now, i have deep respect for that. and i mean that for the software and hardware guys! soo, please keep up your great work! thanks everyone!!

Posted By

on 2023-07-29
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Well, from my side there was a huge clap and very good ranks to every Arok +4 releases!
I was honored to meet some of my childhood heroes happy

But life is complex, especially if you are a new guy at a big company, and a serious audit comes, and customer is pushing you every day. You go home, and then you need to take care of teenager alone.
So after Arok I fell into the void, and now I am waiting to recover next week when my vacation starts. Next week I will go back to Krakow, where I demonstated few years back the Plus/4 graphics capabilities to an bigger audiance, nice memories happy (well, I do not know, how much they enjoyed it, I expected a completely different audience, so I had 2 or 3 beers before that presentation LOL )

So I do not know how much it was visible, but it was great to be there and I was very happy to see so many fantastic +4 releases. Certainly after 1:00AM I was not completely fresh; we are not teenagers any more...

Back to CSDB offer: well, it is a really good news! It was not like that in the past...
Few years back I sent my gfx to a Polish demo party after a request I got on Ha!wangarda festival (Asterix HFLI), and ranked somethink "last" as usual happy , but anyhow the organisers tried to upload my release to CSDB, and the admins refused it, as they told "CSDB is stricktly a C64 / C128 site, no exeptions!". So we could not do anything, but accepted the admin's decision.
I am happy that something changed there too, showing some respect towards our platform. We are a big 8 bit C= family with similar roots, right? Even our "father figure" Bil designed the C128 too LOL.

Well, about the other matters mentioned before. Maybe you notice, that during Facebook conversations I always try to advertize our "Plus/4 World" "bible", try to pull some ppl into our deep rabbit hole. Referring to forum topics (with links), linking out best games and demos (Toplist), advertizing YAPE as a main amulator, they can try out our latest releases, check out how SID or DIGIMUZ sounds on Plus/4, show some pictures done on our platform, so to check out our newer or older releases.
My aim is to increase the number of active and enthusiast ppl, even if they do not own the physical hardware. (there are great tools, including LUMYDCTT to develop something new and nice on this platform)

Posted By

on 2023-07-29
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I read two topics regarding opening CSDb to other platforms. One quite a while ago, the other probably sometime in the last two or three weeks. The old one's conclusion was a definite no. On a side-note, purists there even question why 128 and DTV products are hosted at all. The latter was a brain-fart of how good would it be for Plus/4 stuffs to have a place* or what could be done with the CSDb site host and CMS engine to create a home for our prods. Oh, and the policy there is no commercial stuff, so no cassette inlays, original tape images and whatnot, only cracks if anything. What a wonderful step in the wrong direction would that be for us.

* Obviously, people didn't do their homework. As far as I can sense this site exists and works fine.

Posted By

on 2023-07-29
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I agree with you. CSDB is no way better than this site. That one is more a showroom. Maybe would draw a little more attention of some famous groups and graphicians to create content on our platform (I suppose musicians not happy ), but certainly it could be only the duplication of our material we have here.

I like the Demozoo, some active ppl adding your and my releases there, irrespective from the platform (I think a summary from Pouet in a simplier and maybe modern form):

BTW you have more releases than TCFS Maestro! It looks he is just a starter happy

Posted By

on 2023-07-30
 Re: ÁROK 2023

@MMS: Well, that is two more products than I'd like to see anywhere else but Plus4World. sad

Posted By

on 2023-07-30
 Re: ÁROK 2023

@gerliczer: I understand what you mean, but I like Trial2.
Certainly there were better releases from you. I do not know, it seems just the party releases listed here.

Posted By

on 2023-07-30
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Hi Guys,

I understand Lavina's disappointment, but I think he is disappointment partly because he had unrealistic expectations. The plus/4 scene is not that lively, maybe never was, and most people are just busy with life.
I love you all guys, I am extremely grateful for every release and also for Csabo and Luca who put in a lot of effort maintaining this site for decades.

Take it easy boys, enjoy the summer!

Posted By

on 2023-07-30
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Tomorrow test... happy

Posted By

on 2023-07-31
 Re: ÁROK 2023

De kulák vagy Ati! Sony Monitor??? / You're a big kulák!

Posted By

on 2023-07-31
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Guys! First of all, I want to thank you all for putting so much energy into this platform. By the way, I just wrote to Csabo a few days ago that there's so much going on in the Plus4 scene. It's astounding. happy

Responding to Lavina's letter, I fully agree with Chronos. On the one hand, the Plus4 scene is incredibly small, I think the ratio is more like 20 times in favor of the C64. And of course, it's very fragmented as well.

When I started all this 35-36 years ago - oh my god, even writing it is terrible - there was a really great community around me (e.g., Boomby, The Mad (Attila Kosír), KNM, CMS, etc.). Today, none of them are active anymore.

I became active again in 2021, when I made the Plus4 and C64 ports of Jim Orlando's (in my opinion, genius) PETSCII Lemmings. Luca even wrote a short news about it on the page, but there was no feedback (unlike with CSDB). The huge size difference between the two scenes was clear then as well, but this has been the case since the beginning. By the way, we can see this in pure statistics. David Murray (8bitguy) regularly publishes the sales statistics for "The Attack of the PETSCII Robots". The Plus4 version is nowhere compared to the C64.

Many people really only use Plus4World to download the latest stuff. Thanks to Csabo, Luca and the other active members, anyone can easily do this. Of course, the site has its shortcomings. Consider this, you can't even comment under a stuff, not like on CSDB, where of course there are direct feedback options as well. I don't think it's expected that Csaba and Luca will write a separate post about each and every stuff, and by the way, anyone can post news.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you again for all the work and effort you put into creating new things on our beloved platform. I simply can't believe what you guys get out of this machine. Just keep doing it!

Posted By

on 2023-07-31
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Today test. happy
Is False idols a sidcard only demo? In 2023? If i’d like to listen sid music, i can do it with my c64. I’d like to enjoy plus/4 stuffz on a stock iron.

Posted By

on 2023-07-31
 Re: ÁROK 2023

Posted By

on 2023-08-01
 Re: ÁROK 2023

@Ati please do not be a purist in 2023. This demo requested SID music for the atmosphere. For me it could all right to work on DIGIMUS or SideKick264 emulated Sound Expander card. Not to mention the long discussed Covox happy

Posted By

on 2023-08-08
 Re: ÁROK 2023

I did my firsties in Blob Fox but can't find a highscore's vanity board to pick up and check my scores, seems that those juicy large scores are gone forever once a sudden death finished your play :o

Posted By

on 2023-08-10
 Re: ÁROK 2023

About Blob Fox, it's extremely enjoyable! I did not really have time to master it yet, although I was one of the lucky beta testers and advisors throughout the development. happy Now I was able to solve the first dark room and submitted my first top score to it... Yes, the high score feature is missing from the game so what I did was pressing print screen at the end of levels and them pasted it to image processor and saved it... Anyway, the game has MUCH MORE to it as it first seems. Apart from the VERY good controls and game mechanics, it has many tricks and secrets which need to be experienced and uncovered.... I hope that the author will write a detailed desrciption about the game.

Btw. False Idols also have got several smaller and bigger things to notice/uncover that you won't notice/find watching it once, especially not in the video version. wink

Posted By

on 2023-08-13
 Re: ÁROK 2023

@Luca and @Lavina:
It has a highscore section, even tells you to take a picture of it now. But that's at the end of the game. What's the point of capturing the score you had when you failed?
And yes, there's a lot more in the game, for those who can solve the puzzle, and who can figure out how to pull out the missing puzzle pieces. But that will make sense with the ending, which I hope will be ready soon.
Until then, it's worth practicing. I can play through the game in 25 minutes, if the doggie thinks so and cooperate, because sometimes he doesn't move the way I want him to, like he's "alive"... (The dog is called Candelario by the way) Once you get the level looks, especially memorize the dark levels layout, it's not that hard after that. And of course there's the rabbit disguise ability to help. (Space or Joy1 fire button to activate, if you still have the strip below the rabbit icon.)
The rabbit disguise only works on the dog, not on the hunter, or on the trap!
You can not deactivate this disguise, but it but can be transferred to the next level, or you can convert it to points there.
You can get a rabbit on each level if you run out of stripes completely, so it's worth converting rabbit power to points at the end of the level. You'll get new life sooner that way. (They're given at every 100,000 points.)
You can skip the tango ending at the end of the game by pressing ESC.
You can control it from Joy1, or by using the cursor keys + SPACE.
**And remember, this game is not what it seems!!!** But if you don't believe me, check out the intro 'till the text restarts!
BTW, I have a video of the full playthrough, but won't share it now. It will be presented in a Let's Play video, soon. (As I will finish the ending section.)
In the meantime, try to decipher the hidden message on the first level. It's an important clue!
Only the messages can get you to the real ending, which will reveal what's behind the game.

This game is all about not giving up, try again and you're sure to get further. For example, any dark level is challenging at first. But on the second or third try you'll get it. I know, because that's what happened to me when I tested it.

Plus the game is not easy, but fair. There is no hunter on the dark level when time runs out. And no traps.
Not all the light levels have traps either, typically only where they are easier to avoid.
If the dog gets you, you don't have to start the level over. It's easy to rack up 100,000 points to get extra life.
And the rabbit disguise can be used on any level. On top of that, you start with 4 lives, not 3 or 1. (Plus 4 lives... You got it?)
The dog's difficulty level goes up on each new map, but if you lose a life, it goes back down a notch to easier, so there's even dynamic game difficulty system.


Here's a picture of the end of the game. (The crown means you've already turned the counter over once, so you've reached 1,000,000 points.) Here the game indicates that you can take a picture of it.
And that's why the game is fair. Name another game where you die 12 times and win. :)

Posted By

on 2023-08-15
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

@Verona quite an original game indeed! Btw this sentence ("What's the point of capturing the score you had when you failed?") looks like a very notable point of view, all in all our Hall of Fame has been 98% fulfilled with scores which don't reach the end of a game happy Challenging to achieve the best score around should be a push to play game in general, do you agree) wink Oh well, let's wait for the ultimate and final version then!

Posted By

on 2023-08-15
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases


The score you get at the end of the game depends on a lot of factors:
- Because of the trap, if you have to restart a level, you can score a lot of points again by the time you repaint it.
- If you let the dog get close to you, you'll get more points for repainting a blob.
- If you're using the rabbit force and you meet the dog, you'll still score points.
- If you convert the rabbit power into points at the end of the level (which doesn't count as using the rabbit), that's also extra points.

At the end of the game:
- If you never used the rabbit power, that's extra points.
- If you have at least 3 lives left, extra points.
- If you always have at least 1 minute left on every level, that's an extra point.
- If you never died, that's an extra point.

These make a very wide range of ending scores possible, which means there's a lot to compete for, and as I said, this isn't a typical Commodore game where it's near impossible to play through, either because there's no ending or because it's so hard that Der Schmu might play through.
That is, those who have played through are competing for points.

It's a game where you die 10+ times and you can still win.

Besides, a top list would spoil the meta narrative of the game.

I'd like to see a video, where you play it!

Posted By

on 2023-08-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

LOL Docsland giving a 5/10 score to False Idols. Truly impressive happy He probably could have done a better demo if he tried. :-/

Posted By

on 2023-08-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

Gosh man, (imagine the following being said in the friendliest tones possible) you need to take a step back and just let it go happy

I don't know anything about baking. I will never bake a cake. Am I therefore not allowed to say "This cake is a 5/10" if I don't like the taste?

Plus/4 World never had any guidelines for voting, so everyone votes according to their taste. Of course there are folks who give all of their own products 10s grin (Doesn't matter who.) Should I be upset that several of my demos have 1s voted for them? I mean... surely they are not that bad? (Doesn't matter which ones, doesn't matter who voted.)

You completed a project from beginning to end, and that, in this "if-something-doesn't-load-in-a-second-I'm-upset" age is an achievement, in and of itself. No one can take that away. If you're pleased with your work, and you're proud of it, that's all that matters. Don't get hung up on what other people think.

Posted By

on 2023-08-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

Probably Csabo has his reasons about this matter, me too got a score of 1 from out of the blue on releases which oscillates between 8 and 9 overall, but hey, that's part of the whole game wink
Nonetheless, I must say I appreciate the passion which drives Lavina in living the scene with the ancient spirit, which btw should also be valued like "the right spirit" wink I would wish for more and more "lavinas" around, have to say...

Posted By

on 2023-08-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

I just wanted to raise the question of maybe altering the voting system? Weighted average maybe? IMDB also has something different then just averaging the votes, clearly because the population has got a small percentage of extremely deviant members and the overall score can be influenced too much by those few deviant voters. This is especially true if virtually noone does voting (ok, a handful minority of the scene). The science of statistics....

And Csabó, about your metaphore, I don't go back to a bakery and defecate on the middle of the floor just because I did not like their bread because I have celiac disease. I know what his problem was, he is probably a religious guy and was offended by Jeva's drawing. Again, I'm not pissed off here because of my participation in this demo but because it might degrade the mood for further demos among the fellow authors. Luckily it's kind of gone viral on YT so no problem if our database site does not give a damn.

Promised Land did not even get as much attention as False Idols but I was not "angry" because I made it mainly for myself, it was my project, to learn new things as I mentioned back then... With False Idols the case is clearly different as I wrote, it's not "my" demo, it's our demo... That said, I take a step back, from the scene and from the forum. Now some hiatus is coming anyways.

Posted By

on 2023-08-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

The response to False Idols can only be described as "overwhelmingly positive". There are seventeen 9/10s! Most demos don't even get enough votes to appear on the top list. If you see a "5"... Meh, move on. Can't please everyone.

So... another 5 year break before the next prod? wink

Posted By

on 2023-08-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

I think that's why they say that you can't please everyone. He gave it a 5, well, at least not a 1. On the other hand, he does not represent the average. Luckily, it consists of those who really liked it.
Luca doesn't like the way I approach the high score in my game either, but that's it. I don't follow the old school principles when designing the game, and he doesn't like that. Different tastes, different slaps. happy

Posted By

on 2023-08-17
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

@Verona oh no no mine is not a lack of appreciation, it was just a practical issue in order to have some records to put up here, I appreciate different view of gameplay.

Posted By

on 2023-08-19
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

"that's offensive" : as if those two words would constitute an argument. anyway I am glad if my images have any effect on people. unfortunately I'm not a sweet 16 any more, but I promise I'll do some silly PC stuff in the future for the old times sake; )

cheers guys!

Posted By

on 2023-08-21
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

I see that so far no one has been able to solve the mystery of Blob Fox. Are you even trying or is it really that hard?

Wow, Csabo, rabbit never used? That's great! Too bad, you not make a video of your playthrough.
So, I must make one.

Posted By

on 2023-08-21
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

@Verona: yeah... Sorry it took me so long to sit down and properly look at it. It's hard to find the time happy I finished the game on my first play through. I never figured out what rabbit power is, or what to do with the eggs, or the "trophy"(?) icon in the status bar. I was also wondering why the game did just display a 7 digit score (and instead adds a crown).

It's neat, but a bit "rough around the edges" - in other words, the game would benefit from more player testing and feedback happy Sorry for sounding like a broken record.

Posted By

on 2023-08-21
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

I wanted to write a lot, but better if I didn't. But @Csabo, I answer strictly to the questions. /ON: By using the rabbit's power (SPACE button or Joy1 fire) you can temporarily walk past the dog. (It's an old dog, his eyes are old too, and he taught to catch foxes.) Eggs are needed in order to collect something, so the game is not just about coloring. The crown is there because the first digit would be 0 or 1, I think a crown looks better there. Oblido isn't quite mature either, but it's good enough to be played well by those who like it.

It is interesting that neither in the circle of acquaintances, nor in unknown people at Miskolc, were not hung up on so many things, like here. They didn't ask why is there the rabbit or the egg, where's the high score list, they just played with it (and it was still only alpha) and it was obvious that they liked it as I saw the concentration, bending together with the joystick, that my little cousins had when they were kids and really got into the game. If that's what someone is looking for, I think this is one of the right games for the purpose. "rough around the edges", yes, it's made from the heart mainly by one man, not on an assembly line for profit. And this one man is not a programmer, a demoscener, not a veteran, just an inner kid, who once wants to make a game, whose role models YOU were. I couldn't be there, I wasn't in your circle of friends then, after all these years I wanted to make up for what I couldn't do back then. And here it is. A bit unpolished, maybe, but I'm happy with it. The impossible is different for everyone. Even my first game was incredible achievement for me. I couldn't believe it when it was up and running. I overcame what was impossible for me and that's it. If you like the result, I'm happy. If not, there are so many other games here. And lots of other things in life, too.

Posted By

on 2023-08-21
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

That's a very healthy attitude happy Here's to seeing more Verona games in the future!

Posted By

on 2023-08-21
 Re: ÁROK 2023 and the releases

I am personally amazed by Blob Fox in every aspects. I think it’s well polished and just simply more perfect than the similar type of games. It is absolutely fine with controls, no glitches, very enjoyable to play and full of mysteries as I mentioned which I still intend to uncover. Someone shouts “help me” in there, for sprite’s sake!

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