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on 2023-01-02
 YAPE 1.2.2!

Gaia has just updated the popular Plus/4 emulator, YAPE. Here's what's new:

  • SID card mouse emulation (in DirectInput mode)
  • manufacturer dependent RAM powerup patterns
  • copy emulator window to the clipboard as a bitmap
  • the 32-bit build has now an opcode track window
  • quotation mark printing bug (MPS-803)
  • drive VIA emulation accuracy improvements

Download your copy now from the official homepage.

Posted By

on 2023-01-02
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Oh my.. That opcode track window.. If it's for real, then stack pointer "jsr tracking" is now gone for good (unlike maybe all other emulators).. Thanks Gaia again for the awesome Yape all these years! Using it for many many years already now.. Happy to check all the new features! happy Happy new Year!!

Posted By

on 2023-01-02
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Didn't understand the opcode track window, what I see is the previous – fantastic anyway – tracing window. What I really appreciate the most is the "u"u for a single shot breakpoint, great!.
And uuuh, now you can play Arkanoid +4 Analogue Edition in YAPE! bounce

Posted By

on 2023-01-02
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

I hope I understood it correctly that the Opcode Track window shows the last (256?) instructions that the processor has executed. So you can see what all has been done before reaching a breakpoint/crashing (loops, jsrs, jmps, branches etc..).... But I'm not 100% sure about that.... I hope I'm right about this! happy

Posted By

on 2023-01-02
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Yes, that's what it does. (The window itself says "Trace Window".) It is an absolute must have for debugging (can you imagine someone having this already available for years in special YAPE builds? Lucky bastard happy)

I raise my glass for Gaia as well, may he continue to support our beloved emulator for years to come!

Posted By

on 2023-01-03
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

The bug I'm experiencing is still present. Noise during disk loading with 1541 mode. Tested on 4 PCs...

Posted By

on 2023-01-03
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Another update: the JavaScript version of YAPE (which is used on the site) has also been updated. The most noticeable change is that when the emulator is focused, the F keys are disabled (so, for example, pressing F11 to reset won't *also* cause the browser to become fullscreen).

Posted By

on 2023-01-03
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Thank You @Gaia for developing YAPE further!!

Might be just my perception (not listed in change log), but seemingly monitor syncing is also better, fine scroll is smoother than in the previous versions..

Regarding the JAVA version, does anyone have an idea why it does not have sound if run in Firefox? In Chrome it works fine..


Posted By

on 2023-01-03
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

It's a security setting in Firefox, by default, it's disabled (in the latest versions anyway).

Go to Firefox Settings, type "autoplay" in the search box, and select "Allow Audio and Video". (What seems dumb to me, is that there's a list of sites below, but you *cannot* manually add entries there. For example, I would happily leave the *default* on Block, if I could add P4W as an exception, but that doesn't seem possible.)

Posted By

on 2023-01-03
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Thanks Csabo! Overdone security measures recently block more and more functions without asking you what you really want and not only in Firefox. Paranoia rulez, sometimes I wish it was the 90s again happy

Posted By

on 2023-01-03
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

RE: Firefox, to add an autoplay exemption, try the following:

Go to the website in question, then press Ctrl+I. On the window that pops up, select the Permissions tab, from there you can override the default autoplay settings for that site, and the site will then appear in the list Csabo mentioned.

However, it seems that the sound stutters badly in Firefox, at least on mine :/

Posted By

on 2023-01-04
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Let's put a twist on that. wink Site permission for autoplay is use default/block audio in my 102.6.0esr FF, yet I hear the music in Play Online. headscratch

Posted By

on 2023-01-04
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Promised Land with YAPE 1541 mode. This bug has been present since one version of YAPE. We identified that version back then with GAIA but I don't remember now. It has been present for many years. I tried every sound setup, win 7,8,10, two desktop PCs and 2 laptops.


Posted By

on 2023-01-04
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@Lavina: I tried a lot of sound settings but couldn't produce such an error. Have you tried deleting yape.ini?

Posted By

on 2023-01-04
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Thanks for putting up this video, it's good to see/hear it. I've tried this as well with many YAPE versions, but there's no noise or sound of any kind of course.

Does this only happen with TED sound enabled? Have you tried different sounds settings (all 3 drivers, lowering the latency, upping the oversampling)? My (very random, based-on-nothing) guess is that this may have something to do with your PC speed.

Posted By

on 2023-01-04
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

As I said I iterated through all possible scenarios across multiple PCs with different operating systems and all kinds of settings in YAPE (also with suggestions from GAIA). This noise only occurs with 1541 emulation, not with 1551. This indicates for me that it's a YAPE bug... I have never experienced it with other emulators or with YAPE below a certain version number (not sure which one was the one that was still noise free, maybe around 1.7, I wrote it to GAIA back then.)

If I swith off sound emulation then there is no noise either

Posted By

on 2023-01-05
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

I do not use windows for a long time now (nor have any intention to do so), so this new version of YAPE unfortunately isn't for me.

I do use YAPE SDL version though, and I wanted to ask, if anyone knows, is that even updated anymore, or is it a dead project?


I have posted a patch for that version that solves some argument parsing issues, but it never got addressed... I also have some other issues, not solved at the moment, but I have no idea is it worth to invest the time (that is used for many other projects besides 264 machines). Maybe it is time to go back to xplus4 from VICE, that one is maintained.

Posted By

on 2023-01-05
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

You can see the commits on that link, right? The latest one (as of this writing) literally says "last week" happy

The project is maintained by Gaia, who is still active. Like all of us, does "this" as a hobby with very limited time. (Oh gosh, that reminds me, I have stuff that was sent to me years ago, waiting to be looked at... :-/)

Otherwise, if someone actually improved VICE, I think that would still benefit the Plus/4 community at large. (From my point of view, it's funny to call it "maintained" when the Plus/4 emulation - which is all I care about - has not been touched in a very, very long time.) When random YouTubers want to put up Plus/4 related videos, they often pick VICE ("it's so popular, gotta be the best one!"), and the end result is poor emulation (especially the sound issues).

Posted By

on 2023-01-05
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Oh dear! Many persons here can witness about how many times I've written the same sentences on every known platform, social, blog which touched that argument:"Never trust the fEcking VICE!" grin Actually, I should edit a function key on my PC keyboard in order to print this sentence on the screen in just one keypress, I would have saved days of my entire life!

For what I remember, xplus4 emulator has been included in VICE thank to the help of Crown, and has never been touched again, apart of the improvement of the single peripherials' emulation, and that's the solid side of the VICE, tempered by years of work. Certainly, it's a non complete emulator, still a mediocre one, but being a one-move attempt only, it is not that bad, and can run flawlessly most of the simple stuff. Different opinion talking about the sound: gosh, that hissing TEDsound emulation kills the angels' ears! sad

Posted By

on 2023-01-05
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Yes, I saw that one, but is is mostly connected to EMSCRIPTEN. By looking at the commits, its core wasn't significantly touched for a long time, same as xplus4. I understand that it is a hobby project, as most of mine are too and I spend time on them as I can...

I just asked if there is a point in making patches to the code if those aren't even looked at. With xplus4, making patches and fixes is monitored and approved or rejected, that is what I meant by maintained.

@Luca: I know all about quality of emulation on xplus4, versus YAPE, but that is on windows (as I said, I have no intention of using that ever again). Regarding non-windows platforms, situation is different. There is plus4emu that wasn't touched in ages, there is YAPE SDL version that runs, but have bugs and many missing things in command line options, and there is xplus4 with plenty of CLI options, but with poorer simulation. As my development is often tied in being able to run the emulator from command line, and not by clicking around the GUI to achieve something, it is not ideal. As I said, I am willing to add/fix the missing stuff to CLI (I have no knowledge for emulation part), but if that is going to be fool's errand, then maybe not.

Posted By

on 2023-01-05
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

I haven't really been checking the github page of yapesdl as during all these years there has been hardly any activity from others and it's simply not part of my routine.

The core emulation part is almost 99% identical to the Windows version and usually if there is a change in there it is immediately replicated in both versions (like the above mentioned VIA improvements). These and some other pending changes are lingering on my HDD but I had to wait until the Mac-port maintainer resurfaced.

Thanks for the directory issue you raised, I think I get it, and I'll give it a thought (I remember you raised the cartridge issue a couple of months ago). Most likely I'll add a command line switch for it, but then with a complete parsing mechanism which takes more time. The thing is, yapesdl was mainly meant for running this site's software collection in a browser so the command line has not been much of a priority as there aren't (m)any people using yapeSDL as their primary choice for a +4 emulator.

Posted By

on 2023-01-05
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@Gaia: Thanks for the reply! I understand the situation and that simply there aren't that much people that use non-win OS and want to run plus4 emulation. In the past I did a lot of CLI tools for various purposes and would be glad if I could help/write CLI parser for YAPE SDL. If you have the time and could direct me on how you want CLI options converted to variables/states/function calls, I could write that part.

Posted By

on 2023-01-06
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

This releases takes a notable challenge into my .ini file: now the Vsync option is a must to, otherwise the Direct3D 9 display shows some flaws in the frames' timing. On the other hand, I have to say that now everything looks suuuper fluid!

Posted By

on 2023-01-07
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

I agree Plus4emu not touched in ages, but still a much better emulator than VICE. On sound front it was even better than YAPE for a long time, but now YAPE is more accurate and has more emulations and features. Still Plus4emu is a capable emu and available on different platforms.
But YAPE is still better.

Now TLC's 1351 emulating microcontroller based circuit will come handy. It was interesting for C64 users, nut not for us. Maybe finally the games with mouse control will be a REAL thing on Plus/4?
(GEOS would be great too...)


Uj mikrokontrollerhez szabott valtozat

Posted By

on 2023-01-07
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@MMS: Well, only after Groepaz added initial support for Magic 264 cartridge to VICE was I able to iron out some quirks with its software (using VICE's excellent debugger), that I was unable to do on a real hardware, nor with yapesdl nor plus4emu (I still do not have enough knowledge about Plus4 to debug without debugger). So for my usecase, that was a far better solution. Being able to adjust emulation parameters from command line, by just tweaking my build/compile scripts was a great help for hunting bugs.

Posted By

on 2023-01-07
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@Gaia I've just seen that the stuff done by me using a SID autodetection routine which checks for #$FF into $FE99/$FE9A doesn't work anymore in this version, because the resulting value is #$80 for both. I also tested them on plus4emu and the autodetection doesn't work, again. I checked on the real hardware and it worked due the expected value of #$FF.

Is there something I don't know?

Posted By

on 2023-01-07
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@zzarko now I see your point as a developer.

Posted By

on 2023-01-08
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@Gaia checked the previous version 1.2.1 and that regularly has #$FF for the SIDcard mouse default values, like the real hardware. Also, is it just me, or these values ($FD59/$FD5A/$FE99/$FE9A) change even if the mouse capturing option is unchecked?

Posted By

on 2023-01-08
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@Luca: is a game controller connected to the computer? If so, it will no longer return 0xFF

Posted By

on 2023-01-08
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@Gaia do you mean that any connected controller corresponds to an attached SIDcard joystick if DirectInput is enabled? Yes, but if I switch it to Message Queue, or I simply detach the controllers, those values are #$00 instead of #$FF like the real machine does.

EDIT: argh, I tested it by detaching all the controllers, and it still is a double #$80 :D

YAPE, SIDcard active, no mouse, no controllers attached: #$80

YAPE, SIDcard active, no mouse, no controllers attached, no DirectInput: #$00

Real machine, SIDcard active, no controllers attached: #$FF

plus4emu, SIDcard active: #$FF

VICE xplus4, SIDcard active ($FE80): #$FF

Posted By

on 2023-01-09
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Guys, don't you know if YAPE can perform a STEP TO Address operation in the embedded monitor? Plus4emu can do this but I could not find in YAPE in any obvious place.

@Gaia, do you think interlaced screen emulation is something possible? Would you have a look at it by chance..?

Posted By

on 2023-01-09
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

By "step to", do you mean a breakpoint? B or U will do that. Or do you perhaps mean "immediately go to this address"? That you can do with G.

Posted By

on 2023-01-09
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Thanks @Csabo, indeed a breakpoint (in Plus4emu's monitor it's a function called Step to), command U does exactly what I need happy

Posted By

on 2023-01-27
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

This version is not running on Windows 7... The previous one was OK.

Posted By

on 2023-01-28
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

I use Windows 7 x64 and it works.

Posted By

on 2023-01-30
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Majikeyric: I gave it another try after your reply and turning out that "yape.ini" has to be deleted and everything is OK, thanks!

Posted By

on 2023-01-30
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Yeah! bounce

Posted By

on 2023-02-03
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Maybe I've found something related:
the .ini says, unchecked box the menu says, but run Joystick-Testprogramm and the mouse movement produces numbers wink

Posted By

on 2023-04-09
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Well, I own a SID card. It is great that mouse on SID Card is supported via YAPE. But how you can really use it?

Fortunately I still have the SID documentation.

I read some forums on the 1351 mouse and I think I see some contradictory information how to use the 1351 mouse coordinates.

SID chip documentation says, that the X and Y position stored in 8 bit

1351 information say the positions are store only on 6 bits (1-6) in modulo 64 coding.
It means, that X position 65, 129, 193, 257 gives the same result on the register, 1.
In case of the later version, how you know the exact position from the 320 HIRES positions? or it was never intended to use such high precision?


And a more detailed explanation

So the SID register shows the CHANGE compared to the previous 512 microseconds position, or really STORES the X coordinte of the mouse?
The how you know which position from the aboves it shows?

(just to mention, it is a strange approach from Commodore. I know originally the used for paddle only, but there are some SID registres when the half byte "not used", like Filter cut-off freuency low byte, and such... they could store the full 320 coordinate (X positions) on 9 bits, 512 values, but they choose Modulo 64 coding)

On C64 / SID the Y coordintae reversed (also a strange behavious on C64 that it behaves the opposite way as the hires and charmap coordinate system),not like on Amiga AtariST mouse.

One more conclusion: ATARI ST mouse and Amiga mouse could be used on NST SID card. I think it is NOT a widely known information!
(though the prices are rather similar to 1351 on ebay)

Posted By

on 2023-04-09
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@MMS: first of all: you should have linked the english version of the NAE/CAE documentation.

About the Amiga/Atari ST mouse support: in Arkanoid +4 Analogue Edition that's why I ask what type of analogue controller do you want to use. I detect the type of the card and on "legacy" SID cards only paddle and 1351 are choosable. On NAE cards with older firmware you can also select Amiga mouse and with newer firmware (as for CAE cards) you can select Atari ST mouse as well.

I always switch the NAE/CAE card to emulate 1351 mouse with the digital ones (Amiga/Atari ST) because the memory was very limited for adding analogue controls.

The documentation you linked about the 1351 is the exact one I used. The mouse reports relative positions so it reports movements between -63 - +63 pixels that you must add to the current position. (It's not that simple, there are some caveats but all of them are handled in the manual of the mouse - that you linked from commodore.ca)

Posted By

on 2023-04-09
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

1) Unfortunately I have only the Hungarian documentation for the NST SID card.
I had a HDD crash, and unfortunalety only this file I could find in the recovered folder.

(BTW I am not 100% if English version exists at all, I usually save all documentation)

2) Thank you for the detailed info! Seem the handling of this 1351 protocol is much simplier than the handling of RS232 serial mouse.

Posted By

on 2023-04-09
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

@MMS: "contact your manufacturer" -> http://bsz.amigaspirit.hu/. It has all the tools/documentation for all of his products in both Hungarian and English.

Posted By

on 2023-04-10
 Re: YAPE 1.2.2!

Yes, @siz writes well, but I will also give you the direct link: English documentation. Now that I have read it again, I have again found grin something to correct.

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