| Revs | Title: | Revs | Category: | Game/Simulator | Release Date: | 1988 | Language: | English | Size: | 64K | Machine: | PAL Only | Code Type: | Machine code | Distribution: | Freeware | Game ending type: | (n/a) | |  | Converted by: | Pigmy | Notes: | AKA Revs +4. Original game by Geoff Crammond. Pigmy's original Plus/4 conversion, which features a startup intro with a picture and a scroller, in part taken from Summer Events. |
External links: C64 release BBC release Wikipedia
User Rating: 8.8/10 (18 votes) User comments: Read comments
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| Instructions | Keyboard |
: | Steer left | ; | Steer right | : + ; | Lock the steer position until releasing | Space | Amplifiy the steering movements | S | Accelerate | A | Brake | Q | Gears up / Hold to push the clutch | Control | Gears down / Hold to push the clutch | T | Start the engine | Return or Commodore + £ | Pause game | @ | Resume game | Commodore + Clear/Home | Enter the pits (Practice) | Commodore + 7 | Abort qualifications / Retire from race | Commodore + 4 | Turn the volume down | Commodore + 5 | Turn the volume up | Commodore + Inst/Del | Restart game |
Inapplicable yet present |
Commodore + F1 | Keyboard only | Commodore + F2 | Keyboard + steering paddle | Commodore + F3 | Digital joystick + steering paddle | Commodore + Help | Analog joystick | Shift/Lock | Switch non-linear steering on |
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| Comments About Tron | Original: to BATYA: Pont a tesom egyetlen programjat - az ENTERTAINERT - kellett beleraknod a programodba? (TRON) Raadasul nem is jo a ritmusa. Ha nem tudsz egy normalis zenet irni, akkor hagyd ki a programodbol!
Translation: To Batya: Did you have to include my brother's only program - The Entertainer - in your program? (Tron) On top of that, the rhythm isn't even correct. If you can't write a normal tune, then leave it out of your program!
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