Disc Doctor (Pigmy)
Title:Disc Doctor (Pigmy)
Release Date:
Machine:PAL Only
Code Type:Machine code
Converted by:Pigmy
Additional code by:IstvanV
Notes:Release date in the 1986-1988 range. Release date unconfirmed, automatically extracted from BASIC listing.
User Rating: 8.2/10 (5 votes)
Disc Doctor (Pigmy) Title Screenshot

Disc Doctor (Pigmy) Screenshot

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Cool Tools

The program uses the value in $AE to determine the device number to be used. However, if there haven't been any disk operations after reset, then it will be zero and cause a "device not present" error.
This can be avoided by listing the directory of the drive to be used first (in case you are using unit 8, simply press F3). Now, the utility will start without problems. Alternatively, you can also use POKE 174,D (D=device number) before starting the program.

IstvanV's modified version will automatically set $AE to 8 if it is not already in the range 8 to 11.

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