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on 2017-02-24
 New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Hello tomorrow we will present a new game at the Berlin Commodore Club party which is currently running. It's a little different.. Let's see how it goes on this nice party.
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on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Finally! I can't wait for it to play, have good time at the party!
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on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Exciting! happy
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on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

it is already tomorrow!
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on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

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on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

No streaming? We're watching you anyway

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on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Appetizer!! happy
Posted By

on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

looks like a cool first person 3D space shooter...
Posted By

on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Ok, the compo was running. I have no internet here, but here is a dropbox link.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2uihbl5d7djdw8i/slipstream16.d64?dl=0 .. the game had problems here with a 1551. That should be checked, probably. Have a nice evening!!! And fun..
Posted By

on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Let's wait for the final results then wink Forza!
Posted By

on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

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on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Holy sh*t! :o
Posted By

on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

very cool game!
Posted By

on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

It's up on Plus/4 World: Slipstream, and Luca has already claimed the #1 stop in the Hall Of Fame. Still time to claim #2 and #3 for everyone else wink
Posted By

on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

2nd and 3rd? I mean, I give it one try only, you all must beat my score to dead in a serious session of play right now! grin
Anyway, I'm on the real thing even before they publish the final compo charts ;)

Posted By

on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

This is 100% serious art on a homecomputer. Thats why i like my hobby.
Congratulations for this historic game.

You really should make a poster or some kind of advertising-flyer for this piece of art, like in the old days.

How was the reaction on the convetion?
Posted By

on 2017-02-25
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

@George: I think the coverartwork by Nero will take some time, perhaps I can suggest psytronik to also supply a poster with the game.. I think the people where stunned, however since myself was playing the game there I did not notice any reactions. Later they told me, that they did not expect such quality on a small party and said that they know bauknecht delivers quality on C16 and also on C64. Some even remembered a old C64 demo.. It was truly astonishing, most of them said that we did a good job with the game happy.. So it was fun! happy I do have some videos of the presentation will upload them later on.. But first take some sleep :)..

edit: Here is a (rather strange) video of the presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQCkflQHcOI
Posted By

on 2017-02-26
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Very cool! Congratulations!

I checked the C64 version too, the only differences came from the HW.
I really liked the loader screens and the fine details on them.
The CRT screen emulation (the "vibration") on the fighter 3D was really nice detail.
A really fantastic job done. In 3D!

BTW I think this game is crying out loud for a cartridge version. I will definitely buy it.
Posted By

on 2017-02-26
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Amazing!! Congratulations!
Posted By

on 2017-02-26
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Slipstream also demonstrates how quicker runs the Plus/4 over C64, even in charmode.
Posted By

on 2017-02-27
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

I have now a confirmation, that it dosen't work always with SD2IEC and most probably with the 1551, too.. Let's see if this can be fixed.
Posted By

on 2017-02-27
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Oh well, you can fix the loader for both as added feature for the commercial release, at this point...
Posted By

on 2017-02-27
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Yes, good idea.. Let's see if this can be fixed happy ( If the bug can be fixed.. I just update the pouet link, no need to add it here again.. I want to omit the 15 versions like with MoS happy, it's just a fix for SD2IEC (and most probably 1551) owners and it will also be in the Psytronik release.. )
Posted By

on 2017-02-28
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Awesome stuff, congrats and hail to the victors!
Posted By

on 2017-03-01
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Thanks for this nice game. However the music for C64 is better...
Posted By

on 2017-03-01
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Frankly speaking, it was not a big surprise. happy
As I am more a metal head, I had problems to categorize the C64 versions really nice music. Maybe House?

The Plus/4 version's category was easy: TED music grin
Posted By

on 2017-03-13
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Hey people!

Thanks for all the nice comments. You're welcome.

About the sound issue. For me the plus/4 version has the better sound, the C64 version is awesome soundwise, however it is somehow more in the direction of having fun. The plus/4 tunes are more scifi in my opinion. [both versions are good, somehow they form different games, but that could be just me :)]

Anyways it was nice to build versions and to see if a C16 game is portable to the C64. I think in the past it was almost everytime the other way around. I don't know if it was a good idea, because people perhaps could think that their platform is misrepresented. [This applies to both directions]

The plan also was to port it to atari 8 bit with the faster cpu. Could be that it would have been better to release 3 version instead of the 2. However on atari a charset can only have 128 different chars (could be 64,too), which prevented this to be released on the atari..

I am just happy how it turned out and happy that I do have finally some freetime again happy.. Thanx for your comments.
Posted By

on 2017-03-07
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

I don't wanna enter the discussion about native hardware again, we opened it so many times and you know what my opinion is wink
I'm looking forward for the commercial version, after I've tested the new 1551/SD2IEC compatible version with those few bytes left used for pretty nice stuff like the differentiation between 1 and 2 players' vanity board ('coz playing the game by double joystick is waaaay easier!). I'm waiting for you Psytronik!
Posted By

on 2017-11-14
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Would be nice to see more fotos from the Collector's edition.
Posted By

on 2017-11-14
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Can anyone confirm whether this will run on a C16? Our database says 64K is required, and the February download requires 64K ... but Binary Zone's offer clearly states it will run on 16K.
Posted By

on 2017-11-14
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Its a 64K game so yes it will work on a C16 providing you have a memory upgrade happy. I hope this helps your understanding.
Posted By

on 2017-11-14
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

It doesn't run a C16, their headline is wrong.

A bit lower on the page they get it right though: "Note: This is a DUAL-FORMAT release. Side 1 of the disk contains the C64 version and side 2 contains the Expanded C16 / Plus4 version." (emphasis mine)
Posted By

on 2017-11-14
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Csabo, thank you for noticing. My issue is with the titles on Binary Zone and the box side panel ... it's not difficult for someone to see "C16" and presume it will run on an unexpanded machine.

Hopefully, Binary Zone will edit the listings to be more clear.
Posted By

on 2017-11-15
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

All the time I looked on the page there is a:

"* Requires 64K RAM expansion to work on a C16. "

there on the C16/Plus4 release.

Even on the C64 release they wrote: "(*64K memory expansion required for C16 version)"

I thought it is impossible to overread this if someone wants to buy the game.

So to answer the question here too: You need an upgraded C16. The game will not fit in the original 16k of the C16, far too many lines of code involved, a big sorry to all C16 users (without a 64k ram expansion).. On a standard Plus/4 it should work instantly..

Or did I get something wrong here? Do you mean another text and not the normal description of the game at binary zone?

Edit: Now I get it. I always looked at the Psytronik pages. I ask Kenz to change this. I also think it's a very important point. Thanks!
Posted By

on 2017-11-15
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

Mad, thank you for asking Binary Zone to clarify. While most of us in the scene know "expanded" refers to a C16+64K, someone who doesn't own a memory expansion might assume "expanded C16/Plus 4 version" refers to more levels, compared to the 64 version. Especially since so many C16 titles were sold in the 1980's that had the C16 version on one side of the cassette, and the Plus/4 version on the other ... anyone seeing "C16" should be able to assume that it will run on a stock C16 unless "+64K" is just as prominent.

Other C16+64K titles specifically point out that a memory expansion is required, such as Adventures in Time, so the LACK of clarity can easily lead someone to assume no memory expansion is required for this title.

If the box art can be changed (or stickers printed), it might be good to change the side panel too: "plus/4" in large type as it currently shows, then underneath "and C16+64K". Or at the very least, change the photo of the box on Binary Zone.

I'm sorry if I seem stuck on the point of a C16+64K title being properly labeled. But if we look at the author's notes at the bottom of ACE +4, we see that the UK Advertising Standards office forced them to do a Plus/4 version due to an incorrect advertisement. Since this title CAN'T be reduced to run on 16K, it seems safer to fix the website listing than to risk intervention by a government agency. happy
Posted By

on 2017-11-15
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11


The Binary Zone pages got updated.

Is it right that your game Rug Rider is for the C64 and Plus/4 on the same medium? Are you scared because of this?

If you want to change all C16(+64k) boxes on Psytronik, the best way would be to contact them directly.
Posted By

on 2017-11-15
 Re: New Bauknecht game at BCC #11

I did not author Rug Rider. I once submitted a PAL conversion to +4W, and someone else added me to the database listing as a code contributor. A few days ago I realized this, and emailed Csabo to ask that I be removed from this title.

But yes, Rug Rider has both C64 and Plus/4 versions on the same disk.

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