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Posted By

on 2012-09-22
 Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

A bit quite this week...

I recently bought an S-video lead and now I am going blind because the picture has burned my eyes it's so clear and pure lol.

32 inches of CRT and playing Rockman on the screen in almost HD quality is crazy, I can see spaces in the bricks, pixels don't blend in any more. grin

Posted By

on 2012-09-22
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

S video or Scart cables really do make a difference.

My Commodore week has been quite interesting as I'm organising a Retro gaming meet up in Derby in November. The way things are going the event is going to be filled to capacity. We've also got full support of the Retro Computer Museum in the Uk, there will be about 25 different 8/16 bit machines at the event.

Today I went out to a large car boot sale and was shocked to see there was no old computers/consoles on sale. How times have changed as there used to be plenty out there on sale. Was hoping to find some old Commodore computers and games

Now my collection has got a permanent home in my office I'm hoping to spend a few good hours playing 264 games happy

Posted By

on 2012-09-23
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Ha cool. Invite Retro Gamer along and show'um what a 264 is all about, might get some better coverage then lol.

Last time I went to a booty was about a year ago. Arrived early and see some retired couple with a ZX spectrum and games. I said to the woman I bet that's gone by the time we got back and sure enough it was. Shocking almost that there are people out there ready to snap old computers up with-in moments of it starting. That's why you may not find anything anymore, ebay and greed lol.

At least ebay is not too bad sometimes. £25 or less for a working C16 is a bargain. Games are cheap enough too most of the time if some one wanted to start a collection today. Lucky it's not as busy as the C64 side else you'd pay through the nose for most of the good stuff. wink

Playing games at work? Easy life. happy

Posted By

on 2012-09-23
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

I finally scored a 1551 off of ebay. Now i can add and test native 1551 support in my IRQ loader, so you fellas can't complain any more about Plus/4 demos "only supporting 1541". happy

Posted By

on 2012-09-23
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Released Tedplay 1.2.2, now trying to shove a bugfix release for YAPE wink

Posted By

on 2012-09-24
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

That's great news Krill!
I have a lot of unreleased effects in the drawer (and a few new one developed this year), I will most likely create a 1551-only demo of them one day. It's just a matter of years! happy

Posted By

on 2012-09-24
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Still recovering from Metamerism. No new Ammo yet wink

Posted By

on 2012-09-24
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Cheers Gaia for your continuing support with Tedplay and Yape! May the 264 be with you. happy

Krill, all the best with your new drive. happy

Posted By

on 2012-09-24
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

The real life things pressure lowered a bit so finally I can spend some time for 264-ing thoughts and send some emails to c64 graphicians asking help.

Posted By

on 2012-09-24
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

SVS-Calc 2.0 is coming soon...

@Gaia: I remember you the support of 1/8" vertical spacing in printing (essential to print graphs!). Thanx.

Posted By

on 2012-09-25
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

SVS: I will remember happy

By the way, I have an unreleased dungeon VIC20 minigame conversion. There is still a bug left in it that I was so pissed off that never cared to find. Is someone up for a challenge maybe? happy

Posted By

on 2012-09-26
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Gaia, Just the word Dungeon sounds cool. Hope someone can help. happy

Posted By

on 2012-09-27
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

A new version of CBM prg Studio will be released on Sunday...

Posted By

on 2012-09-28
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Some Jet Set Willy facts...

Tynesoft released a 16k only version of Jet Set Willy, in other words it's the 16k version as we all know it but it never came with the 32K Enhanded version on side B of the tape. Instead the 16K version was recorded both sides of the tape.

It could be impossible to complete Jet Set Willy 16k, maybe the 32K version too. It is widely known the game can not be completed on the C64 but it's for different reasons on our versions. Looking at the 16k map on the right side is a blue screen which looks like it has a White Rabbit Head on the edge of a platform. There are two items leading up to the rabbits head on screens before this, well the only way to get here on these 3 items is to climb up the screen of the right side of the house and jump off the roof. Of course in other versions this is illegal as you can not full down many screens as survive! Once your here to collect these 3 items including the rabbit head there is no way back down, game over and you can not return back to bed - if that is the case to complete the 16k version?

I need to look at the 32K version again at some point as I can't remember but I think it's impossible to even get on to the platforms where the White Rabbit Head can be reached as the game will not allow you to jump up to the roof screen or something like that - BUG. I think...

Jet Set Willy animation is much smoother and he runs a little faster if you use Keyboard controls! Some how the joystick code is slowing the game up which causes Willy to flicker some times as he walks.

Jet Set Willy II:
The map of Jet Set Willy II by Reuben Cornwall is missing about 7 screens on Level 1. There is a screen that looks like a Power Station, if you stand so your feet are hanging over the right smoke stack of the Power Station and jump straight up your find some more areas to explore. wink
Not all items are required on Level 1 as you can complete it being one short than the amount you can find in total.
As soon as you have the required amount of items the game will now load/search for Level 2. Once level 2 has loaded everything is reset as it if was a new game, it does not keep a record of how many lives you may of lost sadly.

If you fall from a great height and know your going to die, hold the Jump button just before you land. You will still die if you let go of Jump, however if it's a screen you've dropped into that you have not seen before then at least you can have a look at it before the game does the crazy loop of deaths haha!

I wish they made a 64k only version of Jet Set Will 2 with no loading for 264 series! That would of been cool and another thing the Commodore 64 versions of JSW2 is a bit messed up because all the graphics have been stretched sideways which makes it look a bit odd. wink

Posted By

on 2012-10-02
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

I am still looking for a way to repair my 1551. What I need is a 6525A and the actual disk drive.

I could always buy a 1541 in Australia and change the face plate on the drive I suppose but the 6525A is another story.

The issue is that I am in Australia and post is usually only to Germany or UK where the 1551s are sold.

Any one with a working 1551 circuit board?

Posted By

on 2012-10-02
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Can you not put a 1541 inside a 1551? Can that be done?

Sadly I have never seen the attraction of a 1551 other than it's awesome colour. wink

Where I also have C64's I have a 1541 & 1541-II so I can use it for both machines, but sometimes even stuff for Plus4 will not work on a 1551 which defeats the purpose of having one!?!?!?

But it's true, of all the C16/Plus4 stuff I have the one thing I don't is a 1551. My woman says I take up enough space with my crap already. wink

I share your pain tho if it's something you have set your heart on and would really like to see it working properly. Sorry to hear.

Posted By

on 2012-10-02
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

@MIK: indeed there are some advantages to use a 1551: Better speed (x3 read; x2 write); Faster Directory visualization; it does not stop Plus4 while is reading or initializing; and final many software optimized for it (Csory, etc.).
I suggest you to try, using an emulator, the differences between 1551 and old good 1541 (P.S. if you use a virtual [emulated] 1551 maybe you should avoid wife' grumble... not sure thinking to mine... happy

@Giuseppe: the recovering of 1551' chips is hard, especially those of the cartridge. Me too I did work hard to repair one of my 1551s, at end I did not fix it but did substitute the whole cartridge (had from guy who sold me the 1551s). The mechanic on the contrary can be switched from a 1541 without problems.

Posted By

on 2012-10-02
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

The best and biggest C+4 system GEOS can't run without 1551. Somebody missed it. wink

Posted By

on 2012-10-03
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?


"but did substitute the whole cartridge (had from guy who sold me the 1551s)."

Any chance the guy still has a working cartridge? That would go a long way towards the repair.

The actual drive is not so much an issue - as I said one from a 1541 would do the trick.

Posted By

on 2012-10-03
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Sorry but that happened 20 years ago. And I was able to obtain the spare-part (a whole cabled cartridge) only because I had paid in advance the drives. Maybe on ebay you can find one working at an accessible price.

Posted By

on 2012-10-03
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

one 1551 on ebay.co.uk, just had a price drop and is £110 without shipping costs.

Normally way cheaper than that when they show up.


Posted By

on 2012-10-04
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?


Thank you for that. I have the UK and German pages bookmarked. They are checked every time I turn the machine on. One of these days ...

Posted By

on 2012-10-13
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

I am about something interesting which is not going on in your Commodore universe. Plus4emu is not developed since 2009. IstvanV also stopped development of the emulators for Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, and Enterprise at 2011.

Posted By

on 2012-10-13
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Regarding Mik's post about Jet Set Willy bugs. There are.


Lazy programming

Posted By

on 2012-10-14
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Yeah after finishing Manic Miner I thought I'd have a good nose at Jet Set Willy. I don't think Ian Davidson did a bad job on them to be honest even with said bugs. You can jump better through stairs and stuff than the C64 version. The 32K version of JSW is really nice too and plenty to keep anyone busy and it also runs on a 32K C16!

But yeah maybe it was left like it to keep us wondering lol. happy

There is another bug and if your lucky your get to see it... If your in mid jump as you leave a screen then sometimes you can teleport a couple of screens past the one you were going to go on. It can't be done on said screen with the barrel tho because the following screen beyond the next is blocked off and does not allow jumping at the start of the walk way.wink

Real shame I never asked Ian Davidson about his work on Jet Set Willy back when I had a chat via email with him. Kinda skipped my mind.

Posted By

on 2012-10-14
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

It was late last night and you were talking about white bunny rabbits which threw me. Reading it again, I understand what you're saying now. I've edited the topic giving you credit for noticing it first happy

But yeah that's about the size of it. Not even a game ending. BUT IMO the 16k conversion is so poor anyway that it's probably not even worth fixing, lol.

I'm not sure about the 32K version. I hope that at least has a game ending, then it could be easily fixed if the other bug or anymore are present.

Posted By

on 2012-10-14
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

On the 32k version you can't get to the top of the tower to jump down to the barrel platform you took a picture of... Fun to mess about with tho as it has loads and loads of new screens to explore. happy

Posted By

on 2012-11-23
 Re: Anything interesting going on in your Commodore universe?

Well, Jeroen Tel joined the C64 Oxyron team two days ago. happy


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