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Posted By
MC on 2003-09-15
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Oh shit, i'm so ashamed to leave 2 entries from the 4ever03 announcement! See the VERY FINAL result table at the edc site:
Originally, there were 11 entries in 16K category, but 2 new entries were submitted at the party. When i was publishing the full list of results, i forgot that there are not 11 but 13 entries. Sorry for that... Guys, i owe you a beer! Jimy and Moldi submitted their entries at the party. I don't know the name of those entries. Yep, this happens when we don't take deadlines absolutely seriously
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-08
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Bacon: thanks for the comments I'm not disappointed anyway, just analyzing the causes. However, check out AutumnColors's record, i've placed some comments about that production.
Posted By
Bacon on 2003-09-08
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Lavina: Everything looks fine on my Plus/4 connected to a 1084S monitor.
MC: Really too bad if the people ar the party couldn't see your demo the way it's supposed to look. Visually it was my favorite, but the great TED music in Csabo's and Cosine's demos made me put them on first and second place and your on third in my vote. But I must say it was a close shave between all three as far as I'm concerned.
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-08
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Yep, thanks Csabo
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-09-08
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Too bad about the color, since that was a very strong point of Autumn Colors. Very tastefully choosen palette, for sure!
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-08
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
And my demo was very miscolored, i think i've lost some votes on that. Check it on the emulator, as the projector was not set up correctly for commodores. (it has been set up for the PC)
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-09-08
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
f**** my demo started to jump like hell on the projector at the landscape part. So, please check it on your TV and write here the result, because on the emulator it looks fine, and on my TV as well. So, I don't understand why it had to jump like a stupid monkey on the party...
Posted By
JamesC on 2003-09-08
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
MC: Thank you for double checking. I was incorrect as to the times, as you can see. I'm in the States and had no idea what CET is based from.
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-08
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
James C: you have registered at at 00:45 CET, that was over the voting deadline. Next time i'll have the CET displayed at the webpage, sorry for the inconvenience! (CET = GMT +1:00)
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-07
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
OK, i did the announcement + final downloads. See for details!
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-07
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Sorry for stopping the voting section a bit (30 mins or so) earlier I'll make a party report soon!
Posted By
JamesC on 2003-09-06
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Okay I just read (earlier in this thread) that voting started Friday night. I thought it started Saturday moning. I simply missed the voting time.
Posted By
JamesC on 2003-09-06
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Maybe I didn't understand the times for voting, but I just went to vote and got a screen that voting was over.
Current time is 6:51pm New York, 10:51pm London time, Saturday September 6.
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-06
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Party countdown... 33 mins to start
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-09-04
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
TGMS is also coming.
Posted By
Luca on 2003-09-04
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Yeph, my sweet wild piratess
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-04
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
+ some Amiga guys + Francesca of LUCA
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-09-04
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
+ Sensor of NST. + some c64 guys. + some c+4 wives.
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-09-04
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Ok, it is time to give a most-probable-visitors' list:
MC of EDC Fred of EDC Jimy of EDC Maugli of EDC Luca of FIRE Nukeman + a friend Gaia (Grósz Attila, Yape) TCFS Ninja ST.GLS Lavina of GOTU Harry of GOTU Paul of GOTU Crown of GOTU ATI W-MAN DCD of WLS Impy of UTG Murphy of Exceed (GS?) Coyote of CNS TLC of CNS Enigma Stinky of NST BSZ of NST Crafty of MX Rachy of MX
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-09-04
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
I already bought my portion of for the train...
Do you know how many serious disease can you get because of dehidration....
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-04
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Luca! Sorry for leaving IRC yesterday without a warning, but my ISP was doing a maintenance job at the backbone... I forgot that It seems that it is working now.
Posted By
Luca on 2003-09-03
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Ok, I did the plane's tickets today! I'll be 100% here with Francesca, we'll meet friday night/saturday morning at Szeged!
Btw, MC: if I can't have a TV it would be completely useless take with me all the stuff! Mmmmh...I'm a bit scared of it...
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-03
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Yep, this is going 2 be a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery good party
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-09-03
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
this friday you will be able to download all entries + vote on them till saturday night. go to
Posted By
TMR on 2003-09-03
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
When do i get to see the other entries...?! =-)
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-09-03
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
OK, now its sure, Nukeman , our beloved key-scene-member will be here with us on the party. He also brings some very rare plus4 relics; photos, videos, etc. Watch out the news on this site for the upcoming, very very exciting, mind blowing events....
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-02
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
I cannot get TVs unfortunately, but if someone brings TVs, you'll have them...
Posted By
Luca on 2003-09-02
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Hey, the monitor's problem is a big one for me! I can't take a monitor with me, but if I won't draw logos or pictures, probably I only need a b/w tv for composing.
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-02
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Luca you better leave those discs at home
Posted By
SVS on 2003-09-02
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
>>what with XRays control at the check-in? Could the Xrays damage eeproms and/or 5.25 disks?
Luca: -- 1st: Yes 5.25" disks could be domaged by X-rays scans, EEPROM should not. I had the same problems years ago, when I swapped by snail mail: all European mail is airwaied then X-rays scanned. If disks were not shielded by aluminium foils, then they were unreadables to destination. Never had problems with Eeproms. -- 2nd: take with you the disks in aircraft, because the bags/goods-room of aircraft is not pressured, and this too is a problem for 5.25" disks (the internal dish will "glue" to the packing).
Have a nice trip!
Posted By
MC on 2003-09-02
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
OK, yes, plane 2 BP, and train 2 Szeged, you don't have no choice Some people will bring small color and mono TV's, at least they have promised I don't know about Xrays, but is sounds weird. I hate fishes and fish festivals
Posted By
Luca on 2003-09-01
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Announcement spreadt on too.
Posted By
Luca on 2003-09-01
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Ok, Francesca is watching some airplane combinations in order to reach Szeged. The best should be plane to Budapest and then take a train to Szeged, hoping it will be room in an hotel (oh well, it should be nice to understand which hotel is closer to the partyplace, apropo, thanks for the maps, MC! ). Most of all, the real problem seems to be a MONITOR! Who can rent me a monitor or a TV here in Szeged during the party? Should I take with me some multiple current attaches? Often, I'll take with me a Plus/4, his supply, an heavy 1541 (argh!), some cables, maybe a joystick, some disks and some PC's CD's, a SIDcard and earphones...ah and a brand new girl! Now: what with XRays control at the check-in? Could the Xrays damage eeproms and/or 5.25 disks? Oh, I heard It will be the local river's fish festival during these days, great! Did you know that in Italy Szeged is called "Seghedino" and his river "Tibisco"?
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-31
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Luca, i ate the best pizza at here in Hungary Italian pizzas weren't better!
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-31
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
I've got 1 girl for nearly 3 years now and not getting bored of her
Posted By
SVS on 2003-08-30
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
>>MC Luca why are you always changing girlfriends? Maybe it's the "pepper-pizza"...
Luca: 6 months with 0, and next 6 months with 2 girlfriends: Perfect average of 1 !!! (Do not let one of them read this post
Posted By
Luca on 2003-08-30
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Uh, Hungarian pizza? Oh, well, MC, I closed an important story in December, an many months of loneliness and job sadness followed. In May I woke up a day and watching the mirror I said:"But...hell stop!", and after a couple of weeks I had many dates with 4 girls (you see, 6 months, eh!). After some quick summer stories, probably I feel one of these girls much more closer to me, I'll see. But at the moment I must choice which of the 2 girls that wanna come in Hungary will be here.
Posted By
TMR on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
The music driver in our demo is custom, written by 4-Mat based on his VIC20 routine. Tunes are edited in source, there's no plans for an editor as far as i'm aware but if people nag me i'll pass the noise on to him... =-)
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
yepyep, i had no problems in yape, i hope it will run as well on a real c16.
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Sorry, I thought everybody knows it.. BTW if you had tried your demo on the yape with 16k option, you would have figured it out yourself...
It crashes indeed, reset vector and interrupt are mapped there... sorry....
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
are = area
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
yep, don't touch $3ff8+ and don't use $d400 based SID registers as it will overwrite the $1400 are if there's no SID card present
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
I've heard the tune of the Cosine nomination, and it IS great indeed! A very good TED music! Is there a composer for the TLC-TED music player? Are there musicians? If yes, we should use that player But now i didn't have time to set up a cooperation with a musician, i had to use what i found, and i dislike how the TED sounds with older music formats.
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Lavina, you have to mention this now? My demo uses $3800 for the charset, and it clears that area ($3800-$3FFF) more than a few times. Does this mean that those fills will kill the IRQ vector ($FFFE,$FFFF) so my demo will crash? I've been testing the thing to death on my plussies (PAL & NTSC), but I have no C16... The original rules said the demo must not use memory above $3FFF - which mine doesn't for sure. Well, I'll see if I can get around this, I still have a few bytes left.
MC, I was just asking, of course it's okay. My problem is not the fact that you WILL HAVE SID music, my problem is that you WON'T HAVE TED music. I know TLC too was waiting for people to use his player so we could hear some kick ass TED tunes. If from now on all the otherwise released demos will have only SID music in them, well, what can we do. People just like it better that way. But at least on this particular compo, which definitely has some true old-school retro flavor to it, I would have been expecting some chirpy TED tunes... Like in the old days... It's all good though.
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
is it OK this way, Csabo?
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
SID music will not be heard only after the announcment of winners. During the voting there will be no SID card in the compo machine!!!
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-08-27
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
TMR Your demo runs fine on the original machine! Good job, you can finalise it! The rasters are perfect, everything is smooth.
Posted By
TMR on 2003-08-26
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
When Lavina gives me the okay on the gold beta i sent him with a real C16, i'll make up the master disk image - it's just that i have three other releases to add to and if i could release this alongside them on the 1st it'd save me doing two updates to the site... =-)
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-26
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
TMR: send it to Lavina. Publish only after the compo, i think. Csabo: Lavina said that using SID card is OK, but we won't count the music when voting. Maybe we'll not insert a SID card into the C16? That would solve the problem. Using SID music is not a cause for disqualification, but the program must be treated like if having no music at all.
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-08-26
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Congrats on finishing your entry, the screenshots look very promising. I was under the impression though that SID was NOT allowed, with the exception of Luca's entry, which was sent in before Lavina clarified that rule. Didn't we have a lengthy discussion on this?
I invite you all to once again think about the original idea behind this compo: "What can an unexpanded, regular C16 do?" Even if SID is allowed, a regular C16 wouldn't have it, which means silence. I'm all too aware of the limitations of the two square channels + one volume stuff on the plussy, but we should still "show it off". You see where I'm getting with this? Perhaps I'm taking it a bit too seriously.
Posted By
TMR on 2003-08-26
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
So... when do i get to release my dentro on the Cosine website...? =-)
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-26
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
This is a bit offtopic, but i've just finished my nomination. It is 9K in size initially 3 effects + 1 fullscreen graphic (don't expect too much) + SID muzik :D
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-23
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Luca why are you always changing girlfriends? Do you pick them up drunk and get sober later?
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-23
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Rumour has that Graham / Oxyron (very greatest C64 coder!) will have a nomination in the 16K compo Be afraid, be very afraid! ))
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-23
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
pleeezpleeez come, i'm really curious how you like hungarian pizza
Posted By
Luca on 2003-08-22
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Ok ok, facts are: - I'm searching for a new job - I changed girlfriend - Seems to be very difficult to reach Szeged ----BUT---- - I'm close to be pissed off by the job now - Maybe Francesca will come with me at the party - I'd found some little tricks of train linkings that sound like Firenze-Wien-Budapest-Szeged
I'm working on it
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-21
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Crackers 4, yes, yes! It must be a trackmo!
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-08-21
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
I know. I am already coding for the 20 years plus4 megademo. Or shall we call it Crackers Demo 4 and the subtitle should be 20YS?
Posted By
Gaia on 2003-08-21
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
You ought not to be so pessimistic, Lavina =) Upcoming year is the 264 family's 20th birthday!
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-08-21
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
LUCAAA!!!!!!!!! Are U coming???? It will be the biggest Commodore +4 party in the last 10 (and who knows how many forthcoming) years...
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-08-21
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
yep, got it. I'll try it on the real thing today, but on the emu it is great!
Only one thing: It seems that on my 100 Hz TV the raster works out much different than on a monitor. (My PC is connected now to my TV...)
The raster bars have breaks in them somewhere at the middle of the screen. But it is not only your demo that does it, so I think it is not a bug, it is a feature of my stupid HI-TECH TV....
Posted By
TMR on 2003-08-21
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Hey Lavina, did my 99.99% beta entry arrive okay and does it work...? =-)
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-21
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
i mean voting on the net during the party is OK
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-19
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
OK, voting WHILE the party is OK, i'm open to any solution. Does anyone have a suitable mobile plan to use mobile internet? I've got a GPRS mobile (SE-T68) but no mobile internet subscription. There's a nonstop internet café in the vicinity. (10 mins walk) We could use that if all else fails.
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-08-19
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
good idea... there must be an internet coffee somewhere close.. or we will use my mobile as modem, but it will be a bit slow.. )
Posted By
Gaia on 2003-08-19
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
I would personally opt for a voting during the compo... just make sure we'll have a computer (or mobile) connected to the net so the votesheets can come in on time. Lavina then could distribute the entries to those not participating but willing to vote.
Posted By
Lavina on 2003-08-19
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
sounds both good for me...
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-08-19
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Sounds great! Are you implying though that the voting will also be at the party? As much as I'd love to go, I can't. Other than me I think Crown and T.M.R. also will be submitting entries, but won't be able to go. We would sure like to vote though!
It's good that you are here now, and your efforts are much appreciated. I just want to remind you that I've been talking about and looking forward to voting on this compo not less than 3 years ago. (Read my post from the mailing list.) So don't leave me out, I want to vote! Figure something out - maybe you already did. It's probably either
1) postponing the vote, so it's after the party, or
2) letting the rest of us vote by email or through a webpage during the party.
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-19
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
Greetings to all C16 and C+4 sceners!
As you probably already know, Lavina of GOTU had launched a 16K demo compo, with a deadline of 2003-09-01 (ymd). To show and jury the nominations, we have organized a party, which is to be held at 2003-09-06, 07 (ymd) in Szeged, Hungary.
Location: Szeged, Kálvária sugárút 8. (Kálvária avenue #8)
Duration: Starts on saturday morning at 9, finishes 24 hours later.
Entrance fee: I can not tell the price for sure, but it will be between 1000 and 2000 HUF. Current excange rate is 260-270 HUF = 1 Euro
Booze: Smoking is permitted only at a predetermined place. You can drink alcohol, but only until the equipment stays intact
Meals: One time cold meal will be supplied (sandwiches), otherwise we recommend buying food in a neighboring non-stop store, or ordering pizza.
Contests: - C16 compo: write a demo that runs on an unexpanded (stock) C16. You may not load anything from storage devices. - 128 byte compo: write anything that takes up to (net) 128 bytes of code. First two location bytes and BASIC sys commands to run the program are not counted! You may not load anything from storage devices.
Email me for more details at
Check for more details!!
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-18
| Re: 16K compo and party announcements
It is 90% probable that the party will take place at Szeged, Hungary at 6-7th of this September. Keep watching this topic for more info.
Posted By
MC on 2003-08-14
| 16K compo and party announcements
Sorry for opening a new topic, but i couldn't find a suitable one. This topic is about the soon-to-be-held C16 - C+4 party. I'm the organizer, so i decided to announce the news here.
However, keep updated about things at: