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Posted By

on 2009-04-18
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Dunric: sent.
Release a FINAL version!

Posted By

on 2009-04-18
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Didn't receive it. Try emailing it to: lumberjacks76@lycos.com


P.S. I'm updating the Plus/4 version of Vampyre Cross this weekend. Expect a new released on Monday.

Posted By

on 2009-04-17
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Reading this thread:
Posted By Luca
on 2009-03-30
Ok, sent at dunric@yahoo.com.
Added a loader similar to the C64 one, cleaned a lot A-side because there's no space for multiple versions (and, what the hell, this is a +4 version!), but although it should be good this way, you may clean it more (.obj, .sav file...). Cleaned B-side from C64 crap.
Now you have a definitive +4 version. Please OH PLEASE PLEASE: don't change it again, resign and do something else by now! :|
Posted By
on 2009-04-04
Could you resend it?
Posted By
on 2009-04-05

I'm gonna sent it again, for the third time, at dunric@yahoo.com, ok? Consider it as just sent.
Check your mail and/or blocked mail's folder and come back to confirm it!.

Posted By

on 2009-04-17
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

That's only with the C64 version. I never recieved a version that could do the same thing on the Plus/4.


Posted By

on 2009-04-17
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Bah! The loader is perfectly working: load the very first file, press space to leave the pic, and the game will be loaded.

Posted By

on 2009-04-16
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Couldn't get the loader to work.


Posted By

on 2009-04-16
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Dunric, in the very end, you used the dirty disk image, with no loader and no pic, hence I did it that for nothing I see.
I'm speechless...

Posted By

on 2009-04-16
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Fixed the cosmetic issues. You can download the Plus/4 version of Vampyre Cross here:



Posted By

on 2009-04-15
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Ok, after some thinking, I reposted Vampyre Cross +4 at my website:


Has some cosmetic issues with periods disappearing in some sentences, but otherwise works and plays fine. I'm narrowing in on why the periods sometimes disappear.


Posted By

on 2009-04-15
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I think I still has his original version happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-15
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Well, at least something good came out of it. The discussion about graphics formats is a fun one, and one that we will have to continue to explore.

Posted By

on 2009-04-15
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

just LOL happy

people getting older and grumpier i think.. so i made finally lemmings +4 but i don't want to give it to ya i'll keep it to myself and everybody who helped me: f+++ o++!

Posted By

on 2009-04-15
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I'm not particularly good at math but this thread isn't even two months old.

Luca went through all that trouble to help you and MMS was giving moral support, too. How about trying a little harder?

Posted By

on 2009-04-15
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I stopped supporting the Plus/4 version two months ago. I couldn't get the loading screen to work and also couldn't fix a bug with GET#2,A$,B$. So I took it off my website.


Posted By

on 2009-04-14
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I think Luca's version is the best for you ! happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-14
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Paul, I don't see any problem, I've sent a complete load'n'rn ready to go version, with a ML loader, similar to the c64 one.
You only have to purge some useless files from the first d64 side, and release that one as final version.

Posted By

on 2009-04-14
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

if Jim is right, we just have to find the proper tool from the ones uploaded to this server (on .D81s). He referred as MISC+4 including the tools for that.
Then just convert the multicolor picture into SDG/SDM format (maybe there is only SDG format, just I confused the team here happy ). As it is compressed, both C64 and plus!4 pictures will fit to the limited space on the game's disc side1. As I see, typically 17-23 blocks will be the complete size.
You just call the program from a BASIC loader, and it will display itself, and finish the viewing after a SPACE button. I suppose it will somehow able to load the next content
I had no time to help you further, but please be aware I am just a graphician...

Posted By

on 2009-04-13
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

A bit lost. What happened to the Plus/4 BASIC loader for the bitmapped image above?


Posted By

on 2009-04-11
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Hey, Dunric,
Are you successful after so many infos? or you are more lost than at the beginning? happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-11
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Right, a few missing mags, and 60 MB worth of other new stuff wink I'm on it like white on rice, may take a while due to limited free time during this holiday weekend.

Posted By

on 2009-04-11
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Uploaded a few missing issues of the Magazines

Posted By

on 2009-04-09
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Hello Jim,
we all thank you very much.

Posted By

on 2009-04-09
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Thanks Lando, but the Euro Guys are the real Gurus. I was floored when Peter started sending over the disks he did. Glad you could find some missing stuff. I Emailed Csabo and was hunting some disks. Most of what I had I found to be corrupted after all these years.
No biggy it looks like he's found a bunch. I really don't recall most of the stuff anyway.
I enjoy looking in here, once in a while. My internet time is limited with all that goes on in life.
You folks do a great job here. With Csabo, Mike, Istvan and much of the old bunch that I've really enjoyed, program-wise, over the years! You've all done a fantastic job with a forgotten machine.

Posted By

on 2009-04-08
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Hi ya Jim, whats all this fuss about cluttering the forum? If a Plus/4 Legend has anything to say then no matter how long, short, thin or tall that post is the community want to know about it! Its great to see you as always. happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-08
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I'm giving a quick looking to the Jim's treasure box, and I'm atonished! There are lots of rare stuff (see how many Ronsoft similar demos, and Henk's demos too!), and I can see in the next future a terrible job in order to catalog and archive all of them!

Great job, Jim!
Now we really need a synchronized workplan in order to sort and archive all the missing stuff, we should divide this in slices, one slice per user ;)

Posted By

on 2009-04-08
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Mike, I sent a copy to Peter. I'll dig. Thanks for the Yape update. Last night I used Star Commander 08323b to transfer some documentation and stuff from the D81s to blank D64s (created via Yape). Reading/running directly will help a lot. Have a lot of crap to wade through, don't even remember some of it. Peter kept track, but I recall that I sent him over a thousand routines and programs in '96-'97. Nothing earth shattering, just lots of toolboxes and uses for the routines I liked.

There was, if I recall correctly, a v364 Demo disk that was supposed to be used in the show with the couple of complete v364s. Jack acquired them from the same source as the 1582 drive prototype (there were atleast 6 made as the one he sent was #2of6). Some friend at Commodore. Weren't most of those v364s incomplete dummy machines?

Posted By

on 2009-04-08
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Jim, earlier I glanced upon a list of yours and saw a C364 speech demo disk... any idea where that landed? Was that real? That'd be a real killer... you see Yape has "Magic Voice" speech emulation.

BTW, I accidentally introduced a stupid bug in Yape version 0.76, so that it does not work in 1581 mode anymore. Here's a fixed version in case anyone cares:


Posted By

on 2009-04-08
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Just got back home.
Glanced at my old archives, a bit, last night.
Don't know which disks you have, Csabo, but whomever ended up
with Peters stuff probably has it.
Look for the disks labeled:
Graphic Tools
Graphic Pack
Misc+4 Graphics (has sag and sdm creator)
NewestWork and NewGames has some cardgames, utilities, text tools, graphic tools
and stuff I sent Peter. The LRM-music stuff are stand alone music files.
After Jack Vander White fell ill. Fender and his wife at Loadster
wanted the C128 written to. There are C64, C128 and Plus4 versions of
most of the later programs. The Text Packers were a way of putting a
zillion files (the point of the compressed graphic formats) on 1541
floppies and 1581 disks. Barefoot machines, in those days..huh?
Didn't have the great emulators like Mike and Istvan have developed,
just the old iron.
Unfortunately Jeff Jones wanted everything written 'his way' so
so I backed out, burned out, dropped out and developed the neuro trans problems.

Posted By

on 2009-04-08
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Csabo, it is a great tool, but it does not create self-executable files, just saves the bitmap (but makes it VERY easy to create it, with ALL respect!)
The next question Dunric had: we have a picture ready, we have a BASIC program ready, how you make it possible to show the gfx without major modification of the program. I gave him some hints, but Jim's suggestion is the best to provide it as a self-executable gfx file, which returns after picture shown, and BAISC just continues (BTW the SDM files reseted the +4 after the picture...)

Posted By

on 2009-04-08
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

MMS, check the news wink Sorry for sitting on this for so long, but now it's up for grabs to all.

(Jim, can you email me at plus4(at)rogers.com? I want to send you your password so you can log in. Maybe pester you about some explanations of some of the stuff in the archive wink)

Posted By

on 2009-04-08
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Jim, in fact this info is EXACTLY what we were looking for, how to integrate a separated picture into a BASIC program, without killing it's structure.
Those compressed, self-executing pictures were what we were looking for (especially Dunric, who did not have the intention to re-code his program), and this format was completely new for me too...

Posted By

on 2009-04-08
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

hey Jim, don't panic about cluttering the thread with useful infos! happy its always welcomed.. a lot of nice information that all we need happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-07
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I checked my archives and found some .D81's with SDG extension images on them. Also a bunch of other stuff that I haven't had the time to sort through, and at a quick glance I'm not sure which would be the producer of SDG files. I think I'll put all of this up under the D64 recall section... Soon... happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-07
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Argh, it breaks my heart when you sound so disenchanted That list is actually useful to me at last - you all know I'm on a crusade to document everything. So: you are NOT cluttering up the thread, this is Plus/4 stuff discussion at it's finest, keep it up instead happy

Glad you liked P4Text!

And don't get me started on getting a little less dust... It's SNOWING here in Toronto... In April... Well I guess it's business as usual happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-07
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Actually, I'm sorry I sent up that list. Found it last night and thought it might be interesting... in case anyone ran into those file extensions. Erich and Peter had them. Most of the active +4 folks were polled in the States and over there to come up with usable extensions, to make it easier to keep track of the various graphic files that were exploding all over the place... at that time. Especially the new (then) compressed files. The compressed files were nice, to reduce disk space, because everyone didn't have 1581 drives.
Yes, there were some new viewers that would, kind of, adjust the colors... Nothing at all like the great work that Istvan has done.

Anyway, didn't mean to clutter the thread. I'll ask before I post, next time.

Posted By

on 2009-04-07
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Ohhhm, Jim, thanks for the overview, it seems rather ---- complete happy

It fact I could never imagine that there are some many possibilites to pass platforms between C+4 and C64 is graphical format, as both the color positions, both the shades of +4 seems to make it complicated. (certainly a well prepared header within the file may help to overcome on these differences, but well, I am surprised a little).

Posted By

on 2009-04-07
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

for fck sake, somebody put it into a release, attach a nice crack intro and we gonna leech it happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-07
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Plus/4 Filename Extensions (2/21/96)

This is the final (and agreed upon) listing of the currently used filename extensions that you will encounter.


.SAG - Stand Alone Graphic
(uncompressed self displaying hires graphic)

.SDG - Self Displaying Graphic
(compressed self displaying hires graphic)

.SAM - Stand Alone Multicolor
(uncompressed self displaying multicolor graphic)

.SDG - Self Displaying Multicolor
(compressed self displaying multicolor graphic)

.SCF - Sid Card File
(3 voice music files for use with the 8250 Sid Card)

.SSF - Stereo Sid File
(6 voice music files for the 8250/2 Super Card)

.SID - SID (music file)
(converted music files for use with a +4 TED player)

.LRM - LOAD and RUN music files for the +4
(does NOT need the Sid Card)

.LRS - LOAD and RUN music files for the +4
(requires the 8250 Sid Card)

.DIG - Digitized sound file
(4-bit digital format)

.+DIG - Digitized sound file
(8-bit digital format)

.WAV - Files for use with WAVE Player+4 and Digimaster+4

.RAW - Files for use with Digimaster +4

.ANI - Animation file
(LOAD and RUN multi screen animated graphic)

.HIG - Hires Interlace Graphic LOAD and RUN file
(made with ULTRAPAINT(H)+4)

.MIG - Multicolor Interlace Graphic LOAD and RUN file
(made with ULTRAPAINT(M)+4)

.MAC - MAC Paint files
(for use with MACVIEW +4)

.CVT - GEOS files for use with GEOS 3.5 or GEOVIEWER +4
(Plus/4 version of GEOS 2.0)

.LNX - Plus/4 Lynx file
(fully compatible with C64 and C128 Lynx programs)

.LIB - Plus/4 Library file
(fully compatible with C64 and C128 .LIB programs)

.FAX - FAX packet files for use with DATAFAX Plus/4
(these are formatted files for use with a Plus/4 FAX program)

.PAL - PAL-B video format files
(for those of us that have a dual NTSC/PAL machine/monitor setup)

.+SDL - Plus/4 Self Dissolving Lynx
(Plus/4 specific)

.+SDF - Plus/4 Self Dissovling File
(Plus/4 specific compressed file archiver)

.ARC - Plus/4 ARC file created with ARC3.50 on the Plus/4
(fully compatible with ARC 2.30 and up)

.+SDA - Plus/4 Self Dissolving Archive
(Plus/4 specific SDA)

.CFA - Combined File Archive
(Plus/4 specific upgrade of Library)

.RUNME -RUN and READ text or doc file
(just what the name suggests)

.WP - Plus/4 wordprocessor file
(read with the built-in WP or with Printed Word on C64)

.D or .DOC - Standard sequential text
(always PETSCII)

.ASC - ASCII text file
(read with ASCII READ/PRINT+4)

.P - Packed Plus/4 program file
(requires Unpacker Utility)

.P+ - Self Unpacking Plus/4 program file
(will unpack and store to disk as a program file)

(C) - Compressed Plus/4 program file
(will decompress when RUN, can be SAVEd as a standard program file)

.ZIP - Plus/4 PKzipped file created with PKZIP Plus/4
(compatible with the C64 and C128 files)

.GIF - Plus/4 .GIF graphic file
(fully compatible with C64 and C128 viewers)

.+GIF - Plus/4 Enhanced .GIF file
(121 color version of .GIF graphic files)

.RLE - Plus/4 RLE graphic file.
(fully compatible with C64 and C128 GIF viewers)

.+RLE - Plus/4 Enhanced RLE
(121 color version of .RLE graphic files)

.51 - Plus/4 program files that require the 1551 disk drive.
(will NOT LOAD properly on 1541/71/81 disk drives)

.80 - 80 column format graphic files for the Plus/4
(requires an RGB monitor and the 8568 Video Card/64K VDC RAM)

.REU - Program requires the 1764/50 REU adapter
(or a 256K/384K/512K/640k/768K/896K/1MEG expanded Plus/4)


CS. - Alternate character sets that are suitable for the +4

JJ - Compressed Hires graphic
(same as the C64 version)

GG - Compressed Multicolor graphic
(same as the C64 version)

CM - Compressed Multicolor graphic
(specific for the Plus/4 and will be useful on the C128)

EM - Enhanced Multicolor
(specific for the Plus/4, is almost identical to the double Koalas)

PIC. - Micro Illustrator graphic files
(there are files for Micro Illustrator +4 and C64)

G. - Botticelli(pal) Advanced Artist(ntsc) Hires Plus/4 graphic files.

M. - MultiBoticelli(pal) Advanced Artist(ntsc) Multicolor Plus/4 graphic files.

C. - Character sets for use with the Advanced Artist program

TP - TED Paint (hires) graphic files.

\ - Plus/4 music file
(will load and run with the player)

\+ - Plus/4 stand alone 2-voice music file.
(LOAD and RUN)

P. - Packed Text files that require the Packed Text Read/Printer utility

P! - Self Unpacking Plus/4 text file
(will unpack and SAVE itself as a std. sequential file)

TB. - Turboloading Boot file
(Turboloader for those that don't have the Superload cartridge)

Posted By

on 2009-04-07
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Csabo, First time I've had a chance to use your Windows P4Text... thank you.. thank you.
VERY nice! Using it to look over some program notes and documentation to jog memory.

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Csabo, Just as a chuckle, maybe you could start up an area or thread, just for us old geezers that have crossed 60 years... so when we we pass through and ramble we don't clutter up anyonr elses thread

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Well, Thanks Man!
The old Plussies really were singing in those days.
Tried to get a few more people, over here, interested in the +4. Jack ( I think he's dead now) released a few issues of his disk magazine in dual format (C64/+4).. which was cool as he was the only real challenge to Loadstar. Wrote the opsys for him and had sid/ted support (for those that had Christians SidCard) on it. About scrambled my brain, but he had agreed to showcase those cardgames I was writing for my wife. THAT is what got me into Ml. To save the game and variables, while displaying the Help screens forced my to write a ml screen stashing routine for the 8k screen and variables. Basic or compiling was too slow. Once you get that far it becomes fun to load registers and do all the fetching.
Don't knock youself out, Luca.. you have plenty of other obligations

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

You're welcome in every case! wink

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Bless you Luca..
Throw what ever you want in the air.. A lot of it was crud. I don't remember what I sent to you, Peter has dups and James C, too. If there was any personal correspondence in any of it, use your descretion. '97 was about when the neuro thing hit ( they didn't know if it was MS or MD (obviously not), so I could not tell you what was on the disks. Most of the ducmentation was in ScriptPlus, older was on the built in 3-in-1 WP. Seems like I was sending every week to Peter, during those long 20 hour darkness days (winter) at the cabin. I used Star Commander to archive the files into D81 images.
The guys, here, have gone far beyond much of what we had then. But, I was working mostly in Ml and Assy by that time. There were some good turbo graphic menus, there, for displaying disks of graphics. The Magic slideshows were too slow for me. Used the same menu interface as I had on my text readers and text compressors. The self dissolving files and disk programs were an offshoot of the +4 lynx programs. Was able to handle 238 disk blocks in a chunk/with compression. Don't remember why I started using them, except Jack was uploading a lot to Marco and wanted to keep them together.
Was a fun time!
Sorry guys, about cluttering up this thread..

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I've found some of those files, and they will be available here till the time Jim will give us a complete release.

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I don't get on the internet that often, but I try to see what is new on the scene, once in a while. I caught this thread and it jogged my memory about the various formats and loaders that were developed in the mid 90's. There were a lot of new formats that were agreed upon, suffix and prefix wise. JJ's for compressed Doodles, GG's for compressed Koalas. .SAG for standalone (self displaying/printing bitmaps) .SAD (Doodle) .SAM (Multicolor). The Self Displaying files were compressed and had MPS801 generic print drivers built in and an option to flip the screen to negative image (which the mps803 liked better). That's about all I remember at the moment. The neuro transmitter problem I've fought with for the last 10+ years really knocks out a lot of the things I used to remember..
Hopefully you have the stuff on the disks. Most were archived in D81 format so they will have to be broken down to D64 disks.. seemed like a more efficient way to archive at the time.
James C should have a pretty complete set. I know he started to strip them for his webpage, some time back. Under the private correspondence with Jack Vander White and Peter the complete list of formats were discussed. I'm sure his time is as limited as everyone else. Much of the work was in NTSC... tried to make them as compatible as possible with PAL. Dug out a few, last night, and they seem to work okay on YAPE. Wish I could remember more.. too much blank when I look over the work.
Alaska is okay, but we could do with a little less dust from Mt Redoubt....

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Luca, you are our saint.. you always sacrifice your time and your PC for us...
I try to contribute somehow, as if you culd provide me that piece of stuff, I could help myself to overcome on my lameness on assembly programming happy

I think it could be great use for any graphician who is not big programmer, but would like to release few stuff in a useable format (without having programming or musical skills and asking favs from someone else...).

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I have those files, unfortunately as you know I am not able to use my cable
Ok, extrema ratio, time to open my pc and try something...

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Hey Jim, nice to see you around after such a long time happy How are things in Alaska?

Searching for SDG does give a hit, another post by you here on the forum from 7 years ago. Do you have any of that stuff still? (Since you're referring to Peter and James C I'm assuming you don't, but I had to ask anyway wink) Peter's been around a few times but I don't know if he has the time to create a backup of everything. Many of us would like to get their hands on the collection of the Plus/4 King!

I also still have that CD you mailed me a long time ago. I'm pretty sure I backed up everything from that, but I'm putting "check Jim's archives for SDG" on my to-do list regardless.

Posted By

on 2009-04-06
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

could you provide more details on that? as I could not find any reference to these formats in Plus4world Search or via Google.

FLIs are typically such files, but you cannot call them from BASIC to return back to original program. Is there any documetation publication or program uploaded here on those .SDMs?
I would find them very useful too to create slideshow from my stuff... Programmers are very much overloaded on Compo happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-05
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Why don't you use the Screen as an .SDG (Self Displaying Graphic) file. Peter and James C should have that creator program. .SDGs were Bitmaps .SDM were Multicolor. Both had the option of being compressed and will unpack and display on their own. The palettes adjusted for most of the (then) popular graphic formats. The loader is ML, so the display is fast, and was designed to say out of the Basic usage area.. so they could be linked/called from Basic if necessary.

Posted By

on 2009-04-05
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross


Posted By

on 2009-04-04
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Could you resend it?




Posted By

on 2009-03-30
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Ok, sent at dunric@yahoo.com.
Added a loader similar to the C64 one, cleaned a lot A-side because there's no space for multiple versions (and, what the hell, this is a +4 version!), but although it should be good this way, you may clean it more (.obj, .sav file...). Cleaned B-side from C64 crap.
Now you have a definitive +4 version. Please OH PLEASE PLEASE: don't change it again, resign and do something else by now! :|

Posted By

on 2009-03-30
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

i know, i know the problem with me again, but i got this screen only (in yape 0.79)


Posted By

on 2009-03-30
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

I think the koala image should be converted before it could be shown. 1st because the colors are on different positions in the two computers, secondly because the plus/4 uses shades of the colors, so the different greys are the shades of white, not separated colors.
So a loader for a Koala picture could be only a byte-per-byte converter. very slow.

The best you could do to use the picture provided by Luca. You could load it separately with a loader prg (I gave some hints to you via mail, why it needs some adjustments to able to use it BASIC), but you could also integrate the picture into the executable file as I mentioned to you.
Unfortunately I am really lack of time to do it now, and in fact I am also not a sharp programmer, always creating a lot of hidden bugs happy

Posted By

on 2009-03-29
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

So is it possible for someone to make a +4 loader for the Koala image of Vampyre Cross?


Posted By

on 2009-03-28
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross


Posted By

on 2009-03-28
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

at the end of the directory, you can find the +4 version. just run it. soo easy happy

Posted By

on 2009-03-28
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

how can i run that game? there is a lot of files i don't want to debug it happy no manual no nothing...

Posted By

on 2009-03-26
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Sent a mail to sent at dunric@yahoo.com.

Posted By

on 2009-03-24
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Looks good, but I don't know how to display it from BASIC on the Plus/4. Can someone show me how? You can download the Plus/4 version of Vampyre Cross here:



Posted By

on 2009-03-24
 Re: Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

Done, sent at dunric@yahoo.com
Of course, d0c has to accept all the clashes and a little of pixel retouching because of the colours assignment's reduction.
It's a normal Multi Botticelli file: color at $7800-$7FFF, bitmap at $8000-$9F40, the code is up to you.

Posted By

on 2009-03-24
 Loading Screen in Vampyre Cross

d0c made a loading screen for Vampyre Cross for the C64. Now, I want to add the same loading screen to the Plus/4 version. It is a Koala image about 40 blocks long, and the BASIC loader uses ML to display the image.

Can this be accomplished on the Plus/4?

Here's the link to the C64 version with the loading screen:



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