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Posted By

on 2008-08-21
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

I still cannot see the map image itself altough the link seems to be perfect. ?

Posted By

on 2008-08-18
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

The link seems to be in order - only the map can't be indicated !

Posted By

on 2008-08-17
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

yeah it seems to be a dead link to the map.
but the peeps who run or own plus4.emucamp are free
to use any of my maps. so if thay would like to upload it again
thay can.. ;-}

Posted By

on 2008-08-16
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

What doesn't work, the link itself or you can't finish the game according to the map? The file loads for me.

Posted By

on 2008-08-16
 Re: maps and walkthroughs


Does not work for me.

Posted By

on 2008-08-15
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

i have also mapped robo knight for the c16

Posted By

on 2008-08-15
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

just done the bridgehead c16 level maps
if you would like to use the map please do so ;-}

Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

thats good thinking rudiger.
im guessing at best though thay probely had no room left in ram.
so the end product would to start the game afresh. as thay is no score board
or well done you completed the game. all you get is a slight graphics glitch and it
starts all over. so even the routine to keep the score could of been slightly bigger
than the memory alowed for. any how its still a clasic game, the 64 version has more
scope but that anoyed me so i gave up mapping that. you would die instantly if you
couldent get the timing and angel over each nasty to avoid.
the c16 / plus 4 was good to do i injoyed it, maybe with an eight pack of beer il do
the 64 vershion, but the c16 / plus 4 is the best thay did.

Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Reset high score? Is that a bug in the program ...

Posted By

on 2008-05-22
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

rudiger once you finish the last level of blagger, you go back to the first level.
and your score gets reset back to zero.


Posted By

on 2008-05-21
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

@reuben: You have finished Blagger? We need the game ending type, too.

Posted By

on 2008-05-21
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Here is a (pretty lame) attempt at playing the first few levels of Icicle Works: http://www.sharemation.com/IstvanV/icicle_works.demo. You can stop it, and continue the game at any time.

Posted By

on 2008-05-19
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

hope your all well
luca ive re-done the arrow of death pt1 & pt2 with a map and walkthrough.
and also the mysterious adventure # 6 circus, with map and walkthrough.
if you would like to use them.

any how im gona take some time out due to getting poison spread down one side
of my face, from the inside of my mouth.

once ive healed up ill sure do more because im injoying doing it.. ;-}

Posted By

on 2008-05-16
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

i hope you are all well. ;-}

right i was aware of the walkthrough for the arrow of death (pt 1) i did was not correct.
so i have re-done it and also made a map, part 2 will follow shortly.

i've actually decided to do the hole range of mysterious adventures, walkthroughs and
maps. i will be doing them all from the plus 4, but will also play them on all other
formats so the maps and walkthroughs can be for all versions.

if versions differ from the plus 4 though it will be noted in the walkthrough or map.
they can all be found under the M list of my site,
hope you all have a great afternoon. and thank you very much for the mention of
my name on your main page. ;-}.... thanks

Posted By

on 2008-05-16
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

i always wanted to do bobby bearing but doing spindizy put me off, because that
was hard. when i seen the game here i just had to map it though. anyhow,
you're right about a bug in the game, i played it until i came to the room that crashes
the game. so all i did was follow another route around until i entered the room
that crashes from the top end.

you can complete this game though by missing out this one single room in the game.
as you do not need that route when pushing the 5 bearings back to the start of the game.


Posted By

on 2008-05-15
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Has anyone actually tried playing through Bobby Bearing? The map is nice, but IIRC the Plus/4 version is bugged because the map data is messed up, and therefore cannot be completed. I could be wrong though.

Posted By

on 2008-05-14
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Of course, done!

Posted By

on 2008-05-14
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

i have just finished and uploaded to my site, bobby bearing commodore plus 4 map.
if you would like to use it for this, site luca please feel free to do so.


Posted By

on 2008-05-13
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

i have gone back and played the magicians curse 5 and followed it through
with the map, and the map is exact to the game.

i havent spotted any think at the end of the game that contains a hidden curse.
the game just starts over with more apples and bats.

this hidden curse will probely need a map of its own and won't be apart of the
game map.

i will work on this until i have found the solution, and if the hidden curse adds to the
game map then i will update the map with the extra needed. and of course
give you a nod so you can use it.

if any one else out there finds the hidden curse before i do, and its an add on
to the map its self, please add it to the existing map. and please add your name
as i wouldent wan't credit for other peeps work. and it would be fun to see the missing
part ;-}

this i can say, its got me stumped. i havent a clue where the hidden curse is lol.

Posted By

on 2008-05-13
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Ok, added. What do I have to do with Magicians Curse 5 map then?

Posted By

on 2008-05-12
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

just finished blagger for the commodore 16, and plus 4
and have up loaded it. please feel free to use it for this site.


Posted By

on 2008-05-12
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

The saboteur map is of the Commodore 16 version.
Not the plus 4, as that's the same as the Commodore 64 version of the game.

And the Skramble game is from the Italian game that you have in your archive.
I just wanted to play a space shooter game then decided to map it LOL.

As for the magicians curse 5, I thought the hidden curse after the ending. Started
once you collected the first set of 7 talisman. So I just continued the map until you
actually reach the gold statue. As there is no indication at the end of the game that
there is a hidden curse after the ending. Like all the other games in the series you start
again but with more apples dropping from trees and an added bat, on all the screens that
originally had a singular bat.
Mmmm that's why I decided to put a half way marker in the walk-through for the
5th game.

Posted By

on 2008-05-12
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Wanna know more about! happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-12
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

For Magicians Curse 5 we need 2 maps.

This version contains a hidden curse after ending the game.

Posted By

on 2008-05-11
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

all right luca
ive done some more maps
saboteur commodore 16 map, and skramble level maps for the plus 4.
feel free to use them ;-}

Posted By

on 2008-05-06
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Added, thanks! happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-06
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

I think you can save snapshots in VICE too (I do not use VICE for Plus/4 emulation, though), however, in any case it is recommended to use plus4emu or a more recent version of YAPE instead, since the Plus/4 emulation in VICE is not very accurate, and it was not improved for a long time. In plus4emu, you can quicksave with Ctrl+F9 and quickload with Ctrl+F10. It is also possible to record "demos" of playing the game, which can be played back and stopped at any time to resume playing the game.

Posted By

on 2008-05-06
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

hi luca
right all 5 of the magician's curse games have been maped, and ive also
done walkthroughs for each game.
please feel free to use them on this site.

could you also tell me where i could get a plus 4 emulator that i can save any where
in the game. im using the vice emulator and it dosent alow me to save during the game
so once i die on a part of the game i have to start all over again.
as you could probely guess this is what's taking up alot of time while maping games.

Posted By

on 2008-05-01
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Ah well no, it's not "my site", but being a childish messiah like me apparently with 24h/day to spend on it, I manage it like a screaming mother. Moreover, maps are truly welcome, in order to aim to a real preservation shrine site, instead of a scene fulcrum, as originally it had been to become.

Stuff added!
Feel free to link Plus4World wildly! happy

Posted By

on 2008-05-01
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

hi luca hope you are well.
i have done the first map and walkthrough for the magician's curse.
feel free to use them both along with the rest of the series once i have done them.
i have also made a link to your site, by my main links page screen. and as i further
up date my site i will make links from the stuff you are all ready using on your site.


Posted By

on 2008-04-30
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

thanks for that rudiger your info is mutch appreciated.
i have to say i wasent looking forward to doeing any more jet set willy maps,
because the cbm 64 like the plus 4 had errors in the games.
making it a bit hard to actualy get them maped, but also because my plus 4 emulators
im running to make the maps with don't do snapshot images. so i have to play the game
through out more than once to do the maps lol

Posted By

on 2008-04-30
 Jet Set Willy 16 and +4

Hi reuben,

you have a map for Jet Set Willy 16.

Jet Set Willy +4 is a enhanced version, with a bigger maze, but the same as C-64?

Posted By

on 2008-04-30
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Let's link us then! wink

Posted By

on 2008-04-29
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

this looks good and kind of a game i could get my teeth into and map all of them.
put apart from that i have to up date my site and in doeing so im wanting to
place links to your site, if you don't mind. and thanks for the info im sure gona be looking
at the games. ;-}

Posted By

on 2008-04-29
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

And added an Italian map for The Magician's Curse too.

Posted By

on 2008-04-28
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Aaaand done!

Posted By

on 2008-04-28
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

i have finished and up loaded jet set willy 1 & 2 maps for the +4 .
and also jet set willy 1 map for the commodore 64.
please feel free to take them for your own site.


Posted By

on 2008-04-28
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Yes I added yours and others'maps too, as I pointed out.
Jet Set Willy II's page looks like confusing me, moreover I dunno if the 4 parts are sequential or separated, a .tap file would eventually be a very good addon happy
The Commodore User 41 map should be at pag 116, but the link sends you at publications pagg.106/107, exactly like the "Hints From Commodore User" windows below, hence they're redundant.

I should fix all those mistakes, but I guess it's better for me to leave'em as they are, and wait for a less-messiahnic less-mother user, maybe the one who did it, in order to prevent other pretty nice words dedicated to me wink

Posted By

on 2008-04-27
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

thanks but i never did saboteur 2 map working on the first map was a pain.
because on the 64 it was joystick control dia. id love to do the second if its available for
the +4 and i like its playability, then ill do the map. seems like you like my work, and thank
you ever so mutch i decided to working on jet set willy 2 map. but level 2 is carupt after
the first screen to the left "swimming pool" you get a cpu jam at address $8045.
this has been on both the yape 0.63 beta and the winvice-1.20. i have done some work that i get the screen so i can include it into the map.
it's nothink to do with the emulators, more on just a bad up load or copy of
jet set willy 2. i havent changed or modified ever emulator or saved it because never emulater is mine to change. hopefully ill get the map finished some time wedensday so feel free to take both maps from my site. ill give you a nod when its done and up there
to grab. its been great to have done what i have in the past and some one else take
intrest, thank you once again. i hope to do more now for my own site and yours. ;-}

Posted By

on 2008-04-27
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

...and Saboteur 2 map added too.

Posted By

on 2008-04-23
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Done thanks!
I'd stolen all what I can wink

Solutions for three Dizzy, three Zork and Castle Master; maps for both Monty games, two Dizzy, Ikari Warriors, Saboteur!, Aliens (added the Zzap!64 too), Split Personalities, Airwolf C16 (no, not the official one from Elite wink )

Posted By

on 2008-04-23
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

to luca and sidius

yes please feel free to up load them to your site. ;-}

the split personalities and the saboteur maps are from the cbm 64.
all i know of them is thay is also the same vershion for the spectrum as in graphics wise,
maybe slightly diferent for the split personalities.

i would never of guessed thay made saboteur for the plus/4 .

for the ikari warriors and airwolf i wanted so mutch to do them maps so peeps could
compare to other vershions.

ikari warriors was one of my favourite games on the cbm 64. so it was a dream
to do the plus/4 map. im curently working on the airwolf cbm 64 map.


Posted By

on 2008-04-23
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Does Split Personalities level pictures apply on Plus/4 too? And Saboteur's map?

May I upload the maps here too, citation included? wink

Posted By

on 2008-04-23
 Re: maps and walkthroughs

Hey Reuben !

So the maps of Ikari Warriors and Airwolf (Plus/4) for example are already very interesting...they are still absent here really! happy

Posted By

on 2008-04-22
 maps and walkthroughs

nice site
any how this message is for the peeps that own or run this site.
i my self have a site http://zonesite.250x.com/
instead of me telling you what its about please feel free to pop over there and have
a look. well i thought id do a few maps for the plus/4 being i used to work on one,
and still own one. any how im curently working on a hand full of maps for different platforms. if your intrested then email me id love to help, even with complete solutions
to walkthroughs.

you can get my email address from my site

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