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Posted By

on 2007-12-11
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

na akko kabbe a f***** es takaroggy a k**** anyadba!

Posted By

on 2007-12-11
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

we have a new spambot in the faaamily! salalla

Posted By

on 2007-11-28
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Another Visitor! Stay a while. Stay Foreveeeeeeeeeer!


Posted By

on 2007-11-28
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

im a bot, my father was a woman, my mother was a man.. i have two children.. im forteen years old..

the secret life of mr.black

Posted By

on 2006-08-02
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Wow, just realized that Ingo used his own TED tune in his part!
Congratulation Ingo, that is a great tune! happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-31
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Rachy, the Murphy's one or the whole demo?
Apart of Murphy's, the only difference between real iron and YAPE can be seen into the Optika's part, a little blinking on the original machine caused by the 50Hz, you know... The rest looks the same in both viewings.

Posted By

on 2006-07-31
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Luca: just one more thing. Is the demo working perfectly under emulation?

Posted By

on 2006-07-31
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Csabo, that's only because I'm back from Ajka right now, after further 16 hoirs by trains, and I really need t.o.s.l.e.e.p., after two days of boozing, coding and no sleeping!
I'll write here a party report soon, but let me fix some important points.

2) we won the demo competition beating DCD's demo that got 2nd, and that's ONE OF THE BEST STUFF ON THE +4 EVER!

Murphy did his part, but though it appears to work on YAPE, had so many bugs on the real iron, so we'd shown the 10th part version, that will' be called "PARTY VERSION", and that will be released with the other 2 winning stuff.
A couple of days will pass, until Murphy will be able to send us a working part, in order to release the real 100% 8SOB, that will be spread as single, and uploaded for comments on Pouet too.

Congratulations to all of us, it had been a big fun completely rocking the party democompo, you had to be there to see and feel! Lemme sleep a bit, and I'll come back with releases (after a little ASCII stuff to add to) and party report!

Oh, much better: before sleeping, let me introduce you the 1K democompo winner, and the 2nd ranked DCD's big big big stuff! Csabo, I put them, you should be so kind to write some news wink

Posted By

on 2006-07-30
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

I keep checking this forum, the Hungarian forum, the Arok homepage and my inbox every 5 minutes... But still no download... Come one Luca & Dr. Death, we're dying here! (We = poor sceners who could not attend the party).

Posted By

on 2006-07-30
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLUS4 POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smash the c64 rules!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLUS4 POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By

on 2006-07-30
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

excelent work guys, congratulation to all contribtors!!

Posted By

on 2006-07-30
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Me want download... Me want download...

Posted By

on 2006-07-28
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Create backup copies!

Posted By

on 2006-07-27
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Splendid idea, you do that. And guard the disc with your life happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-27
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Hm, right at this moment i've got a disc here, 5,25'' is it's size and i must say it has got interesting content on it...

... i think i should go to hungary now to show it around. happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-27
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Congratulations! I am really looking forward to this one.

Pity, I had to finish my diploma, I had an idea for a C16-part on my mind, too. Maybe someday... happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-26
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Yeah, 10 fully done parts... I'm drooling already. Go Murphy, you can do it! happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-26
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Well, what can I say? We did it again! happy

Bubis/RSC :: [X]
DCD/WLS :: [X]
Skoro/ASN :: [X]
Optika/Aliens :: [X]
Hifi/TLT :: [X]
Csabo/LOD :: [X]
Degauss/TEK :: [X]
Mermaid/CTR :: [X]
ATI/GS :: [X]
Britelite/DKD :: [X]
Murphy/EXD/GS :: probably, 50% [O]

Tomorrow I'll pack a bunch of useful stuff, a Plus/4, a SIDcard and a 1541-II, then 16 pretty nice hours by train await for me, to reach Ajka.
During the party, especially in saturday, we'll complete the whole project: all the ppl present at Árok will sign the dedicated Chronos'diskcover; we'll root for Murphy, in order to have his part ready for saturday night (time for compo!); we also reserved a little scrolltext to use as partyscroll (oho, live boozing attestation on the C16!). Because of this, since friday evening Ingo (aka Degauss) will be there too with his laptop.
What do we need yet? Oh, ok, we have to put music into part selector, but we know we are in veeeery good hands wink

On the bounce, though our 16K adventure is not finished yet, I wanna use this last space in order to say thanks from my heart! Thanks to all the ppl that had sent their parts, thanks to all the ppl that doesn't take part, but nonetheless they supported us. I beg pardon of all of ya, but I feel to send a very very very special "thanks pal!" to Csabo, because of his constant enthusiasm and for all the time and attention (you will see, watcher, what I mean!) he spent in order to make it possible.

Ok, let's go for the final triumph!

Posted By

on 2006-07-25
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

*dling-dloooonnng* deadline comes!

So, what we have in the end?
Bubis/RSC :: [X]
DCD/WLS :: [X]
Skoro/ASN :: [X]
Optika/Aliens :: [X]
Hifi/TLT :: [X]
Csabo/LOD :: [X]
Degauss/TEK :: [X]
Mermaid/CTR :: [X]

We consider Mermaid's part in, though she didn't find time to send me better pertaining text for scrolltext.
Murphy: well, he's a sort of hero, we just knew that the fate of his participation will be solved at the party itself.
ATI/GS: he coded fadein/fadeout, but had a problem with tune's relocation, that we hope to be solved tomorrow.
Britelite: he knows when the deadline had been set,dunno, probably he had no time in the last day, or he had some problems...; dunno because now is 40 past noon and I didn't received any contact by him...crossfingering...
Part selector: I spotted a nasty bug that works on C16 only, we will repair it; also, some refinements and several texts must be added, and I have to compose a very little tune for it; a final testing would be great, better having all the part in, and taht's the bad...
Bugs: apart the one I spotted on PS, there are some bugs in the DCD part's behavior, that will be positioned on the very first place in our todo list
Disk cover:yeah, Chronos drew one for the release, it will be signed in the back by all the kewl ppl present there, then scanned and put online for the joy of you all! happy

We have to working very hard and very fast, also we must prepare for a 16h train trip.
Nonetheless, we're positive, dunno why happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-24
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

(nick/crew :: last word, percentage); [Y]->confirmed; [O]->we'd seen code; [X]->got in!!
Bubis/RSC :: [X]
DCD/WLS :: [X]
Skoro/ASN :: [X]
Optika/Aliens :: [X]
Hifi/TLT :: [X]
Csabo/LOD :: [X]
Degauss/TEK :: [X]
ATI/GS :: sure, 85% [O]
Mermaid/CTR :: sure, 85% [O]
Britelite/DKD :: sure, 67% [O]
Murphy/EXD/GS :: maybe, 40% [Y]
Very last day! And Csabo's part is in!
Murphy hangs on in his heroic coding effort against time, and Britelite has to accomplish his own. ATI has only to close it. I have some problems in contacting Mermaid, but hope in tomorrow...

Posted By

on 2006-07-24
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

I finished Mermaid part's tune, and I should work on the part selector.
But first, I should stop watching Csabo's part again and again...

Posted By

on 2006-07-24
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Whew, my arms are falling off from all the coding. But I'm done, and I wasn't the last to finish happy Good luck to everyone finishing their part. Now I can relax and wait for the release... Looking forward to it! Should be great!

Posted By

on 2006-07-23
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

(nick/crew :: last word, percentage); [Y]->confirmed; [O]->we'd seen code; [X]->got in!!
Bubis/RSC :: [X]
DCD/WLS :: [X]
Skoro/ASN :: [X]
Optika/Aliens :: [X]
Hifi/TLT :: [X]
Degauss/TEK :: sure, 99% [O]
Csabo/LOD :: sure, 99% [O]
ATI/GS :: sure, 85% [O]
Mermaid/CTR :: sure, 80% [O]
Britelite/DKD :: sure, ~50% [O]
Murphy/EXD/GS :: maybe, 20% [Y]
Did I say 10 parts? Nonono, I meant: 11!!
Yeah, Csabo did another magic in an hour or so, touching with his witched stick the pumpkin-ish TLT's frozen part, transforming it in a nice little part to be included. Great!
Unfortunately, this new part's number forces use to code two different version for the part selector: if Murphy will accomplish his own, we'll use the 11 parts stuff, if not we'll use the 10parts one, and in both cases our work is doubled :-/
Murphy is coding, and he also received TED music from Csabo (you're everywhere, man!), we'll see at the party...
Britelite sent his very first code for testing: it's pretty cool, need say it to you? wink
Parts from Skoro, Degauss and Csabo are under final debugging, we can consider theminto, anyway.

One day left to the deadline guys, let's complete your stuff the 25th of july! Hang on! happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-22
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

I now have proof that you don't need speed, crack, cocaine or extasy. As long as you have a 264-machine at hand, you're gonna be high all the time!
That explains a lot! May I show this to my ex-wife and tell her that it's not my fault? happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-22
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

(nick/crew :: last word, percentage); [Y]->confirmed; [O]->we'd seen code; [X]->got in!!
Bubis/RSC :: [X]
DCD/WLS :: [X]
Skoro/ASN :: [X]
Optika/Aliens :: [X]
Degauss/TEK :: sure, 99% [O][X]
Csabo/LOD :: sure, 99% [O]
ATI/GS :: sure, 85% [O]
Mermaid/CTR :: sure, 75% [O]
Britelite/DKD :: sure, ~67% [O]
Murphy/EXD/GS :: maybe, 10%
...and SecretMan waaaaas..ATI/GS!! And he's got the new simpler (but cooler!) music by Csabo, he only has to do the latter stuff.
Degauss, plz, delete that silly annoying gfx bug, and you'll be bolded too!
The Csabo's ghost part remains in the dark yet...whoooooooooohohoho!
No more little bugs at last, and, to say the truth, this is the release with the historical minimum of obstacles and mistakes ever!
Unfortunately, we received Hifi part, and it breaks several rules, so, after we tried to save it, we're forced to keep Hifi's part in "frozen" state :-/

No time left ppl, party is sooo cloose and deadline is closer! Spend your last time, because at this point we're trying to achieve a 10 parts C16 trackmo! I can confirm you that 9 out of 10 are quit sure, as you can see from the upper ranking, and nothing can stop the project as now! We also can ensure you about the presence of a hidden part somewhere, and a very cool part selector made by Degauss and me, the Dynamic Automotivating Duo (DAD).

Posted By

on 2006-07-18
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

A little addon.
Haegar/Synergy confirmed he has no time, but it takes the ticket for the next project, as several users did, cause he started to code a part since just after CD4!

Posted By

on 2006-07-18
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

(nick/crew :: last word, percentage); [Y]->confirmed; [O]->we'd seen code; [X]->got in!!
Bubis/RSC :: sure, 100%!! [O][X]
DCD/WLS :: sure, ~75% [O]
Skoro/ASN :: sure, 100%!! [O][X]
Degauss/TEK :: sure, ~100% [O][X]
Csabo/LOD :: sure, 99% [O]
Britelite/DKD :: sure, ~67% [O]
Optika/Aliens :: sure, 100%!! [O][X]
Hifi/TLT :: yes, 0% [Y]
Murphy/EXD/GS :: maybe, 0%
Mermaid/CTR :: sure, 75% [O]
(secret!)/??? :: sure, ~50% [Y][O]
In the end SecretMan had shown his code (SecretMan can I reveal your secret identity).
Due to a comeback (and can't say more), we could have a little secret addon, we will see...
Mermaid, at last! She still can't code at the moment, but her part was just in advanced coding, so it only needs new texts, a TEDmusic and little other. Mermaid had been so kind to allow us to touch her code. If you can contribute with a fantasy/medieval style TEDmusic, you're welcome, and you only have to tell us very quickly (otherwise, we will do our strategic moves by ourselves).
Britelite had been busy, but he said he will link all the stuff during this weekend.
Skoro's part had been quickly repaired, now we're a bit worried by Csabo's, but the problems seems to be easy to overrun.
The 2nd attempt to run the stuff on real iron has been another great success, and following Murphy's laws... wink.
We planned 10 parts for this project, plus part selector. We're proud to see that 9 parts will be in for sure, and now we're waiting for Hifi and Murphy!!

Posted By

on 2006-07-18
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

+++ Emergency Level set back to "green" +++ Skoros part rescued by Csabo +++ Thank you very much +++

For your information/motivation: The last build of the demo i did gave me very good vibrations. Even if there are still very promising parts missing, this has to be one of the coolest things ever made. I now have proof that you don't need speed, crack, cocaine or extasy. As long as you have a 264-machine at hand, you're gonna be high all the time! happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-16
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

--- Alerts from the Linking-Department ---

I'm very sorry, but i must have missed that: Skoros Part overwrites the loader/framework-code. Skoro: Please contact me!

Posted By

on 2006-07-15
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

(nick/crew :: last word, percentage); [Y]->confirmed; [O]->we'd seen code; [X]->got in!!
Bubis/RSC :: sure, 100%!! [O][X]
DCD/WLS :: sure, ~75% [O]
Skoro/ASN :: sure, 100%!! [O][X]
Degauss/TEK :: sure, 85% [O]
Csabo/LOD :: sure, 99% [O]
Britelite/DKD :: sure, ~50% [O]
Optika/Aliens :: sure, 100%!! [O][X]
Hifi/TLT :: yes, 0%
Murphy/EXD/GS :: maybe, 0%
Mermaid/CTR :: maybe, ??% [O]
(secret!)/??? :: sure, ~33% [Y]
SecretMan is coding right now, and he has ready graphics!
DCD's part is improving hour per hour, day by day, cool!.
Mermaid has some personal problems that act as an obstacle, but we'll see, hang on Vanja!
Britelite has to link the stuff, that is just ready to work.
Hifi is rumoured to code, but I got no direct contact at the moment...
Csabo is in his final refinements state.
Degauss must choose an intro pic, mostly he's taken by his own little dentro.
Bubis made his part NTSC compatible, and you should do the same! happy
Murphy is coding on his own stuff and appears to have no time for 8SOB, but a party is a weird state of mind, who knows what can happens here wink

About me: I'm lost in a debated pic/logo I drew for DCD's personal demo, and, most important for us, in drawing all the gfx for the intro + part selector (now I'm 25%), that will be coded by Degauss, as for CD4.

Hang on guys, keep it hard!

Posted By

on 2006-07-13
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Well, Csabo has to test it, but if I am lucky, my part is NTSC compatible now. happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-11
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

About my progress: I am ready for a long time, but I would like to make my part NTSC compatible. That's why it is "almost 100%".

Posted By

on 2006-07-08
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Ohohoh happy
At this point, it's a miracle if I'll find spare time to draw gfx for the intro/part selector, you know...

Posted By

on 2006-07-07
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Okay, good to know. I will be 100% done before the 25th. So... multiple entries per author? How many Luca parts can we expect? Or how many FIRE parts for that matter? Come on guys, Italy needs to be represented wink

Posted By

on 2006-07-07
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Csabo, great to listen about your part!
Deadline? You know, we said 25.07, but it simply would mean "before Aròk begins"...

Posted By

on 2006-07-07
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Well, I guess I can talk publicly about my progress just a bit. This week I've gotten some serious stuff done. I wasn't sure if I was going to have 5 or 6 effects (space concerns), but right now the first 5 are 100% done (with proper transitions and NTSC compatility), and it looks like the 6th one will fit in. My todo list is just finishing the last effect, finalizing the music and some overall polishing. (Looking back, I'm astonished about fitting 12 effects into LOD is Back.)

I'd like to point out that a definite deadline will help me, otherwise I may fall into my usual routine of improving it and improving it and never releasing it... It definitely helped for my CD4 part. There's always more bytes to save, and of course more free bytes mean more possibilities happy

Posted By

on 2006-07-07
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

(nick/crew :: last word, percentage); [O]->we'd seen code; [X]->got in!!
Bubis/RSC :: sure, almost 100%!! [O][X]
DCD/WLS :: sure, more than a half% [O]
Skoro/ASN :: sure, 100%!! [O][X]
Degauss/TEK :: sure, 85% [O]
Csabo/LOD :: sure, ??% [O]
Britelite/DKD :: sure, 25% [O]
Optika/Aliens :: sure, 100%!! [O][X]
Hifi/TLT :: yes, 0%
Murphy/EXD/GS :: maybe, 0%
Mermaid/CTR :: maybe, more than a half% [O]
Several other guys said NO (Rachy, MagerValp...) but I pray for a rethink. I wanna remember that we accept multiple entries per author.

Posted By

on 2006-07-05
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

First news from Mermaid: she has not so much time to spend, she doubts but will see...
Cross-fingering for me...

Posted By

on 2006-07-05
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Even more news: Linking the demo seems to be a very easy task. It's going very well...

Posted By

on 2006-07-05
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

More news: Skoro's and Optika's parts are submitted. I got an email from HiFi/TLT, he said he will think about writing a part, that's good news.

Posted By

on 2006-07-03
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

...and the first one on the 100% goal is...Bubis!
Part achieved!

Posted By

on 2006-06-30
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Some news about Britelite/DKD: he's managing some effects, that will become a 16k part soon. The big guy is in wink

Posted By

on 2006-06-29
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

I sent mine in as it was, just for testing. I've been working pretty hard on it (until 2:30 AM last night for example), but still needs work. Skoro's part was fully running, it just needed some tweaks (e.g. jump to $0200 at the end). I got an email from him a few days ago saying he's almost done.

Optika's part is 100% ready for quite a while. I don't remember if he asked me to send it in or not, I'll email him today.

One thing is very curious: how come there's absolutely no mention of the Luca part? There'd better be one!

Also, did anyone try contacting TLT? They are pretty active, I'm sure they'd be happy to contribute. And that's about it, I honestly thing no-one else is interested / have the time to participate.

Posted By

on 2006-06-28
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Bubis is right: Hit the keys, guys!

Posted By

on 2006-06-28
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Hurry up guys! We agreed that Arok8 is the deadline, and only I am ready. One of the things why I wanna go the the party is to see all your stuff on the big screen. I told many ppl that there will be plus/4 releases, including my one. Should I release my part before 8sob? Bad ide, isn't it!
Don't mess my holiday! Finish your part, come to the party! (Ok, Csabo has an excuse.) happy

Posted By

on 2006-06-21
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

I have a little request: Since i'm working on the demo's framework again i would like to ask if you people could send me some of your work (for testing, playing around, a.s.o.).

Until now, only Bubis has sent me his part. So, if you have anything half-way-running (or maybe even finished) -> please send it to me via email. Thanks!

Posted By

on 2006-06-12
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Hey! I think thats good news because we can already count on six parts:

Bubis, DCD, Degauss, Optika, Skoro and Csabo

And i think it's quite sure that Britelite and Mermaid will participate. What about the rest?


You don't have to be a six-footer,
you don't have to have a great brain,
you don't have to have any clothes on,
you're a democoder the moment dad came,


every part is sacred,
every part is great,
if a part is wasted,
god get's quite irate.

Let the heathens spill theirs
on the dusty ground,
god shall may them pay
for each part that can't be found.

Every part is wanted,
every part is good,

Posted By

on 2006-06-12
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Optika is 100% ready and Skoro is over 90% ready.

Posted By

on 2006-06-11
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

You're right: Things are going on very slow and silent. To my knowledge it looks like this:

- Bubis is already polishing his part.
- DCD is working on it, seems to be quite far.
- I am on the final spurt with my part.

No word from other people yet.

Posted By

on 2006-06-09
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

As for the above question, it's fine with me either way. I'll just be happy to see new demos on the machine, if I can vote, I'll vote.

It's been really quiet around here. Is anyone still working on their demos? I'm slowly working on mine, but it looks like I set my goals too high. It doesn't look like I'll be able to finish before the deadline.

Posted By

on 2006-05-07
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

I thought about this the whole weekend. In the End i came to the conclusion that Luca is right: Coop-Demo and Competion don't mix very well.

I like the competion thing very much, but in the end i'm afraid it would lead to something that is against the spirit of a coop-demo: it would lock at least some people out.

Also there is the problem that 8SOB would contain re-released stuff - namely the demoparts from a competition. (i *COULD* cope with that somehow if these parts would be "remixed" a little bit - but releasing things twice always sucks).

To "save" the idea i want to make some constructive suggestions:

1. We could do a voting afterwards in the forum: Whose part is the coolest.

2. We could use 8SOB to announce/invite people for a c16-only competition at the next big 8bit-friendly-event (Arok9? LCP?)

While i'm writing this, i begin to like suggestion no. 2 very much. Good demoparts need time, ppl need to be motivated and 8SOB could be a really cool "invitro" wink

What do you people think?

Posted By

on 2006-05-07
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

> Also, the compo idea doesn't seem to give advantage to
> ppl who need more time, who did ask to MagerValp, for
> example, if he really will code for 8SOB after LCP?

No, count me out.

Posted By

on 2006-05-06
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

About Murphy's idea of a parallel compo.

At first sight, it was nice'n'cool: a compo that subtracts our release from a c64 compo in order to have a REAL c64 compo and a REAL c16 one, and not a WILD one. Hope there will be more than Singular and Chorus releases then happy (Hey I love Singular and Chorus releases! I could do a "Chorus Demo Compo" for the party, in which all the Chorus demos partichahahahahahaha!).
Well, seriously, a compo would be "pepper on the ass" (nice italian phrase!), would be a reenergizing improvement, would be...would be....

OMG would be not much

Yeah, in this case it seems to take so little improvement with it, though pretty nice. Let imagine together. The stuff will be watched and maybe released to at Singular's homebase; then, after some weeks, me and Ingo (that created and worked on it) will release the same stuff with a fantastic irqloader that surely will leave ppl astonished, wow, kewl! After this release, Ingo and me will pass weeks and weeks, sending messages sms and emails to all the ppl that blame us, little messages with "We came first!" default phrase, in order to answer angry ppl claiming us as stupid lamers. happy

Also, the compo idea doesn't seem to give advantage to ppl who need more time, who did ask to MagerValp, for example, if he really will code for 8SOB after LCP?
I think the compo idea simply doesn't mach with this specific trackmo. Moreover, a 16k compo would be the next step, after this trackmo, once the genre had been sealed (8sob and 4ever03 compo, you know; but the rules had been consolidate in this trackmo only: unpacked, no sid, etc.). I really hope a compo will follow!

We need enthusiastic ppl loaded with ideas that pop out like a barazilian carnival, there are the scene's treasure. The compo idea for 8SOB simply seems to be the wrong key to open a golden chest. I think we should leave this stuff as thought on its roots.

Remember: I'm not "Da Owner", mine is only a voice, and 8SOB had been claimed to be really democratic. Let's discuss all ideas about, and let's improve it together.

...while coding, of course... wink

Posted By

on 2006-05-06
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Did anyone think about trying to get "non-coders" or "not-ml-coders" to participate? I wonder if some of the forum regulars have any artistic talents and/or free time. I'm thinking people like Ulysses777, Rudiger, Sidius, JamesC, C16 Chris, Chris, etc. It would be cool if they would do something - e.g. ascii art, digitised music, how about even basic programs?

OMG We'd never drawn limit lines! All the ppl who want and can are welcome, of course! happy

Posted By

on 2006-05-05
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

I think this is a nice idea. In the end, there are three reasons to participate:

... the "family"-feeling wink
... the challenge
... and the competion!

The only thing i wouldn't like to "break up" is the idea to have a coop-demo that is looping a "playlist" of demoparts. Something that runs over and over again - like a screensaver oder demo-show.

What about a "best-parts"-voting after the demo is finished? What about a translation of Murphy's Posting here?

(BTW: The only reason why i would like to enter the demo in a competion is pretty simple: i'd like to see it on the bigscreen wink)

Posted By

on 2006-05-05
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Here comes reply #37. The content of it is going to be simply amazing! And now for something completely different.

Murphy suggested on the Hungarian Plus/4 forum that we should not enter the whole demo into a democompo along with the C64 demos, but rather make the co-op demo a compo. Wha? You heard me!

I'm not too sure on the details, i.e. whether we would release all parts separately too (which I think we don't need to, but if an individual author wants to do it they can, a la We are the cure). But basically we could vote on the parts, and there would be a "winner".

bubis and Murphy support this idea, and I'm not against it either happy Whatever gets people motivated.

As for my part, I'm still working hard on it, I don't think I'll be finished much before the deadline, so I'll probably be one of the last to finish.

Another topic... Did anyone think about trying to get "non-coders" or "not-ml-coders" to participate? I wonder if some of the forum regulars have any artistic talents and/or free time. I'm thinking people like Ulysses777, Rudiger, Sidius, JamesC, C16 Chris, Chris, etc. It would be cool if they would do something - e.g. ascii art, digitised music, how about even basic programs?

Posted By

on 2006-04-28
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Ok, time comes when we take it seriously.
Now the time comes.

Days of tough testing and effects adjusting. Also, days of decisions. I still have no success in setting hyperlinks into this forum, so you have to go back to the first post of this thread:
The official project's homepage had been updated in 'deadline' and 'download' sections.

At the moment, the official deadline is 25 July 2006, some days before Arok 2006 party. Yeah, after the good success in the past year, we would present the 16k trackmo during the new edition of the friendly party hold in Ajka. Now you know a date, but please feel free to check periodically.

Degauss (aka Dr.Death, hey Ingo plz decide once forever!)/TEK takes to you esob testkit, a nice tool that can test you part(s) with our IRQloader. It works on PC in the easiest way ever, and should be able to dissipate any doubt about your contribution.

News about people involved:
bubis/RSC had 99% finished his part, and he's the quicker contributor, biiig man!. Though we know nothing yet, we suspect the next ready part will come from Csabo/LOD. Degauss/TEK is fighting against nasty bugs right now, but the stuff moves in classy way. Mermaid/CTR should finally start to put her hands on the real job, achieving her very 1st 264 release in the end. BriteLite/DKD coded his own superlight TEDplayer, but dunno yet if he can code a double part, or a couple of single parts. DCD/WLS just tested his part, we're waiting for new improvements, but we suspect he will be mm.... A LOT BUSY in the end of July wink

News about not involved ppl:
Rachy/MX doesn't wanna strecth his code in less than 16k, though we know what he's able to do (who said "Hot Sixteen"?), and Unreal/MX had no success in force and motivate him MagerValp/MM is too busy in other projects, unfortunately... TMR/C the same reason.

The borderline:
Optika/Aliens? Murphy/GS/XCD? Skoro/ASN? Lavina/GOTU? ATI/GS? SVS/FIRE? TLC/CNS? Bionic/SYN? Crown/GOTU? Gaia/LOD? nukem/TBD? Siz/TBC? CSIO/ACE? Moldi/ACE? Haegar/SYN? Larry/WLS? BSZ/NST?
OMG! And what about me and my world's famous coding skills?

Posted By

on 2006-04-21
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

The bad in that deadline is the same as past years: Arok will occur in the same period of LCP. MagerValp, for example, has so many projects to complete, thus if he'll find spare time, he will spend it for the latter.
Britelite is coding his own 2-parts contribution (or his 2 single parts, we'll see).

Posted By

on 2006-04-21
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

My part is 99% ready! I may change the gfx in it, and the timing, but it is ready! happy

Posted By

on 2006-04-21
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

@Ingo: You have to load my part to $0800-$3FFF. Is that a problem?

Posted By

on 2006-04-18
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Yeah, sounds reasonable. I hope we can get some more people motivated though.

Posted By

on 2006-04-17
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

It is ok for me.

Posted By

on 2006-04-17
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

What do you think about 28 July as deadline? wink

Posted By

on 2006-04-12
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Just to let you know: Somebody is composing a TED tune for me, so things are happening on my side. Maybe I will be the one who decides the deadline. happy

Posted By

on 2006-04-10
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

??? Nobody's coding when they're up on the Internet typing messages back and forth!

<cracking the whip> BACK TO WORK!!!!!


Posted By

on 2006-04-10
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Ouch ouch I'm getting bad, I need a 16k part from Rachy! wink

Posted By

on 2006-04-10
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Luca: get well!

Csabo: nice try... wink

Posted By

on 2006-04-08
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Umm, Rachy, actually Luca did get hurt. It's not looking good at all. The only thing that will get him to recover is that if you contribute with a part into Shades of Black...

(Okay, that was lame) happy

Posted By

on 2006-04-08
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Oh well yeah, just a bit, in 10 days I'll come back in good health conditions wink

Posted By

on 2006-04-08
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Luca: I hope you hadn't been hurt in that accident.

Posted By

on 2006-04-07
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Hey ya!
Don't try to sleep! Ppl is coding right now! happy
I'm not so visible on this board only because I had a road accident (and my bike had been broken in two halves), Also, I'm moving undercover for this site (Csabo knows my efforts), in order to add screenshots to any release listed.

But beware! We're very close to a definitive deadline!
So, don't sleep! wink

Posted By

on 2006-03-23
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

To put this topic on top of the list:

I started with my part, but it's far away from being ready.

Posted By

on 2006-03-22
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

...and you're not alone, Csabo, though the silence that surrounds the project in this period happy

Posted By

on 2006-03-22
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

This thread has fallen waay to deep in the forum listing for my liking. I hope it's not getting forgotten. I think I'd be happy to see some one-liners from scene people to know their progress... So here's mine: I worked on my part, and it's nowhere near ready happy But let's keep this on the radar.

Posted By

on 2006-03-03
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

...and I beg your pardon for the double LODplay link happy

Posted By

on 2006-03-03
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

bubis highlighted a good point: TEDmusic.
Some suggests follow.

Though someone coded his own TED player (being very proud of his less-that-a-line consumpting code wink), you might need to find a way for it.
I wanna recall the existence of a couple of cool crossplatform editors/players you could use: LODplay and LODplay and TLCplay.
If you saved a big slice of memory, you could convert/compose a SID based tune, then play it throught TED with a frequence converter, like the fantastic (and very little memory consumpting) MConv V1.6.
If you need a very simple TEDsound, you could manage it with one of the several not-so-professional editors we had, searching for them on this site.

Posted By

on 2006-03-03
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Ok, here is one more participant. My part is 90% ready, but I don't have tune yet.

Posted By

on 2006-02-28
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

I hope more and more people will get motivated. I think this project will be cool... If you consider that the parts will be around max 50 blocks, we can cram at least 13 parts to one disk side happy

Posted By

on 2006-02-27
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Oooh after a couple of weeks I can say things are beginning to move toward the right direction.
I know there are 6-7 great guys who started coding, creating etcetera, that's good indeed. At the moment, I won't reveal names, but when things will be less vapour and more code, we'll spread some names here and there, beginning to talk about a real deadline.

On the cool Plus/4 forum at demoscene.hu, la créme of the scene debates about the 16K category on 264 machine. You know my thoughts about: I'm sure does not exist a more justifiable subcategory than on +4, because a home computer called Commodore 16 really existed! When you must plan a 16k demo, you are simply going to cancel from your mind that +4 was released:"What to do and move on a C16?".

Posted By

on 2006-02-18
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Lemme add another: 8 Shades of Black aims to set free all these TEDsound and 16k projects I'd seen accumulationg in the last months.

Posted By

on 2006-02-18
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Rachy: ah, good to hear you'd success in it, hope to see it soon! I still hope you'll be taken by the 16k fever wink

Posted By

on 2006-02-18
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

@Luca: ok, go for it then! I think I won't paticipate into this effort then. And I am sure I won't have time coordinating a coop demo, so I wait for an other possibility then.

BTW, in the meanwhile I got my effect working faster, it is a lot better now... happy
But won't fit into 16k for sure.

Posted By

on 2006-02-18
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

@Csabo: You're sweet wink. I think concerning timing, your part was just right (a precision landing in my eyes wink): you had to tell something, you had a nice development of what was going on on the screen and everything was sync'd with a nice track - i mean: if this is not "good design", what else? bubis' part had a good timeline too.

It is a subjective thing, thats right. But i think you cannot apply this KB <-> Time relationship so directly. It's a matter of design.

And i'm perfectly ok if somebody says: well, my part works best if it is shown only 10 seconds... the 2-4 minutes is just a recommendation for an upper limit.

Posted By

on 2006-02-17
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

I guess what we call "lengthy" is subjective then. My part for CD4 was around 1:30, and I think it's way too long, same for most parts in the demo. And that was using 64K! Imagine how much more difficult it'll be to fill up 2-4 mins from just 16K happy But sure, whatever you guys think.

Posted By

on 2006-02-17
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

a timelimit is one of the rules, but i think 30 seconds is too limited by far. I tell you what we were planning: we are planning a demo that runs with a configurable playlist - even in endless-loop-mode (like a screensaver wink). if all parts will be just 30 seconds long, the loader-part will be shown most of the time - not good. i think a reasonable amount of time is something between 2 and 4 minutes. if you have to show a lot, you can take your time. but EVERYBODY should prevent lengthy parts. if your demoshow works fine/best within 30 seconds, then you're free to do it.

my wish, my recommendation is: keep an eye on design, try to prevent lengthy parts (e.g. endless scrollers about how much booze you can take, fade-ins that take 30 minutes, asoasf...)

in short words: a hard time-limit is (just like the NTSC-thing) too much rules, too much requirement in my opinion. too much rules will make our little co-op-project look not "sexy" enough for possible participants.

Posted By

on 2006-02-17
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Uuuuh, I saw Ern0 online here!
Does somebody secretly ask to him for an original TED music? wink

Posted By

on 2006-02-17
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Csabo, that's a good point, but it sounds limiting to me. I think ppl would manage his part as he wish. Moreover, some requests ppl did in these early days after the launch, show how certain parts could be differently thought and managed.
So, why limiting in time ppl when they have so crazy and original ideas? wink

Posted By

on 2006-02-17
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Suggestion: what if we made a 30 second rule/guideline? That is, everyone would try to keep the running time of their part to 30 seconds... Perhaps 1 minute if that's too short. But that would give us more of a trackmo feel, and everyone would have "let's so something simple but cool" on their mind - which may lead to more people contributing.

Posted By

on 2006-02-17
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Rachy: ok, this is a 16k coopdemo, and of course we won't change it: when you build a project with big effort and hours spent doing it, you can't change it from the basics. You know, we just had a 64k project, and we accomplished it without you (ouch, you said your effect was too slow ), and now it's time for a 16k stuff.

I really hope that you will change your mind about a 16k part, I simply loved your Hot Sixteen. Also, you might launch a 64k coopdemo by yourself, hey that's an alternative idea! wink

Yesterday, DCD asked about using the IRQ loader to be executed while his part is working. We quickly talked with him, in order to make it possible, and to define customized features and limits.
Hence, please, feel free to call us for every need, we're ready to help you, ok? wink

Posted By

on 2006-02-17
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

64k pleeease.....

Posted By

on 2006-02-15
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

As Duke Nukem put it: "Hail to the King, baby!" happy The C16 is my absolute favourite, and this is a very nice initiative.

Posted By

on 2006-02-14
 Re: [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Oh my god! Finally something cool! I'm SOO there. Are we going to make it NTSC compatible? happy

BTW, the little website you made is awesome...

Posted By

on 2006-02-14
 [8 Shades of Black] Official thread

Ok ppl, that's wanna be our personal Valentine's gift to the glorious Commodore 16.

Degauss/TEK and Luca/FIRE are proud to present you
8 Shades of Black
an unexpanded experience

It's a cooperation project in order to achieve the world's 1st C16 trackmo. After "4ever03" party, the 16K category became a real standard demo genre on 264 series machines, credited in these days by Pouet too.
Now we need to seal this scene's typical demotype, with a scene's effort.

We will use this thread as main project's discussion hq, but we also have a dedicated homepage about it.

In the official homepage, you can read the very few and easy rules you must comply to take part of it. Anyway, basically you must respect 2 limits: $0500-$3FFF memory available and no SIDcard allowed.
All the single 16k parts will be linked by Degauss with his own micro-IRQloader, which also allows you to display a 118 characters text while loading.

At the moment, no deadline had been decided yet, but we wanna have one very soon, decided with help from ppl that will take part for sure.

Feel free to discuss here about doubts, problems, suggests, help in general, simple chitchatting.

Hang on guys! Let show what you're doing to to on a little'n'cute C16 without expansion and SIDcard! I declare this project...


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