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on 2008-11-11
 Re: 2008 - new releases

akkó' bencsmárkójá' happy

 Re: 2008 - new releases

well then benchmark away

Posted By

on 2008-11-11
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Yepp, but the problem is that we need fast graphics command. Just saw some graph routines put into BASIC's command extension, optimized for speed (io. circle, draw line), generally 15-30x faster that the one written for C128 (generally I can say Plussy uses the same routines, same dev.team behind). I mean used in the same Basic interpreter environment, the assembly routines so much faster.
So, generally speaking, those nice basic commands written for our beloved Plussy, simply crappy written. Yes, they were big advantage over C64, but the speed had to kept in focus too, as they wrote a lot of painfully slow routines, just remember paint, or the "oft-sprite" routines, how slow they were.
In the Autrospeed is just speeding up these routines -supposedly actively using registers, maybe- it may help writing fast calculations, or database handling, but this is not the aim of plussy programming any more, if I am right...
But I will do some benchmarks, when have a little more time

Posted By

on 2008-11-10
 Re: 2008 - new releases

I want to add some words about the AustroSpeed +4 compiler, one of the greater program for our dear machine.
For who like to program it combines the easyness of Basic with an acceptable execution speed. It works with graphics command too (but maintaining the standard speed), but also uses good technics in order to speed up the running (for example integer variables inside FOR...NEXT cycles).
The use of this P-type compiler is easy and only some warnings are needed.

Posted By

on 2008-11-10
 Re: 2008 - new releases


Thanks for the infos.

Yes I already reading those books, as I want to make something on Archon, if noone else wants to make it happy .
I read now the assembly programming, and reading through the source-code Quadrillion, which is very well documented (I wanna understand multi-SW-sprite).
Great hail for Csabo!

BTW, the CC65 C compiler is a little too basic (or limited) as it is, especially the H library for Plus/4, but I just digging in the readmes, how I may create specific assembly based fast libraries we may use commonly.

Posted By

on 2008-11-10
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Hi Everybody!

I feel like putting my two cents about the "how to get started"/"how to learn coding" topic:

I don't want to sound rude, but when i see statements like "We need to write a book" or "I want to learn more about plus/4" i can't help getting the impression that many of us feel like being on an isolated island. It's not like the plus/4 is SO different from the other 6502-based platforms and it's not like for example plus/4-democoding is SO different from demo-coding on other oldschool platforms. Not to forget that our little scene has collected tons of interesting information.
Sure, there's lot that could be done to reorganize all the information available in a better way, but honestly there is so many information already out there. My recommendations are:

TLC's excellent article about the TED:

An absolute essential by SVS:

More general 6502-stuff

The opcodes

Nice site about general 6502 programming:

Some essential demo-coding stuff, further links:

Some very cool ASCII-Magazines on many coding topics:

For MMS, a C-Compiler for +4:

Generally spoken, you'll find lots of information if you *also* sneak around in the Atari XL and C64 scene. It's also a good advice to grab some ideas from the Amiga-Scene. Nonetheless: Nobody can help you *understand* all this stuff, this is up to you.

I also think we could use the forum more aggressively to share knowledge. If somebody would post a specific questaion about how this or that is done, i really think everybody would try to give answers.

Posted By

on 2008-11-09
 Re: 2008 - new releases

hey is there anybody who dealing with 3d raytracing programs like blender, 3d studio max or whatever? i need somebody for a plusi product, so if interested please drop me something!

Posted By

on 2008-11-01
 Re: 2008 - new releases

the idea of spreading common knowledge of Plus4 is not new. There were some posts in the past years, where I've written to wish this. Maybe the Plus4 encyclopedia was started as consequence of them.
I've gathered all my knowledge and external data into Ultimate Map for this goal.
Unfortunately (as usual ) only a few members gave their contribute.
But we have to judge this as standard for the scene. Few releases, fewer feedbacks, etc.

Anyway an interest in Plus4 still survives, and I should like to read your book because I want to learn more about our plussy. The book writing could be online so that we haven't to wait for its completing, and maybe somebody could add something else.

Posted By

on 2008-11-01
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Csabo, Patrick isn't on his own here, as I would love to learn how to code properly on the Plus/4 too. Think I got the bug whilst working on the adventure games. Also I will have the time to do so, as going to start working in Madagascar soon for a year, with just a internet connection for communication. So plenty of time to learn happy Surely there will be more than a handful of people that would really like to learn too happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-31
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Patrick, are you serious about coding on the Plus/4? It's been a plan, a dream of mine to be able to share my knowledge with more people. I always thought there would be no next generation of Plus/4 coders. That is, until Nightbird came along. I "taught" him democoding via email over a few months time. We got as far as starting to do a bob effect, but then he disappeared. His efforts gave birth to Rise!, but unfortunately it didn't get positive reactions. I guess people failed to see the importance of the release, you know, to have someone NEW attempt to code. I'd dig up the series of emails, but it was in Hungarian.

Anyway, I'm really, really tempted to get started with something-like-a-book, basically chapters that talk about how to code a demo, starting from scratch. I just want to make sure this is a good way of spending my time... Oh man, there's SO much stuff I need to do you would not believe. I have my own projects, coding this site, managing the content, and of course I have grand plans for all of them happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-30
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Just to mention: creation and movement of a 3D object in assembly is terrible work. In C or Pascal rather easy, and certainly behind that there i a good data structure and with fast code can be done without major speed decrease (anyhow, final code is in assembly).
So to make it short: I would NeVeR imagine, that I could write a 3D object routine (especially not shaded) in assembly, but would consider to start in C or Pascal, as it is within the capabilities of a normal human happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-30
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Yepp, based on my education I am a degreed sw-developer, but shame on me, I did not write any single program in the last 12 years.
And after 12 years my first idea was a cross-platform graphic converted but then I saw Istvan's one, and I knew, that mine would never come close to that (ON, is some aspects the UI would be little better, but not the end-result, especially as i have no clue, how to program an FLI picture happy )
Then I found annoying that I cannot show the programs I made in Multibotticelli, so started to check again +4 assembly, but still a lot of effort...
I have to re-enforce my view, that an integrated C compiler into an emulator with professional effect and graphical and music libraries/routines could make programmer's life (especially beginners like me) easy like heaven. Just imagine: the best +4 programmers make their routines with defined inputs (basic drawing, rastertricks, divided screens, loaders, finetuned music player combining TED+SID, drumbanks happy etc) as routines, and people can use them without deep knowledge, or too much efforts understanding all technical details.
I know, that it looks some kind of vampirism on the programmers, but the libraries could be improved together (speed, more effects, new ideas, etc) by the team here, and it may result fast development (Sourcecode) and standardized code across this forum.
I think this is the only way a bigger project can be done. And a fast background code of libraries would make possible via C to be fast but structured at the same time.

I can add only my graphics to that project, no FLI please happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-30
 Re: 2008 - new releases

offtopic but fckin' good happy

"On the internet, noone knows you're a dog."


Posted By

on 2008-10-30
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Patrick! i am glad to hear it that there are some peoples around the world who want to learn to code in 2008, especially the centre is the plus4!
okay, at now we are 2 and with Krona we are 3 who want to learn and want to understand how borns the effects, what is the miracle in the rotazoom4 and how generate the box in 3d what is the basic of the 3d bar twister...etc.
and hey pc coders, we need your helps too---crossplattform prgs need , much more like gfx maker prgs with fli support!!!!!

Posted By

on 2008-10-30
 Re: 2008 - new releases

i think a good start will be be to share all the coding knowledge that is around all the +4 coders. like csabo said about writing a book!! but why a book? put everything on the site or start a new site. i think there are some +4 users around who like to learn to code. start with scroller ad some music, another character set. show us how to combine a logo with it. just everything!! explain make clear what u do and why u do. in the beginning u will see demo's like in the '80 and '90, but after awhile people get to know what is possible and what they can make. the scene will grow slowly.

just my thoughts!!

Posted By

on 2008-10-30
 Re: 2008 - new releases

I completely agree with leaving behind the groups. In fact, we're already doing it. On one hand, I'm forever a LOD member wink, but I contributed to just about to anyone who asked for music, or even code. Are you sure it's the isolation? My guess would be just lack of time (or maybe enthusiasm).

So do we propose that we, I mean every single one of us, get together and write a demo that blows everything away?

Maybe that's too much.

But we do need to share code for sure. Luca's been asking me to make a page that lists source codes, I really should get to it. That's a good first step.

Posted By

on 2008-10-30
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Csabo: i think the main problem is with the plusi productions the isolation of the creative minds. btw, if we left behind the classic group division, we can do quality products.

I have ideas for nothing if i don't have a coder with freetime or enough knowledge to do it.

Not long ago i tried to reorganize our crew and do a demo as a "project". with a stroryboard, correct distribution of the tasks enough deadline for the parts. it failed
we can't do work as a team, everybody likes to work by herself as the old times. the only exception was chaos but there was a coordinator (dcd) to put it together.
i don't give it up, trying to assemble once a quality product (doesnt matter how many time it takes).

If i good remember maybe Edhellon said once about a ChoruS demo, that was the cohesion beetween the demo makers to make a webpage or blog or something where the members shared the parts and tracked the progress of the product.

Making a "BIG" quality demo only needs organizing and precision (btw. the making of booze demo was about five years said the rumours..) and if u don't have skills to made a 3000 faces vector object it reedems some graphic elements or a good design..

and finally i was peed into my pants when i checked the Booze demo yesterday happy

Posted By

on 2008-10-30
 Re: 2008 - new releases

yeah CSAbo! Don't depress yourself, just concentrate what we have and the c64scene haven't ?!?
Sprites - who needs sprites?
Colors - yeah, we have got more than c64
sound - yeah, we have got more than c64 too - ted digi + sid card
let's concentrate for this and we will the king of the world!!!!
...and organise our only-plus4-party!
...and open more topic with coding, like:
-hey csabo how can you make the petscii plasma?
- i allways merging my source code to main stuffs.
-okay, i don't care your source code, just say how can we imagine it?
i think.... and you?

Posted By

on 2008-10-30
 Re: 2008 - new releases

And some little feedback to our releases could help...

Posted By

on 2008-10-29
 Re: 2008 - new releases

I don't want to depress anyone, but here's my humble personal opinion about the C64 scene in general. Whenever I see something from them, it only demotivates me. While a part of me certainly enjoys watching quality stuff, it is perfectly clear to me that I personally will never be anywhere near as good as the people behind the current C64 productions. Csio, I know exactly what you mean, but it's never going to happen. This is just way, way too much for me. Maybe some guys (Ingo, bubis), but even that's a maybe (and that's not to put them down).

I still haven't been able to finish our first megademo, and it's got scrollers in it for god's sake. If it ever comes out, it'll just be probably laughed at, well, maybe the soundtrack will be a redeeming quality. But my point is, if I watch C64 stuff, I don't feel like opening up Plus4IDE for a while. So I just try to ignore it. Then I eventually find my way back to coding and slowly hack away my proggies.

Off topic to this, but relevant to the scene: I keep trying to say this but it must not come across properly. We have to do everything better guys. Unite with everything, unite with coding, unite with our goals, organize ourselves. We have to try a make this place into something that's fun, easy to contribute to and therefore generates interest and content. If you have it in you, if you have ideas, now is the time to speak up, step up, do something.

Posted By

on 2008-10-29
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Yep, probably the best ever. Csaba, Ingo, did you see that hires plasma in 8 colours? I mean: 8 only? wink

Posted By

on 2008-10-29
 Re: 2008 - new releases

I assume this is a C64 demo ?

Posted By

on 2008-10-29
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Edge of Disgrace


Hey, aki ezt nem próbálja beat-elni, az egy vén, hülye, buzerántos!

Csabo, please translate it!

 Re: 2008 - new releases

Edge of Disgrace


Hey, anyone who's not trying to beat this is a stupid old gay guy!

Csabo, please translate it!

Posted By

on 2008-10-27
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Good for them, I guess? The C64 scene had as many releases in the past 3 days as we had the whole year.

Posted By

on 2008-10-27
 Re: 2008 - new releases

There was a 8 bit party in the Netherlands, last weekend! go, and check


there is a lot of new demos pushing the limits again!!

Posted By

on 2008-02-17
 Re: 2008 - new releases

congrats for lacoste's new born child! the 2nd happy

!!the 2nd generation of plus4 community growin fast!!


Posted By

on 2008-02-12
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Man, this thread is getting dangerously off topic happy Csio, we (me and the family) liked your new demo very much! Thanks for the greeting wink

Posted By

on 2008-02-12
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Gaia: minden gyógyszertárba, ló**sz pézért, vékony gumicső a legolcsóbb, legalább fél métert fel lehet tóóóni - üzeni Csióné

Posted By

on 2008-02-11
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Oh we are facing the same problem right now happy Where can I buy one of these?

Posted By

on 2008-02-11
 Re: 2008 - new releases

szélcső bakker, csio-éknál is az volt a téma.. hogy a baba megfelelően tudjon fi**ani happy

Posted By

on 2008-02-11
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Hey thanks, Lacoste... happy Szelcso? Az mire jo? happy

Posted By

on 2008-02-11
 Re: 2008 - new releases

GAIA: Congrats ! Szerezzetek be már most szélcsövet !!! Az majd jó lesz, hidd el ! happy

Posted By

on 2008-02-02
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Thank you guys! Yeah, he is surely a big release, but he was released by Mum not me wink

Posted By

on 2008-02-02
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Hey Daddy Gaia - congratulations from Germany !!!
...and naturaly congratulations to the mother, too !

Welcome on board, Bence !

Posted By

on 2008-02-02
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Yeah Gaia with all that emulation over the years with your wife its now created version ONE!!

All the best to you and your family, best wishes!!! happy

Posted By

on 2008-02-02
 Re: 2008 - new releases

congrats to gaia's new release :D
we planned too to create a similar lifeform in this year!! happy

Posted By

on 2008-01-18
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Yape 0.79 is out! thx to gaia.. my favourite emu!

Posted By

on 2008-01-15
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Hi, didn't see this thread until now happy
Thanx for the flowers :D
I hope I will find time to do more this yea(h)r, also in this forum! I promise!

Posted By

on 2008-01-14
 Re: 2008 - new releases

wanna see those bombs explode! wink

Posted By

on 2008-01-14
 Re: 2008 - new releases

Great, Tamas! Anddd.....what about the "other" work, that with bombs? wink

Posted By

on 2008-01-14
 Re: 2008 - new releases

..we're working, but i don't want to promise anything... you will see happy

Posted By

on 2008-01-14
 Re: 2008 - new releases

...and much more we will see from both!
And what about you all out there? Don't you wanna share some news even though in a "hint" or "clue" shape? wink

Posted By

on 2008-01-14
 Re: 2008 - new releases

You could have said it's "vett" happy Anyways, I agree.

Posted By

on 2008-01-14
 2008 - new releases

welcome back nukem! very fancy demo! i like it and the music is "zsir" too happy
mister kanister! the spiral is megacool happy


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