Mad Mummy
Title:Mad Mummy
Release Date:
Device Req.:Tape only
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Produced by:Gameworx Software
Code by:Reynolds, Darryll
Notes:Full title: Super Sleuth - The Case of the Mad Mummy. WANTED: cover scan.
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    C64 release

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Mad Mummy Title Screenshot

Mad Mummy Screenshot

                             SUPER SLEUTH

The Case of the Mad Mummy

As Basil Byron, famed sleuth, you hve been engaged to investigate the recent
strange behavior of LOrd Alvin Monroe,well Known British adventure.
Lord Munroe disappeared from public life two years agoafter returning from
from an expidition to Egypt.
At that time he shunned reporters and fled the docks in a private coach
taking with him a large collection of crates and sea chests.
As you cross the Moors in your coach, Castle Kreep is silhouetted against
the night sky...
A shudder of apprehension runs down your spine...

(N.B. Line 150 from part three is missing!)

Special Commands
'I' list contents of pack.
'G' lists obvious exits from sites.
'l' lists items at sites.
'SAVE' saves game.
'QUIT' ends game session.
'N,S,E,W' direction.

Verbs Nouns
look, go, get, drop, tie rope, iron key, mace, candels, diary, brass key,
read, insert, climb, timber, hammer, mirror, doors, shelves, books,
unlock, open, help, move table, gallery, armour, hole, coffin, mummy,
repair(?), jump, shoot, dust, ankh, pistol, ladder, coin, matches, desk,
push, hold, twist, light crates, skeleton, ring, snakes, crevice, meat,
map, box, bulls-head, sarcophagus, stairs, base,
statue, slot, slab, grave, rock, tomb, fence,
dogs, drawer, wal(l?), col(?)....

Solutions - Unsolved
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