Deepest, darkest Africa by the Zambesi River, June 1903. Trader Jim's outpost... A dying adventurer staggers from the jungle raving about 7 foot natives, ice and snow, a searing volcano and... a cache of treasure fit for a king. And so the quest begins.... In this graphic adventure, you must find your way through the perils of the African jungle, past hostile natives, across raging rivers and into the mysterious snow-capped Tallawasi Mountains in search of the legend of... King Solomon's Mines.
Special Commands -------------------- 'I' list contents of pack. 'G' lists obvious exits from sites. 'l' lists items at sites. 'SAVE' saves game. 'QUIT' ends game session. 'N,S,E,W' direction. Dictionary -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦ Verbs ¦ Nouns ¦ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¦ look, go, get, drop, ¦ spear, rope, canteen, matches, knife, medicines,¦ ¦ throw, pull, move, fill,¦ diamond, machete, river, body, swamp, tree, ¦ ¦ drink, tie, run, swim, ¦ bridge, zulu, ledge, rock, trading post, rapids,¦ ¦ climb, chop, dive, burn,¦ dead zulu, spade, sceptre, amulet, box, idol, ¦ ¦ open, help, wear, dig, ¦ undergrowth, path, stream, web, cliff, snake, ¦ ¦ read, shake, place, talk¦ native, cave, artifact, lamp, diary, frond, ¦ ¦ light. ¦ palm, island, statue, door, hut, droppings, ¦ ¦ ¦ sand, lake, flowers, snow, carving, hollow, ¦ ¦ ¦ mound, jungle, lagoon, ravine, hole ¦ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------