King Solomon's Mines
Title:King Solomon's Mines
Release Date:
Device Req.:Tape only
Machine:PAL & NTSC
Code Type:Basic
Game ending type:Has an end, game ends
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Produced by:Gameworx Software
Code by:Reynolds, Darryll
Notes:Released in Australia only. Full title: The Search for King Solomon's Mines. WANTED: cover scan.
(Note: in YAPE 1.1.6 or higher, select Tape / Adjust Head and make sure "Invert PCM tape sample input" is checked to load the WAV files.)
  External links:
    C64 release

User Rating: 5.0/10 (3 votes)
King Solomon's Mines Title Screenshot

King Solomon's Mines Screenshot



A delerious adventurer staggers from the jungle raving about 7ft natives,
a searing volcano and a cache of treasure fit for a king...
And so the quest begins....
in this graphic adventure, you must find your way through the perils of the
African jungle, past hostile natives, across raging rivers and into the
mysterious snow-capped Tallawasi Mountains in search of the legend of...
King Solomon's Mines.

Special Commands
'I' list contents of pack.
'G' lists obvious exits from sites.
'l' lists items at sites.
'SAVE' saves game.
'QUIT' ends game session.
'N,S,E,W' direction.

Verbs Nouns
look, go, get, drop, spear, rope, canteen, matches, knife, medicines,
throw, pull, move, fill, diamond, machete, river, body, swamp, tree,
drink, tie, run, swim, bridge, zulu, ledge, rock, trading post, rapids,
climb, chop, dive, burn, dead zulu, spade, sceptre, amulet, box, idol,
open, help, wear, dig, undergrowth, path, stream, web, cliff, native,
read, shake, place, talk cave, artifact, lamp, diary, frond, palm, island
light. statue, door, hut, droppings, sand, lake,
flowers, snow, carving, hollow, mound, jungle,
lagoon, ravine.......

Solutions - Unsolved
This game does not yet have a solution. Do you have a verified solution? Please enter it here (if you have access rights to edit this record), or send it to an administrator.
Für dieses Spiel gibt es noch keine Lösung. Vielleicht hast Du eine. Wenn Du die entsprechenden Zugriffsrechte hast, kannst Du sie gleich hier einfügen. Sonst schicke sie einfach an einen Administrator.
Ennek a játéknak még nincs megoldása. Ha van egy leellenőrzött megoldásod, beírhatod ide (ha van szerkesztési jogod), vagy elküldheted az egyik adminisztrátornak.

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