The Secret Of Bastow Manor
You stand on the misty moors outside the walls of the Bastow Manor. Old man Bastow has disappeared, or so the story goes, leaving rumours of his great wealth hidden somewhere in the Manor. The baying of the hounds from behind the walls brings to mind tales of wandering ghosts and hidden traps. Can you find the treasure, solve the mystery......and live!
Special Commands -------------------- 'I' list contents of pack. 'G' lists obvious exits from sites. 'l' lists items at sites. 'SAVE' saves game. 'QUIT' ends game session. 'N,S,E,W' direction. Dictionary -------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
look, go, get, drop, | crate, button, trapdoor, anchor, stone, spade, | climb, open, unlock, cut | gold, opening, web, rubble, pit, snakes, ledge, | wear, move, eat, read, | rockwall, coffin, arch, safe, lock, stairs, hole | ring, break, remove, tie | gold key, iron key, ladder, hammer, letter, gate | help, pre(?), light | branch, apple, wall, tree, mailbox, Manor, shed, | unlock, swing, dic(?)... | garden, box, bell, sign, window, door, ivy, knot | | knife, armour, tourch, rope, meat, brass key, | | small key, bed, bath, cabinet, clock, balcony, | | table, book, desk, lamp, bench, bucket...... | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------