| Genius | Title: | Genius | Category: | Game/Platformer | Release Date: | 2017-01-24 | Language: | English | Size: | 64K | Device Req.: | Disk only (1 side) | Machine: | PAL & NTSC | Code Type: | Machine code | Distribution: | Freeware | Game ending type: | Has an end, game ends | |  | Created by: | Twinspirit32 | Notes: | Released under the Livearcade label. Storyline based on the 3rd chapter of the rock opera trilogy "Into the toy warehouses" from the same author. Releases 04/05 improve sound and gfx engine. |
Release 04:
Release 05:
External links: C64 release Atari 8bit release
User Rating: 7.7/10 (4 votes)
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| Instructions | Joystick in Port 1 | | | | Space | Start/resume game by keyboard, exit from pause | J | Start/resume game by joystick | Cursor Keys | Move | Commodore + S | Sound on | Commodore + D | Sound off | Commodore + P | Suspend game (save level+score and load titles) | Commodore + Q | Quit game |
Time expired rules: When time is expired, 1 life is taken and score is set back to current level entry points. The extra lifes catched during the level in case of time expire won't be counted at the level retry restart, but still can be used during the currente level. This is for preventing speculations that could take place if staying always in one level making time expire to gain extra point in an infinite way due to the extra life taken in target room. The lifes that are consumed are not restored at the level restart when time is expired. Keys points: Key: 50 pts
Bonus time left points: 1sec:100 pts
Jolly objects features & points: Detonator:Destroys all small killers - 2500 pts PassPTout:Unlock all remaining doors - 2500 pts KLock :Reactivate and locks all doors - 0 pts Klepsydra:Gives extra time - 0 pts SECRETS
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % DO NOT READ FROM HERE IF YOU WANT TO DISCOVER THEM WHILE PLAYING % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Keysequence levels list: KS1 Lvls 1 - 10 + secret bonus level 10 ANTARCTIC TOY WAREHOSE (Glacial theme) KS2 Lvls 11 - 20 + secret bonus level 20 RUSSIAN TOY WAREHOUSE (Musical theme) KS3 Lvls 21 - 30 + secret bonus level 30 JAPANESE TOY WAREHOUSE (Skyline big city theme) KS4 Lvls 31 - 40 + secret bonus level 40 CHINESE TOY WAREHOUSE (Chinese threes theme) KS5 Lvls 41 - 50 + secret bonus level 50 AMERICAN TOY WAREHOUSE (Plane airport theme) KS6 Lvls 51 - 60 + secret bonus level 60 AFRICAN TOY WAREHOUSE (Tribal sea theme) KS7 Lvls 61 - 70 + secret bonus level 70 AUSTRALIAN TOY WAREHOUSE (Formula 1 theme) KS8 Lvls 71 - 80 + secret bonus level 80 EUROPEAN TOY WAREHOUSE (Bedroom theme) + secret bonus ending level 81
Appearance condition for Detonator: Templ Lv1 : min 1 Key within 5 secs + rnd time Templ Lv2 : min 3 Keys within 20 secs + rnd time Templ Lv3 : min 4 Keys within 25 secs + rnd time Templ Lv4 : min 5 Keys within 30 secs + rnd time Templ Lv5 : min 6 Keys within 35 secs + rnd time Templ Lv6 : min 7 Keys within 40 secs + rnd time Templ Lv7 : min 8 Keys within 45 secs + rnd time Templ Lv8 : min 9 Keys within 50 secs + rnd time Templ Lv9 : min 10 Keys within 55 secs + rnd time Templ Lv10: min 11 Keys within 75 secs + rnd time Appearance condition for PassPTout: Templ Lv7 : min 5 Key and min 60 secs + rnd time Templ Lv8 : min 5 Key and min 65 secs + rnd time Templ Lv9 : min 5 Key and min 70 secs + rnd time Templ Lv10: min 5 Key and min 80 secs + rnd time
Appearance condition for Klepsydra: Templ Lv6 : Min 1 Key and missing 25 secs + rnd time Templ Lv7 : Min 1 Key and missing 25 secs + rnd time Templ Lv8 : Min 1 Key and missing 25 secs + rnd time Templ Lv9 : Min 1 Key and missing 25 secs + rnd time Templ Lv10: Min 1 Key and missing 25 secs + rnd time
Appearance condition for KLocket: Detonator or PassPTOut or Klepsydra apparence condition have been reached. Templ Lv6 : 6 Key still to catch + rnd time Templ Lv7 : 7 Key still to catch + rnd time Templ Lv8 : 8 Key still to catch + rnd time Templ Lv9 : 9 Key still to catch + rnd time Templ Lv10: 10 Key still to catch + rnd time
Simple static toys points: KS1-2:100 pts KS3-4:150 pts KS5-6:250 pts KS7-8:500 pts
Target dynamic and static (bonus lvls) toys points: KS1-2:150 pts KS3-4:250 pts KS5-6:500 pts KS7-8:1000 pts
Invisible toy points: KS1-8:5000 pts Placement (chambers are from top to bottom): KS1: Lvl 5 Left ROOM 2 kS2: Lvl 2 Left ROOM 1 kS3: Lvl 7 Right ROOM 5 KS4: Lvl 3 Right ROOM 1 KS5: Lvl 1 Bottom right KS6: Lvl 6 Left ROOM 2 kS7: Lvl 4 Left ROOM 1 KS8: lvl 8 Left ROOM 2
Bonus lifes left points (if all 8 Keys sequences are completed): 1life:100pts
Secret bonus lifes: Key sequence 2 lvls (L16:16sec:10lf) Key sequence 4 lvls (L36:36sec:15lf) Key sequence 6 lvls (L56:56sec:20lf) On these particular levels:16 36 56 if one of the 2 target room big doors is opened exactly when time left is equal to curr level some extra lifes will appeae available to be caught in target room. This bonus is catchable only one time for each of the mentioned levels. If bounus lifes are activated and same level is repeated due to time expire or game suspension, the bonus lifes for that specific level will not be available anymore. If level time expires, lifes eventually cathed are not counted at the next level retry
Secret bonus points levels at the end of each key sequence are activated when: All detonator are enabled and catched in current keyseq All PassPTout are enabled and catched in current keyseq
Secret final points winning bonus lvl 81 is activated when: All key sequences bonus levels have been activated due to already mentioned conditions. Secret Ghost unkillable mode is acquired whem: Keysequence is >=6 and levels last digit is 8,9 or 0, in those cases if any door is opened exactly when the last digit of time left is equal to last digit of curr level (ex time left 98 and level 128) for 10 seconds Genius enters ghost unkilled mode and is not killed by small and big killer objects, after those secs Genius becomes killable again.
Secret passages: Keysequence 2 : Right basement 2 at full right position.
Secret Dying places: Keysequence 8: Mid top chamber, below target room, at times Genius might die.
Max Points diagram: Simple toys: 151.600 PPtout: 80.000 Keys: 60.400 Detona: 200.000 target toys: 38.000 Invisible toys 40.000 bonus lvl pts : 49.400 Bonus lfs left: 9.900 Final lvl pts : 50.000 679.500
Timeleft Bonus: 100.000 ( estimate lvls 1-5: 15,20,20,30,40 sec left) Timeleft Bonus: 200.000 ( estimate lvls 6-10: 40,45,50,55,55 sec left) 300.000 pts
max reachable score -> 979.500 pts
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| Description | Collect toys and avoid normal and bigger baddies to pass to the next screen. Collect the keys to open a specific door (enlightened during the first 4 key sequences only). Time expiring takes away one life and the score is reset to how much it was in the beginning of the screen; also, any extra life in that screen is lost.
Occasionally, some bonuses appear, it depends by how much time has been spent to unlock the doors or to take the keys, in different time ranges per level : - Detonators: clear the screen from the normal baddies; - PassPTouts: open all the doors; - Klocks: close and lock all the doors; - Klepsydras: give extra time. At the end of any key sequence, just after the tenth screen in that row, secret bonus points levels appear, if Detonators and PassPTouts have been activated and collected in all the ten screens. If all the key sequences bonus level have been revealed, there's a secret final bonus points level, labeled 81.
After key sequence 4, in the last three screens (x8, x9, x0), opening a door when the time counter's last digit matches the last digit of the screen (e.g.: screen 68, time 38), Ghostmode is activated: Genius passes thru platforms and can't be killed for 10 seconds.
Search for other secrets in the game: invisible toys to collect in certain places, secret bonus lives, secret passages to higher screens, secret corners where Genius dies.
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| Image Gallery |  Antarctic Toy Warehouse  Russian Toy Warehouse  Japanese Toy Warehouse  Chinese Toy Warehouse  American Toy Warehouse  African Toy Warehouse  Australian Toy Warehouse  European Toy Warehouse
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| Cheats - How do I use cheats? | >230E 60
| Unlimited lives |
>240A 60
| Unlimited time |
>16EC EA A9 00 >176C EA A9 00
| Invulnerability |
>15CB 60
| Ghost mode |
>15F4 2C >15F7 2C
| Open any door |
During the game, press F.
| Built in: clear level |
>22D6 60
| Unlimited lives (Release 04) |
>240A 60
| Unlimited time (Release 04) |
>16E1 EA A9 00 >1761 EA A9 00
| Invulnerability (Release 04) |
>15BA 60
| Ghost mode (Release 04) |
>15E3 2C >15E6 2C
| Open any door (Release 04) |
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