| Bölcsek Köve (Stone Of Sages) | |
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| Releases | Name | Released By | Release Date | Distribution | Product Code | Retail Price | Format | Package | Rarity | Notes | Owned |
Original release | Novotrade Magyarország | 1988-06-03 | Commercial | | | Cassette | | Unspecified | | 0 |
1 found. |
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| Appeared On Compilations | Softy 10 (PPCS crack) |
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| Covers |  Cassette Cover |
 Cassette Inlay 1 |
 Cassette Inlay 2 |
 Cassette Cover (Cut) This cover appears to be a misprint which was cut to fit the cassette. |
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| Useful Translations | The game is in Hungarian, but it doesn't rely on text too much. So just by knowing the few words that are in the game, anyone can enjoy playing with it.
Action verbs:
The items you can pick up (although it should be obvious from the way they look):
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| Keyboard Control | Cursor Keys | Movement (walk, swim, fly) | Space + Cursor Up | Enter and exit buildings | Space + Cursor Down | Menu | Space + Cursor Left / Cursor Right | Use selected object (shoot with pistol, throw generade, etc.) |
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| Text From Cassette Inlay | Valahol a Dolor hegyég és a Maún tenger között, ahol az emberek mindig békében és bologságban éltek, megjelent egy végtelenül ravasz és gonosz szörny, Zaarlo. Elhatározta, hogy mindent, és mindenkit az uralma alá hajt, és sötét birodalmát a kontinens mind a négy égtája felé kiterjeszti.
Korszerű haditechnikájával és elszánt mazuroo ármádiájával szemben az őslakosok tehetetlenek voltak, hiszen sohasem csináltak fegyvert. Egy tudós, Vang Tu megtalálta azonban a bölcsek kövét és elhatározta, hogy az így szerzett tudás segítségével megdönti Zaarlo uralmát. A gyilkos mazuroo szolgák azonban végeztek vele, mielőtt terve végrehajtásához fogott volna.
Vajon neked, Vang Tu utójának sikerül-e megtalálnod a bölcsek kövét, amit elődöd biztos helyen rejtett el, mielőtt a diktátor szörnyű harcosai elpusztítják? Az úton segítségedre lesz, hogy olyan tárgyakt találsz, amit Vang Tu rejtett el, némelyiket ő maga készítette. (Mint például a fegyverek, amelyekkel a mazurook ellen harcolhatsz.) Találni fogsz egyszerű laboratóriumokat, melyeket szintén Vang Tu épített a föld, illetve a víz alá. Ezekben szerezheted meg azt a képességed, hogy át tudj változni Tolee, Tovi, illetve Totü lényekké. A halszerű Tovi otthonosan mozog a víz alatt, a szuperkemény páncélú Totü képes megélni a forró lávában, sőt egyenesen onnét nyeri energiáját, az emberszerű, szárnyas Tolee pedig repülni is képes. Az átalakuláshoz fel kell feküdni a labor asztalára.
Az úton segíteni fogják emberek is, mint például Haunaz a vizek ura, és Szaliána a föld alatti birodalom hercegnője.
A játékban különböző házakra fog bukkanni, ezekbe csak akkor lehet bemenni, ha emberi alakban van. Vigyázat! átváltozni csak akkor lehet, ha van rá elég hely. Hallá csak a vízben állva, tűzlénnyé közvetlenül a láva partján. Ha az ember vízben van, vagy a hal a szárazon, fogy az oxigénje. Ilyenkor úgy lehet levegőt venni, hogy gyorsan átváltozunk a másik alakra. így például a vízalatti házba úgy tudunk bemenni, hogy átváltozunk emberré, gyorsan bemegyünk, felvesszük a tárgyat és mikor kijöttünk visszaváltozunk hallá. Levegővétel céljából célszerű egyszer a házban is átváltozni hallá.
Nem mindig a legkönnyebb út a járható. A játék elején például érdemes kivágni a térképen b-vel jelzett fát (bal), és a d helyen található létrát használ-al felállítani. Ez úgy történik, hogy rámegyünk a használra, és addig nyomjuk a tűz+balra gombot amíg meg nem jelenik. Ha nem jó, menjünk egy lépést félre...
Vannak tárgyak, amelyek többféleképpen is használhatók. Ilyen például a balta. A vízben van egy érdekes növény. Hátha itt is lehet használni... Utána gondoljuk végig, mit szeret egy nő legjobban... A lávában lehet lefelé is menni... Vannak sötét helyiségek, itt nem érdemes elfelejteni a lámpát.... A pisztolyt érdemes mindig használ-ban tartani... | Somewhere between the Dolor Mountains and the Maun Sea, where people always lived in peace and happiness, appeared an infinitely cunning and evil monster, Zaarlo. He is determined to bring everything and everyone under his rule and extend his dark empire to the four corners of the continent.
The natives were powerless against his advanced military technology and determined Mazuroo army, as they had never made weapons. However, a scientist named Vang Tu found the Philosopher's Stone and he decided to overthrow Zaarlo's rule with the help of the knowledge thus acquired. However, the murderous Mazuroo servants killed him before he could carry out his plan.
Will you, the descendant of Vang Tu, manage to find the Philosopher's Stone, which your predecessor hid in a safe place, before the dictator's terrible warriors destroy it?
Along the way, it will help you to find objects that Vang Tu has hidden, some of which he made himself. (Like the weapons you can use to fight the Mazuros.) You'll find simple laboratories that Vang Tu also built underground and underwater. In these you can acquire the ability to transform into Tolee, Tovi and Totu creatures. The fish-like Tovi moves at home underwater, the super-hard-armored Totu can live in hot lava and even gets its energy directly from there, and the human-like, winged Tolee can even fly. To transform, you need to lie down on the lab table.
People will also help you along the way, such as Haunaz, the lord of the waters, and Szaliána, the princess of the underground realm.
You will come across different houses in the game, you can only enter them if you are in human form. Caution! you can only change if there is enough space for it. Halá just standing in the water, becomes a fire creature right on the edge of the lava. If a person is in water or a fish is on land, its oxygen is running out. In such cases, you can take a breath by quickly changing to the other form. so, for example, we can enter the underwater house by changing into a human, go in quickly, pick up the object and when we come out, change back into a fish. In order to get some air, it is advisable to change into a fish once in the house.
It's not always the easiest way to go. At the beginning of the game, for example, it is worth cutting down the tree marked b on the map (left) and using the ladder at d to set it up. This is done by going to the user and pressing fire+left until it appears. If it's not good, let's take a step aside...
There are items that can be used in multiple ways. An example is the axe. There is an interesting plant in the water. I wonder if it can be used here too... Let's think about what a woman likes best... You can also go down in the lava... There are dark rooms, you shouldn't forget the lamp here... You should always use the pistol in keep... |
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| Solutions - Complete | - You start at what we will call the base. - Enter the house, and take the axe. - Go right (you see two trees). - Use the axe, and cut the left tree. Drop the axe, as it's no longer needed. - Go right (you see two houses). - Enter the house on the right, and take the pistol. - Use it. This is your weapon against the enemies. - Go right, you see a ladder. This is a trap. Don't climb it as you will die! - Go right again. This is the first screen with an enemy. Keep shooting it, and keep moving right. - Go into the small house and take the ladder. - Go left to where you cut the tree. - Use the ladder, then climb up on it. - Go right (enemy!) - Go right (enemy!) - Go right, and enter the house. Take the two grenades. - Go right (enemy!) - Go right, and enter the house. Take the gray key. - Go all the way left, and down the ladder. - Go all the way right. You will be stopped by a small hill. You have to blow it up with the grenade, but be careful as you only get one shot. The perfect way to do it is: go as close to the hill as you can. Then turn around, and take six steps back. Turn around again, and use the grenade. It should clear the way. Don't forget to use the pistol again. - Now enter the house and take the red key. - Go left 4 screens, you should see the two houses. - Use the red key to enter the house on the left. Inside you will find a ladder leading down, go down. - Use the pistol again, then go left (enemy!) and left again. - You will see a ladder leading down, take it. - There's another obstacle (hill?) here. Blow it up with the second grenade like before. Switch to pistol again. - Go right (enemy!) - Go right, you will see and underground house. - Use the grey key, and go inside. - To lay down on the bed go to the middle of it, and press cursor down.
You have just learned how to morph into a fish!
- Get up, and exit the house. Drop the grey key as you won't need it anymore. - Come back to the surface (left, left, up, right, right, up). - Go all the way left. Stand in the water (careful, don't fall in!) - Morph into fish. (Note: this is where the cracked version of the game crashes.) - Swim down, down and left. You should see three houses. - Stand in front of the left house. You will only have 9 units of oxygen to do the following part so be careful. Morph into human and go in. Take the two grenades, come out and morph back into fish. - Come back up to the surface and morph back into human. - Go back to the small house that leads down, and go down the ladder. - Go right. There's another hill blocking your way, blow it up with the grenade the usual way. - Go right again (don't take that ladder yet, as it's too dark down there and you would be killed). Blow up this hill as well. - Go right. Swim through the lake as fish, and take the blue key from the other side. - Come back up to the surface, and go back into the sea as fish. Swim to the three houses and go to the middle one. - Again you have to be quick. Switch to human, use the blue key and go in. There's a person inside who will tell you where to dig. Exit the house and switch back to fish. - Get the shovel from the house on the right side. - Come back up to the surface and drop the blue key somewhere, as you won't need it anymore. - Go to the place the person told you and use the shovel. If nothing is found, take one step to the left or right until you dig out something. You will find a flashlight. - Drop the shovel and get the flashlight. - Go to the small house that leads underground, and go down, right, right. - Use the flashlight, then take the ladder (if you don't use the flashlight, you die.) - Go left and take the purple key. - Come back to the surface, and go back into the sea as fish. Swim one screen left from the three houses. You should see a purple house. - Switch to human, use the purple key and enter the house. Lay down on the bed.
You just learned how to morph into the lava monster!
- Exit the house and morph back to fish. Swim left, up, up and come out as human. - Go left. - Enter the house and take the cross. Drop the purple key. - Swim through the sea to the right shore and go back underground. Don't forget to use the flashlight when going down that ladder. - Go right this time. - You will see a room with lava in the middle. (Yes, that red part is the lava.) Don't step in it, like with the water! You must morph into the lava monster just outside of it. - Go through as the lava monster, and morph back into human on the other end. Go right. - You will see a little house. Go inside. Take the grenade. - Turn back and enter in the lava as lava monster, go down and left. You'll see a narrow passage in the lava. Go left thru that and morph again as human. Take another grenade. - Go left (enemy!) and again left. There's a hill to blast with a grenade. Take the ladder. - Go left (enemy!). There's another hill to blast with a grenade. Go left. - Go left, go left, enter the house, take the grenade, exit and go right. - Use the flashlight, then take the ladder (if you don't use the flashlight, you die.). Climb ladder. - Go left, go left, There's a hill to blast with a grenade. Go left. - Take back to the surface (right, right, right, right, ladder, right (enemy!), right, lava (lava monester), right, up (human), left, up, left, left, up. - Exit from the house, pick up again the axe and go back into the sea as fish. Swim one screen left from the purple house. You should see an alga flower. - Morph as human and cut the alga. Take the flower. Morph into fish. - Swim through the sea to the right shore and go back underground. Don't forget to use the flashlight when going down that ladder. - Go right and enter the lava as lava monster. Go down, left, left (human), left (enemy!), left, down, left (enemy!), left, left. - Use the flashlight, then take the ladder (if you don't use the flashlight, you die.) - Go right, morph into fish to pass over the water - Give the flower to the queen and take the green key. - Use the flashlight, then take the ladder (if you don't use the flashlight, you die.). Go left. - Morph into the lava monster to enter the lava and go down. - Take the narrow passage on the rightstanding corner. - Morph into human and use the green key to enter the house. Lay down on the bed.
You just learned how to morph into an angel!
- Exit the house and morph back to lava monster. Go left, up (human), right, right. - Use the flashlight, then take the ladder (if you don't use the flashlight, you die.). Go right. - Go right, down, right, right (enemy!), right, up, right (enemy!), right. - Morph into lava monster and go right, right, up. Turn back to human and go right. - Drop the green key. - Morph into angel and fly up. Morph back into human and take the yellow key. - Morph into angel and go down. Keep flying left and left passing the lava pit. - Fly up, left, left. - Morph into human and climb up. Exit from the house. - Morph into angel and fly left, left, up, left, left, left, left, left. - Land in front of the house and morph into human. - Open the door with the yellow key and take the stone.
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| Cheats - How do I use cheats? | >6CC7 AD
| Enemies don't kill you |
>5431 AD
| Unlimited oxygen |
>4E61 ##
| Adjust game speed (default = 50, lower is faster) |
>4AA6 AC >4AAC E9
| Fix copy protection bug |
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