|  | | How To Reach | Humanity needs the Stone of Sages back from where it has been hidden in ancient times, in order to defeat Zaarlo and give a cut to his domination over the world. To achieve this mission, you must be able to learn how to change your own body to let you survive and move in the four elements: on the ground, under the water, into the lava, up to the skies.
As an angel, you can fly to the floating house where the Stone has been kept away from harmful hands.

Transform into human to open the door with the golden key.

Yes, legends were true: here lies the Stone of Sages!
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| The Ending |  Congratulations! Mission accomplished! |
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| Shortcut | Start a new game. Enter the house and pick up the axe. >4C39 D >4000 1 Walk to the left, you will be at the final house, and the gold key is in your possession (even though in the inventory it still shows as the axe). Use the "axe" on the door, and enter the house. Pick up the Stone of Sages to win!
Or: G4BBE To immediately see the ending. |
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