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Posted By

on 2023-12-11
 A Turbo into your Plus/4!

It feels like TCFS is somewhat come back to his roots step by step: return to Wizard of Wor, then return to Hexenküche, and now it's the time to return to the TCFS who gave us the classics of the driving simulators. But this time, with a twist: let's hit the arcades!

Yes, this is the first preview of the next TCFS' pseudoconversion, and personally, I couldn't be happier than this! Turbo Outrun!

Posted By

on 2023-12-11
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

I gotta say, driving simulators aren't my favourite genre, that but that looks so effin' awesome! I want to play it now!

All aboard the hype train wink

Posted By

on 2023-12-11
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

There were clear signs of this advent, like Outrun, for example. It was just a sort of preparation for this grin

Posted By

on 2023-12-11
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

The first word that sprung to mind seeing this is 'impressive'! I know its only a first look & no idea what it sounds like, but very promising. If its going to have music, be great if there's a sound fx on music off option.

Posted By

on 2023-12-12
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

WOW! Very impressive! Very impressive! happy

But in all honesty..., C64 Turbo Outrun as a game to play is very weak. It's fondly remembered not as a game to play because it's too easy but because of the amazing intro music and title screen. And once you beat the game, (most people completed it on their first go), it just became a demo as all you did was load the intro just to hear the amazing music, and even then you needed the old breadbin to hear the tune properly as the new 64C didn't play the samples loud enough! grin

Amazing to see it on Plus/4 though, more so than on C64 as Plus4 is not known for this type of thing! Maybe one day such work will lead to Power Drift, Turbo Charge and who knows..., maybe even the best one of all Buggy Boy!

Posted By

on 2023-12-12
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

Tpod - well, I dunno anything about music and such, but what if it sounded something like this?...

I'm assuming the game would have music + sound effects on all the time. To clarify, did you mean you want an option where you mute everything, or an option where you mute the music, and listen only to the sound effects?

Posted By

on 2023-12-12
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

Sounds good to me happy. I meant an option where you mute the music, and listen only to the sound effects.

Posted By

on 2023-12-12
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

I'm not familiar with the C64 version (never having played it), do you know if it has that option?

There might be two reasons for not doing that; one is that the music (along with the graphics) appears to be a big draw of the game. The other is that (I think) the sounds effects in the game are very sparse; only the occasional dull thud of hitting another car and the tires spinning. If there's no engine noise, that might sound really weird (long stretches of silence, then some random noises), on the other hand if there is engine noise, that can get on people's nerves quickly too happy

@MIK would you have any suggestion as to how to make the game better? This: "most people completed it on their first go" I'm going to assume is a controversial opinion wink Granted, I as I said I haven't played the C64 version, but here's at least one anecdotal data point: [...] sadly I didn't get past the first level 4th stage in the game. Time wise is very tight. It would be interesting to see some contemporary magazine (=professional) reviews of this game, and seeing what the consensus is (both regarding difficulty and in general).

Posted By

on 2023-12-12
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

No idea about the C64 version (or anything C64 related). I just mentioned the sound fx option as generally in games & especially racing games I like the option of just having a games sound effects; then you also have the option of whatever music you fancy as you go for a drive etc happy.

Posted By

on 2023-12-12
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

Very impressive demo (TCFS) and music (Csabo). You both as always know to push the limits and to impress.
I really love Outrun. I suggest to get the engine sound as good as possible, because as in the game "Stunt Car Racer" the sound adds (for me at least) more to the atmosphere than graphic and framerates. Good luck with this one. I am really awating this

Posted By

on 2023-12-12
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

PS I hear what your saying about it potentially not working out too well without the music, all depends on those sound fx in there uncovered glory wink.

Posted By

on 2023-12-12
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

Certainly agree with you about Stunt Car Racers sound working well. Be nice to have another impresive racer for the plus/4.

Posted By

on 2023-12-12
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

I've expressed my personal request to Csabo about the music.

The 4th track of the game, a conversion of YAS' original titled "Keep your heart", has to be somewhat considered as a sad cutted off version by Jeroen Tel, I bet due to memory restrictions. "Keep your heart" is one of my prefer coin op tunes, and, although the general target would be a faithful conversion compared to the C64, this is a fantastic chance to give to that tune the justice it deserves!

Posted By

on 2023-12-13
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

WOW! it looks great !!! bounce
Does TCFS sleep sometimes ? headscratch

Posted By

on 2023-12-13
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

@Csabo Press space bar for the Turbo. grin
If you lower the keyboard you can use your foot to press space allowing you to keep both hands on the joystick/controller. wink

As an OutRun fan I had played the arcade machine before it came out on C64 so was more than familiar with the game.
The easiest way to make it more difficult would be to reduce the in-game timer, something that could be done via an option screen maybe, at this point in time just making a copy of the C64 original is all that matters lol.

@Luca "Rush a Difficulty" is like the holy grail tune of Turbo OutRun, it's the most popular tune fans love from the arcade music. But yeah, the in-game music on C64 was not as good as I would of hoped for. It did the job but could of been better..., I also thought memory restrictions were to blame as his Golden Axe title screen music was also awesome.

Posted By

on 2023-12-17
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

Posted By

on 2023-12-17
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

It been AGES since I last played the C64 version, possibly last century so my memory of the upgrade/transmission screen tune is a bit fuzzy.

It sounded really neat, if it's copying the C64 version? On this one tune tho I would copy the note timing of the arcade version, when the tune steps down in notes at the end these notes are shorter, adding more of a kick to it as they play. Forget the C64 on this one tune. wink

And your C64 SID stage 1 to TED stage 1 is really superb! Indeed the C64 in-game music could of been better but years later it's done the Plus/4 a favour as TED is doing that justice. Good work! grin

BTW, AGES is SEGA backwards. wink

Posted By

on 2023-12-18
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

@MIK moreover:
- Csabo drooped his justice on the "Keep your heart" affair, and now the C64 version merely falls on the conversion's reliability side;
- I suggested to TCFS a jukebox option, in order to freely listen to all the game's OST, to raise up the arcade sensation, to enjoy the fantastic work by Csabo; he'll check the free memory in order to see if that could be done in a relatively cheap way.

Posted By

on 2023-12-21
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

A jukebox would be so cool. grin

And I can dream.., a hot key to cycle a color change of the F40. The arcade game OutRun2 SP allows you to select Red, Blue, Yellow, Green & Black (would need to be grey so the outline still shows black). Image how cool that would be with the extra colors available.


Thanks Santa!! wink

Posted By

on 2023-12-21
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

Which is the best palette in the neighbourhood?

Posted By

on 2023-12-22
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

Very nice Luca, Plus4 for the win! Spot the difference! grin

Amazing how blinding that yellow is on C64!
Love the extra detail including the girls dress, the blue glow and that sneaky change of color of the inside door which looks cool! happy

Posted By

on 2023-12-22
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

The Plus/4 version is definitely much better!

My favourite is the guy's face. It does not harm, that the Ferrari on Plus/4 has a deeper red color.
(anyhow, it is a fantastic looking pic with that 16 colors too)

Posted By

on 2023-12-22
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

@MIK ah sorry, I've given as sure fact that the author is Unreal of course.

Posted By

on 2023-12-22
 Re: A Turbo into your Plus/4!

Ah, very nice Unreal! happy

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