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on 2021-02-22
 Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Hi all
Some time ago one of the users (Zbyti) on our polish c64scene.pl forum started a thread about programming with Mad Pascal for C+4. The result is a small sandbox to play with opponents AI and a small little game.
Mad Pascal is popular on Atari 8bit platform and for few weeks now it supports C64 and C+4.
The Tron+4 mini game is a test project of using it, that could turn into a proper release - I started sketching some title screen for it wink

You can see the results so far in a small video as always on c64portal.pl links to the forum thread, GitHub, examples etc are in the thread swell.


Posted By

on 2021-02-22
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Smart stuff, it's a sort of brand new example for a multiformat library, just as seen in the productions of Fabrizio Caruso and Marco Spedaletti...but with boosted graphics by Carrion! Yes, this Atari 8bit classic deserves a proper release, as you said...

Posted By

on 2021-02-23
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Pascal is my favourite langauge. I made my diploma work also in turbo Pascal, despite my teacher pushed C++.
So it is great news happy

G-Pascal is also a nice release (I have the full documentation of the C64 version, and all the later discs, would be nice to add them). Unfortunately it was ALMOST impossible to create a self-runnable PRG out of that Compiler. (there is a later disc contains a self-runnable code, but it also need conversion). What a shame.
Did you know, that G-Pascal was also converted by a Polish scene member? "Adapted by Andrzej Kruk, Poland."

Posted By

on 2021-02-23
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Hi! If someone is interested Mad Pascal have (almost finished) online English documentation.


Most of the libraries have A8 version only (for now).

Code samples: https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal/tree/master/samples/c4plus

Posted By

on 2021-02-24
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Ohooooh, love the 4 players scenario grin

Is it a preview build which has to be improved somehow, or it's gonna be considered a proper release (before the enhanced version by Carrion)?

Posted By

on 2021-02-24
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

@Luca proper release will be with @Carrion gfx and with the ability to choose the level of difficulty (slow/fast), maybe I add some other little things? wink

Posted By

on 2021-02-24
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

but yes in "bin" folder you can find fully playable version :]

Posted By

on 2021-02-24
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

link to the repo https://github.com/zbyti/siege-ai-playground

Posted By

on 2021-02-24
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

zbyti love the AI of the computer driven ships.

Posted By

on 2021-02-24
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Luca - this was the only reason to write this game wink

Posted By

on 2021-02-24
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

as zbyti said I offered small and simple logo sketched in 5 minutes in photoshop and then converted wink
calling it game gfx is exaggeration wink

I made a test and exomized the .prg file and it's like 2 kb... adding a title bitmap will still make it a 16kb release, which I think is a nice thing to do happy

we will let you know when it's ready to do a news about on the fan page wink

Posted By

on 2021-03-02
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

I consider it done.


New version with Carrion title screen will be enhanced version.

Posted By

on 2021-02-27
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

In this version I enhanced some gfx and add simple title screen.

Posted By

on 2021-02-27
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

I tried to fit in below $4000 wink

Posted By

on 2021-02-27
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Looking good!

Curious, why is the program file named "siege" when the title screen says "Tron +4"? (BTW, if you guys still haven't made up your mind about the final name of your release, perhaps consider that there's already a game called Siege for Plus/4 happy)

Posted By

on 2021-02-27
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game


My original intention was write some kind of playground for AI.

As far as I know Tron is kind of siege type game.

For me is siege-ai-playground wink but as C+4 release Tron+4 is good name I think.

Posted By

on 2021-02-28
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

the gameplay is really fast and fluid. I could not win any of the matches (LOL), though I had a feeling, that some of my keypresses not taken at once. (Maybe it is only my wireless keyboard and the battery)

I am just reading the functions and comparing it to my Turbo Pascal book (printed in the last century grin )

Posted By

on 2021-02-28
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

@MMS My control procedure is not ideal but works most of the time wink

Here's my walktrough wink

Posted By

on 2021-02-28
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

zbyti err...I was doing the entry for the game here, hit by a doubt: is it "Tron+4" or what it looks to actually be "Tron +4" with the space between? grin

Also, we could add it right now and then put up a news in the main page when the enhanced version will complete the global release ;)

Posted By

on 2021-02-28
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

@Luca I don't have strong opinion about that wink Choose what you like :]

Posted By

on 2021-03-02
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

I will glad if you write about the game now, I'm not sure when the enhanced version come.

Posted By

on 2021-02-28
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

I have no information from Carrion on how his work is going.

Posted By

on 2021-02-28
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

@zbyti actually seeing this video confirmed, that it should be my keyboard, or I next time I should try it before the two beers happy

Posted By

on 2021-03-02
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

I wonder if it's worth adding engine noise to the game?

It's a very casual game and probably most of you (like me) listen to their favorite music during this kind of games.

Posted By

on 2021-03-02
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

I play ancient Greek music. Rotting Christ happy

From 3:00 peace

(from 1:40 EPIC)

Posted By

on 2021-03-02
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Music (which you are posted) has an 4:50 - its enough time to beat my game, are you succeeded? :]

Posted By

on 2021-03-02
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

I loaded the music and three beers (7.2% each) but I could not win. Too fast foir my reflexes happy
Still a very good experience happy

Posted By

on 2021-03-02
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

@MMS maybe you will try your luck with gospel and water? grin

Posted By

on 2021-03-03
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

@zbyti: no way, that person would not be me any more grin

Posted By

on 2021-03-07
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Mad Pascal for C+4 is nice. It's a cross-compiler. Back in 1980s, I was trying to get a C compiler or a Pascal compiler/interpreter.
As of today, there are two Pascal instances available for C+4:

Super Pascal +4

Super Pascal Plus4

This is sad, since the C264 series were targeted as educational computers.
When I look at the C64 scene, there is such a variety of high-level programming languages available.


C, LISP, Pascal, FORTRAN and what have you. These compilers/interpreters could have been ported easily, there was no need for sprites and musical libraries. The KERNAL routines and CPU are the same of course.

Posted By

on 2021-03-07
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game


I encourage you to try (since we have the 21st) cross-compiler like Mad Pascal. No need to write in 40x25 screen anymore wink

Just as KickC Mad Pascal produces very optimized ASM code, it has a software stack which provides recursion but does not use it "for everything" like CC65.

The overhead in comparison to the handcrafted optimized ASM code is on average 30%, often less, rarely more.

Posted By

on 2021-03-07
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game


It's tempting. Back in 1980s, I was after computer graphics, I studied the subject at the university. The library I was trying to implement on C+4 was "Single Raster Graphics Package", but gave up after several weeks of programming in Hypra Assembler.


Today, many things are super-easy, Python, JavaScript, Go. And you're good to go wink.

Posted By

on 2021-03-08
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

I made small change, joy control should be more responsive on irq wink


Maybe someone of You have spare music for this little game? I'll be glad to add some music :]

Posted By

on 2021-03-09
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Thank you ;-) I also changed my batteries :-)

Great article. It is really interesting topic how to draw various style lines, not to mention the filled primitives with bitmap pattern. (the interaction was also well described). Nice work!
I was always interested on the gfx (especially ray tracing, yummy), but I was always short on programming skills. (finally I worked on fractals and very first fully mouse driven fractal generator in T.Pascal with a self made GUI).

In fact the slow BASIC routines were always a kind of show-stopper on the Commodores with more advanced basic. Simons Basic from a 16 years old made faster gfx than the official built-in basic (and in fact later officially offered by C= for C64 or cartridge in 1983).
I really liked the C65 BASIC demo too, that speed with filled primitives was pretty nice happy

The holy grail on 264 series is the much faster and bug free bitmap movement with XOR (Canvas?). With that a kind of software sprite could be realized. The current GSHAPE and SSHAPE are little limited. You cannot change the original color scheme it can handle only 4 colors in practice (because then it generates unnecessary attiribute clash, even if you move only a object drawn with Color 3, it also copies the unused pixels attributes), pretty slow drawing, and have certain bugs. You cannot load in predefined string to move (like a mouse cursor, or a sprite in C128).

Is there a way that the original library source code still available? wink

Posted By

on 2021-03-22
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

New version https://github.com/zbyti/siege-ai-playground/blob/master/bin/tron_plus_4.prg

Title gfx by Carrion
Mad Pascal logo by Bocianu
Music by Csabo
Mad Pascal by TeBe
Game code by zbyti

Posted By

on 2021-03-23
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Delicious stuff, nice coop! Of course, this is a ̶3̶2̶k̶B̶ ̶ 64kB release, whereas the previous version runs on a plain 16kB system.

Posted By

on 2021-03-23
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

@Luca yes, old version fits under $4000 new version is under $9000 memory address.

Posted By

on 2021-03-23
 Re: Mad Pascal for C+4 and mini Tron+4 game

Kudos to the whole Tron +4 team! Great! Giving it 10/10.


This looks like it (hopefully). Last time I cast my mind on it was in 1995/1996. I would compile it on SGI Iris/Indy back then.
I still have the book, with all examples, descriptions, etc.

There were quite a few raster primitives implemented on C=+4, notably in:
Mercenary Escape From Targ
(I remember I re-typed in the whole code from Commodore Welt):

I also implemented them in Super Pascal: Breseham, Michener, Scan Seed Fill, etc. (second disk)
Super Pascal Plus4

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