This is Super Pascal +4 that was purchased from Peter Kozusko in 1990/1991.
The first disk is the original with examples. The second disk is from Seff, with his loader and sample programs.
To write and an empty line: Shift + Space There are two modes: - textual - graphics
Type help for commands (translated from Slovak to English below):
LL Vypis textu na obr.[start#][-][end#] LP Vypis textu na printer PW Vypis na printer bez cislovania CC Kompilacia, vypis na video CP Kompilacia, vypis na printer CE Kompilacia, vypis iba chyb CG Kompilacia, usporny graficky mod RR Spustenie programu (prip.kompilacia) GRON Graphic status zapnuty GROFF Graphic status vypnuty GRSH Prepnutie graf.obrazovky,spet GRDUMP Vytlacenie grafickej obrazovky FI Hladanie FI/text/[,[start]-[end EX Zamena EX/z/na/[,[start]-[end OLD Obnovenie zdrojoveho textu po NEW KILL Zrusenie systemu Pascalu na BASIC NUM Prepinanie vkladania cisel riadkov MERGE Pripojenie textu MERGE"nazov",d# ┌────────┬─────────┬───────┬─────────┐ │tab/warm│load/save│dir/run│help/list│ └────────┴─────────┴───────┴─────────┘ ready. LL List and output to screen [start#][-][end#] LP List and output to printer PW List and output to printer without line numbering CC Compile, output to screen CP Compile, output to printer CE Compile, output errors only CG Compile, resource-minimal graphics mode RR Run program (and compile if needed) GRON Graphics mode on GROFF Graphics mode off GRSH Switch back graphics mode GRDUMP Dump graphics screen FI Find FI/text/[,[start]-[end EX Replace EX/from/to/[,[start]-[end OLD Recover source code after NEW KILL Kill and go back to BASIC NUM Toggle line numbering on/off MERGE Merge text MERGE"name",d# ┌────────┬─────────┬───────┬─────────┐ │tab/warm│load/save│dir/run│help/list│ └────────┴─────────┴───────┴─────────┘ ready.