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Posted By

on 2003-05-12
 Site Improvements

I'm working on improving the site as usual. This involves rewriting the code for all pages!... But it's worth it anyway. Well, here's something small that I think is pretty cool: for groups or companies, who have at least one release that has a Product Code or Retail Price entered, it is now listed in their release list. Take a look at Mastertronic! Nice, eh? I think we actually have the product code for all of their releases, but we have to move it from Notes to the new designated Product Code field. I've done a few of them, but I'm busy with so many other things... There are over 10 people now with editing access, can't someone else do it? wink

Posted By

on 2003-05-12
 Hi Csabo

I have updated the records for all the Mastertronic games except for Beach Head as that code appears to be missing.

Posted By

on 2003-05-12
 Re: Update

Wow, that is a most welcome surprise! Thanks buddy. happy There's only a few more left... If you do a search on the phrase "product code" they should come up, as they still have that in the notes.

Beach Head? Perhaps Lando could look it up, he must have an original copy.

Posted By

on 2003-05-13

All Updated...

Posted By

on 2003-05-14
 Re: Update

Thanks again! happy

Posted By

on 2003-05-14
 Beach Head code...

The product code for Beach Head is AC 2011. happy

Posted By

on 2003-05-14
 Re: Beach Head code...

Wow, thanks! happy I added it. This is fun! So, who can look up all the Commodore product codes?

Posted By

on 2003-05-14
 Commodore codes

Only have two Commodore codes, UXB (02375) and Space Sweep/Invaders (02376). happy

Posted By

on 2003-05-14
 Commodore US codes

for the items in the database have been updated. I also updated the Tri-Micro titles.

I noticed that I have records for several CBM US titles that aren't in the database.... I thought Csabo added them, but maybe he pushed that job back onto me (?).

Posted By

on 2003-05-14
 Re: Commodore US codes

All right! happy Thanks, James. Now, which titles are those again? Could you remind me? I may have promised to add them but simply forgot about it. There's a lot going on nowadays wink

Posted By

on 2003-05-14
 Csabo -->

Commodore US/Canada Software Product Codes

I think you wanted me to do it, and I forgot...... maybe..... I know I sent screenshots of what I have, and those haven't been uploaded that I know of. I think you asked me to enter the programs and you'd add the screenshots when you had time.

If I remember correctly. Which I don't sometimes. When I do remember things at all. wink

Posted By

on 2003-05-20
 Re: Site Improvements

I'm keeping this thread alive with a few more small announcements:

- When replying to posts, the topic defaults to "Re: (original topic)". Easier. Still can be changed though.
- Also when replying the focus goes to the Message box, thanks to a little JavaScript.
- Cheats, Maps, Group and Member listings all got a facelift.
- My Tom Thumb and Exorcist remixes are back on line, in a new table. They are linked both from the games and from the creator.

Posted By

on 2003-05-21
 More Improvements

I've added MC's AP4 to the tools list. Also the Mail Archive is now officially open. I fixed the colors and the problem with the last 4 characters being cut off, and made it searchable. It contains some very useful technical information.

Posted By

on 2003-05-30
 Re: Site Improvements

I've added one more thing, which I was planning on doing for a long time. It makes my job a lot easier when writing the news, but this feature is also very useful for the forum! I call it AutoLink. Basically what it does is if you write any text and enclose it with double square brackets like this [[Something]] then the site will look up and link that entity. It works for programs (looks up by name), groups/companies (looks up by name or handle), and members (looks up only by handle).

So here are some examples:
[[Lando]] becomes Lando
[[Tom Thumb]] becomes Tom Thumb
[[Kingsoft]] becomes Kingsoft

Use it, if you are referring to a program that's already in the database. That's all for today happy (Oh yeah, and I created a link between Maps and their creators on the Member Details page.)

Posted By

on 2003-05-30
 Re: Site Improvements

There is one thing you could improve: Please use relative font sizes for the forum, not fixed ones. That way the fonts will scale with the font size presets in IE. I am using a 1600x1200 desktop and I almost need a magnifying glass to read the forum and the news...

Posted By

on 2003-05-30
 Re: Font Sizes

.... whereas I have to set Internet Explorer to the font size below Medium, otherwise everything flows too far to the right and I have to scroll the screen back and forth. (Not here specifically but Ebay, email, my website maintenance interface, etc.) And I'm using several different computers throughout the day, from 800x600 Win95 to 1024x768 WinME.

I'm not saying that Csabo has to change the forum, but that maybe the user's browser might allow setting to a larger font. In IE it's View -> Text Size -> (your choices).

As far as I've noticed, the forum font is the same size as the font used on the home/news page (plus4.emucamp.com/index.php). Changing the forum won't change the other pages on this site.

Posted By

on 2003-05-30
 Re: Font Sizes

Nevermind I just figured out what he's saying. The font that this message shows in, as well as my handle to the left, do not resize when I change the font size in IE. the words "posted by" and the date DO change sizes.

Posted By

on 2003-05-30
 Re: Site Improvements

"I'm not saying that Csabo has to change the forum, but that maybe the user's browser might allow setting to a larger font. In IE it's View -> Text Size -> (your choices)."

Well, that is exactly what does NOT work one this site. OK, maybe I misunderstood you and we meant the same.

Posted By

on 2003-05-30
 Font Sizes

You are correct. This site uses Cascading Style Sheets, and the font sizes are expressed in absolute pixels (for most of the styles, it's 12px). It part of the design. I just tried it with relative values instead (90%), but it was even smaller, because explorer somehow reduced the size for each table inside a table. Well, I have two solutions for you.

1) Use this page: Font Size Adjustment, and enter a positive number. The higher the number you enter, the larger the fonts will be. Above a certain size, you will notice that some of the things will start breaking up (e.g. the sidebar on the home page). But at least it will be readable.

2) Switch to the "Text Only" style. This style does not use CSS, or anything else fancy, so even Explorer's text size settings will work.

Does this help? happy

Posted By

on 2003-05-30
 Re: Font Sizes

Woohoo!!!!! I like the font adjustment! Is it saved in an Oreo or other snackfood so that tomorrow I will not have to readjust it? wink

Posted By

on 2003-05-31
 Re: Site Improvements (font size problem)

People, why do you insist to suffer with IE?
Use Opera: it's a lot easier, speeder and has a jumbo of improved features (for example the zoom/unzoom function);

P.S. - ... and it's free happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-01
 Re: Site Improvements

woho, great! +10 finally made the site readable wink

Posted By

on 2003-06-01
 Re: Site Improvements

Yo guys need bigger monitors wink

Posted By

on 2003-06-17
 Site Improvements ... Continued

Yet another change on the forum: when entering your messages, you now have a "Post" button that let's you skip the preview. This let's you post your stuff faster, and then just get on with your life. See, I'm going to use it right now!

Posted By

on 2003-06-18
 Re: Site Improvements

Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase Csabo create some possibility to add votes to different productions and members!
For example a code-music-design-idea-overall impression score between 1-10 would be very good for demos. Any registered user could have a vote.
Also scene members could be evaluated. (who's the best coder? happy)
Toplists and such could be generated then. It would be GREAT! happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-18
 Re: Site Improvements

Grrrrrr! I hate you all!!!!

Ok, ok, I'll re-fix the chart's chapter in LoneNews, then!

Posted By

on 2003-06-18

Calm down Luca, I didn't say we're going to do it... In fact, at this point I feel like this is something that we shouldn't do. Here's why.

I want this database to be an objective representation of all software and people. Voting would bring up several problems, but that's not even the point: it would add competitiveness to the site, which we can do without.

Think about it: do you want to see something like "Murphy" is a better coder than "Udo Gertz"? Or how do you compare Mucsi to SJP? Is Luca a better gfx-man than Unreal? Don't you think the people that will be lower on the list would be disappointed? Why, don't you think everyone who will disagree with whatever list comes out would be kind of disappointed (or upset)? And believe me, there is no universal top list, everyone has their own preference.

It's okay and good to talk about what YOU like. That's why we have these threads. It's also okay to talk about and write about who are the good coders, but again: I think people should decide this for themselves based on what's out there, and don't forget that not everyone will like or will be impressed about the same thing. (Just think of St. GLS's comments on Heartfixer.)

My point: Voting is good, but voting is for mags happy Like LoneNews happy

The only thing that I could be persuaded to do would be a "star-system" for games. Even very respectable movie lists would have 4, 3, 2 or 1 star associated with a certain movie. But those are - again - subjective, and have to be decided by a consensus. Yes, we will do this eventually. But until then, if you like a game, why not submit a review, or a description, or a solution for it? I'll put it up.

Posted By

on 2003-06-18
 Re: Site Improvements

Right! This is talking!
You fully hanged my thought, and you'd explicated very well! wink

Posted By

on 2003-06-19
 Re: Site Improvements

Csabo: you're right but most of people in the hungarian scene (at index.hu forums) agreed that a scoring system for members and productions would be very useful and good idea.
May some people would be disappointed by low scores, but the same people would be motivated to see an advance of their score after a new, cool release for example! I don't think a low score would ruin friendships or collaborations. I remember the time when i was sure that EDC is at least a TOP3 group and i am least a TOP3 coder. But when i saw the charts in different mags we were something like TOP5 or TOP10 usually. Do you think i've lost motivation then? wink It just drove me to prove that i'm the best happy
Scene needs motivation and competition: scores represent competiton, changes of scores may bring motivation (or may not happy). Just take a look at noname.c64.org/csdb, there's everything and everybody's scored and i did not hear stories of coders becoming depressed on a low score happy And the C64 scene is alive and well.
That is our goal too. A scene that lives on. May we need a scene-only, community site? (OK, i know that this site is not about scene and competition, so i understand your agruments. If the scene demands, i could launch a plus4 scene-community site where scoring would be possible happy)

Posted By

on 2003-06-19

hmm... really confusing question it is... I both agree Csabo and MC: toplist is really a needed thing if we really want to revive the scene. After all, this was the first thing most of us (me for sure) checked out when I received a new diskmag.

But I relly do not want to disappoint anybody with scores lower than expected, nor do I want such clearly uncomparable comparations like Csabo described...

Hard. maybe it would be better to do it on another page, really.

Posted By

on 2003-06-19

I agree that compos, and voting for compos is a very good idea. It should be encouraged! I hope that the C16 compo will be a success, and that we will have more compos later on.

I don't mind coming last on the democompo. On a compo it is clear what the votes are based on - that one production. Winning compos is cool and it does encourage people to get better.

But how do you judge a person in whole? There cannot be an objective way of comparing two people like Mucsi and Murphy. Both are very smart and cool guys, and contributed a lot to the scene. Mucsi made the first FLI, a lot of other firsts, and he had hundreds(!) of releases (yes, the db is missing many). Murphy made a lot less, but those were more technically advanced. I don't want to rank them. And I don't want to rank you, either. I will gladly rank anything you release, though. That's the difference.

Like you said, you could always launch your own site! happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-19

Ok, but could you do a voting engine here for the compo? and for the coming compos? happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-20
 Re: Site Improvements

That would be c00l wink

Posted By

on 2003-06-20
 Re: Site Improvements

Another thing I recently noticed: The timestamp for private messages uses american east coast local time or something like that. That is a bit confusing for all of us staying in europe happy Maybe you could use CET or even localize the time..

Posted By

on 2003-06-20
 Re: Site Improvements

The Emucamp server is on New York time. Being in the central US, I am one hour behind New York, and am used to adding or subtracting time when reading European emails or message posts. (Otherwise SVS would be replying to me before I ever asked him a question! wink )

Posted By

on 2003-06-20
 Re: Site Improvements

Emucamp is in the US by the way, but not sure where. wink

I never take any notice of times, the yellow text sheet icon gives the game away when there's a new post/reply to be seen. wink

Posted By

on 2003-06-20
 Re: Site Improvements

Well, I guess that compo charts have to be on the compo site, no?

BTW, the last LoneNews issue killed for the first time the Charts, 'cause lack of real votes...but now we're all back, and I want LOTTA FEEDBACK for the Charts, ok?

Posted By

on 2003-06-20
 Re: Site Improvements

Luca please do NOT commit suicide on charts, OOOOOKKKK? happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-23
 Re: Site Improvements

A demo/game top list would help to decide what is worthy to see on this machine. Very good for a plus/4 beginer! Such top lists helped me a lot on the C64.

Posted By

on 2003-06-23
 Re: Site Improvements

I agree too!

Posted By

on 2003-06-23
 Re: Voting

Okay, I'll do it. But(!): only members will be allowed to vote. Plus we should decide now (by voting?) what should be the 'range'. I think a number from 1-5 should be good enough. Or do we have to go up to 10?

Posted By

on 2003-06-23
 Re: Site Improvements

5 sounds good to me, its more of an impression idea of how good something might be. That 5 can range between 80%-100% if we were to rate stuff out of 100, so keeping it small its more fair for every game and demo thats worth seeing buy all.

Csabo, if we were to use 5 it might be cool to use a C16/Plus4 related icon for the marks/Stars? Just a silly idea, how about using Tom Thumb him self for games. Gets the thumbs up from me wink

User Rating:

Based on 1 votes.

Posted By

on 2003-06-24
 Re: voting

I prefer voting from 0 to 10.

Posted By

on 2003-06-24
 Re: Voting

Well, I think we'd rather put this up as a poll as people's opinions will differ anyway. Could be like:
What voting system shall we use?
1. What is a voting system?
2. No voting system please!
3. 0 - 5
4. 0 - 10
5. Even more refined.

The one that gets the most votes will be implemented. Opinions?

Posted By

on 2003-06-24
 Re: Site Improvements

I move that Tom Thumb be given 117.4% rating on ewhatever scale you decide to use. In this way Lando will be happy, and if he's happy then the users are happy. wink

Posted By

on 2003-06-24
 Re: Site Improvements

I'd prefer voting included and the scale being 0-10.

Posted By

on 2003-06-24
 Re: Site Improvements

I'm used to notice that when the scale is 0-5 a great part of items receives 3.
Votes 1, 2 are reserved for trash, while votes 4 and 5 are for star-like.
Then: an easy system, but not very understable.
I propose 0-10 range.

Posted By

on 2003-06-24
 Re: Voting

Okay, voting is implemented. Range is from zero to ten. At the moment once you vote, you cannot change or delete your vote. I'll do that soon. There is a toplist too, here: Toplist. Very preliminary, so don't worry or don't bother with request on that one now, I will improve it (add list for demos, let user see toplists on different game categories, control number of items - top10/top50 etc).

Is everyone happy now?

Posted By

on 2003-06-24
 Re: Site Improvements

0-10 leads one to being too picky when voting.

3 Games:
Tom Thumb, Big Mac and Manic Miner. In there own unique way all are just as good, but how do they fair when I score with marks at 5, and then at 10? Thats trying to be honest about it...

Out of 5: Tom 5, Big Mac 5 and Manic Miner 4.

Out of 10: Tom 9, Big Mac 8, Manic Miner 7.

Out of 5 all 3 faired very well and show the sort of thinking I said above. But now out of 10 Manic Miner isn't looking so good. A little unfair as I know its a fine game, but to new comers 7 can mean (worth a look if your into this kind of game). But being honest again, Mainic Miner could of scored 79% meaning its much closer to Big Mac than it really looks and not so far away from Tom wink

I have a lot of respect for many C16/Plus4 games, the older I get the more I take notice of what I might of turned my nose up at 15+ years ago. Invasion 2000AD is a beauty of an invaders clone, but 15 or so years ago I switched it off quicker than it took to load. wink

Out of 5 is being a bit more respectfull happy

I've been out voted lol happy
Lets see the magic Csabo has added and take it from there.

PS: Anyone who gets cought marking a worthy game with a below average score will be band from the site OK ? (not) wink
Just be honest. Thankyou happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-24
 Csabo --> I'm not happy.


If there's going to be scoring, then why not go the extra kilometer and allow the user to give a reason why they score a certain program the way they did?

I just looked at the Toplist and one game received one vote and a total score of zero. If the game is that bad, I'd like to know why before I waste time downloading it. Simply saying zero or one for a low score doesn't tell me if the game is poorly designed, rated low because it's all in BASIC, or the user didn't like the color scheme or custom character set.

Posted By

on 2003-06-25
 Re: Site Improvements

Yep, allow writing short user comments during the voting procedure happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-25
 Re: Site Improvements

James it's up to you to change that happy

Say....... If you believe Suicide Run is better then what you may vote it, it will change the total score for it. Early days yet. Although Skramble at the moment has scored 7 is Suicide Run worthy of more than as it is now?? I voted 1 for it. Game Play, Sound, GFX and the price you had to pay for it have all been taken into account. Mastertronic were selling games 100 times better at the same price of £1.99. Suicide Run was 100% machine code wink

Posted By

on 2003-06-25
 Re: Comments

There will be no 'short comments' for votes. We would end up reading stuff like 'utter crap' or 'i don't like this one' style stuff on these pages. If you have something to say about a particular game, create a decent review, and we will gladly add it to the site.

There are LOTS of work to be done here. How come no-one is volunteering to take screenshots, write introductions, create game descriptions, ah forget that: just entering the basic info for the existing records? That's real work. But voting is so much easier and more fun, right?

Posted By

on 2003-06-25
 Re: Site Improvements

Csabo, you're talking exactly like my mummy :D

Posted By

on 2003-06-25
 Re: Site Improvements

Well, I don't think this is the time to add short comments to the votes, either... There's still a lot to do on the site and the database. Maybe when all the rest of it is ready, but I really think it is not a good idea for now. How could we add short comments when even most of the screenshots are incomplete or missing! I totally agree with Csabo on this. He has done a tremendous amount of work already anyway. Don't get me wrong I am not against it completely only I think it's not the right time to add.

Just think of Lemon's site. There was the comments part the last to come and for good reason I believe.

Posted By

on 2003-06-25
 Re: Site Improvements

The difference between us and Lemon or the C64 side is that we (a handfull) are making it happen, if we don't do anything then jack all gets done or added. Lemon, although put a lot of work in was sent much of his content, or it was available else where. The C64 is LaRgE, but where do we look for C16/Plus4 stuff..... The only reason this site was started.

Copyright issues clamped Lemon down and only then were the comments part added becuase much was already done and what else could keep the site active without the best downloads.

Also this site now covers ALL not just games. wink

Yeah I'll put my had up and say I'm doing less and less. Since I started 2 children have arrived, I gave up everything for the site in the Classix years thats why so much was getting done, but now the oldest is asking more of me. The only real time I get is the week ends. Csabo has change the site so much (for the best) it takes me 3 computers to do most stuff now. My Amiga is still needed as much as it ever was, I can only copy files over to my old PC from Amiga and then the new PC is used to work on the site. I was the wrong man for the job (amiga) but had the best intentions (at the time) to do somehting about it wink

If Csabo didn't have the talent to create what we have now where would we be today? And that goes for the rest of you that have helped with emu's, sites, software, covers, info.... the scene! God bless what we have happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-26
 Re: comments

Well, I do not want to debate much on this topic since I always was a bad voter. I do not spend much time on voting, but if I vote, I would definietly not spend time on writing comments on how do I wote. Anyway, I think that if in let's say 5 months enough votes will be generated then the average will be a quite good estimate of the real (what is real??) value of the voted game(s). So nobody would need the comments to get a realistic picture about the value, because the "law of big numbers" would grant it...

Posted By

on 2007-05-12
 Re: Site Improvements

I think it will be nice to made a DEMO OF THE DAY like 'game of the day' or 'covers of the day' with screenshot.

Posted By

on 2007-05-12
 Re: Site Improvements

I second that one happy I have to admit that I click on the "Game/Cover of the day" almost every day. It's a good mechanism to bring back some games one had almost forgotten about. Moreover, sometimes it shows a hidden gem that one didn't even know about. This will work for demos just as well happy

I think it won't clutter up the page (that's something that could be a reason for not introducing this).

Posted By

on 2007-05-12
 Re: Site Improvements

I hear you guys, but you know how it is. We have to submit the feature request. Then it gets reviewed and voted on, and possibly approved. Then it gets assigned. Then gets developed on dev, goes through testing, deployed to staging, tested again, then pushed live. It could be months!

...What do you mean it's already done?


Posted By

on 2007-05-12
 Re: Site Improvements

On that note, here's what I've been doing recently: discovered an crawled another mirror (cmb.ko2000.nu). Our total download links jumped to over 18,000. Also made a page that lists all links going out to sites (e.g. see downloads/44). Added a second "site type" (I just called them other sites), these are for the recently added External Links feature. For an example, see the Bard's Tale page. It now lists the C64 and ZX Spectrum counterparts of this game, and even the Wikipedia entry. The point of linking to other systems should be obvious, but one in particular is that it will give you nice tips/descriptions/maps of the game that we might not have.

Software, Members, Groups and Mags all nice clean URLs thanks to URL rewrite. (The next one will be Publications when I have the time.)

I don't really announce these things nowadays. Anyway, if you have more ideas/requests, feel free to approach me.

Posted By

on 2007-05-12
 Re: Site Improvements

Csabo: well, you could fix that annoying bug, when you use double square brackets to directlink something, and you fail if some characters are in the name, like your Bard's Tale one wink

Posted By

on 2007-05-12
 Re: Site Improvements

Good one, Luca happy

Thanks Csabo for adding the "Demo of the day" so quickly!

Posted By

on 2007-05-13
 Re: Site Improvements

WOW ! It's cool ! But a question: GAME OF DAY, DEMO OF DAY and WHY?? coverS OF DAY ? I think COVER OF THE DAY (with only 1 boxart) will be much better. What do you think?

Posted By

on 2007-05-13
 Re: Site Improvements

The two "Covers of the Day" are kinda handy, as only one changes daily. The one on the right side will be on the left tomorrow, and a new one will take the right side.

In this way, if you miss a day visiting the site, you still get yesterday's and today's covers.

Posted By

on 2007-05-13
 Re: Site Improvements

Hey! I'm feeling like...mmm...I'm really feeling like...linked by a Lemon! happy

Posted By

on 2007-05-14
 Re: Site Improvements

Very cool!!! Well done!! happy

(Doesnt appear to find commando for some reason...?)

Posted By

on 2007-05-14
 Re: Site Improvements

Well, commando is a sort of redux version, same with other titles. Dunno how Lemoners would consider any single game... AMC is not considered too...

Posted By

on 2007-07-31
 Re: Site Improvements

Hi Csabo!

I found a small inconsistency in the working of your site the other day. There were a screenshot shown on the main page in the demo of the day section from a software that is under legal warning (or at least the site gave me one when i clicked it). If the work falls in this category then its screenshot should not be displayed on the main page. You should filter these images out.

Posted By

on 2012-07-18
 Re: Votiing


I'd really like to see the vote change option finally implemented as Csabo promised 9 years ago lol. There's a game I want to change my vote for as I don't think it's quite as bad as the 2 I originally gave it happy

Posted By

on 2012-07-18
 Re: Site Improvements

This is now implemented. Let the vote changing begin! happy

Posted By

on 2012-07-18
 Re: Site Improvements

...also hoping this will tempt ppl to keep voting in general wink

Posted By

on 2012-07-18
 Re: Site Improvements

No don't do it! Sixteen Plus wants to up the User Rating of Quick Draw from 1 to 2 haha! wink

Posted By

on 2012-07-18
 Re: Site Improvements

Don't listen to him, Quick Draw indeed! Bah!

I wanted to up the User Rating of Saboteur-C16 from to 2 to 3.5 to match my review, but as there's no decimal points in the voting itself I'll give it a 4

Posted By

on 2012-07-18
 Re: Site Improvements

I revised my vote for Saboteur-C16 as well after playing a few rounds with it just now. It's not unplayably bad, I think that the brilliance of the Plus/4 version is clouding our judgements. Controls are a bit quirky and the game-play can become monotonous, but it's OK for a C16 game.

Posted By

on 2012-07-19
 Re: Site Improvements

When looking at the commercial games there are many more people that need to revise their judgement and some should be celebrated more.

Terra Cognita 7.7
Liberator 7.3
Terra Nova 7.2
Myriad 6.2
Pheenix 5.3

It's a hard call but the best two games in that list are Myraid and Liberator that should be celebrated more for what they offer.

One of the worst is in fact Terra Nova because people have voted for Speech & Music rather than game play. Sure if you did buy it you had to pay for all the graphics because it did cost a lot more than your average 1.99 game but technically when you look at just the game play Pheenix has more to offer!

Terra Cognita, people have voted for the background graphics. Although the ground tiles add a twist you are looking at enemies that are no better than Terra Nova.

Pheenix is highly rated on ZX Spectrum. Before you can even begin to enjoy it you have to speed it up, but over all an interesting game and now knowing it was once an arcade machine, the only time it ever released was on the Alternative label - there is something about it I can't put my finger on... However Myriad walks all over it.

Really when you look at the commercial games Liberator is one of, if not "the" best space shooter of them all from that era. Slick side scrolling fast and smooth arcade action and unlike many other shooters you can bang the fire button all day long and as fast as you like with no interruption. It really is one cool game that should be celebrated a lot more. 7.3... it's worth more than that as a 12k game. OK Battle Star gets 5.1 but what game play does it really offer...

Myriad is a no frills budget title, maybe borrowed from a Vic20 title but this offers a lot when you look at the enemies and discover how challenging the game play really is. Some times you never were going to get a lot for your money any way but as it goes Myriad is under rated for what you get. It is a classic for the C16 from the commercial days, just some people think Terra Nova is better...

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