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Posted By

on 2003-02-19
 The search for Udo Gertz

Well, one more down. I sent a request to www.elektro-service.org (now defunct). I got this email yesterday from Corinna Gertz:


I am the daughter of Udo Gertz and I just want to tell you, that my father isn't the guy you are searching. He is an electrician and lives in Thuringia, Germany. The guy you are searching has accidental the same name. I'm sorry. I hope you find the Udo Gertz, you are searching!

Corinna Gertz

freenet Grusskarten:
Schicken Sie Ihren Freunden einen Gruss.
Jetzt mit Sound: http://www.freenet.de/tipp/gruss

At least they were nice enough to reply! So don't send queries to this particular Udo Gertz, it's not him.

Last year I tried this one: FATS. This product/company seems to have more than one site. It's a programmers tool. First I asked a product related question, and got this reply from an Udo Gertz:

To: Csabo (csabo@idirect.com)
Date: July 23, 2002 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: FATS

Dear Mr. Pankaczy,

FATS is compatible with Windows XP and
there have been no problems while testing
it on XP Professional.

Best Regards
Udo Gertz
GCS Software

Then I asked him if he's the one who wrote the C16 games, but got no reply. So it could be him... Getting no reply is the worst.

Posted By

on 2003-02-19

Yeah I know how you feel Csabo. This is somehting thats been on the back of our minds for over 15 years. We just want to shake the mans hand and say cheers.

Posted By

on 2003-02-21
 Well, Csabo -

I think, you've got the man!
Searching via google for a "Brigitte Gertz" (the person who made the music for Tom16) delivered this link: www.lifestylemagazin.de/magazin/mode/mode/mode28.html
Look at the name of the town and compare it to the address of the software company...


Posted By

on 2003-02-21
 Nice find.

How comman are the names Brigitte and Gertz in Germany? Makes you wonder.. If we were looking for a Paul Smith in the UK there would be 1000's of them wink

Would be nice to send an emial her way, but I don't know German. If it is Udo's wife maybe she might let the cat out of the bag which would be cool happy

Posted By

on 2003-02-21
 To Someone:

Wow, you're right! Searching for Brigitte Gertz was a genius, I should have thought of that! So here's what we know:

http://gcssoft.de is the offical homepage of GCS Software, owned by Udo Gertz. (What an unfortunate name, GCS, there's tons of other GCSs' out there.) If you look up information on the domain gcssoft.de, it's also owned by Udo Gertz, registered to the same (probably company) address that's already available on the page. This Udo Gertz (or someone at his company) speaks English. Kirchheim/Teck (or Kirchheim unter Teck) is a city in southern Germany, near Stuttgart. There's a Brigitte Gertz there in the same city, making watches. Her company's name is probably 'Deja vu Design'. Accoring to a google search, she used to own the dejavu.de domain, but no longer does.

An Udo Gertz and a Brigitte Gertz in one city? Coincidence? Well, how about this: according to MapQuest, the two addresses are 3 minutes drive apart (1.7 km)!!! From Rossmarkt to Ludwig Finckh in Kirchheim Unter Teck happy

Posted By

on 2003-02-21
 This is ....WOW! :)

Hi people,

now I'm excited. happy
Seems like it could really be them.

I've looked for "Brigitte Gertz" in klickTel 2003 (a software that contains (almost?) all phonebook entries. It came out in January 2003, so it's quite up-to-date) and found only five. The Brigitte Gertz in Kirchheim unter Teck isn't mentioned. That could mean that she's living with Udo Gertz and therefore hasn't got an own phonebook entry! Quite normal thing! happy
There are five "Udo Gertz" in Germany, and one of them is the GCS guy you're talking about. Adding to that, there's a "U. Gertz" and nine "Gertz" without a first name.

So chances aren't too bad that you've found the right one! happy

Are you going to write him? Or her? If you don't want to write in English: I'm German. happy

Best regards, Lord Voldemort

Posted By

on 2003-02-21
 Contacting the Gertzs

I wasn't planning on writing to them. I feel like if I already wrote and they didn't reply, I should stop bugging them. But this whole contacting them should be a team effort: it's better if we all discuss a plan first, and then make one contact instead of all of us writing several emails wink Thomas since you are German, I think you should write to them. Just something nice and simple that they should hopefully reply to. I would probably send the main one to the gcssoft address and CC it to Brigitte Gertz's email address...

Posted By

on 2003-02-21
 First Contact

I wasn't planning on writing to them. I feel like if I already wrote and they didn't reply, I should stop bugging them.

That's true.

But this whole contacting them should be a team effort: it's better if we all discuss a plan first, and then make one contact instead of all of us writing several emails

We shouldn't disturb them more than necessary.

Thomas since you are German, I think you should write to them. Just something nice and simple that they should hopefully reply to.

The problem is that I don't have much time at the moment. But if you (Csabo, Lando, ...) would write a text, I could easily translate it. happy
And I think you know better what to write, since I'm not that much into the C16/Plus4-scene like you are. In fact, I'm slowly entering the scene just now. wink

Posted By

on 2003-02-21
 Thats a tuff question...

How do we go about it when Mr Gertz has already failed to reply

here's a small teter...

Dear Udo,

We are very sorry to even think of asking this of you, but please if you do get a spare moment would be so kind as to read below and reply so we may leave you in peace. Many thanks in advance.

We are searching for Udo Gertz who is one of our greatest heroes from the late 1980's. He was the creator of some fantasic achivements programmed on the Commodore 16 eg.(Tom Thumb, Winter Events, Bongo). We believe Udo also had a wife named Brigitte Gertz who helped in composing the music for his works. Over the years Udo has been one of the most resepcted programmers on the Commodore 16 and we would like to send our thanks to him in return for the pleasure we enjoyed from his games.

Something like that, but it needs more added, but how do you keep it short??
You could point him to this forum where he does'nt have to reply to any email but could leave a small note saying I am Udo Gertz. That way we could reply and he can see that we respect what he did. We are not asking anything from him, but wow he was the king from Kingsoft. Also I feel we should say Commodore 16 seeing as Tom Thumb was C16 only first of all. Commodore 16 says and means all don't you think....

I've also wondered that Udo may of came from a country out side of Germany.. At the time Germany was in 2 half's, which side did he come from? Memorys of the past might be something Udo wishes to forget about?? You can only guess... This is also mad, because I was still at school I even thought that Brigitte might of been his sister, bedroom coding was the rage back than.......

My spelling sucks so please check it if you use anything, any more ideas we could add?

Posted By

on 2003-02-22

your writing points in the right direction. We must keep in mind not to bother him in any way. He doesn't owe anything to us. Setting a link to this website (and maybe to this thread) would be a good idea, I think. The mail should be as short as possible; if he's interested to get in contact he could leave at least a short reply.

Posted By

on 2003-02-22

Hello Udo,

Myself and a group of friends who share an interest in the Commodore 16 home computer of the 80s are trying to contact a very talented programmer of the machine. He created amazing games such at Tom Thumb and Winter Events that we have all spent countless hours playing.

Nobody seems to know what happened to Udo after his C=16 games were released, and its a question that comes up on the forum at http://plus4.emucamp.com from time to time.

We don't intend any malice or ill feeling, we would just like Udo to know how much we all appreciate his works, and would be delighted if he could spend just five minutes in an email telling us about his memories of the Commodore 16. If you are 'our' Udo and don't wish to be contacted again, please just say. It would be nice to know we found Udo Gertz and can stop looking.

The Plus/4 World forum members.


How to write a subject he wont' just delete because he thinks its spam though? happy

Posted By

on 2003-02-22


I think there should be a better approach, then writing every Udo Gertz you find on the Internet. I really doubt that this is the guy. Why not approach the problem from a different angle, for example finding people who worked at Kingsoft, and try find Udo through them, even if you find someone who didn't knew Udo personally, he might know someone, who did, and get you one person closer.
One lead is here:
This is a short interview with a musician who worked at Kingsoft. There is no contact address, you have to get that from the webmaster of the site.
Kingsoft was bought in the late 90's by EA, it could be possible that Udo ended up there, if someone have a friend working there then it is just a matter to look at the corporate contact list. This could be an other lead to follow...

Posted By

on 2003-02-22
 Why not?

I think there should be a better approach, then writing every Udo Gertz you find on the Internet.

Why? klickTel contains almost every phonebook entry. According to klickTel, there are only five Udo Gertz in Germany. So what's wrong with writing them? Especially since we've some strong reasons to believe that we've found the right one.

I really doubt that this is the guy.

Why? I think it's very likely that it's really him. Brigitte and Udo Gertz, living in the same town...

Posted By

on 2003-02-22
 re: Navvie

Top stuff there m8, I do like that write up.

Subjet header umm.

In a friendly way we all say "Hi" as a subject header. ??

Posted By

on 2003-02-22
 Subject Line for message

How about:

Subject: Tom Thumb / Commodore 16

If it's the same Udo, and he is interested, he would read a message with this subject. If he is not the same, or is not interested, then it will be deleted.

One could be sneaky and include a graphic in the message as a link; if the reader uses a downloading reader such as Outlook, and uses HTTP to read, then the graphic would be downloaded. Whomever hosts the website could then check their logs to ssee if that parrticular graphic has bene downloaded, and when, and what IP address. (Obviously this graphic would have to be unique to that website. This is the basic way that a hitcounter works.)

Posted By

on 2003-02-23
 re: James

I see where your coming from but me my self do reguard any email that contians html imagery as spam. That does'nt mean I go deleting everything, but I do think its rude having to download something that noramally isn't necessary. Thats only my point of view.

About the header, yeah thats cool. Anyone in there right mind would be intrested in viewing something that means something to them.

Taking a look back at the guys who have poped in for a chat, they have all been cool. Loved to take a trip back down memory lane and are only to pleased to hear they stuff is still respected today. Sure many may not wish to get involed, but I bet many have landed here and slipped away unnoticed wink

Posted By

on 2003-02-23
 No HTML...

I see where your coming from but me my self do reguard any email that contians html imagery as spam. That does'nt mean I go deleting everything, but I do think its rude having to download something that noramally isn't necessary. Thats only my point of view.

It's my point of view as well. wink
I hate HTML mails.

Posted By

on 2003-02-23

As I said, one could be sneaky if they did that. My example only uses the HTML to generate a listing in the website logfile, that verifies that the message has been read.

If the receiver uses a non-HTML reader, or has HTML turned off, then this would have no effect anyway. I myself use web-based email with no HTML, so it wouldn't work for me either.

Posted By

on 2003-02-24
 HTML mails

As I said, one could be sneaky if they did that. My example only uses the HTML to generate a listing in the website logfile, that verifies that the message has been read.

I understand what you mean, and it's an interesting idea, but nevertheless: if I get a HTML mail, I usually get somewhat annoyed, and I think we shouldn't risk to annoy Udo Gertz. wink

Posted By

on 2003-02-25


I'm sorry to intervene, but I think writing a (normal) letter should also be considered. Although it has it's drawbacks, regarding the fact that you have someones personal address (but you are obliged to write your own too), I do think it is much more personal. Of course you would loose the overwhelming feeling of a community standing behind an e-mail, but you would gain a much more comfortable approach to someone the old-fashioned way, what is -as I read- just exactly what you are looking for.
Maybe sometimes even internet-men are happy to get a letter.
Optionally you could provide the link to a site, so the (eventual) reply could be faster...
This is all I wanted to say, I hope it is worth considering.

Good Luck,

Posted By

on 2003-02-25

Why not... happy

Posted By

on 2003-02-25
 Let's do it

All good ideas, but when are we finally going to do it? I say just write the email and send it off already... Let's see what he will say! happy (I can't wait...)

Posted By

on 2003-02-26

yeah sounds cool by me Csabo.

Thomas if you could do the honours that would be cool happy

I did like navvie's write up, but you know whats sounds best once turned into german so we'll leave it in your good hands happy

Posted By

on 2003-02-27

I feel honoured. wink
- I'll write a small mail as soon as I have some spare time. I'll of course tell you when I'll have sent it away.

Posted By

on 2003-03-10
 no time at the moment

Sorry people, I'm studying for an important examination at the moment (higher mathematics wink ), and I just don't find the time to write a mail to Udo.
The exam is on 03/20/2003, so I'll probably mail him in the week after that.

Best regards,

Posted By

on 2003-03-10

Sure no worrys. Keep us posted when you do.

Cheers and best of luck happy

Posted By

on 2003-03-11

Hi guys,

I've happened to been contacted by someone from EA, so I used the opportunity and asked about Udo Gertz, so he asked around and here is the result email he got from someone working at EA who knows Udo Gertz
Hi everybody,

I haven't spoken to Udo Gertz for a a long time, which is a shame as he was one of the most talented game programmers I've met. But I happen to know what he is currently doing. He still works in the software industry, but on serious applications. Just check out his web page to contact him: www.gcssoft.de
So it is confirmed, he is the man... Thanks for Shaun Stephenson to ask around at EA.

Enjoy happy

Posted By

on 2003-04-17

Guys, I must say it was great to read through this topic. happy

So, what happened at thew end? happy

Posted By

on 2003-04-26

Read this guys:

Feladó: xxx@xxx.xxx
Címzett: Lavina of Gotu
Téma: Re: Bist Du wotlich "der grosse" Udo Gertz?
Dátum: péntek, 2003. április 25. 16:36:47
Részletek: (forrás) (nyomtatási kép)

Dear Lavina,

sorry to be late.
I programmed some games for the plus4 in
the eighties, like Bongo, Tom Thumb and Winter Events.
After i received your email, i saw Lando's web site
"Plus4 World" and now i would like to write him.
Obviously i have however no valid email address
of him (i have tried "lando@tcp.co.uk" and
Do you know the email address of Lando ?

Best Regards,
Udo Gertz

Write to him! happy

Administrator edit: Udo's email address was removed as he requested. Please do not make his email address public.

Posted By

on 2003-04-26

You are not joking right? If this is a joke, I swear to god... I don't know what to say!!!

Posted By

on 2003-04-26

I am not worthy!!!!!!

If there is a time to be nervous it is now!

That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind. happy

Thanks Lavina, I'll get in touch with Udo right away. Cheers.

Posted By

on 2003-04-27

Just to let you all know. I have received an email from Udo Gertz!!! happy

He did say "thanks for your nice e-mail happy"

I don't want to make the contents of the email public at the moment, but you may be pleased to know Udo also said "I read the thread "search for udo" and found it really funny how you have managed to find me wink". So he has seen everything each and everyone of us has said happy

Sorry to put you in the dark, but I will ask Udo if its ok to post it here for all to see.

Posted By

on 2003-04-28

So, I was not joking. Please Csabo, spare my miserable life, I am innocent! happy

Lando, you are right, I was too excited and posted the email to this forum as it came. Pardon me, Mr. Gertz!

I asked "some" questions from him, I hope to get some answers, so we can start a nice interview with him, right Luca? happy

Posted By

on 2003-04-28

Interview, interview...strongly interview!

Posted By

on 2003-04-28

Before you guys jump in and ask for an interview could we make it a team effort? Udo did say he was short on time because of his work and will get in touch when he can.

If Udo is willing to do one then that would be cool, but it would be a little unfair if we all asked in turn and maybe the same questions?

An issue of Lone News with an interview of Udo would be special for sure happy

Posted By

on 2011-11-03
 Re: The search for Udo Gertz

The kind reminder from this spam-bot about this topic.

So, any results, Csabo? wink

Posted By

on 2011-11-03
 Re: The search for Udo Gertz

The spam filter catches a lot more than what gets through. The stuff that does get through usually looks pretty harmless, no obvious keywords with one link. We delete them when we see them, and when we do, the bumped topics automatically fall back to place.

Now, as far for the search for Udo, we did "find" him (see Lando's post below). He sent us unreleased stuff like his amazing Graphics Editor. So, I think that was the end of it... One more tidbit that sufaced this year was that Brigitte was not his wife (like our site claimed - honestly not sure where that info came from in the first place) but his sister.

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