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on 2016-01-08
 Moldi's Treasure 10/10

It's over, we've done, can't believe we completed it in the very end!
It's the real 10th flowout from the treasure chest donated to us by Moldi when ppl did meet him at the Busodore Party almost 5 years ago, from which we saved up to about five hundred programs not included in any archive before! Moldi we'll never thank you enough for this immense feeding of Plus/4 stuff!

Outrun II DemoWhat can you find in this latest appointment with the world of unseen before software? Oh well, basically what still remain, we're squeezing the sponge and see what falls down. Sometimes certain productions get stuck into the clefts of homonymy and misunderstandings, and nobody take'em to the light, just like in the case of Outrun II Demo, which is another failed attempt to align digis and Coby's waveconverter. Or like for Terror Music Box by Moldi himself, Sohase Mond which was easily confused with Christmas 91, or Castle Demo which at first glance could seem Castle Pic. On the other hand, the scene succeded in missing not one only but both the demos explicitly dedicated to the Hungarian city of Mezőkövesd, where TPSH lives. Party In Mezőkövesd and The Demo Of Mezőkövesd: same party? We dunno yet...

It seems even incredible to us how many complete games we've still missed, in the times when we would believe that nothing can really be discovered from the past. The Moldi's software archive has surprised us till the end of this journey, and here come Dodo, Drakula Kastélya, Tekergő, and last but not least Risiko Demo, a pretty nice working preview of an implementation in BASIC V3.5 for the classic board game, one of those works we really would have been seen in the final shape!
Risiko DemoFinally, there's room for the weirdest pieces in this collection! Be honest here in GOTU, who has truly written the texts of Minifuck? ;) Do you know that Mucsi had reduced one of the most complete notewriters to be used on tape too, with The Best Letter Writer / Tape? Now we have Reincarnation 2, so where's the first one, which should be very similar to it according to the author himself? Is the author of Music Box 2 (Ati) the Ati we all know but still away from Gentlemen? Does LBM really believe in oriental destiny interpretations like I Ging? Does truly exist a third one, as written in the scrolltext of the fresh found Impulse Mega 2? For what piece of hardware Digital Frequency Counter practically counts? Did TGH really use Life Of Pictures for his graphics?

As you all can see, a finish point is ever a new starting point for further discoveries, where no Plus/4 scener has gone before!
Here it is, that's the very last complete list of releases for this tenth wave, and we can't hide a little emotional tear dropping from the eye: ABC (onefile), Atlós Fényujság, Beszélő Nyelvtan, I Ging, Digital Frequency Counter, Disk Lister V3.2, Duplázó V1.0, Ékezetes Képújság, Errorsearcher 1551 V2, Földrajz (Fodor Antal), Full Copy Plus/4, Hangközök, Háztartás-kalkuláció, Hipra Copy 1541, Hypa-load V3 1551, Katalog Maker, Life Of Pictures, Mágneses Indukció Számítása, MAT's Typewriter, Pluto, Scroll Writer II, Speed Assembler, Super Disk Monitor, Super Speed Loader, The Best Letter Writer / Tape, Uni Header, Dodo, Drakula Kastélya, Életjáték V1.2, Hanoi Torony, Kétlépéses Vagy Háromlépéses Mattfejtő, Kukacka, Lander, Logikai Játék, Memóriajáték, Souvenirs, Tekergő, Tenisz, Risiko Demo, Bekannte Bauwerke Aus Luebeck, Bomber Demo, Castle Demo, Digit Sounds, Impulse Mega 2, Microdemo II, Minifuck, Music Box 2 (Ati), Outrun II Demo, Party In Mezőkövesd, Poseidon Demo, Reincarnation 2, Sohase Mond, Terror Music Box, The Demo Of Mezőkövesd, Variációk Egy Témára.

And here's a list of the other nine lists, from the respective news: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Posted By

on 2016-01-09
 Re: Moldi's Treasure 10/10

End of a long trip... So much work. Thanks Moldi and thanks Luca.

Lots of very cool stuff in this batch once again, I just hope there other people out there (beside the two of us happy) who actually enjoy sinking their teeth into it, watching the old demos, reading the old scroll texts, playing around with the old utilities.

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on 2016-01-09
 Re: Moldi's Treasure 10/10

Csabo I'm quite sure we're not the only one, ppl are used to appreciate this stuff even by bounced news on other Commodore sites and on social networks wink

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on 2016-01-09
 Re: Moldi's Treasure 10/10

T H A N K - Y O U !

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on 2016-01-09
 Re: Moldi's Treasure 10/10

You are our hero. I do not know,how you manage to do so many things to us, sacrificing your private life.
Many Thanks for the gems!

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on 2016-01-10
 Re: Moldi's Treasure 10/10

About Minifuck, it was usually Freddy & Shadow who did these kind of things. happy I'm not 100 % positive to give the credit, though. happy

Can anyone tell me how to find these guys nowadays??

HMM? http://artcity.bitfellas.org/index.php?a=artist&id=1034

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on 2016-01-11
 Re: Moldi's Treasure 10/10

Thanks a lot, guys! This brings back memories! grin

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