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Code Type:Machine code
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Released by:Gods Of The Universe (GOTU)
Code by:Freddy
Notes:A single part demo. The demo criticizes and reacts to other scene members, see below. The author is not marked, but we believe it is Freddy/GOTU, also see below.
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The main topic of this demo (the unkind words) are directed to two separate people:

1) Charles of DS. This is regarding his letter that appears in Terror News 25. There, he wrote: "Hogy a GOTU-t félreismerted? Nem csoda - van benne néhány nagyon bunkó gyerek..." (Translation: "So you misjudged GOTU? No wonder - there are some real jerks in that group.")

2) Ratt. In Byte Times 4, in the Reactions section, he wrote: "GOTU: egy fokkal vagytok az NST-nél különbbek. Elloptátok az egyik Terror News-ot azért, hogy csináljatok belőle egy 'Clues of Coders'-et. Ekkora faszokat! írnak (?) egy olyan programot, amivel le lehet törni a védelmeket. Ami az egészben a lamerségükre vall, hogy még a saját (?) védelmük leszedését is beleírják. Akkor miért írtatok védelmet, ha annak a törését közzé teszitek !?" (Translation: "GOTU: you're only one degree better than NST. You stole one of the Terror News to create 'Clues of Coders'. What dicks! You write (?) a program which can remove defenders. As a testament to their own lamerness, they include the removal for their defenders as well. So why did you write a defender, if you're going to publish the crack for it?)

These are responses to programs released in 1992, which puts the release date of this demo to 1992 (or later).

The author is not marked in the program. We believe it was Freddy/GOTU. When asked, he did not distinctly remember writing it, but the following reasons point to him being the author:

- The phrase "sons of GOTU" is used in the scroll text, which was used by him and ONLY by him in other GOTU demos: Amiga! Yes! Ok! and Garfield's Day.
- BHS is greeted in the demo. This was a pretty much unknown scene group from Budapest. When asked, Freddy immediately remembered the group, he said it stood for "Black Hand Soft".

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