Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-11-29
| To Luca
Problems on
"Skoro Demo" is duplicate (byte exact copy of Skoro Demo 7) - delete.
"Raytracing" from Proky is spelled "Raytracking" - rename (no K).
"Megafuck 2" is *not* written by Ratt or FYC, it's hacked by someone else. If you speak hungarian this should be clear from the scrolltext, but Ratt himself said this in the directory listing of "Sun 4 Fun". Since original author is unknown, it would be best to move this to Unsorted.
"Maxx Headroom" in Fusion's folder is actually by TLT
"Korak Times 6" in magazines is actually "Korak Times 7"
Request: Crystals (Demo from Wilds) and Crystals (Game by Olly) have the same filename. Could we rename one (e.g. Cystals_WLS)? Also there's another Max Headroom - linked from here, use search - you may want to copy that one to unsorted or something. If you have time, deal with these, please.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-11-29
| More
"Pipe_Mania.prg" and "Pipemania_2.prg" are exactly the same. "Future_Composer_V5.3.prg" is really version 2.3 edit: "Pool_87.prg" is the same as "On_Cue_Pool.prg" (on cue pool is the correct name) edit: "Mr. Puniverse 3" is a byte exact copy of "Mr. Puniverse" except the basic sys line is missing. edit: Legionnaire Editor and Legionnare Editor_SF are the same as well.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-11-29
 | What's done
SkoroDemo removed Future_Composer_V5.3.prg renamed Pool_87.prg removed Mr. Puniverse 3 removed Legionnare Editor_SF removed Raytracing renamed Megafuck 2 moved Maxx Headroom moved Korak Times 7 renamed (lol, yours upload ) Crystals_WLS, ok Max Headroom copied
Well done Csabo! 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-03
| More!
Thanks for fixing these so far.
- Pipemania and Pipemania 2 are still the same! - In TPSH's Digi Mixer, the file names in the zip file are reversed. - games/e/eszak.prg already exists with the correct filename (Eszak Amerika) under tools/educational. - games/a: Airwolf.prg and Airworf_+.prg are the same (trained) version. - games/b/blackjack.prg should be moved to "c" and renamed to Casino_Blackjack. There are also at least two other games which are actually called blackjack... We have to find and archive those as well.
What is the re-ass.prg in tools/assembler?
edit: one more, could we rename Maybe MSS_Demos.ZIP would better.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-04
 | All done!
The re-ass should be an assembler utility...
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-04
| Even More...
- Disk Manager V1.2 is actually Disk Monitor V1.2 - Disk_Doctor.prg is a truncated, non-working version of Disc_Doctor.prg (which works). - tools/disk/saver.prg is called 'turbo saver'. - demos/unsorted/metal_balls.prg is just a ripped part from Stukas Over Disneyland. I'm not sure what to do with that one.
I know re-ass.prg should be an assembler utility (I figured out that much from the folder's name), but what is it? I can't get it to work.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-06
 | All done
Metal_balls removed. About re-ass: we must ask to an elder..
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-06
| What's Next
Okay, Luca, we've got the existing rulez stuff cleared up pretty nicely. Now, I can produce a query that would list all the stuff which exists somewhere, but is not on rulez yet. If I give you that list, would you upload all the stuff? I've uploaded on last night (Label Basic from WLS into tools/programming).
I'm trying to work on the 'completely missing' list. There are still about 100 programs that are only entries. That is we have them in the DB, but they are not up yet anywhere (some will stay like that, such as 1942 or Cracker's Demo 3).
After that, we have to go through the D64 Recall and the TomHX Disk Archive, extract and archive any new programs we find...
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-06
 | Crawling...
I did it for D64 Recall, and I'm doing right now for TomHX...but my archiving isn't very accurate (some shitty stuff I want to miss...)... BTW, I'm doing it right now...
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-06
| Some stuff
Just so you know, I've just uploaded some stuff to rulez: Hexen hexen demo, Haegars first graphic box, NewsReel 9.5 and 15.5, Lamer News 1,2,3,5, Jump demo from MB, Colors demo from bubis.
I'm surprised you say you did if for the D64 recall, I have lots of stuff that I see in there which is not archived yet... If we archived stuff like this we have to archive everything! 
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-06
 | Capital first!
Yes, is such as a "best of "selection  BTW, apart of bubis that personally requested the non-capital initial, please use the Initial_Capital.prg format for any entry, and keep the initial (or a standard one!) numbering. Cause of that, lamer_news_001.prg will magically become Lamer_News_01.prg
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-06
| Don't
Don't make up names for the programs. It's called Lamer News 001 (note the three zeros) not Lamer News 01. That's what the authors used in every issue. About capitalizing and underscores, that's fine, I agree (but to me it doesn't matter because my crawler is case insensitive).
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-06
 | Ummm....
I just have hexenhexen, which was the reason of not uploading by myself? BTW, I'm thinking that probably I've missed lotta things years ago, when I started to upload stuff I had...
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-06
 | 00x?
Ok, good, then _change the previous file_ in that format (a standard one, as I wrote! 
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-12-06
| Metal Balls
is still up: here.
Posted By
 Luca on 2002-12-06
 | Killed
