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on 2014-08-08
 Evoke 2014

Hi Guys! Just wanted to tell you all we (means: the bauknecht-people) are going to this years evoke and - as long as force majeure doesn't stop us - we will bring something with us to compete in the wild-competition. I believe there's a live-stream so you can check for yourself if we did it properly.
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on 2014-08-08
 Re: Evoke 2014

That's good news!

You could probably throw in some linkage here, for those who don't know what/when/who Evoke is happy (and too lazy to google it)
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on 2014-08-08
 Re: Evoke 2014

Wild eh? wink Let's see what would magically appear then.
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on 2014-08-09
 Re: Evoke 2014

Evoke is happening this weekend (08.08.2014 - 10.08.2014). It's a demoparty and the wild competition should happen around 0.00 on saturday evening. You can lookup the party at http://www.evoke.eu/2014/ . And should most probably have a live stream somewhere!
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on 2014-08-09
 Re: Evoke 2014

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on 2014-08-09
 Re: Evoke 2014

Oh, wow.

Send us the D64 file(s) please!
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on 2014-08-10
 Re: Evoke 2014

Csabo officially released by Decca on Pouet here.

It shows all the modern effects seen in the best C64 trackmos during the last two years, very Offence-ish style. I see a cascade of new entries in the effects section ready to be added once back at home in few days, mates I'll need all your help for it :)
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on 2014-08-10
 Re: Evoke 2014

Excellent stuff!
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on 2014-08-10
 Rocket Science

Epic demo! This. Rules. Utterly.

Well, I think this is the point where us, mortal Plus/4 wannabe coders should give up hope that anything we might come up with there will be somebody looking at it without pitying eyes. This is a 10 points out of 10 product so far. Two disk sides, proper soundtrack, nice little gags and brilliant graphics and effects. And it already entered the top of the month list on Pouët.

But, regardless all my respect for Degauss since I couldn't come up with any kind of music (even if my life would hang on it ), the soundtrack has some slight issues in my opinion. Sometimes the tune doesn't fit the visuals other times it is quite pleasing. How I wish he'd do less rhythmic and more melodic stuff in his tunes. And the tune change was a little bit clumsy.

Anyhow, this is a new height in Plus/4 demo making history. Congratulations, guys!
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on 2014-08-10
 Re: Evoke 2014

Hey Luca, Csabo was NOT official released by anyone wink (joke!)

I'd like to echo gerliczer: well, for demos anyway, we're done! Pack it up and go home, this is it. It's just... too good. It's... Rocket Science! (Painful how correct that name is.) Congrats to all the authors for an excellent production.
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on 2014-08-10
 Re: Evoke 2014

Arrrrrgggh my phone has jumped a column sign! happy
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on 2014-08-10
 Re: Evoke 2014

Is this ball at the end of the demo larger than the ball from the famous Amiga demo?!
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on 2014-08-10
 Re: Evoke 2014

Congrats guys! Great production! I personally like the music! 10/10!!!
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on 2014-08-11
 Re: Evoke 2014

Great demo! Who needs an amiga after this?
Can anybody explain some technical details on this demo?
What is really new in this work, that has never been seen before? Or what is especially difficult.
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on 2014-08-11
 Re: Evoke 2014

Umph, I have to wait before watching it on the real iron, I'll be back at home in few days... -_-
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on 2014-08-11
 Re: Evoke 2014

Top notch. I have tears of joy watching this over and over again.

I don't even know the names of these effects. :P

Good job. It was worth waking up today seeing this.
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on 2014-08-11
 Re: Evoke 2014

George: I think that's quite the point: most of us don't know what's going on.

I found an analogy which fits quite well: LEGO. This is like LEGO. We all play, we build our little houses and cars. Wow, I made a cool car! The colors fit, the doors open, it's honestly neat. Let's post it here. Am I a cool LEGO builder or what?

Then you see something like this: http://mocpages.com/image_zoom.php?mocid=376415&id=/user_images/8573/1386889996m

And it's like... Whaaaa?... Is that even LEGO? Are you sure?

At that point, I have no business event commenting on it at all. And apparently, no, I'm not a cool LEGO builder. No matter how much time I put into it, no matter how much I learn, I'll never, ever do something this good. It's just... so far beyond my skill.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate these for what they are. These awesome, beautiful, they are truly pieces of art! But let's face it any kind of competition (and both LEGO building and demo writing has a competitive element) is out of the question.

But, just like with LEGO, there's still things left to enjoy: we can still collect (or, in Plus/4 terms, manage the database, etc), fiddle with little things here and there. LEGO is fun to play with, no matter what, so (hopefully) we'll be around for a long while to come. And who knows, we may yet build some stuff that can still be appreciated on its own merit.
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on 2014-08-11
 Re: Evoke 2014

Well, if this is so far beyond of what has been done so far, then it should make us very happy . There is still space for improvements.

Maybe the artists themself will reveal their secrets one day.
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on 2014-08-11
 Re: Evoke 2014

I'm still in recovery-mode so I can't tell very much right now. The single real secret I can reveal is that it has been a sh**load of work - especially for Mad, who did most of the coding as well as for Nero, who truly pixelled everything instead of amending some converter's output.

Nevertheless I'd like to explicitly second Csabo and George: I can't see everything's done yet. On the contrary, I tend to see more and more "unfinished business" considering our platform every day. Its just "2 disk sides" isn't the measure for everything.
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on 2014-08-11
 Re: Evoke 2014

Hi Degauss,

i personally want to thank you and your friends for giving our plattform that kind love and attention. I personally like the reference to the Amiga and the full variaty of colors you used in your piece of art. Especially the small dancing man (or woman?!) made me laugh.

You showed the world, what is possible on a plus/4, this underestimated 8-bit computer. This makes me very happy.

Of course, i dont wan't forget to thank all the other sceners here (especially the site-admins here: Csabo, Luca,....) who are keeping the scene alive with their great artistic talents and sometimes with their patience, when nobodys like me, come around with some beginner's questions.
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on 2014-08-12
 Re: Evoke 2014

Hey People,

We surely do want people to engage in the plus4, it was not meant to keep people from producing, if you have some effects a little gfx and music, why not release a demo? The plus4 scene is a small scene at the moment, but that's how it is and especially I am very happy to be part of it, since I love the computer wholeheartly... So stay on and do some demos and we most likely will do this, too... So yeahs, it was a great pleasure to do this demo and if there are some questions on the effects, I will kindly answer them if it's possible... So keep the plus4 alive!!!
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on 2014-08-12
 Re: Evoke 2014

Yeah, I don't want to repeat myself too much, cause the LEGO analogy I wrote above is so apt (quite proud of coming up with that one happy). Anyway, we all have our place on the scene, thank you George for the thanks and the recognition.

In terms of demos: Help me Obi-Wan Bauknecht. You're my only hope. happy
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on 2014-08-12
 Re: Evoke 2014

The Legounicorn force is strong with you!

->mainly it was an answer to this post:
Can anybody explain some technical details on this demo?
What is really new in this work, that has never been seen before? Or what is especially difficult.

i think (degauss and me) will later do an explanation of some effects..
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on 2014-08-12
 Re: Evoke 2014

Sorry if this sounds somehow like looking from the top.. That production was really exhausting on the last meters.. and especially me is very happy being able to finish it for evoke. And the mainpoint of the demo why it is appearing so strong are the gfx by nero. Anyhow..
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on 2014-08-12
 Re: Evoke 2014

Some TechStuff:

1. The Letters:
a 16x16 texture mapper on a 40x50 screen with motionblur(subtracting the intensity over a table per frame) the trick is that it's subpixel and subtexel accurat (means the we can use a much higher resolution for the outlines in terms of accuracy). The polygons edges are precalced and we have two different types of animation there one from the left and one from the right.

2. The Glitch stuff
firstly i also changed the pal/ntsc bits to get a nicer glitch but this could be worse for some monitors

3. The Tunnel
it's a standard 40x50 movetable with 12 (or 16) frames of rotation
the overlay is made by chars which are calculated to fit to the y movement (like 8 versions of the text pictures for every sub y)

4. The Flatline
it consists of a turtle drawer and after every frame the whole screen darkens it's color and clears the screen somehow that way after 8 frames (or so)

5. The Stars
Consting of a so called matrix rotation and i think around 100 or 80 or so stars. The division is a straight forward table lookup (64 steps). Later i noticed that i needed more accuracy so there are substeps (0.5) where i calculate the middle value between the subsequent z coordinates.

6. The RocketScience ScrollPicture
code by degauss. Uses the standard bitmappointer and scrolls the colorram the normal way.

7. The Movetable over the rocketscience picture
it's a normal movetable accessing a 256x6 picture. Y Resolution is halved because of memory and speed. To hide some visibility bugs (it's a 50fps effect without doublebuffering) there is some importance sorting applied to the order of painting the bytes

8. The Picture fader
I'm quite proud of the idea. If you have 4 colors you have 2 bitplanes if you think of it. Every bitplane helds a single picture and the fading is done with a plasma. this part is also a loader part it runs at 25fps but it's easily a 50hz effect (slows loading then)

9. The Chess Rotator
The idea is to build a rotation of two sheering images. Degauss invented a gfx mode for interferences in an older demo and i used this mode to ora this two sheered line pictures together. (one is sheered in x and on is sheered in y)

10. The Color Tunnel
standard "Censor" Tunnel the problem on plus4 is that u don't have three colors per block but thats quite ok i think. this is also a loader (all loaders in the demo only consume the mem between $1800-$4000)

11. The Wobbler
it's a Graham Zoomer Movetable Wobbler. Consist of beeing able to select a differently moved 4 pixel graficselement on every bitmap adress. Y Resolution is halved. And we have a normal colorram in the background.

12. The Floormapper
the landscape can have up to 512x128 tiles (i dunno perhaps i reduced the number then), the cool thing is thate every tile can be animated. it 40x24 and has some fogging applied. The dancing girl is a simple character animation consisting of (50?) frames.

13 The Enigma Part (Flying ship through a purple tunnel)
it's only a char animation where every frame the charvalue per screenblock is increased by 1 (i think it has 32 animationsteps and 8 tiles (32x8=256chars). it's a loader.

14 The Slow Plasma
not exactly a plasma. these are two(the same) colored pictures added together with a different movement.

15 The RainbowStars
also a loader. Every char is incremented somehow over a table. The trick is that there are (8/16 or so) directions the stars can have per char. And if the char gots incremented the stars flies one step further in that direction

16 The Landscape
was done just for covering the depack time there. It's a movetable but only over the colorram. it's a 1 dimensional movetable (a gradient) which is moved over the picture.

17 The Twister
fpp. Every line we can select a different bitmap line and every char consists of x(8?) different segement types. The Trick here is that we use the white dot generated by the ted if setting $ff15 to display two stars. (this is done over self modifying code) -> i think this idea is expandable.. happy

18 The Voxel Tunnel
the main feature is a 40x25 to 80x50 interpolator with a palette consisting of 16 colors (remember on the ted you have to write lumaram and colorram). i think the interpolator is quite fast and the effect is the way it should be seen.

so that are the coding facts for side 1.. Later the same for disk 2
Posted By

on 2014-08-12
 Re: Evoke 2014

There are some number errors in the text. But whatever that's somehow how side1 works happy
Posted By

on 2014-08-12
 Emulator issues with Rocket Science

I met some problems while trying to run Rocket Science in emulators. plus4emu (v1.2.9.2) does not display the twisters and is unable to recognise disk change. YAPE (v1.0.4 x86 for NT based OSes) gets stuck after "flipping" the disk and displaying wait. Did anyone of you met these problems? Or is it a local setting issue?
Posted By

on 2014-08-12
 Re: Evoke 2014

The bug with plus4emu not displaying the twister I fixed (and uploaded) yesterday (seems plus4emu doesn't manage ff06 the right way). Dunno i can't switch the disk site here in plus4emu either, where is the checkbox for that??? replacedisk only does nothing if clicked. happy.. In yape 1.0.4 x64 (on my windows8 based os) everything works like it should.. i will try to fix these issues later on...
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on 2014-08-12
 Re: Evoke 2014

Both current Yape Versions (x86/x64) are displaying the demo rightly here (including the disk change)!
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on 2014-08-12
 Re: Evoke 2014

you should get the zip at: http://bkn-online.org/productions/rocketscience/rocketscience.zip (the one at scene.org is outdated)
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

Hallo Mad,

danke fürs die umfangreichen Informationen. Geniale Idee, das mit den 4 Farben und 2 Bitplanes.
Wären auch 3 Monochrom Bitplanes denkbar?

Thank you for sharing your secrets. Ingenius ideas, the thing with the bitplanes. Are 3 monochrom bitplanes thinkable?
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

Come on, it's on extended disk format, I was dying while transfering it, COME ON!
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

@Luca: That shouldn't be a problem. We were transferring these with opencbm and the s1-option. It all worked very well...
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

Yes, did it too...once realized that the D64s are 192K large grin

EDIT: formatted at 40 tracks and still don't working, it stucks at the hires pic, still working on...
Posted By

on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

I can't run this with C16+64HDD. So I have a question. Where is/was the bug? plus4emu? demo? Luca did you try the previous version with the hardware?
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

Litwr: I'm trying to run the version I found here at P4W. No results yet :/ I formatted both sided at 40 tracks, and d64copy.exe is smart enough to recognize as extended disk both the side of the demo, so it automatically saves 768 blocks.
Again, the loader crashes while the hires has been displayed.
Let's try detaching SD2IECand SIDcard...?

EDIT: I tried both 'morning' and 'evening' versions, with and without other stuff attached, on a normal 1541-II: the loader stucks :'(
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

This is really odd. I ran the demo so many times and never had any problems. I would like to ask you to wait until Friday. Sadly i can't check this tomorrow.
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

For me it was fine on YAPE (that's how I took all those screenshots on the Rocket Science page). It didn't occur to me to check on Plus4Emu, but now I did, and it can't even seem to be able to give a directory of the disk. Which is odd, usually it handles everything pretty well. Is there a setting maybe that I missed?
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

I did run it in plus4emu right away and had no problems (besides that the disk-change-mechanism is puzzling to me)
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

Wow, that is so odd... It's like every single person is getting different results! happy
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

Csabo: Goto to Options, Floppy, Configuration....
the swappung doesn't work.. i couldnt figure out how to swap
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on 2014-08-13
 Re: Evoke 2014

It works, on real iron, by loading as Ingo suggested to me, with LOAD"*",8,1
This way it loads half of the times!

EDIT: ok, this method is not 50% success, have to change it to 'scarcely'. At the moment, the way that gives a 50% success is to load it from MONITOR then exit it and run.
Posted By

on 2014-08-14
 Re: Evoke 2014

1st disc side worked on Plus4Emu under VMWare. Then stoped after disk switch.
Will try it today on real HW but with ultimate1541. I have U1541-II conected to C64 serving as disc drive. Most C+4 stuff works this way on my setup. will check this one too
Posted By

on 2014-08-14
 Re: Evoke 2014

Grat guys! Great demo with unbeliveable amount of work.

Only Multi/Hires videomodes used for the graphics?

When we can expect for the effect description of second side? wink
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on 2014-08-14
 Re: Evoke 2014

Just a short round-up from the things i was involved, especially on side b:


Theres five different tunes. All of them operate at double-speed (which is a good trade-off for any demo i think). For this demo i took my old player routine from states/metamerism and changed a little bit: The player-code increased in size to free a couple of rasterlines of consumed cpu-time. To get all the musics done i wrote a little tracker (which i am planning to release once its halfway water-proof). The tracker is in some way protracker-like in its use and outputs asm-files containing the song-data. ATM the tracker isn't a serious development, more like a quick hack. E.g. to be able to play a song from within the tracker starting at a certain position, it just dumps the song-data into an asm-file, fires up DASM to build a .prg-file and then starts this .prg in TEDplay. There is currently no feedback like at what position the song is playing or something. Nonetheless: it made composing much easier.

1. The horizontal scroller

It scrolls four standard MCBitmaps. There is a fifth bitmap: When the eyes start to shine. There is no real trickery here: The scrolling works with FF07/FF1A/FF1B, where we don't need any raster-tricks and we only have to copy the videomatrix-data around. The rest is just about doing all the other stuff in proper order:
- load picture 2, decrunch
- start scrolling
- load picture 3 and 4, decrunch
- load next part, but don't decrunch yet
- load end pic, decrunch (to the adresse where picture 2 was before wink)
- wait for scrolling to end
- flip to end pic, decrunch next part, fadeout
- run next part

have to say this is the most impressive work by nero. man, look at this: he only needs mc-bitmaps! no fli or something...

4. The zooming plasma

This one is a combination of two effects: the pixel-exact zoomer i did in metamerism and the plasma that graham/oxy did on atari xl (forever or never). once i saw grahams plasma i loved it immediatly and thought it could be done on +4 aswell. then i had the idea to add zooming capabilities to it. the plasma itself works this way: i'm doing a sin-sin plasma each for the x-axis and y-axis of things. the y-axis "executed" via raster-tricks (like in metamerism), but the x-axis means copying the single columns of graphics together. in other words: first i render a 160x16 bitmap of "jumping bars", second i shuffle them with raster-tricks (ff13 and ff1f). to do the zooming, there is however a level of indirection: i'm preparing 160 "plasma values" for the x-axis and another 160 for the y-axis in a seperate buffer. afterwards i'm stepping through these arrays with a certain stride to make the zoom happen. The single notable thing left is FF15/FF16/FF17 can be changed for every line too, so this is where the colors come from (the colors are "zoomed" aswell)

5. infinite jelly bobs

Another combination of two effects. I got inspired by this camelot-demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Aqt0S_4nk#t=81 (check it out, looks soooo beautiful!). He's doing the infinite-bobs trick, but instead of doing it with only 4 frames in bitmap-mode he is using character-modes to get a lot more frames and therefore less repetition. instead of showing just the most recent frame i thought it would be a nice idea to look a bit back in time, so i'm showing on a sin-sin-basis all the other past-frames. this is sort of a time-dilatation and it adds for more variety and even less repetition.

Last effect before the end-picture (steles)

This is again a combination of two effects. First of all there is a 128 pixel wide texture in bitmap-mode. Every line in the bitmap can have two freely chosen colors (to build gradients that add for the depth effect). To do the depth effect i'm just skipping rows within the horizontal wall. The second effect is the parallax-scrolling, which is not very complicated for itself but challenging, if you wanted to add it to the existing depth-effect. The trick is to align the rows of the texture in a way that i only need FF07 and FF1B to do the scrolling (FF1A wouldn't fit into the display-code).
Posted By

on 2014-08-14
 Re: Evoke 2014

Still collecting my thoughts in order to spread my 2¢ about Rocket Science. Meanwhile, hail to the heroes!

Posted By

on 2014-08-15
 #1 on top of the month chart

Temporary world domination! happy Rocket Science is number one on top of the month chart over at Pouët.
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on 2014-08-15
 Re: Evoke 2014

Watched it on the real iron. Really impresive demo. And I liked the TED music a lot.
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on 2014-08-15
 Re: Evoke 2014

marcos64: does the loader work every time you put it up, for you?
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on 2014-08-15
 Re: Evoke 2014

I've watched the first version (that I got from here or Pouet) 2 times. And after, one time this version: http://bkn-online.org/productions/rocketscience/rocketscience.zip

No problems at all. I have a C16+64KB and a 1541 II.
Posted By

on 2014-08-15
 Re: Evoke 2014

After these few days passed since Rocket Science has become a reality for all of us, now it's time for me to put down some of my thoughts about it in a post, and share'em around to compare opinions among us.

I still was on holiday at my parents'city when I've watched Rocket Science for the first time by my phone from the Decca's YouTube channel, few hours after its crushing victory at Evoke 2014.
Honestly, I wasn't been able to believe to what was running on the little screen :o Moreover, YouTube was reporting more than 16' time to the end, yet unbelievable! "Must see this shit on the real iron!" was the only sentence my mind could babble.
A little note aside for Evoke. That German party has got bigger and bigger, and as now, it's one of the most reliable places where you can be sure your work would be eaten judged and fairly evaluated by an experienced audience, whatever you did on whatsoever platform. One thing you can argue from the party pictures is that people smile all the time, they are very happy to be there! And this particular is the heaviest sign to say that, yes, people are enjoying it so much.

Being an almost 2 years task involving few dudes, Rocket Science represents the quantum leap that covers 30 years of distance between the little C16/Plus4 scene and the bigger ones like C64 and Amiga, accomplished by people with busy lives, sons, jobs, wives...and nonetheless with the attitude of loving to code on the Plus/4. Whereas the C64 scene has seen the rise of groups like Offence, taking in fresh new visual effects in super-duper productions, Rocket Science does the same, showing the similar modern quality stuff, and evolving what can be done specifically on the 264 machines instead of humbly follow what the big ones are doing.


Let the trackmo flow, and let's see what's on the screen, then.

First of all, you've been warned, this demo lies on 40 tracks format disksides. Think about this before transfering it on a real 5.25 disk! It's the 1st scene record: can you cite to me other Plus/4 productions on extended disk?

Screen chars vortex to clean the screen. It's a warning. This talks you about quality, this says:"Finished transitions ahead, expect for more of these". This begins to make the difference.
After a turbo loader, smart usage of glitches and zoom4 graphics, and the first picture by Nero, a hires one.
At this point, a Krill's trackloader (turbo again or not? I guess yeah) should start, but at the moment I have to say this may happen or not: several times, the loader stucks and the whole show crashes. As an example, marcos64 watched the demo more than twice on his C16+64K with no problem. Let's see what will happen in the near future in order to fix this...or not. wink

Degauss has composed 5 (5!) TED tunes for this trackmo. The demo flow put the most glitchy ones first, then it melts into the harmonious ones. I love all of them, they fit so well in the respective moments of the demo. I've run the standalone tunes too, and watching the rasterlines on the screen, it seems to me that they don't interrupt at 312/2=156 lines each, as usual, probably in order to preserve the raster when it touches the visible effect, am I right Ingo? happy

And yes! Great control of a zoom4 field, nice turtle for a pulse graph and excellent vector starfield. What can be argued since the very beginning is this: there's a storyboard behind the demo. How many Plus/4 demos d'you remember having a story bounds in which it flows? It's a 2nd scene record. In my very limited skills, I slightly approached the same way with Thalassa...and of course there's no room for comparing, do you agree with me? wink

The Nero Show starts, with a bigger-than-screen MCM pic. His style looks awesome, his contribution covers a gigantic slice of the overall success this demo reached today. Probably, his working process starts with a conversion from higher leveled machines, because here and there you can see some blocky colours. But hey, to be clear:

hand on heart, would you really criticize this stuff? No, really? Me neither grin
I'll never talk again about transitions, you got what I meant, but e.g. I appreciate so much touches like the blinking of the author's sign after some pics have been loaded.

The text scrolling in that bitmap is so fluid and original, so is the idea of that plasma while loading. Then, the chessboard in a brand new fashion, and that Censor-like color tunnel effect I've seen in the last months quite anywhere, smartly adapted for the different color settings of the Plus/4. Watching it has been like some would say me:"We do ours and theirs too".

Fullscreen FPP, a real FPP, the fight sessions against badlines begin. Note aside: roughly, because of the luma settings, Plus/4 has to fight against 2 badlines per row, C64 has only one. The female face moves into a very big portion of the screen. Timing, we don't fear you.

Floormapping, and the first real extensive and complete two-scenes greetings I've seen, 3rd scene record! Hey, that's me!

Enigma part, would say simple but looks so cool by design. Why is the ship asymmetric? Weird... Then plasma, under the unleashed power of zoom4. Then again, two nice color transitions. The landscape is a color play, and that's why we haven't tagged it as a landscape effect. Both too nice, anyway.

Bang, the first killer effect: use a twister like a scroll. No, not the same pleasant but rough way Beggars Aren't Choosers did, but that real one as seen in these months, e.g., in the Offence stuff. And with rasters on the back. And oscillating on the X axis. And with the snow Plus/4 bug used as an advantage.
Basically, if I got it, it's like: let's play $FF1A/1B/1F per scanline picking the right slice we need for that character, just like we did for a 6x6 mega scroller where we read a table for any single letter. I can only say <3

The voxel tunnel. We knew only a similar stuff shown in Monopsy 2, and we knew so little about this that we've never created any tag for that effect. Now there's one, for this and that. Say thanks to who? Right.

It's turn disk time. Aaaand yes, 4th scene record: the first prod that automatically loads from the second side once you turn it. It's an obvious feature, say, on C64, since years. Not the same here in the Plus/4 scene.
Ok, let's remove columns 0 and 39, we're ready to $FF07 another marvel from Nero, even though there's some little mismatching inbetween the pics here and there.

The second killer effect! Did I just say "total control of badlines"?. Part of the raster has been used to scroll a megascroller with alternated lines, in order to let the remaining ones FPP as a big tube. I'm totally taken away by this one!

The story flows neat, and it's time for the pretty nice tunnel in zoom4. Here the music fits magical! Another super aural video effect follows while loading.

The third killer effect! Degauss' ancient bump since years (I own some prototypes of it in a folder) reaches its ultimate evolution. He had to sacrifice more than a quarter of the screen to the altar of rastertime in order to couple that plasma (that plasma!) with a zoomer. Ingo is nowadays the absolute dominator of that stuff!

The fourth killer effect! "Hey that's awesome, hey that's so fluid, so smart, looks like Amiga...HEY WAIT A SEC THAT'S INFINITE BOBS!" grin Genius lies where all the others would mark a known effect as an impassable one, whereas a genius has a vision of a brand new accessible path. You have to watch very close to the screen, in order to be sure that there's no real slimey stuff flooding out of it.

Net and sphere. What's this? Like a rotozoomer? Like a fence? I dunno, I only know it's übercool and it gains framespeed in the same way a cybervector does. And screen effect again, tho.

The core. Oh, the core. I tagged it as voxel rotator, in order to keep it as generic as I can, and ready to include under this definition some different future stuff like voxel rotation for objects and some other bits of nowadays 8bit machines effects. I don't really wanna comment the core, I only wanna watch that, and the same about the XY symmetric stuff.

What machine am I using here? A Super Nintendo? Everything's zooming, even this spaceship's back!

The vector starfield has pulsating stars. Then, the wireframe vectorial landscape running, I wanna die. I wanna die between 5 and 8 frames per move. TED chip is burning.

Oh and what's this floors shit? A x-rotator like 15 years old Booze Design demos? No, it's more like that total parallax thing Oxyron has shown to us...very few months ago! I'm astonished, and fifth killer effect. It seems to be less precise while vertically scrolling the "border" of this infinite "floor", but I guess it's an innate lack of precision given by how the effect has to be performed, and absolutely not a bug.

AAAAAMIGAAAAAA! I can hear the screams in Köln from here, while watching that big and famous ball! grin

Some additional notes aside:
- once you've reached the Amiga ball ending, you can use the spacebar to play as many bounces digi sfx you want;
- the demo can be run from the 2nd side too, it will work flawlessly;
- mmm... is there a hidden part somewhere?
- currently, Rocket Science is #1 in the Top of the Month charts on Pouët, and, incredibly, it has also got one single thumb down...for the long duration... :o


Do you know the only bad note I can hear in all this?
The worst thing in all this wonderful case is that Bauknecht and TEK are alone: who can really match their work in terms of perseverance and quality? I would wish for new alliances in the near future, instead of the usual fighting alone again lazyness and real life. This wish of mine doesn't wanna replace completely the single man releases with our own times and modalities, being a contingent pathway to walk thru.

And now, in the very end: congratulations Mad Degauss Nero, you really really are our heroes, we love you all. :*
Posted By

on 2014-08-15
 About the emulator issue

I did some tests with YAPE and found that if 256k RAM is enabled then the loader on side two hangs. It'd be interesting to check this with an actual memory upgraded Plus/4 too.
Posted By

on 2014-08-16
 Re: Evoke 2014

Congratulations guys!! Great demo! Bauknecht quality!!!
Posted By

on 2014-08-16
 Re: Evoke 2014

I've compiled two new .d64, perhaps that fixes the loader problems. lets see..
Posted By

on 2014-08-17
 Re: Evoke 2014

Mmmm... :/ This new version appears to be yet difficult to load than the previous, now sometimes it stucks before the hires...
Posted By

on 2014-08-17
 Re: Evoke 2014

I think the problems result in not checking the errorflag after loading and expecting a fully working load every time. i will "fix" this somewhere soon.
Posted By

on 2014-08-17
 Re: Evoke 2014

What about watching it...live at the party? At 2h09m34s!

Posted By

on 2014-08-18
 Re: Evoke 2014

Wow, and wow! Amazing stuff, probably the first proper trackmo for +4.
Congrats, you are making history!
Posted By

on 2014-08-18
 Re: Evoke 2014

Even more impressive, when you see it on BIG screen!

He,he: the german C64-guys, who are talking during the demo, are wondering, where all the multiple colors come from. A C64 Demo would never look that colorful, they mention. One says, than, that the C16 has 128(!) colours. And that from a C16 with 16 kb RAM? I have the feeling, they never knew, what the plus/4 is capable of. Now they do. Thank you "Bauknecht" for that. Maybe you convinced some guys to code for our machine, too.
Posted By

on 2014-08-18
 Re: Evoke 2014

Yeah it was great, especially hearing the expert listeners feedback. happy

Thank you for the video.
Watching this was better than Winter Soldier, and that was also not that bad too grin

Nice achievement and a great job done!
Posted By

on 2014-08-19
 Re: Evoke 2014

Huh, great demo on plus4! New etalon was born! Grat Ingo and BKN guys! My favorite is the twister upscroll.
Posted By

on 2014-08-19
 Re: Evoke 2014

Sadly Luca is right about the "Rocketsience" problems. I even cannot transfer it into real 5,25" disks using the CBMXfer.

I would be glad if anybody could write a short instruction step-by-step how to convert those D64 files into a diskette.
I wanted to show it on our 8bit party in Friday but seems like it will not be possible (and we use only real hardware there).
Posted By

on 2014-08-19
 Re: Evoke 2014

YERZMYEY: oh no no, my problem was to understand they where extended happy You only need d64copy.exe (part of the OpenCBM pack) to perform in DOS:
d64copy.exe namedisk.d64 8

and the copier will automatically recognize it as extended disk to copy. I dunno if you need to format the extended disk before performing that, but I guess the copying would work even without specifical pre-formatting.

My troubles come once the demo loads, but at this moment we still don't know exactly if there's something with me or if there's actually a nasty attitude of the loader.
Posted By

on 2014-08-20
 Re: Evoke 2014

I tested the demo with ultimate 1541 connected to C64. It didn't work (the disc flip part). Loading second disc from BOOT file works though.
Posted By

on 2014-08-20
 Re: Evoke 2014

That's what I will do, Luca - thank You very much.

As for the loading test - it will be probably in Friday. I'll do more than one diskette, just in case.
Posted By

on 2014-08-22
 Re: Evoke 2014

http://bkn-online.org/productions/rocketscience/rocketscience.zip - perhaps this fixes some stuff.. i set the disk to speeddos formatting (since this should be the native cbm4dos format). And Ingo told me that you can transfer the disk with two speeds -s1 or -s2. The faster one (s2?) doesn't work for ingo all the time.
Posted By

on 2014-08-22
 Re: Evoke 2014

Uh... -s1 and -s2 are actually options of d64copy.exe? I knew there was -t=serial1 and -t=serial2, maybe that's the same... Anyway, I'll check those new D64s once at home wink

EDIT: copied and tested the side 1 several times, both with serial1 (slow copy) and serial2 (fast copy): no evidence of fixing, a regular run is still a casuality after n attempts :(
Posted By

on 2014-08-22
 Re: Evoke 2014

ok then i will provide a version which checks the errorflag of the "drive" and loads again then happy
Posted By

on 2014-08-24
 Re: Evoke 2014

OK, we made the tests on real hardware. C=Plus/4 with diskdrive 1541-II.

I prepared it 3 times, in 3 diskettes.
All three stops in the same moment:
The effect and music last for infinity. Doesn't go further.
Posted By

on 2014-08-24
 Re: Evoke 2014

so the zip is updated again. http://bkn-online.org/productions/rocketscience/rocketscience.zip dunno if the errors got fixed.. the demo repeats trying to load the part if the disc somehow failed.. The 3 Discs fail of YERZMYEY is strange.. Degauss told me several times that everything is working if it's "proper" transferred to the disc. There is also a youtube capture where it seems to work..
Posted By

on 2014-08-24
 Re: Evoke 2014

About properly trasfering the disk sides: are we talking of the same program? D64copy.exe? 'Coz I tried all the ways with that one, with options about -t serial1 or -t serial2. I don't know similar executables with options called -s1 and -s2...

EDIT: tested once at home. Nothing changes, apart of the most noisy and weird style in crashing :) As Ingo suggested to me, you get better luck when loading the boot file from the Monitor. I also changed disk, no differencies. I'm using a simple 1541-II, if this can be of any help.
Posted By

on 2014-08-25
 Re: Evoke 2014

@Luca: I worked with d64copy aswell. --s1 is just an abbreviation for the transfer-mode. ATM i beg all your pardon: i will try to debug this stuff on real-iron as soon as i can, but its a bit hard to make that happen at the moment
Posted By

on 2014-08-25
 Re: Evoke 2014

Hm, as for me, as I mentioned before, I used simply the CBMXfer based on OpenCBM, using inside it the d64copy.exe file.
Posted By

on 2014-08-25
 Re: Evoke 2014

YERZMYEY: beware, CBMxfer does not manage extended disks, I'm quite sure it tries to transfer a normal formatted disk then it wanna read the directory while transferring yet, just as it did to me. No, I think you're forced to use the straight d64copy.exe, and the cbmformat.exe with the right option:
cbmformat -x 8 name,id
d64copy diskname.d64 8
Posted By

on 2014-08-25
 Re: Evoke 2014

You should try to do the transfer with Star Commander. It's what I used.
Posted By

on 2014-08-25
 Re: Evoke 2014

Trying with SC right now. It stucks randomly in the same point

Last night me and Degauss have tested a custom version with no glitch effect when the hires appears. And: no, it did change attitude...
Posted By

on 2014-08-31
 Re: Evoke 2014

So a new version should be uploaded.. I found out that 256 kb "plus4" configs have problems (or they don't do) the disk change.. it woult be interesting if the "wait" stuff appears or not at the not working version..

and for a new description round.. side 2..

1. the scrolling picture done by degauss (should be described above)
1b. the outfader there is a little bit funny because we didn't have black as background color :)

2. the tube is simple fpp (bitmap mode). the idea is to alternate between front/back of the tube and the scroller

3. the dof tunnel: it uses the interpolation routine from the voxel (40x25 to 80x50) and has also a lens distortion applied (the dof is done by scrolling a movetable and rotating it around the screencenter)

4. the blue tunnel upwards.. its just incrementing the current char by one.. it's also a loader

5. plasma by degauss

6. jelly bobs by degauss

7. the picture fadein: the patterns are 2x2chars and zoom perspectivically in x and in y (or better perspectivically rotate around x)

8. the picture outfader (some sort of mosaic effect)

9. one framed distorted rotator.. its only possible to use mirrorable content there.. it's a free "graham" zoom/rotator with an applied texture animation and 12 different angle charsets.. (uses tripple buffering for stable 50hz.. (some of the frames need more than one frame some of them less)

10. the core: incrementing current char by 1.. (loader)

11. godray voxel.. uses screen interpolation (40x25 to 80x50).. the idea is to have for every pixel(char) on the screen a special mask which is blittet onto the whole screen if the pixel is emitting light.. (the masks are sorted from outside to inside so that the emitters at the edge of the ball can emit darker light and directly frontfacing light can overleap it with full brightness)

12. youtube is youtube (loader)

13. isometrics: the effect bases on 8 charsets.. 8 animationsteps are done by only changing the charset.. every 8th animationstep the screenram is also updated..

14. ship zoomer.. simeple graham zoomer with around 12 (again i don't remember the number) different charsets for the different ^2 sizes (e.g. 1to2,2to4,4to8,8to16 etc..)

15. the stars (loader): bases on two effects first one is to blit only a char for every dot. font of 64 chars = 8x8 pixel positions.. the problem is that overleaping chars will kill each other.. so we use a special char at pos 4,4 which is a bigger star.. that also looks like flickering and the overpainted ones can't be recognized anymore.. the second effect here is: we have for every screen char a x and y additionvalue to the particle (if it's currently at this screenposition)..

16. hiddenlines.. simple precalced gouraud line animation.. (i never coded bresenham and the lineroutine i used is different very suboptimal but fullscreen)

17. flying home.. is a charset animation.. is a loader

18. krasser effect coded by degauss

19. amigaball.. x and y movement is done by ff06/ff07.. the y lines are rasters (the rastertiming is different whith different ff07).. the x lines are included in the ball animation.. the ball animation is consisting of 32?? frames per frame with around 170 chars..

hopefully that is all for a simple overview..
Posted By

on 2014-08-30
 Re: Evoke 2014

Now that you say it , I tried again the demo on my C16 a couple of times and the only problem I got was that at 'Turn disk' I inserted side 2 and nothing happened. I took it out and in again and everything went on normally.
Posted By

on 2014-12-16
 Re: Evoke 2014

Just wanted to add that i also get this problem that YERZMYEY reported:

OK, we made the tests on real hardware. C=Plus/4 with diskdrive 1541-II.

I prepared it 3 times, in 3 diskettes.
All three stops in the same moment:
The effect and music last for infinity. Doesn't go further.

I can boot the second disk.
But it also gets stuck on a blank screen after the jelly bobs.

Ive written my disks using mmc64 d64 writer plugin on a c64.
Posted By

on 2015-01-01
 Re: Evoke 2014


Rocket Science is 4th in the 2014 Pouët Top 50. Congratulation again, guys.
Posted By

on 2015-01-10
 Re: Evoke 2014

Rocket Science has been ranked 4th in the 4Players.de's Best Oldschool Demo 2014 charts.
Posted By

on 2015-01-20
 Re: Evoke 2014

Maybe this was obvious to everyone else, but i just watched through all of Rocket Science without problem using the 1541 Ultimate 2 connected to the c64 as floppy emulator, connecting the passthrough to my Plus4.
Posted By

on 2015-06-26
 Re: Evoke 2014

Hello!! I know it is a little odd to say, but I have updated RocketScience, and the point where it normally crashed under some settings is gone. Perhaps the demo runs now flawless from disc, perhaps not.. I just wanted to tell you people.. Perhaps someone has the time to try it, perhaps not.. Here is the link: http://bkn-online.org/productions/rocketscience/rocketscience.zip

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