Posted By
 Csabo on 2012-02-22 22:22:16
| Galli - New Game Released
An unexpected treasure turned up on our forums from Nino: Galli. It's a side-scrolling platformer (this genre is somewhat of a rarity on our platform), and it runs ok a C16 to boot. It was developed from 1989-1995, and it now finally sees the day of light. Definitely worth checking out! Click the link below to read the original post and comments.
Posted By
 Nino on 2012-02-23 14:54:42
| >> GALLI >>> New Game for all C16/C116/Plus4 user for free
Hallo leute wie versprochen mein Game für euch alle . ich hatte es 1988/89 mit Hypra-Ass programmiert komplett alleine ,damals nur bis level 2. nach langem pausieren hab ich im jahre 1995 am pc aus langeweile mit dem emulator den level 3+4 programmiert. Ihr frägt euch warum am Pc ? Na weil meine plussi Tastaturen alle streickten! Es ist auch damals mit meine sid ausgetestet worden Dieses Game für euch ist aber ohne musikstück routine das könnt ihr selber machen, für alle denns gefällt.wenn ihr lust habt Ändert bitte als erstes die sprites ich wollte spongebob sprites einsetzen ihr könnts bestimmt besser macher. Dieses Game macht spass. meine älteste tochter hatte es damals gespielt ( war 8 jahre alt).Und die jetzige ist auch 7 Jahre spielt es auch gerne und ich mags auch natürlich ! Wie wirds gespielt ?!Alle Diamante ,Geldstücken sammeln und keine aliens berühren usw.
Also dürft es auch weiter verändern natürlich erwähnt ihr aber bitte meinen Namen. Eins noch... habt spass auf eigner verantwortung !!!
Hier ist der link :
| English translation
Hi folks, as promised, here's my Game for you. I coded this all by myself using Hypra-Ass in 1988/89 (just including 2 levels).
After a long break and being a bit bored, I added levels 3 and 4 in 1995 using an emulator on PC. You wonder why I used a PC? Because all my plus/4 keyboards were defunct. Back then, this game was tested with my SID-Card. Though, the game comes without music. You can add one if you want to. If you like, you can also change the sprites. I wanted to make Spongebob sprites, I'm sure you can do better!
This game is fun. My eldest daughter used to play it back then (she was 8 years old). My other daughter is 7 years old now and likes to play it as well. So do I :)
How do you play the game? Collect all diamonds and coins and don't touch the aliens.
Anyway, you are allowed to change or expand the game. Just give me propper credit. One more thing: Have fun!
Here's the link: Galli (changed to the local page for the game, no download available, yet)
Posted By
 Luca on 2012-02-22 16:25:49
 | Re: >> GALLI >>> New Game for all C16/C116/Plus4 user for free
Antonino I saw you use VICE to emulate Plus/4. I strongly suggest a better emulator, like YAPE ora plus4emu.
Posted By
 Nino on 2012-02-22 16:43:04
| Re: >> GALLI >>> New Game for all C16/C116/Plus4 user for free
Yes luca i work also whit yape you are right ! ich benutze auch mal yape du hast recht! Hai ragione lo uso anch ìo dipende quello che yuoi fare !
Posted By
 Gaia on 2012-02-22 18:59:12
| Re: >> GALLI >>> New Game for all C16/C116/Plus4 user for free
Wow, new stuff! Toll So who's volunteering for the music? 
Posted By
 Luca on 2012-02-23 04:56:34
 | Re: Galli - New Game Released
Music? :o My bad that can't read German, I didn't understand if this game can be released and archived here waiting for an improved version, or if this is a preview.
Posted By
 Litwr on 2012-02-29 23:59:47
| Re: Galli - New Game Released
I tried to run it and failed. I attached D64 then SHIFT-RUN/STOP and got END GAME message. 
Posted By
 nino on 2012-03-01 01:06:58
| Re: Galli - New Game Released
Press fire to play the Game. i"m working for a very best release . whit music , more stages and what more important for me is: i will make it bugsfree . please waits,bitte habt noch geduld i arbeite wieder abends dran. regards
Posted By
 Csabo on 2012-03-01 07:52:38
| Re: Galli - New Game Released
A new version? Nice! So, in case you need any help with the music, I hereby offer my humble services. (See Clone or Get It for some of the recent game tunes I made.) I'm also volunteering as a beta tester.
I have to say this game is underrated. I thought it would generate more positive feedback. Considering the year of completion it's really well done.
Posted By
 MMS on 2012-03-01 10:33:24
 | Re: Galli - New Game Released
I could check only the Youtube version. I liked it!
Only the collision detection to be improved a little. But I could not do it better, so it was just a comment. Certainly a nice music (extra to jump sound) will increase games satisfaction 
Maybe one more thing: Giana Sisters looks "happier" due to non-standard (not black) background color, feel more "open air", not ina tunnel.
Posted By
 nino on 2012-03-02 01:02:42
| Re: Galli - New Game Released
MMS sad:
Maybe one more thing: Giana Sisters looks "happier" due to non-standard (not black) background color, feel more "open air", not ina tunnel..... please tell me more info about this i want more feedback.
Posted By
 YERZMYEY on 2012-03-30 06:22:15
 | Re: Galli - New Game Released
Hello. Where is DOWNLOAD link for this game?
Posted By
 gerliczer on 2012-03-30 08:16:11
| Re: Galli - New Game Released
Spot the link at the end of the first reply post, the second post altogether in the topic, please.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2012-03-30 09:11:23
| Re: Galli - New Game Released
Oops, how on earth did I miss that? Now it's uploaded to Plus/4 World too.
Posted By
 Luca on 2012-03-30 09:48:05
 | Re: Galli - New Game Released
I guessed you wanted to wait a new version :v
Posted By
 Csabo on 2012-03-30 10:51:25
| Re: Galli - New Game Released
Well, a new version would be nice, but it was in the news... There's no reason not to host the file itself. Honestly, not that I think back to it, I was just rushing because I was playing the game itself. (It was fun, just wasn't clear why it wouldn't let me progress to the next level for a while.)
Posted By
 Nino on 2012-04-01 03:18:53
| Re: Galli - New Game Released
Leute bitte habt geduld ich arbeite wie ich euch gesagt dran. vieleicht wisst ihr nicht das ich familie, job,und natürlich den plus4 habe. Und ich bin auch ein bisschen angerrostet muss wieder mein Maschinensprache auffrischen und auch mein Spiel. Also die news werde im neuen Release sein: 1.Sprites laufen durch hintergrund ------Status 87% fertig. 2.Naturlich mehr Levells----------------------Status 100% fertig. 3.Music hatte ich schon damals fertig gehabt nur die Music ist nicht meine komposition dessalb habe ich die nicht bei euch veröffentlicht (ist ne plus4 version die ich habe). Ich Schätze vorsichtig ,so ende April 2012 sollte es fertig werden (Ohne Gewehr). Wer diese vesrsion haben will solll laut brüllen! Ich habe immer versucht das Spiel für alle C16 User zu programmieren also nur 16kb . Natürlich gehts besser mit dem plus4 . Also bitte geduld. MFG
Posted By
 Luca on 2012-04-01 07:24:06
 | Re: Galli - New Game Released
Yes, I wanna see Galli enhanced! 
Posted By
 Nino on 2012-05-06 15:40:42
| Re: Galli - New Game Released
Luca you have a new message Regards