Objective of the game is to change the colour and arrangement of the tiles in the left side window, in order to match those in the right window. The player can perform this by pointing and clicking a given tilespace: this action performs an on/off switching in the selected place and in the four nearby tiles ("cross EORing"); plus, any single tile's colour will rank down, complying the colour sequence you can see in the reminding column located in the center of the screen. Beyond the lower ranking (YELLOW), a tile disappears, leaving a blank tilespace.
Colours Ranking --------------- [↓] GREEN [↓] [↓] BLUE [↓] [↓] PURPLE [↓] [↓] RED [↓] [↓] YELLOW [↓] [-] (BLANK) [-]
The player can use a limited number of special moves, choosing them in the upper menu: - RANK UP allows the involved tiles to raise up their own single colour ranking, affecting even the blank tilespaces, and it does not work if all the involved tiles are just ranked max (GREEN); - SET UP creates max rank (GREEN) tiles in the blank tilespaces involved only, it does not work if there are no blank tilespaces; - RESTART when you're stuck in the level with no more changes left to clear it up; - BOMB destroy any involved tile, it does not work if there are no tiles involved.
There's a time limitation to achieve any level. Once you've finished to play, you can choose to start the next match in the last level you've faced before.
Use the joystick in any port, or CURSOR KEYS and SPACE. Press P to pause the game.