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on 2006-10-22
 textprocessor with german characters

hi there.

does anybody out there know if there is a textprocessor for the plus/4 with german characters (äüöß)?
i have the built-in-software (well, everybody has) and script/plus, they both don't offer international characters.

what do you think is the best textprocessor for the plus/4, and is there a parallel interface for the machine?

sorry for my silly questiions you probably answered a million times before, but i just rediscovered my old plus/4. i love to do something useful with the classic gear, as i don't like the idea something that precious is outdated or so. i still use my atari 130xe for some private textprocessing, not because i have to, but because it is able to. gives me a lot of fun.


Posted By

on 2006-10-22
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

Hi !

Oh, we had this subject already once...: German-chars

Posted By

on 2006-10-22
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

[ link ]

Posted By

on 2006-10-22
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

hi again,

and thanks for the thread.
i searched in the archives here and finally found a textprocessor with german characters:

hmmmm, now i just have to find someone who owns this program ...

Posted By

on 2006-10-23
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

If my memory does not fault, the great PageSetter too, allows national characters set.

Posted By

on 2006-10-24
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

I made a parallel (centronics) printer interface between my plus4 and a HP LaserJet 4L. It used the 8 data lines of the user port and two lines of the ACIA for handshaking.

Solder had an other kind of the interface. It was multiplexing connectiong on the 8 user port data lines.

And - if my memory serves well - Solder made the script/plus compatible with his centronics interface, maybe he even added german character.

Posted By

on 2006-10-24
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

I'm not really familiar with "script/plus" but I know there are several patches around which fix all kind of issues. I'm sure one included German characters. These patches were sometimes distributed with a disk version of script/plus. Probably not a legal problem if you own the cartridge. "ifi Stechmann" still owns the German market licenses for "script/plus", though. Maybe he doesn't care anymore but he did care some years ago.

Another word processor which supports "Umlaute" is "Textmeister 3.0" (which is based on Textmanager by Markt&Technik). Even though it's based on Textmanager, it got lots of features added. Especially in combination with the Seikosha SP180VC dot matrix printer this program was really ok to use. "Textmeister 3.0" was developed by Christian Schäffner (THE SOLDER) and a friend. It had a very good manual and I should still have a copy somewhere.

PageSetter is a DTP program and goes beyond "simple" word processing. There used to be a strong community around this program. Personally, after having tasted "real" DTP on Macs back then it was not my cup of tea.

There have been other word processors supporting German characters. COMPUTE MIT tested some of them. However, it seems to be commonly agreed on that "script/plus" is the best one.

Btw, for printing you can add German characters in 3-plus-1 via the ascii command. I remember doing that with French accents. Well, I remember additional unwanted spaces following my "é"s and the like, too I'm sure one of the "script/plus" patches is the better solution.

Posted By

on 2006-10-25
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

In some german magazines a few type-in-programs were published, with those you can change to the german charset...the best example:
"Zeichensatz Script/Plus" from the german magazine Commodore Welt 6/87, coded in BASIC by Alfons Mittelmeyer !

Posted By

on 2006-10-25
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

There is a so called "support" for Script/+. This adds german characters. It's a patch or starter for the Script/+ Modul.

What you need is here: http://solder.dyndns.info/cgi-bin/showdir.pl?dir=files/commodore/plus4/plus4-cd-solder/modules_for_epromexpansion

You need 2texta.d64. It includes the support/y and 2textb.d64 wich includes the script/+-modul (You must split and burn it in 2 128-eproms for standard modules - the best way is to do this on plus/4 - prg has load-adress $4000 for the plus/4-eprom-burners.)

Load the support from disk and RUN. It will start Script/+.

Note: This Script/+-Version doesn't show message while module is initialized because it's patched for EPROM-/ sRAM-expansion. But it worked with support!

Posted By

on 2006-10-25
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

Christian! You! Alive! happy

Posted By

on 2006-11-07
 Re: textprocessor with german characters

Solder: wow, this way beyond what i am able to do happy

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