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on 2016-04-20
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Step 5. Is also interesting. Let's see..

So.. Just updated the .zip File (above) to version 0.4. New features:
- all yape palettes loadable (thanks to gerliczer) and set to default palette
- quitting dialog not behind other dialogs
- export the whole map as .bmp file
- import a whole map from a .bmp file

at my test setups all worked well. Hope KiCHY can do something with it :).

Fixed an issue with the character import. Now it's version 0.5.. :)

Implemented a global color mode (where all 4 colors are predefinable), now it's version 0.6.. :)

Posted By

on 2016-04-16
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Unfortunately, I screwed up the steps yesterday, so let me correct that:
0) Turn off CRT emulation.
1) With the little BASIC program above you draw a color chart to the screen.
2) Select the available display color sets one after another.
3) For each set make a BMP snapshot with Alt+F6. Remember the order of the sets.
4) ???
5) Profit.
Now it is complete and correct. happy

Posted By

on 2016-04-15
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Thanx for the hint! Point 4 is the most interessting! Palette scan day ahead!

Posted By

on 2016-04-15
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

It is relatively easy to pilfer the palettes from YAPE.

20 FORI=12*256TO12*256+999:POKEI,160:NEX
30 Z=0
40 FORY=8*256TO8*256+15*40STEP40
50 FORX=0TO7
60 POKEY+X,X*16+Z
80 Z=Z+1

0) Turn off CRT emulation. 1) With the little BASIC program above you draw a color chart to the screen. 2) Select the available display color sets. 3) For each set make a BMP snapshot with Alt+F6. Remember the order of the sets. 4) Profit.

Posted By

on 2016-04-15
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Thanx, Kichy!

The UI Issues:
1. Snapping could be possible but is not necessary, it would be a very huge load of work (I won't do this).
2. I will implement a propper version in the next release.
3. I could implement a function that makes all windows focussable, but that would mean that your tool windows will disappear behind the main window. (If you really think that is very important for you, I could implement this as a selectable function, however if you do stuff with the tool the usability of the tool itself should be more important.) If the tool windows hide behind the main window the usability is worse..

For the feature requests:
1. Yes I will implement this (somehow next week or so).
2. You can make your own .json file with your palette (you can load it from the tools section). If someone gives me the palettes of yape then I could convert them to the .json format. However the format is relative simple so it should be no problem to convert them by yourself. If someone has palettes ?Gaia? please give them to me to convert them to json.

I hope the GUI issues are no major issues for you, and you can use a tool which is not a perfect photoshop clone. I just wanted to give a usable tool to the "scene" not a fulltime project and perfect clone of whatever. The feature requests are sounding good, i think they are done within next week..

Thanks, for the comments so I have to do something for the next week. :)

Posted By

on 2016-04-15
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Gratz for the great tile editor!

I played with it a small amount of time and found some UI issues:
- Is any snapping possible with the child windows? To screen or main window edge, etc.
- Closing the main window a "Do you really want to quit?" dialog appears, behind the tool windows and sometimes it's not visible...
- Bringing another app in front hides the main window but the child windows stay on top.

Feature request:
- Can you implement a "magic" import which imports a bitmap, User gives some parameters (ff15, ff16, ff17, tile size, and it generates the tilemap, the tileset and the charset.
- Multiple built-in palettes (for example I prefer the measured palette of YAPE), or a tool window to edit the palette and save into your JSON format (and naturally store the last used palette in the config file).

Keep up the good work!

Posted By

on 2016-04-10
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Wow Chronos, thanx!!!

I just updated the dropbox .zip above. Now it also features a enemy layer. If someone really wants to build games with it, this should be a great help.

I just updated the dropbox .zip again. There was a bug which made the tool senseless. It was not possible to paint a character into a tile. It's fixed now.

Posted By

on 2016-04-06
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

It's absolutely fucking great tool!

Posted By

on 2016-04-05
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Ok.. Let's see right now.. I keep you updated..

Ok. It seems it is already statically linked (Multithreaded /MT for both the libraries and the program)..

Dunno perhaps the VCRedistributable is not needed at all.

Posted By

on 2016-04-05
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

@Mad: if you compile it statically, a separate download of the VC runtime won't be necessary. I always do that it's more convenient for the users for programs without proper installers.

Posted By

on 2016-04-05
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Let's see if it keeps beeing the only tile editor. And I am very curious about upcoming projects. Thanks Luca (for putting it online)!!

Posted By

on 2016-04-05
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

From today, Plus/4 World will follow the evolution of plus4Studio.

Posted By

on 2016-04-05
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Right mouse is get, left mouse is set. However it could be confusing, though. I hope that you will be able to adapt.

For me the problem is just the palette view where getting with right seems a little strange.

If you have suggestions, tell me.

The stuff is just that you must control everything with the mouse and that was the most straight idea I had.
I mean if you have ideas that actually could work, I would be happy to hear them. Tell me whats most confusing.
If you could do a project with it that would be great!
And ofcourse I need some propper icons.

Really looking forward to see your project!! :)

Posted By

on 2016-04-05
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

I tried the editor for the first time, and it looks just fine.
I'll need some time to get used to ui and LMB/RMB thing which sometime gave me the headache while playing with the examples from MOS2.
It looks similar to CharPad which is good but I really want to give it a try on some real project.
I mean the functionality is here - now let's talk about user experience and usability.
I'll be back

Posted By

on 2016-04-04
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Thanks Gaia!!! The TileEditor was for the forum.. I hope it can be used somewhere in the future.

Posted By

on 2016-04-04
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

Yep, Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 rocks! I second that happy And of course great work on the tile editor!

Posted By

on 2016-04-03
 Re: Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

I was so happy to finally be able to use Visual C++ 2015 Community Edition.

However Luca told me that the application crashed on his 32 bit machine.

After reading a lot on the net, I just found out that you have apparently to download the microsoft redistributable files for Visual C++ 2015 if you want to use a Visual Studio 2015 application. Perhaps it's worth a test, because here it runs under two setups. Hope, it will be fixed this way. Argh.. happy


Posted By

on 2016-04-03
 Plus4Studio TileEditor v0.1

A good TileEditor was missing for the plus4. Atleast there was a thread talking about this. So here is Plus4Studio a TileMap Editor for the c16 / plus/4.


It supports:

- bitmap mode / charset mode
- multicolor / hires
- import and export to .bin files
- c64 CharPad importing
- material definitions and color definitions
- colors per tile, at tile, or per character
- materials at tile or per character
- several optimization and painting functions
- external .json palette definition
- redo / undo
- and much more

And most probably it could have bugs. (You should safe here and there, because it is not fully threadsafe).
I will update the .zip from time to time. This is just for a first look. And perhaps it can be used for some games later on.

Sorry for the prolly name, that's the best I could come up even with longer thinking... :)

So have fun.

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