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Posted By

on 2005-08-31
 Re: [CD4] Comments

"Prominent guest"? Yeah, I won a C= beer glass for this! wink
To be more precise, I was the bullsh*t one, annoying with all my requests in order to organize all the problems regarding foreign ppl (me and Ingo!). But, for a weird fact, that bloomed in a simpathy happy
Seriously: we'd taken with us a whole coopdemo (and a single file one, talking about bubis'entry, that became a self presented one...), and I justified the words "music compo" releasing a tune. Nobody of us had been allowed to vote, dunno why.

Posted By

on 2005-08-30
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Interesting read. What I find weird is all the self-congratulatory stuff, given that they never gave a chance for the Plus/4 guys to vote for the demos. The article writer even admits voting for himself!

Posted By

on 2005-08-30
 Re: [CD4] Comments

I have just found this article about the Arok party:

They mention Luca as a prominent guest happy
Unfortunately it is Hungarian only

Posted By

on 2005-08-19
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Uh yeah!!
Unfortunately I've seen this demo today and not at the releasing-date! It's amazing, great, cool, geil, fett...
I am prout to take part in dis demo, and I get very small when I compare my part with the others...
BIG stuff!!

Posted By

on 2005-08-15
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Well, unfortunately I'm not a great coder... I would say, today's great coders at least understand what's going on in our belowed machine's small chips. I don't understand anything about TED hacking, and all these things... happy Well, maybe more learning is neccessary..... wink

Posted By

on 2005-08-14
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Hello people,
about the CD4 I have to say that the Plus4 frontier was achieved! happy

I'm afraid it was impossible for me to send my part. JamesC was right when he wrote that I was very busy (indeed) by work. And unfortunately since 40 days I lost any contact with NightBird then it was impossible for me (us) to compose and gather the code. Hoping next time!

I have a suggestion, BTW:
I always dreamed The Plus4 Encyclopedia let explain the codes, the algoritms, the technics of the wonderful FX eerybody see in CD4, please pals do not wait anymore happy Thanks.

Posted By

on 2005-08-13
 Re: [CD4] Comments

JamesC: well, every picture as a SIGN to read usually wink

Yes, SVS/Nightbird part is one of the part that never saw the light. Do you know we had had several vapourware parts? We could easily do a "Rest of CD4" demo...

Posted By

on 2005-08-13
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Who coded the redheadded female that is featured on the homepage? I want to use that pic on my website but I don't know who to ask for permission.

Posted By

on 2005-08-13
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Csabo, from what I understand about Italian accounting, SVS's day job required his attention during July for tax preparation, similar to preparing for April 15th in the US. SVS also took a week's vacation and just returned a couple of days ago.

I don't know for sure because I didn't think to ask him, but I suspect that he declined coding a part simply because of the original date in July being when he is most busy at work... which means that it was nothing personal against us. happy

If I had half a clue about ML I would have contributed something, but I'm lucky to get a BASIC program to run correctly on the first try!

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Well, I guess you are proof that you don't need to learn about computers in general to become a great coder happy BTW, does anyone know what happened to the Nightbird/SVS part? I was so looking forward to see his contribution. It's cool that we - the old guys - are still coding, but he's part of the "new geneation". I don't see that many people being interested in wanting to learn coding on the Plus/4...

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Well, I mean that I learned my first 1*1 scroll in assembly from Kiki of Gotu, then it was learning on my own; from books and from other programs, most of the time... happy

I think most of the coders learned some (or a lot of) things about programming the computers, and it doesn't really matter which one.

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Ah, I see... Sure, in high-school we learned DBase and Pascal, but that doesn't have much to with real Plus/4 coding wink

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

I think Lavina ment that he never learnt coding in SCHOOL.

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

If Lavina had never learnt to code, probably I simply don't exist in the reality...

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

I love your part happy What do you mean you never learned coding? Who made all your stuff then? You put out some pretty decent releases.

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Please, someone, love my part! happy

Guys, am I the only one (well, besides Luca AFAIK) who had never learned coding and not have the profession connected to PC-s and/or maths? happy

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Ah! Thats freeline. Understood wink

I cannot decide what CD4-Part i love most. Its changing very quickly.

First it was Csabos, because it is nicely designed and about worshipping the +4
Then it was Bubis' (eventhough i think a seperate release wasn't really necessary)
Currently its Larrys (strange, eh?), because he is *perfectioning* a +4-hardware trick.

(BTW: i like mine too wink)

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Sorry $ff07, but ofcourse u have to set $ff06 as well to eliminate badlines.

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: freeline

Well it is just a stupid name from me for the $ff1a-1b-1f-06-12 hacking idea. U know, u can choose for every line (row) of the bitmap what to see there.

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

It is in fact a "complex" idea, because it's several tricks and techniques combined. Just a little off-topic question: when is something called as being a "freeline" effect? i'm confused about this name. is it just having the screen full of stable rasterlines with ted-writes or is it about preventing dma-fetches?

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

This first effect (called fence) is not my own idea. It is a highly improved version of an unreleased effect of my mate: Oswald/RSC. He's using EOR+EOR+STA sequence, but I manadged to eliminate one EOR from it. He couldn't place pic layer onto the effect (without sprites), and the movement of the lines was quite limited.

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Took me a long time to figure out what's going on in bubis' part. It's a great idea and i wouldn't have come to that myself.

I can see that on pouet the votes are almost constantly positive. thats a good thing, but theres still this "oldschool-megademo = boring" thing. i wonder what they did expect. To my opinion its hardly possible to match 16 parts from different people into a +H or SDS style-trackmo...

Posted By

on 2005-08-12
 Re: [CD4] Comments

lol happy are they puzzled? happy

Posted By

on 2005-08-11
 Re: [CD4] Comments

At the moment, the #c-64 topic is this:

Posted By

on 2005-08-11
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Everyone can see how many total votes you have. Go to the Top List and click "Voter statistics" from the menu. It also displays the average vote per person. Also, if you want to vote on many programs quickly, use this page. It will list all programs that have some votes but you did not yet vote. That's what I use when I see that Luca is beating me in votecount ;-)

Posted By

on 2005-08-11
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Csabo: It is done! I have downvoted u like hell! happy

Anyway, u know how many votes I did. I don't know. happy I know it is not much, but beleive it or not I don't know much release as well.

But u are right! I also have to vote.

Posted By

on 2005-08-11
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Why voting for one single kewl part, if you could vote for that plus other 16 and bonuses? happy

Nononono, stop your machetes ppl, I'm jokeing, I'm jokeing! happy
Vote for everybody's stuff.

PS: I repeat myself, the Quadrillion's affair was quite scandalous, indeed...

Posted By

on 2005-08-11
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Look who's talking, bubis. You want to see your stuff in the Top List? Now you know how everyone else feels. It took a little over 11 months for Quadrillion to get the minimum 5 votes. I don't really care much either way, but I think the saying "put your money where your mouth is" applies happy Now you can go vote mine down.

Posted By

on 2005-08-11
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Nice work doodz! Congrats to every participiants and to all the organizers too!
When will be the next? happy I must take part of it, for sure.

Posted By

on 2005-08-11

Please vote for the "Crackers Demo 4" and for "We are the cure" as well. (I want to see mine one on the toplist. wink)
And in general, VOTE!

Posted By

on 2005-08-11
 Re: [CD4] Comments

No, it is not the "freeline" stuff. It can't be, since there is that fixed position pic on it, and there are more then 4 colors used on the screen.
It is a tricky diagonal eor filler. happy Check it, u will see EOR+STA sequences running most of the time, and the delta of the STA addresses is 320+8. happy

Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Man! Some really cool parts! Congrats to all!

Bubis, how did you do that flexible chessboard? It is awesome and i don't have the clue... :O I bet it's freeline as freeline is the best thing ever happened to +4 but hooooow? :D

Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 Re: [CD4] Comments

Can I say something?
Many ppl that had a +4 asked for SIDcard!
We have again a request about SIDcards, we need them like hell! Hope that the very first effect of the coopdemo would be pointing about SIDcard's production!

Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 Re: [CD4] Comments

I can't stop watching it over and over again. This is the biggest release for ages. A common effort, a perfect child of the union of our plussy family.

Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 Re: [CD4] Comments

One word "Excellent", this has to be one of the best demo's ever. Congratulations on everyones hard work, it really shows :D

Posted By

on 2005-08-10
 [CD4] Comments

And then? What do you think about? wink

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