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on 2004-09-19
 Re: Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defend

I've found Megacopy V1.1 today happy . I'm lucky wink . But I don't seem to have the other 2, hmmm... Thanks guys for taking the time to search for them! happy

Posted By

on 2004-09-18
 Re: Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defend

TLC: I've searched for all these title, but not found, sorry

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defend

SVS: it could be done, but the comparisons are not easy at all! If you look around on the D64 recall archive, you will see that many programs have different names... It's not an exact science... Thanks for adding the progs, TLC.

Luca, I'm not 100% sure about Stunt Car Racers. What proof do we have that it existed? Has anyone seen it?

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defend

Added. Hope someone will eventually find them...

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defend

A stupid note: sometimes add missing titles or, worse is, ghost title, make me sick.
Like Stunt Car Racers and Battle Command...

Posted By

on 2004-09-16
 Re: Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defend

Csabo, I totally agree with you about private archives of guys.
To facilitate things (I mean checking inside titles) I suggest to study a way to compare "private" archives with THE archive, in order to select missing titles. This could be unnecessary if one owns 3 or 4 disks, but it is absolutely necessary if one got 300 disks!
For example, you could create a XCL file with all the titles of Plus4 World archive, and some macros able to compare it with an external XCL file containing a private archive.
What's your opinions?

Posted By

on 2004-09-15
 Re: Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defend

First of all an oops: it looks like my forum cut off your topic. Sorry! However, the issue of missing software is an importan one, and I have something to add/request.

After all this time, we still don't have a nice mission statement (or statements rather wink). Anyways, if we had one, it would be in there that the purpose of this place is to be the DEFINITIVE listing of ALL plus/4 programs. It bugs me when I hear you guys searching in YOUR archives. Let's make THIS ONE the archive wink To have a complete archive is a noble goal, probably near impossible and most definitely have to be a group effort. Okay, here's my point: if you know that you had some software because you coded it, or you had it, or you have read an article on it, etc. just ADD it to the database, and write down in the notes what it's all about... I've been marking such titles as "MISSING SOFTWARE". (Like Cinemagic, which was mentioned by SVS not too long ago. We know it exists, but no one seems to have it.)

Here's why we need to do that. Let's say someone will come around this site one year from now, and they have a disk archive of their own... They can search our database and see if they have any of the missing titles. If we only talk about these in lonely forum topics, they may be forgotten...

That's it. So please kindly add those proggies, and don't forget about the notes happy

Posted By

on 2004-09-15
 Re: Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defend

Searched. No results.

Posted By

on 2004-09-15


Nope, it's a tape turbo (similar to Her Turbo or better Her-Copy V1.0 to some extent). ...Well, as I see I should have described them the other way around. MC has been a simple tape turbo (with some nice features, though). F-C has been the copy utility for disk to tape (using Flash-Load by Tom H.X. for loading, and recording with Megacopy's tape recording routines).

Posted By

on 2004-09-15
 Re: Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defend

Hello TLC,
does Megacopy perform a 1541 <-> 1551 fast copy? If yes, I think I got it in my SW library.

Posted By

on 2004-09-15
 Anyone seen "F-C Trans Plus/4", "Megacopy V1.x" + its documentation, and possibly, "TLC's Defender V

Megacopy and F-C Trans Plus/4 were my very first published programs, around '89-'90 (one of them being a tape turbo, the other a disk-to-tape copier which was capable of copying 239 blocks long files). TLC's Defender V2.0 is a code protection generator, which is used for example on "Outrun" (and probably on one of Lavina's programs IIRC). Due to some accidents, I lost all of them around '92-'93 and have never seen 'em since. If some of you happen to remember having them, I'd be happy to see them back again wink . Thanks! happy

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