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on 2003-09-18
 Re: Another new field to the database...?


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on 2003-09-18
 Re: Another new field to the database...?

I wanted to suggest a "visited n times" value indicated on every singe database page (members, software, etc.) happy

Posted By

on 2003-09-18
 Re: Another new field to the database...?

Yes, both are planned... I know it's screwed up the way it is. That "size" field should really be broken into two: size and device requirements. The later would have choices like: Disk only/1541 only/1551 only/(perhaps a few more choices)/Tape only (yes, we even have a few of those).

Umm, I suppose I'll get on it.

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on 2003-09-18
 Re: Another new field to the database...?

A 1541/1551 compatibility field should be first.

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on 2003-09-18
 Re: Another new field to the database...?

that's a great idea! we have to make that! happy

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on 2003-02-25

This could be added, but who is going to enter all the data? wink Actually there is something that I had in mind that would cover this as well. I will make a new Programs related table, called Effects or Features or something. This will contain effects per demo per part. Okay, what do I mean? For example, any demo that writes to the sideborder would have a record, marking that demo. Or DYCP or DYPP would be another one. Hell of a job to enter all these details about demos, but the reward would be great. Right now, who could tell me which demos (or how many demos) had glenz-vector effect in them? So in this table "$D400 SID music" could be another entry - marking the demos that are like what you said. Well, one day we'll get to it wink

Posted By

on 2003-02-21
 Another new field to the database...?

I have an idea. Many games and demos feature SID music to some extent. Some of them were converted from C=64 and used the same sound routines having a SID address of $DD00. They either used TED squarewave or digi sound on the plus/4. But if you turn on SID emulation in the emulator that supports it and set the SID address, you can here how it sounded on the C64. THese programs obviously don't ask for SID card availability.

Other programs, like Lone News, and a lot others by Skoro, used the SID in "native" mode, they usually ask if you own a SID card or not. Its address is then $FD40.

My idea is that we could include this information in the database, so that you can explore hidden treasures in a lot of programs! happy

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