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Posted By

on 2020-01-23
 Re: BBS Software.

Which WiFiModem Do you have? I am thinking about to buy one...

Posted By

on 2020-01-23
 Re: BBS Software.

I have a WiModem and the C64 version is usable on the plus/4 without any changes. I'll give that terminal a try.

Posted By

on 2020-01-22
 Re: BBS Software.

FYI, a new piece of software, a proper RS232 based terminal emulator was published yesterday on the site! It was written in C! Someone inclined enough could try it and post feedback which I can relay to the author.


Posted By

on 2016-07-09
 Re: BBS Software.

Hi Lucidphreak!
Could you list the name of thos C64 ones you treat as really good BBS program, or maybe some C128 one?
Hooking up a dial-in modem to a Max232 circuit seems an easy task.
Also there is a high chance, that an Ethernet to RS232 via Max232 can work too, though these are pretty expensive stuff.

BTW I believe, that despite different namings, the C64 modems can be connected to Plus/4 User Port without modifications, seems the most critical data lines are used in the same way.

Posted By

on 2016-07-08
 Re: BBS Software.

Please keep us informed. Thanks!

Posted By

on 2016-07-07
 Re: BBS Software.

Grrr... Pretty amazing really if there truly was no bbs sw written for plus4. IT is what it is though I guess.

Wil check with Bo, but he mainly focuses on 64/128.. Maybe he's heard of something.

I guess if nothing else I need to start looking into plus/4 basic... If a true ascii/petascii bbs software does not exist, I'm going to change that. Go down in history so to speak. happy

Posted By

on 2016-07-07
 Re: BBS Software.

Maybe try at Bo Zimmermann's site.

Posted By

on 2016-07-07
 Re: BBS Software.

Everything we have is in the "Modem" category. Chances are, if something isn't listed on our site, it doesn't exists. If you've looked through those and none of them are what you're looking for, you're out of luck.

Posted By

on 2016-07-07
 Re: BBS Software.

lol... I am well aware of what a bbs program and what a terminal program are.. I've run them for years on other platforms.

Once again - does anyone know of any *BBS SOFTWARE* - NOT terminal software for the Plus4 other than Plus4 Online?

Surely this relatively high power (for the time) computer had a few different bbs programs written for it just like every other platform (c64, amiga, st, atari8, etc) did... I am simply trying to find everything that existed for it BBS software wise.. (read: NOT a terminal program).


Posted By

on 2016-07-07
 Re: BBS Software.

A BBS system requires two sets of software. The BBS server itself,which is used by the "SYSOP" who runs the BBS, which you can locate by googling "BBS Software". And you'll also need a user terminal program. Csabo's instructions will take you to two I know of. First is Higgyterm, and second is one I put in the public domain back in 1987.

You will also have to deal with interfacing the plussy to a modern internet connection, or use a dial up phone modem.

This forum is pretty much what a BBS was back in the '80s. The only additional feature the BBS had was a live chat room. I don't have any memory of how that was done, as I was only concerned with the terminal prgs.

Posted By

on 2016-07-07
 Re: BBS Software.

Hi there,

I think these are referred to as terminal or modem programs on the Plus/4. We have quite a few, click "Software" from the main menu, then Utility, then Modem. Not having the necessary hardware, I personally never managed to do anything meaningful with them, but there they are.

From what I remember, the most knowledgeable person on this topic (with having actual experience) would be MikeZ, he's around often. If anyone else knows about this stuff, please chime in happy

Posted By

on 2016-07-06
 BBS Software.

When I say BBS Software I mean I am wanting to run a program on my PLUS/4 that other computers (whether they are plus4, atari, msdos, windows, whatever) can dial into, login and interact by leaving messages and exchange files at the very least.

Did such a BBS "host" program exist (other than plus4 online) to allow one to do this using a plus4?


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