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on 2002-07-02
 Hi Bro,

You meant Galaxions of cousre wink If I'm right as in using the arcade name it would be a Galaxian Clone I think.

Wow you like um hard. Not so hot on this one and again trying to score 10,000 points is tuff. This John Shay was a busy guy looking at the data base.

Going back to Invasion 2000 AD. There's a little bug which happens at radom and it's not that often it will do it..... Anyways, if you kill the mother ship and part of it stays at the top of the screen, keep shooting it for extra points hehehe happy
I clocked up 24,540 last night

Posted By

on 2002-07-02
 I agree on that

Although I must admit that I preferred Galaxians to Invaders 2000, however that was not a real Invaders clone if strictly considering... wink

Posted By

on 2002-07-01
 What's your fav Space Inavders clone on C16/Plus4?

For me it has to be Invasion 2000 AD.

It may not be the best coded game of all time but it really is neat. Easy and fast to play. I lov how you can just about out-run the lasts ships that need shooting and the sound is cool having that almost real arcade invaders sound! Edge of the seat game play all the way happy

If your after a challenge, try to score more than 10,000 points wink

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